Jnto - Japan National Tourism Organization - Wikipedia the free ...

Jnto : Photo Gallery

Japan National Tourism Organization | JNTO Worldwide
Japan National Tourism Organization | JNTO Worldwide

Japan National Tourism Organization | JNTO Worldwide

Japan National Tourism Organization | JNTO Worldwide

Jnto regional offices offer

Japan National Tourism Organization (JNTO) | White Rabbit Press ...
Japan National Tourism Organization (JNTO) | White Rabbit Press ...

Japan National Tourism Organization (JNTO) | White Rabbit Press ...

Japan National Tourism Organization (JNTO) | White Rabbit Press ...

(Jnto) | White Rabbit

JNTO Toronto Office Newsletter
JNTO Toronto Office Newsletter

JNTO Toronto Office Newsletter

JNTO Toronto Office Newsletter

Jnto Toronto Office Newsletter

NAJAS - Tourism
NAJAS - Tourism

NAJAS - Tourism

NAJAS - Tourism


Visit Japan For Free Budget Travel 2 Japan
Visit Japan For Free Budget Travel 2 Japan

Visit Japan For Free Budget Travel 2 Japan

Visit Japan For Free Budget Travel 2 Japan


Armand's Rancho Del Cielo: New JNTO Logo
Armand's Rancho Del Cielo: New JNTO Logo

Armand's Rancho Del Cielo: New JNTO Logo

Armand's Rancho Del Cielo: New JNTO Logo

Jnto is a valuable resource in





JETwit.com - JNTO
JETwit.com - JNTO

JETwit.com - JNTO

JETwit.com - JNTO


Doctor's Review | The call of Kanazawa
Doctor's Review | The call of Kanazawa

Doctor's Review | The call of Kanazawa

Doctor's Review | The call of Kanazawa


Hokkaido Postcard
Hokkaido Postcard

Hokkaido Postcard

Hokkaido Postcard

Large crabs for sale at




japan-guide Jnto article

Anime Today talks TO HEART with actor Rich McNanna! | Anime, Manga ...
Anime Today talks TO HEART with actor Rich McNanna! | Anime, Manga ...

Anime Today talks TO HEART with actor Rich McNanna! | Anime, Manga ...

Anime Today talks TO HEART with actor Rich McNanna! | Anime, Manga ...


Japan Booth at the Metro Ski & Snowboard Show
Japan Booth at the Metro Ski & Snowboard Show

Japan Booth at the Metro Ski & Snowboard Show

Japan Booth at the Metro Ski & Snowboard Show

2010 Jnto LONDON All Rights

Metropolis - Travel | Fukuoka
Metropolis - Travel | Fukuoka

Metropolis - Travel | Fukuoka

Metropolis - Travel | Fukuoka

Courtesy of Jnto

JNTO identifies new markets : TTRweekly
JNTO identifies new markets : TTRweekly

JNTO identifies new markets : TTRweekly

JNTO identifies new markets : TTRweekly

Jnto's Bangkok office is now




Jnto (Mt.Hiei-zan),

jnto.go.jp - fujisan, japanese painting, natural forces, kouban ...
jnto.go.jp - fujisan, japanese painting, natural forces, kouban ...

jnto.go.jp - fujisan, japanese painting, natural forces, kouban ...

jnto.go.jp - fujisan, japanese painting, natural forces, kouban ...


Japan National Tourism Organization | Contact Us | JNTO Offices
Japan National Tourism Organization | Contact Us | JNTO Offices

Japan National Tourism Organization | Contact Us | JNTO Offices

Japan National Tourism Organization | Contact Us | JNTO Offices


JNTO Information | Japan National Tourism Organization (JNTO)
JNTO Information | Japan National Tourism Organization (JNTO)

JNTO Information | Japan National Tourism Organization (JNTO)

JNTO Information | Japan National Tourism Organization (JNTO)


JNTO Information | Japan National Tourism Organization (JNTO)
JNTO Information | Japan National Tourism Organization (JNTO)

JNTO Information | Japan National Tourism Organization (JNTO)

