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Please comment on my blackwing deck?
Monsters- 24
BW- Misteral the silver shield x2
BW- Vayu the Emblem of Honor x 2
BW - Gale the Whirlwind
BW - Blizzard the Far North x2
BW - Sirocco the Dawn x2
BW - Bora the Spear x3
BW - Shura the Blue Flame x3
BW - Kalut the Moon Shadow x3
BW- Elphin the raven
X Saber Airbellum
Magna Drago
Junk Synchron
Sangan x2
Spell 16
Allure of Darkness x2
Against the wind x 2
Dark Eruption
Book of Moon
My Body as a Shield
Black Whirlwind x3
Brain Control
Mystical Space Typhoon
Swords of revealing light
Heavy Storm
Swallows nest
lightning vortex
Trap 10
Icarus Attack
SAkuretsu armor
Call of the hunted
Mirror Force
Solemn Judgment
Torrential Tribute
Bottomeless trap hole x2
Delta Crow - Anti Reverse
Skill drain
Blackwing Armor Master
Blackwing Armed Wing
Red Dragon Archfiend
Stardust Dragon
Magical Android
Colossal Fighter
Sea Dragon Lord Gishilnadon
Black Rose Dragon
X-Saber Urbellum
Goyo Guardian
ok i have reduced everything i have three of and have taken out my body as a sheild, that takes it down to 45 cards
and i have added pot of averice
i followed ur advice Audioslayne but i am now up to 46 cards
BW- Vayu the Emblem of Honor
BW - Gale the Whirlwind
BW - Blizzard the Far North 3
BW - Sirocco the Dawn x2
BW - Bora the Spear x3
BW - Shura the Blue Flame x3
BW - Kalut the Moon Shadow x3
BW- Elphin the raven
Dark Armed Dragon
Spell 17
Allure of Darkness x2
Against the wind x 2
Dark Eruption
Book of Moon
My Body as a Shield
Black Whirlwind x2
Brain Control
Mystical Space Typhoon
Swords of revealing light
Heavy Storm
Swallows nest x2
lightning vortex
Pot of avarice
Trap 10
Icarus Attack x3
SAkuretsu armor
Call of the hunted
Mirror Force
Solemn Judgment
Torrential Tribute
Bottomeless trap hole x2
Answer: I will fix your new decklist (below) cos it is quite standard but messy.
-1 Blizzard
-1 Sangan
+1 BW- Misteral the silver shield (a good wall and it's a tuner)
+1 The Dark Creator
-2 Against the wind
-2 Swallows Nest
-1 My body as a Shield
+1 Book of Moon (play 2 or non)
-1 Pot of Avarice (not suitable cos blackwing too fast)
+1 Black Whirlwind (a must to play 3 in your deck)
-1 Icarus Attack (2 is enough)
-1 Sakuretsu Armor (Mirror Force is enough)
-1 Solemn Judgment (don't play it in the new format)
+3 Reckless Greed
For synchro, you need +1 Blackwing Armed Wing and + 1 Blackwing Armor Master.
Try this fix as it will definitely help you. Overall, this is a standard and good blackwing deck. Hope I help, good luck!
Category: Card Games
Dragon Nest NA/SEA and IP bans?
so yea dragon nest NA has been a little on/off in interest and patience for me.
and SEA is coming up soon and seems promising, but unfourtantly since i live here in america im bound to be IP blocked.
soooo how do I get around that? how do you i use a proxy to get around it?
Category: Video & Online Games
DragonFable Adventurequest for trade?
