Mersing - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Mersing - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Mersing - SingastroWiki
Mersing - SingastroWiki
there from Mersing town.
Mersing | Malaysia Travel Guide
Mersing | Malaysia Travel Guide
Map to Mersing
Our love,our life,our stories: Mersing 3 days 2 night trip
Our love,our life,our stories: Mersing 3 days 2 night trip
Mersing 3 days 2 night trip
Mersing Photos - Featured Images of Mersing, Johor - TripAdvisor
Mersing Photos - Featured Images of Mersing, Johor - TripAdvisor
Learn more about Mersing
RM3bil project in Mersing
RM3bil project in Mersing
in Mersing this year
4D3N Tioman island Full Board Package @ Tioman Island Reef Resort
4D3N Tioman island Full Board Package @ Tioman Island Reef Resort
Kota Tinggi and Mersing.
About Johor Mersing overview - Travel information
About Johor Mersing overview - Travel information
Mersing | Malaysia Travel Guide
Mersing | Malaysia Travel Guide
Mersing is a good place to
Mersing ferry terminal | Photo
Mersing ferry terminal | Photo
Mersing ferry terminal
Pro Commerce: Mersing
Pro Commerce: Mersing
Mersing Images - Vacation Pictures of Mersing, Johor - TripAdvisor
Mersing Images - Vacation Pictures of Mersing, Johor - TripAdvisor
Learn more about Mersing
Mersing, Malaysia @ Travel Blog Singapore
Mersing, Malaysia @ Travel Blog Singapore
The wet market in Mersing,
Panoramio - Photo of Causeway of Mersing, Malaysia 马来西亚丰盛港
Panoramio - Photo of Causeway of Mersing, Malaysia 马来西亚丰盛港
Causeway of Mersing, Malaysia
Mersing | Malaysia Travel Guide
Mersing | Malaysia Travel Guide
Resort Mersing - TravelPod
Resort Mersing - TravelPod
Hotel Timotel Mersing Hotel Timotel Mersing – Hotels
Hotel Timotel Mersing Hotel Timotel Mersing – Hotels
Papan, Mersing. - Yayasan Amal - : Mersing ... : Mersing ...
Papan, Mersing. - Yayasan Amal - : Mersing ... : Mersing ...
Mersing, Malaysia @ Travel Blog Singapore
Mersing, Malaysia @ Travel Blog Singapore
Baru-baru ni aku ke rmh kakak aku d Mersing, Johor.. Gambar ni d ambil ...
Baru-baru ni aku ke rmh kakak aku d Mersing, Johor.. Gambar ni d ambil ...
Mersing | Photo
Mersing | Photo
Mersing Map, City map, Street map, direction map, location map, road ...
Mersing Map, City map, Street map, direction map, location map, road ...
Search for missing S'poreans continues
Search for missing S'poreans continues
by CHANNEL NEWSASIA Mersing - Search and rescue operations are continuing for two missing Singaporeans after their boat sank off Mersing, Johor, following a collision with a tanker on Saturday night. The Malaysian Maritime Enforcement Authority ...
72 land mines found on Mersing beach
72 land mines found on Mersing beach
Mersing - Seventy-two land mines, each measuring 18cm by 8cm, believed to be from the World War 2 era, were found at the Sri Pantai beach here on Sunday. Mersing district police chief Deputy Superintendent Mohd Nor Rasid said the police's bomb disposal ...
Buried alive while digging for gold
Buried alive while digging for gold
By Ahmad Fairuz Othman and Ikhwan Muhammad Mersing, Malaysia - A 24-year-old man was killed when the 5m-deep hole he was digging to mine gold at an oil palm plantation caved in on him on Tuesday night. Mersing Fire and Rescue Department operation chief ...
Will Rumah Limas be gone for good?
Will Rumah Limas be gone for good?
Picture by Zain Ahmed Rumah Limas, which represented Johor's eight districts, comprised Rumah Kluang, Rumah Mersing, Rumah Segamat, Rumah Johor Baru, Rumah Pontian, Rumah Kota Tinggi, Rumah Muar and Rumah Batu Pahat. An orchid garden called Laman Orkid ...
Harvinder and Julie explore Johor's breathtaking Pulau Rawa in the season ...
Harvinder and Julie explore Johor's breathtaking Pulau Rawa in the season ...
The duo travelled down to Mersing, Johor with the Hyundai Sonata and before setting off to the island via boat, they first made a stop at the rather classic Sri Mersing Cafe. Upon arrival at the island, the travelers discover various interesting ...