JNTO Information | Japan National Tourism Organization (JNTO)














Courtesy of JNTO
Courtesy of JNTO

Courtesy of JNTO

Courtesy of JNTO


WTTC announces Japan's travel and tourism industry showing clear sign of recovery
WTTC announces Japan's travel and tourism industry showing clear sign of recovery

WTTC announces Japan's travel and tourism industry showing clear sign of recovery

WTTC announces Japan's travel and tourism industry showing clear sign of recovery

Data from the Japan National Tourism Organization (Jnto) and STR Global suggest that the recovery is broadly in line with WTTC's “low-impact scenario” (presented in WTTC's report from May 2011), which states that international tourist arrivals will ...

Returning Japanese
Returning Japanese

Returning Japanese

Returning Japanese

Photograph: Jnto There has been criticism in the past that tourist authorities have done too little to court foreign visitors; now they can't do enough. This year and next is the ideal time for those with the Japan bug – whether it be an interest in ...

Hakuhodo Hong Kong scoops JNTO's 'Visit Japan' campaign
Hakuhodo Hong Kong scoops JNTO's 'Visit Japan' campaign

Hakuhodo Hong Kong scoops JNTO's 'Visit Japan' campaign

Hakuhodo Hong Kong scoops JNTO's 'Visit Japan' campaign

By Benjamin Li on Sep 22, 2011 (14 hours ago) HONG KONG - Hakuhodo Hong Kong has replaced long-term incumbent Asatsu DK, winning the Japan National Tourism Organisation's (Jnto's) 'Visit Japan 2011-2012' campaign creative account, after a 7-way pitch ...

Where tech meets simplicity
Where tech meets simplicity

Where tech meets simplicity

Where tech meets simplicity

What to see: The Japan National Tourism Organisation (Jnto) and the Japan Tourism Board (JTB) recommends seeing the Yamashita Park by the harbour in Yokohama, the Hitsujigaoka Observation Hill, the Otaru Canal, Mt Tengu and the largest glassworks ...

Japan tourist industry recovery after tsunami
Japan tourist industry recovery after tsunami

Japan tourist industry recovery after tsunami

Japan tourist industry recovery after tsunami

The World Travel & Tourism Council report says data from the Japan National Tourism Organisation (Jnto) and STR Global suggest that the recovery is broadly in line with the council's 'low impact scenario' which states that international tourist ...

ITB Asia 2011 Announces Japan as Partner Country
ITB Asia 2011 Announces Japan as Partner Country

ITB Asia 2011 Announces Japan as Partner Country

ITB Asia 2011 Announces Japan as Partner Country

says Jnto Singapore's Executive Director Motonari Adachi. According to Jnto's Arrival Statistics, 180960 Singaporeans visited Japan in 2010, setting a new record high surpassing the 2008's arrival of 167894. In a visitors' survey conducted at the NATAS ...

USD 19 m in economic effects from 16 int''l conventions
USD 19 m in economic effects from 16 int''l conventions

USD 19 m in economic effects from 16 int''l conventions

USD 19 m in economic effects from 16 int''l conventions

The estimate was based on a questionnaire survey of participants at the 16 gatherings, the Jnto said. The total figure comprises around USD 4 million of direct spending by convention participants, such as at hotels and restaurants, and USD 15 million ...

Foreign passenger arrivals in Japan down for 6th month in Aug.
Foreign passenger arrivals in Japan down for 6th month in Aug.

Foreign passenger arrivals in Japan down for 6th month in Aug.

Foreign passenger arrivals in Japan down for 6th month in Aug.

The number of travelers from South Korea fell 40.5 percent due to lingering concerns over radiation fallout from the Fukushima plant, the Jnto said. From China, the number slipped 40.1 percent following declines in discount tours, the organization said ...

Misperceptions after quake hurt Japanese tourism
Misperceptions after quake hurt Japanese tourism

Misperceptions after quake hurt Japanese tourism

Misperceptions after quake hurt Japanese tourism

Information • Japan National Tourist Organization, www.Jnto.go.jp/eng. For day-to-day news and updates, check the sites for the Japan Times (japantimes.co.jp) and Daily Yomiuri (www.yomiuri.co.jp/dy).