i have a max out df account lvl 50 or 60 i duno with good weps and is a rough.....and a aq account lvl 68 with agh decent items ..both upgraded.....if u have a maxed out account and have doom set and are a rough or warrior i well trade you my df or aq account but it has to have good money like myn and wepons...i have all classes exept pirate tech...n somethn i duno but i have doom weps holy weps ummmmm damit i forgot just look me up here..........\
http://www.dragonfable.com/df-chardetail.asp?id=13553019-my lvl 60
and lvl 50 mage
just leave your accounts here
with your profile ill see what i like and if you like myn we well trade..i always cheack accounts for validness and im not a scamer just give me yours so i can cheack and i well give you myn and if u want password change i well change it for you and give u my email and u do the same on account manager just if u like write back
update:::lvl 60 dragonrough lee
Dragon Chow (52) Unlucky Doom Essence (7)
Summon Gem - Roktoru Forsaken Twin Blades of Doom
Mirror Lure Newbie Gone Ring
ChaosMoon Stave V Kelplet Beltlet
Lux Aeterna Lumina Sestis
Seas Blessing VI 10 Stabilized Arista Tauran
Reforged Bos Primigenius Stabilized Arista Alysida
Commemorative Birthday Sword VI Dragonlords Loss
Bank Items
Unlucky ShadowReaper of Doom Pristine Blinding Light of Destiny
Frozen Claymore Mighty 100k Scythe
Blade of Destiny
House Items
Gothic Style Window White Couch
Golden Table Metal Table
Book Pile Crate
Dragon Nest Shadow of the Wind Village
Guardian Tile A Bush
A Bush A Bush
A Bush Magic Mirror
Orb Of Saving Antique Bookshelf
Miniature HuffPuff Toy Splashy Toy
Time Travel Fairy Time Tours statue
Answer: How do I tet to it?
Category: PC
Dragon Nest SEA- North Point [DAY2/3] «
Dragon nest sea- North Point [DAY2/3]. Nothing special happen on the second day except that.. I'm being bullied! Young children can be adorable while the bad one can be quite a horror. The bad kids, they slap, beat and wanna pull my ...
Dragon Nest SEA Open Beta Test dated for August 16 | The Pinoy ...
The Dragon nest sea Open Beta Test is finally dated! Starting from August 16, 2011, defenders of Lagendia will once again be able to fight the good fight, and.
rate my blackwing deck?
bw-kalut x3
bw- sirocco x3
bw- shura x2
bw-blizzard x2
bw-bora x3
dark creator
dark armed
bw- mistral
brain control
black whirlwind x3
raptor wing strike x2
pot of avarice
giant trunade
dark eruption
heavy storm
swallows nest x3
lighting vortex
reckless greed x2
trap stun
delta crow
icarus attack
mirror force
magic cylander
extra deck
bw- armor master
bw- armed wing
red dragon archfiend
goyo gurdian
stardust dragon
sea dragon gishlndon
black rose dragon
thought ruler archfiend
iron chain dragon
Answer: fane needs to goo hes useless
also creator and 1 sirroco
add another shura
raptor wing strikes sux so take away both of them
lighning vortex shud go
u need mind control
traps, trap stun shud go u either play2 of those or none
magic cylinder must go
u need threatning roars and bottelmless trap holes
and 2 more icarus attacks
oh also add a foolish burial that shud be better
hope i help!
Category: Card Games
What say you to Snidely Better Sleep Now, Before The Eggs hatch! morning pome?
Puff, the Magic Dragon,
Lived by the sea, and
Frolicked in the Autumn
Mists in a land called...
Cause why wake up not
Singing? Uh, want me to
Wake up talking? Laughing?
Always do that....
Hi ho...its off to work...
Gnats! Dont wanna go...
Eight days to go, Father
Of the year!!! Hen come back
Yet? Tired of the nest?
But, you have the eggs!
Want an Elf to help you?
AWWWW! Elves are neato!
Dont you want to see
The family sooner?
Lil peeps...fuzzy and stumbly...
Running after you...warm
And lil short legs...and, you
Have to teach them
Yep! Just like you taught
Me to crow!!!
Sure, I can...words have
Wings...their flying can
Be beautiful...ever watch them?
Nope, aint gonna wake him
Up...needs his rest now...
Aint gonna sleep after those
Eggs hatch!
Funny how lil chicks are
Like lil kids...and fathers
Are like hens/roosters...
Good Morning! Good Morning!
Answer: sleep he needs to shut his "good morning" mouth. that one was cute.
Category: Poetry
Dragon Nest SEA: Open Beta - YouTube
Jul 6, 2011 ... Every tick of the clock draws us nearer to the most coveted game of the year. Make a date with us in Lagendia as Dragon nest sea goes Open ...