Naval Submarine School graduates three classes
Naval Submarine School graduates three classes
... Yeoman Third Class Petty Officer Christopher Martinez, Seaman Apprentice Dean Poplaski, Seaman Apprentice Daniel Pluche, Seaman Apprentice Eric Roberts, Seaman Recruit Jacob Mersing, Seaman Apprentice Dominic Sanchez, Seaman Apprentice Jason Cruz, ...
Showcase of treasures from 13 shipwrecks
Showcase of treasures from 13 shipwrecks
The discovery of the sunken wreck of Risdam by a Singapore citizen on April 24, 1984 off the coast of Mersing in Johor ignited interest in ship wrecks around the country. Risdam is believed to have sunk on Jan 1, 1727. The Dutch East Indies (VOC) ...
MONUMENT MNG : Monument Grows Gold Project Pipeline
MONUMENT MNG : Monument Grows Gold Project Pipeline
The Mersing Gold Project is held through mining certificate #1221 ("MC 1221") for 256 hectares of prospective land, located approximately 30 kilometers north-west of Mersing Town in Jahore State, Malaysia. The original Malaysian Geological Survey ...
Kuala Lumpur to Singapore: how to do it
Kuala Lumpur to Singapore: how to do it
As for sights, the stunning Pulau Tioman (Tioman Island) is approximately 50 kilometres off the east coast of Peninsular Malaysia and takes two to three hours by boat from the coastal town of Mersing. If you're going to put in the effort to go ...
China, Malaysia team up in rubber deal
China, Malaysia team up in rubber deal
The rubber deal comes on the heels of China's pledge to invest 900 million ringgits in the East Coast Economic Region covering the states of Kelantan, Terengganu and Pahang, and Johor's Mersing district, a move that is expected to generate 30000 jobs.
On duty excavator driver uncovers hidden artifacts
On duty excavator driver uncovers hidden artifacts
“The bowls and ceramic items which remain commonly used among members of the Chinese community were recovered at rural areas off the Mersing Road. Therefore, it is evident that the Chinese had started to arrive in and live here since a long time ago,” ...
No Radioactive Contamination Detected In Malaysia, Confirms Dr Maximus
No Radioactive Contamination Detected In Malaysia, Confirms Dr Maximus
Nonetheless, he said, the AELB would continue with its monthly sampling, especially for seawater throughout Malaysia at Kota Baharu, Kuala Terengganu, Kuantan, Mersing, Kuching, Labuan and Kudat. Since April 2, various samples, including rainwater, ...
Yayasan Karyawan Chairman Dr Hassan Ahmad Dies
Yayasan Karyawan Chairman Dr Hassan Ahmad Dies
The son of a police officer and youngest in a family of eight children received his early education at Sekolah Melayu Mersing (1942-1943) and Sekolah Melayu Muar (1945-1948). Later, the Muar-born continued his education at Sekolah Tinggi Muar after ...
Monument Mining Ltd.: Monument erweitert Goldprojektportfolio
Monument Mining Ltd.: Monument erweitert Goldprojektportfolio
Laut Abkommen hat Monument das Recht, bis zu 100 % des Goldexplorationsgebiets Gunung Arong (das ''Mersing-Goldprojekt'') durch ihre sich vollständig in Unternehmensbesitz befindliche malaysische Tochtergesellschaft Damar Consolidated Exploration Sdn. ...
Malaysia phát hiện hơn 70 quả mìn trên bãi biển
Malaysia phát hiện hơn 70 quả mìn trên bãi biển
Cảnh sát Malaysia cho biết đã phát hiện được 72 quả mìn trên bãi biển Sri Pantai ở quận Mersing, bang Johor vào ngày Chủ nhật vừa qua. Cảnh sát trưởng quận Mersing Mohd Nor Rasid cho biết, hai ngư dân ở làng Sri Pantai trong lúc đi cào sò biển dọc bãi ...
Đường truyền Internet tại Việt Nam lại gặp sự cố
Đường truyền Internet tại Việt Nam lại gặp sự cố
AAG có điểm cập bờ tại Mersing (Malaysia), Changi (Singapore), Sri Racha (Thái Lan), Tungku (Brunei), Currimao (Philippines), South Lantau (Hong Kong), Guam (Mỹ), Hawaii (Mỹ)... Nhánh cáp rẽ vào Việt Nam có chiều dài 314 km, cập bờ tại Vũng Tàu và hiện ...