観光庁は9月30日、東日本大震災で激減した外国人観光客を回復させようと、溝畑宏長官から海外に向けたメッセージを出した。日本の秋の魅力をPRし、訪日観光を呼びかける内容。英語、韓国語、中国語の簡体字と繁体字で作成し、ウェブサイトなどを通じて発信していく。 ...

Hotel prices are stabilising in East Asia
Hotel prices are stabilising in East Asia

Hotel prices are stabilising in East Asia

Hotel prices are stabilising in East Asia

Following the tsunami and subsequent nuclear disaster, Japanese tourist organisation, Jnto, reported in May that numbers of visitors were down by approximately 50 percent compared to last year. Hotels across Japan have been affected, although pick up ...




日本政府観光局(Jnto)はこのほど、外国人向け総合観光案内所(ツーリスト・インフォメーション・センター/TIC)の運営を、三菱地所に委託することを決めた。独立行政法人改革に伴う事務、事業見直しの一環。新たなTICは2012年1月に運営を開始する。 ...




日本政府観光局(JNTO、国際観光振興機構)の理事長に1日、三井物産出身で、駐ボツワナ特命全権大使などを務めた松山良一氏が就任した。松山理事長は3日の就任会見で、東日本大震災以降の訪日外国人の減少を受けて「まずは“安心、安全の国”であることの情報を強力に ...




日本政府観光局(JNTO)シンガポール事務所は8~9日、シンガポール高島屋で初の旅行フェアを開催した。日本の観光関連機関など9社・団体がブースを開設。地元旅行会社12社もフェア特別価格で旅行商品を提供したほか、日本食コーナーで和牛特別弁当や日本酒などを ...

JNTO 震災後の訪日市場の見通しを分析
JNTO 震災後の訪日市場の見通しを分析

JNTO 震災後の訪日市場の見通しを分析

JNTO 震災後の訪日市場の見通しを分析

日本政府観光局(Jnto)は9月6日、東京のホテルでJntoの賛助団体・会員を対象に震災後の訪日観光復興をテーマにした個別相談会と講演会を開いた。前日の5日には東京以外では初めて、大阪市内でも行った。 9時30~17時45分まで行われた個別相談に加え、東京会場では北京 ...




Jnto理事長の間宮忠敏氏 国土交通省は9月16日、国際観光振興機構(Jnto、日本政府観光局)の理事長に、松山良一氏を10月1日付けで任命した。松山氏は1949年4月2日生まれ。東京大学経済学部卒業後、三井物産に入社し、イタリア三井物産社長や本社広報室長や各事業部長、 ...

Jnto : Videos

BOrrachos..!! JntO Cochambreeeee , navolatoooo..
BOrrachos..!! JntO Cochambreeeee , navolatoooo..

BOrrachos..!! JntO Cochambreeeee , navolatoooo..

Boorrachos askos...!!
Rated: -1     Duration: 155 seconds     Video type: YouTube     Hosted by: www.youtube.com on Fri, 24 Apr 2009 05:56:29 PDT

JNTO日本観光局Japan Endless Discovery 関東-Kanto-
JNTO日本観光局Japan Endless Discovery 関東-Kanto-

JNTO日本観光局Japan Endless Discovery 関東-Kanto-

JATVNEWS 2011.2.19 Jnto日本観光局Japan Endless Discovery 関東-Kanto-
Rated: -1     Duration: 199 seconds     Video type: YouTube     Hosted by: www.youtube.com on Mon, 21 Feb 2011 14:16:54 PST

JNTO日本政府観光局Japan Endless Discovery -Chugoku/ Shikoku/ Kyusyu/ Okinawa-
JNTO日本政府観光局Japan Endless Discovery -Chugoku/ Shikoku/ Kyusyu/ Okinawa-