Blackwing Deck Fix/Rate?
Extra Deck x8:
3x Stardust Dragon
1x BW Armed Wing
1x Sea Dragon Lord Gishilnidon
2x Iron Chain Dragon
1x X-Saber Urbellum
Monsters x21:
1x BW- Elphin the Raven
2x BW- Sirocco the Dawn
2x BW- Blizzard the Far North
3x BW- Shura the Blue Flame
3x BW- Gale the Whirlwind
3x BW- Bora the Spear
3x BW- Kalut the Moon Shadow
1x Gorz the Emissary of Darkness
1x Prometheus, King of the Shadows
1x Sangan
1x Mystic Tomato
Spells x15:
3x Black Whirlwind
2x Against the Wind
1x Monster Reborn
1x MST
1x Swallow’s Nest
1x Heavy Storm
1x Mystic Plasma Zone
1x Giant Trunade
1x Brain Control
1x Allure of Darkness
1x Shrink
1x Battle Tuned
Traps x6:
2x Icarus Attack
1x Solemn Judgment
1x Magic Drain
1x Ultimate Offering
1x Bottomless Trap Hole
I know its not really the orthodox build for Blackwings, but its worked pretty well so far. Tell me what you think.
I put in Ultimate Offering for massive power with whirlwind since it only triggers on a normal summon.
Answer: Add one more allure of darkness. And why add ultimate offering wheb the blackwings already special summon an army of monsters on their own. Put a field spell mystic plasma zone and power them up
Category: Card Games
Download Dragon Nest SEA OBT Client | The Pinoy Gaming and ...
The Dragon Nest Open Beta Test OBT client is now available for download on the official Dragon Nest South East Asia download page at.
My Blackwing deck, please comment?
i posted earlier but changed deck slighlty(below)
Monsters 20
BW- Misteral the silver shield x2
BW- Vayu the Emblem of Honor
BW - Gale the Whirlwind
BW - Blizzard the Far North 2
BW - Sirocco the Dawn x3
BW - Bora the Spear x3
BW - Shura the Blue Flame x3
BW - Kalut the Moon Shadow x3
BW- Elphin the raven
Dark Armed Dragon or Gorz & or dark creator
Spell 13
Allure of Darkness x2
Black Whirlwind x3
Book of Moon x2
Swords of revealing light
Heavy Storm
lightning vortex
Brain Control
Mystical Space Typhoon
Dark Eruption
Trap 11
Icarus Attack x2
Mirror Force
Solemn Judgment
Torrential Tribute
Bottomeless trap hole x2
Jar of greed x 2
SAkuretsu armor
Call of the hunted
Blackwing Armor Master
Blackwing Armed Wing
Red Dragon Archfiend
Stardust Dragon
Magical Android
Colossal Fighter
Sea Dragon Lord Gishilnadon
Black Rose Dragon
X-Saber Urbellum
Goyo Guardian
Side deck
Torrential tribute
Book of Moon y
Light-Imprisoning Mirror
Malevolent Catastrophe
Threatening Roar
My Body as a Shield
Against the wind
Swallows nest
Soul release
Magic jammer
Royal decree
Answer: Pretty good so far, here are my suggestions:
- 2 Jar of Greeds
+ 2 Reckless Greed
- Sakuretsu Armor
- Solemn Judgement
+ 2 Threatning Roars
That's about all i can think of, oh and maybe get another Armed Wing and Delta Crow Anti-Reverse.
Category: Card Games
Dragon Nest SEA Announced Closed Beta and Open Beta Schedule ...
Jul 3, 2011 ... Closed beta will be running from July 13 to July 19 and the open beta is planned for August.
Yugioh: Blackwing Deck Check/Fix Side Deck Reccomendations?