JNTO日本政府観光局Japan Endless Discovery -Chugoku/ Shikoku/ Kyusyu/ Okinawa-

JATVNEWS 2011.3.19/ LA Arts Productions, LLC. Jnto日本政府観光局 Japan Endless Discovery 中国・四国地方ー九州ー沖縄地方厳島神社など博多、福島、長崎石垣島
Rated: -1     Duration: 228 seconds     Video type: YouTube     Hosted by: www.youtube.com on Sun, 27 Mar 2011 22:07:39 PDT

JNTO日本政府観光局Japan Endless Discovery -Chubu/Tohoku-Kinki-
JNTO日本政府観光局Japan Endless Discovery -Chubu/Tohoku-Kinki-

JNTO日本政府観光局Japan Endless Discovery -Chubu/Tohoku-Kinki-

JATVNEWS 2011.3.5 (LA Arts Production, LLC.) Jnto日本政府観光局Japan Endless Discovery -Chubu/Tohoku-Kinki- Japanese beautiful scenery
Rated: -1     Duration: 402 seconds     Video type: YouTube     Hosted by: www.youtube.com on Mon, 07 Mar 2011 13:06:39 PST

DANY MARTIN jnto a Marty Cosens: Solamente una vez
DANY MARTIN jnto a Marty Cosens: Solamente una vez

DANY MARTIN jnto a Marty Cosens: Solamente una vez

Rated: 5     Duration: 107 seconds     Video type: YouTube     Hosted by: www.youtube.com on Sat, 28 Feb 2009 02:15:32 PST

日本國家旅遊局(JNTO)和超值旅遊(Signet Tours)記者會- CH 18.8
日本國家旅遊局(JNTO)和超值旅遊(Signet Tours)記者會- CH 18.8

日本國家旅遊局(JNTO)和超值旅遊(Signet Tours)記者會- CH 18.8

Rated: 5     Duration: 107 seconds     Video type: YouTube     Hosted by: www.youtube.com on Sat, 28 Feb 2009 02:15:32 PST Rated: -1     Duration: 137 seconds     Video type: YouTube     Hosted by: www.youtube.com on Thu, 28 Apr 2011 09:54:59 PDT

Qdat Jnto Ami Ldo
Qdat Jnto Ami Ldo

Qdat Jnto Ami Ldo

Rated: 5     Duration: 107 seconds     Video type: YouTube     Hosted by: www.youtube.com on Sat, 28 Feb 2009 02:15:32 PST Rated: -1     Duration: 137 seconds     Video type: YouTube     Hosted by: www.youtube.com on Thu, 28 Apr 2011 09:54:59 PDT Rated: 5     Duration: 281 seconds     Video type: YouTube     Hosted by: www.youtube.com on Sat, 23 Apr 2011 09:38:46 PDT

Staying at a Traditional Inn / 旅館に泊まる - Travel in Japan
Staying at a Traditional Inn / 旅館に泊まる - Travel in Japan

Staying at a Traditional Inn / 旅館に泊まる - Travel in Japan

National Tourism Organization (Global site): www.Jnto.go.jp Japan Event Calendar www.Jnto.go.jp - ... Tourism Jnto Japan Tokyo Nippon "Visit ...
Rated: 5     Duration: 260 seconds     Video type: YouTube     Hosted by: www.youtube.com on Mon, 20 Dec 2010 09:28:21 PST

DERTOUR - JNTO Werbung.mpg
DERTOUR - JNTO Werbung.mpg

DERTOUR - JNTO Werbung.mpg

JntoRated: -1     Duration: 18 seconds     Video type: YouTube     Hosted by: www.youtube.com on Thu, 14 Jan 2010 05:09:12 PST

Todo mundo jnto vai!
Todo mundo jnto vai!

Todo mundo jnto vai!

Pinicpo fazendo uma declaração de amor ! aaeiuhaeiuha ! esse guri canta muito ! quê que é isso !
Rated: -1     Duration: 117 seconds     Video type: YouTube     Hosted by: www.youtube.com on Wed, 21 Oct 2009 17:54:50 PDT

JNTO日本政府観光局Japan Endless Discovery -Hokkaido. Tohoku-
JNTO日本政府観光局Japan Endless Discovery -Hokkaido. Tohoku-

JNTO日本政府観光局Japan Endless Discovery -Hokkaido. Tohoku-

JATVNEWS 2011.2.12 Jnto日本政府観光局 Japan Endless Discovery 今回は北海道・東北の紹介です。 是非行って見たいですね! This video introduces Hokkaido ...
Rated: -1     Duration: 258 seconds     Video type: YouTube     Hosted by: www.youtube.com on Sun, 13 Feb 2011 15:43:44 PST

Going Back to the Future for Sushi & Tempura - Travel in Japan
Going Back to the Future for Sushi & Tempura - Travel in Japan

Going Back to the Future for Sushi & Tempura - Travel in Japan

National Tourism Organization (Global site): www.Jnto.go.jp Japan Event Calendar www.Jnto.go.jp - ... Tourism Jnto Japan Tokyo Nippon "Visit ...
Rated: 4.2     Duration: 265 seconds     Video type: YouTube     Hosted by: www.youtube.com on Mon, 20 Dec 2010 13:49:56 PST



National Tourism Organization (Global site): www.Jnto.go.jp Japan Event Calendar www.Jnto.go.jp - ... Tourism Jnto Japan Tokyo Nippon "Visit ...
Rated: 4.2     Duration: 265 seconds     Video type: YouTube     Hosted by: www.youtube.com on Mon, 20 Dec 2010 13:49:56 PST Rated: -1     Duration: 80 seconds     Video type: YouTube     Hosted by: www.youtube.com on Tue, 20 Sep 2011 22:37:17 PDT

tuntucHi parte II jnTo & La zaMii
tuntucHi parte II jnTo & La zaMii

tuntucHi parte II jnTo & La zaMii

hsjahjahsj ia casi ..ia casi....
Rated: -1     Duration: 12 seconds     Video type: YouTube     Hosted by: www.youtube.com on Mon, 21 Jan 2008 16:10:34 PST

滝沢秀直 JNTO日本政府観光局ロサンゼルス支店長 新年の挨拶
滝沢秀直 JNTO日本政府観光局ロサンゼルス支店長 新年の挨拶

滝沢秀直 JNTO日本政府観光局ロサンゼルス支店長 新年の挨拶

JATVNEWS 2011.1.1 滝沢秀直 JNTO日本政府観光局ロサンゼルス支店長 新年の挨拶
Rated: -1     Duration: 381 seconds     Video type: YouTube     Hosted by: www.youtube.com on Mon, 03 Jan 2011 14:35:30 PST



Rated: 4     Duration: 277 seconds     Video type: YouTube     Hosted by: www.youtube.com on Mon, 30 Oct 2006 08:17:18 PST



Welcome Dinner for Jnto group prepared by Executive Chef Thomas Baehner Grand Hyatt Tokyo. Grand Hyatt Tokyo hotel is one of the acclaimed Hyatt ...
Rated: 5     Duration: 103 seconds     Video type: YouTube     Hosted by: www.youtube.com on Sun, 20 Feb 2011 10:03:49 PST

FYI Tokyo: Visas
FYI Tokyo: Visas

FYI Tokyo: Visas

Affairs www.mofa.go.jp Working Holiday Visas en.wikipedia.org Jnto Website (Travel Visa Info) www.Jnto.go.jp Work Visa Info www.anyworkanywhere ...
Rated: 4.877676     Duration: 596 seconds     Video type: YouTube     Hosted by: www.youtube.com on Thu, 09 Aug 2007 08:32:33 PDT

예술의 도시 가나자와 (한국어)
예술의 도시 가나자와 (한국어)

예술의 도시 가나자와 (한국어)

일본과자, 일본정원, 능학 등 아름다운 일본문화가 갖추어진 도시 가나자와. ... 일본 여행 호쿠리쿠 이시카와 가나자와 켄로쿠엔 ...
Rated: 4.5     Duration: 1197 seconds     Video type: YouTube     Hosted by: www.youtube.com on Mon, 04 Aug 2008 23:26:46 PDT

Polar Bears
Polar Bears

Polar Bears

Australian Greens climate spokesperson Senator Christine Milne joins forces with eskimo productions and comedian John Clarke to reflect on climate ...
Rated: 4.3040295     Duration: 90 seconds     Video type: YouTube     Hosted by: www.youtube.com on Mon, 19 Feb 2007 21:05:57 PST

Yokoso! / ようこそ! - Welcome to Soulful Japan!
Yokoso! / ようこそ! - Welcome to Soulful Japan!

Yokoso! / ようこそ! - Welcome to Soulful Japan!

.youtube.com Japan National Tourism Organization (Global site): www.Jnto.go.jp Japan Event Calendar: www.Jnto.go.jp Destination Japan: www ...
Rated: 5     Duration: 211 seconds     Video type: YouTube     Hosted by: www.youtube.com on Mon, 20 Dec 2010 06:51:15 PST

Wandering around Akihabara / アキハバラ / 秋葉原 in Tokyo - Travel in Japan
Wandering around Akihabara / アキハバラ / 秋葉原 in Tokyo - Travel in Japan

Wandering around Akihabara / アキハバラ / 秋葉原 in Tokyo - Travel in Japan

National Tourism Organization (Global site): www.Jnto.go.jp Japan Event Calendar www.Jnto.go.jp - ... Tourism Jnto Japan Tokyo Nippon "Visit ...
Rated: 5     Duration: 209 seconds     Video type: YouTube     Hosted by: www.youtube.com on Mon, 20 Dec 2010 11:38:44 PST

kkajapans Video Blog #22 - Part 1: Travel Web Resources
kkajapans Video Blog #22 - Part 1: Travel Web Resources

kkajapans Video Blog #22 - Part 1: Travel Web Resources

but, they are the ones I use the most. Japan National Tourist Organization: www.Jnto.go.jp Rakuten Travel: www.travel.rakuten.co.jp/en www.travel ...
Rated: 4.5555553     Duration: 563 seconds     Video type: YouTube     Hosted by: www.youtube.com on Wed, 19 Sep 2007 11:23:15 PDT



JATVNEWS 2009-10-24 ようこそ日本!フォトエッセイコンテスト by Jnto (日本政府観光局) ... JATVNEWS 2009-10-24 ようこそ日本!フォトエッセイコンテスト by Jnto (日本政府観光 ...
Rated: -1     Duration: 115 seconds     Video type: YouTube     Hosted by: www.youtube.com on Wed, 04 Nov 2009 16:10:39 PST

DANY MARTIN jnto a Marty Cosens: Solamente una vez
DANY MARTIN jnto a Marty Cosens: Solamente una vez

DANY MARTIN jnto a Marty Cosens: Solamente una vez

Duration: 107000 seconds
Hosted by: YouTube

JNTO日本政府観光局 日本紹介映像 「体験」
JNTO日本政府観光局 日本紹介映像 「体験」

JNTO日本政府観光局 日本紹介映像 「体験」

Duration: 107000 seconds
Hosted by: YouTubeHosted by: YouTube

BOrrachos..!! JntO Cochambreeeee , navolatoooo..
BOrrachos..!! JntO Cochambreeeee , navolatoooo..

BOrrachos..!! JntO Cochambreeeee , navolatoooo..

Duration: 155000 seconds
Hosted by: YouTube

JNTO日本観光局 Japan Endless Discovery 関東 -Kanto-
JNTO日本観光局 Japan Endless Discovery 関東 -Kanto-

JNTO日本観光局 Japan Endless Discovery 関東 -Kanto-

Duration: 155000 seconds
Hosted by: YouTubeHosted by: YouTube

JNTO TV CF AUTUMN STORY - 视频 - 优酷视频 - 在线观看
JNTO TV CF AUTUMN STORY - 视频 - 优酷视频 - 在线观看

JNTO TV CF AUTUMN STORY - 视频 - 优酷视频 - 在线观看

Duration: 112000 seconds
Hosted by: youku



Duration: 112000 seconds
Hosted by: youkuHosted by: Tudou

JNTO日本政府観光局 Japan Endless Discovery -Chubu/Tohoku-Kinki-
JNTO日本政府観光局 Japan Endless Discovery -Chubu/Tohoku-Kinki-

JNTO日本政府観光局 Japan Endless Discovery -Chubu/Tohoku-Kinki-

Duration: 112000 seconds
Hosted by: youkuHosted by: TudouHosted by: YouTube

Todo mundo jnto vai!
Todo mundo jnto vai!

Todo mundo jnto vai!

Duration: 117000 seconds
Hosted by: YouTube

日本國家旅遊局(JNTO)和超值旅遊(Signet Tours)記者會 ...
日本國家旅遊局(JNTO)和超值旅遊(Signet Tours)記者會 ...

日本國家旅遊局(JNTO)和超值旅遊(Signet Tours)記者會 ...

Duration: 117000 seconds
Hosted by: YouTubeHosted by: YouTube

日本国家旅游局(JNTO)上海事务所 经理 专访 ...
日本国家旅游局(JNTO)上海事务所 经理 专访 ...

日本国家旅游局(JNTO)上海事务所 经理 专访 ...

Duration: 356000 seconds
Hosted by: youku

JNTO日本政府観光局 Japan Endless Discovery -Chugoku ...
JNTO日本政府観光局 Japan Endless Discovery -Chugoku ...

JNTO日本政府観光局 Japan Endless Discovery -Chugoku ...

Duration: 356000 seconds
Hosted by: youkuHosted by: YouTube



Duration: 95000 seconds
Hosted by: YouTube

Wandering around Akihabara / アキハバラ / 秋葉原 in Tokyo ...
Wandering around Akihabara / アキハバラ / 秋葉原 in Tokyo ...

Wandering around Akihabara / アキハバラ / 秋葉原 in Tokyo ...

Duration: 95000 seconds
Hosted by: YouTubeHosted by: YouTube

Going Back to the Future for Sushi & Tempura - Travel in Japan
Going Back to the Future for Sushi & Tempura - Travel in Japan

Going Back to the Future for Sushi & Tempura - Travel in Japan

Duration: 95000 seconds
Hosted by: YouTubeHosted by: YouTubeHosted by: YouTube

Artistas Sorprendidos por Terremotos en Vivo
Artistas Sorprendidos por Terremotos en Vivo

Artistas Sorprendidos por Terremotos en Vivo

Duration: 301000 seconds
Hosted by: YouTube

Respect The Camel Milk CLIP
Respect The Camel Milk CLIP

Respect The Camel Milk CLIP

Duration: 301000 seconds
Hosted by: YouTubeHosted by: YouTube

House 2010.wmv
House 2010.wmv

House 2010.wmv

Duration: 301000 seconds
Hosted by: YouTubeHosted by: YouTubeHosted by: YouTube

Serbian Musik 2009 Mix Part 11
Serbian Musik 2009 Mix Part 11

Serbian Musik 2009 Mix Part 11

Duration: 301000 seconds
Hosted by: YouTubeHosted by: YouTubeHosted by: YouTubeHosted by: YouTube

guelo star,tony lenta y dexter lo nuevo 2
guelo star,tony lenta y dexter lo nuevo 2

guelo star,tony lenta y dexter lo nuevo 2

Duration: 112000 seconds
Hosted by: YouTube

las aventuras de charles parte 1
las aventuras de charles parte 1

las aventuras de charles parte 1

Duration: 112000 seconds
Hosted by: YouTubeHosted by: YouTube



Duration: 112000 seconds
Hosted by: YouTubeHosted by: YouTubeHosted by: Tudou

Welcome Dinner prepared by Executive Chef Thomas Baehner Grand ...
Welcome Dinner prepared by Executive Chef Thomas Baehner Grand ...

Welcome Dinner prepared by Executive Chef Thomas Baehner Grand ...

Duration: 112000 seconds
Hosted by: YouTubeHosted by: YouTubeHosted by: TudouHosted by: YouTube

Homefront Español (Región Cardial)(Parte 14)
Homefront Español (Región Cardial)(Parte 14)

Homefront Español (Región Cardial)(Parte 14)

Duration: 112000 seconds
Hosted by: YouTubeHosted by: YouTubeHosted by: TudouHosted by: YouTubeHosted by: YouTube

Parque da Xuxa10 - 22/06/2007
Parque da Xuxa10 - 22/06/2007

Parque da Xuxa10 - 22/06/2007

Duration: 70000 seconds
Hosted by: YouTube

Jnto : Latest News, Information, Answers and Websites

Japan National Tourism Organization - Wikipedia, the free ...

The Japan National Tourism Organization (国際観光振興機構, Kokusai Kankō Shinkō Kikō) or Jnto provides information about Japan to promote travel to and in ...

JNTO fine tunes sightseeing : TTRweekly

BANGKOK, 24 August 2011 – Japan National Tourism Organisation is promoting four new special-interest sightseeing tours to both trade and consumers, the agency reported Tuesday. The sightseeing tours are on offer from ...

Japan National Tourism Organization | Contact Us | JNTO Offices

The Tourist Information Center (TIC) of Japan National Tourism Organization ...

Warm greetings from Japan National Tourism Organization (JNTO

Promotion - http://www.discounthunt.sg - (Real Time Deal, Local Reach)

Japan National Tourism Organization Web Site

Japanese government site providing information for online budget hotel reservations, regional guides, convention locations, museums, and important starting ...

Japan Travel Information: Japan National Tourism Organization ...

Sep 9, 2011 ... Japanese government site providing travel information of online budget hotel reservations, regional guides, convention locations, museums, ...

JNTO identifies new markets : TTRweekly

BANGKOK, 29 August 2011 – Japan National Tourism Organisation will focus more on individual travellers after the agency identified they were less likely to cancel trips to Japan, post 11 March earthquake and tsunami crisis. ...

JNTO website is now available on smart phones - JTBGMT and ...

On September 16, Japan National Tourism Organization (Jnto) proudly announced the launch of new website for smart phone users. Here's a brief information. URL: http://m.japan.travel; Language: English, Traditional ...

JNTO's LA Office Appoints Daisuke Tonai as New Director | Travel ...

Tonai previously served as a Director in the LA office from 2001 to 2005. He has been with the Jnto for the last 18 years and has been a part of numerous projects for almost every division of the organization.

Armand's Rancho Del Cielo: JNTO Announces New L.A. Executive ...

The Los Angeles office of the Japan National Tourism Organization (Jnto) unveiled its newest executive director, Daisuke Tonai. He replaces former Executive Director Hidenao Takizawa, who has returned to Japan and ...

JNTO hosts travel fair : TTRweekly

BANGKOK, 18 August 2011 – Japan National Tourism Organisation Bangkok is boosting efforts to win back travel bookings with a new visit Japan campaign that will encourage more individual travellers to revisit the country. ...

Welcome to the Japan National Tourism Organization website

Site of the Japan National Tourism Organization's London office. This site has all you need to plan a holiday to Japan. Also, special sections for travel trade ...

banner - Japan National Tourism Organization |

JAPAN. Japan is situated in northeastern Asia between the North Pacific and ...

JNTO delivers discount coupons : TTRweekly

Jnto delivers discount coupons. September 9, 2011 by Paphada Apimonton Filed under News · Leave a Comment. BANGKOK, 9 September 2011 – Japan National Tourism Organisation is making a desperate bid to rebuild demand for travel ...

Official Tourism Guide for Japan Travel

Outdoor Activities Others. Please send me email of Jnto news. Please send me email of offers and news by Jnto partners. Preference Update / Newsletter ...

Japan National Tourism Organization | Practical Travel Guides

Jnto's "Practical Travel Guides" are designed to help the English-speaking ...

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