This Blackwing Deck often loses to Deep Sea Diva, Monarch, Lightsworn, Dark Armed Assault Mode, and Creature Swap. Can you give me some reccomendations for a side deck. Here is the deck list:
Extra Deck:
Stardust x2
Thought Ruler Archfiend
Blackwing Armed Wing
Black Rose Dragon
Iron Chain Dragon
Colossal Fighter
Red Dragon Archfiend
Ancient Fairy Dragon
Sirocco x3
Bora x3
Kalut the Moon Shadow x3
Elphin x2
Blizzard x2
The Dark Creator
Black Whirlwind x3
Allure x2
Mind Control
Dark Eruption
Swallows Nest
Cold Wave
Giant Trunade
Mystical Space Typhoon
Brain Control
Icarus Attack x3
Bottomless Trap Hole x2
Torrental Tribute
Delta Crow
Call of the Haunted
Threatening Roar
Ultimate Offering
Answer: the deck its self is good, gut get rid of ultimate offering. add in another delta crow or something. side deck should always be 2 d.d crow, and 3 lightimprsing mirror maybe even a royal opression
Category: Card Games
Take A Look Into This New Blackwing Deck, 90:100 Win Ratio?
I want some feedback on this new blackwing deck, rate,cut and comment. I think this will become the new poster deck for Blackwing decks.
P.S In this deck i swapped a swallows nest instead of a solemn making it 11 spells and 9 traps but it is your desicion to take out swallows nest and put in a solemn and make it 10 spells and 10 traps.
Monsters: 20
1x Dark Armed Dragon
1x Battlestorm
1x Elphin the Raven
1x Gale the Whirlwind
1x Fane the Steel Chain
1x Vayu the Emblem of Darkness
2x Bora the Spear
1x Sirocco the Dawn
2x Blizzard the Far North
3x Shura the Blue Flame
3x Kalut the Moonshadow
3x Mistral the Silver Shield
1x Heavy Storm
1x Pot of Avarice
1x Swallows Nest
1x Lightning Vortex
1x Gold Sarcophagus
2x Dark Eruption
2x Allure of Darkness
2x Black Whirlwind
Traps: 9
1x Mirrior Force
1x Torrential Tribute
1x Delta Crow - Anti Reverse
3x Dark Illusion
2x Icarus Attack
1x Bottomless Trap Hole
Extra Deck: 14
1x Goyo Guardian
1x Stardust Dragon
1x Magical Android
1x Iron Chain Dragon
1x Black Rose Dragon
1x Ancient Fairy Dragon
1x Red Dragon Archfiend
1x Thought Ruler Archfiend
1x Sea Dragon Lord Gishilnodon
1x Gaia Knight, the Force of Earth
2x Blackwing Armor Master
2x Blackwing Armor Wing
Does anyone think i sould add a prometheus to this deck to better my chances with d.a.d in cause something happens?
Answer: Vayu Emblem Of Darkness?
dont you mean Honor?
Well first of all
Battlestorm is a major slowdown on this deck.
you should have more draw power, so i recommend Reckless Greed x3
If you activate 2 Reckless Greed you only need to skip 2 draw phases they dont add up, same thing if you activate all 3. :D
witch means lots of drawing power, and with strategical moves you can then special summon Dark Armed if you have 3 BW in the grave of course.
so you can special summon Bora and Gale, synchro for Amor Master, purposely try sending one to the grave and boom Dark Armed is in the field and can be OTK if you know how to use your deck.
I dont agree with x3 Mistral, i say x2 Vayu, and x2 Mistral.
but other then that it is a very well balanced deck, other then Battlestorm, that is a completly whack card that slows down the deck, i have tried it, doesnt work out. Same with Gorz but good thing you dont run it. :D
Good luck,
Category: Card Games
Recently bought the magic the gathering deck builder toolkit could someone make me some decks to practice with?
I never played the game before and could use some decks to practice with
1x Bojuka Brigand
1x Surrakar Marauder
1x Looming Shade
1x Gloomhunter
1x Cadaver Imp
1x Zulaport Enforcer
1x Death Cultist
1x Vampire Lacerator
1x Giant Scorpion
1x Bog Tatters
2x Child of Night
1x Arrogant Bloodlord
1x Vampire Nighthawk
1x Bloodghast
1x Butcher of Malakir
1x Escaped Null
1x Gravedigger
1x Zombie Goliath
1x Gatekeeper of Malakir
2x Blood Seeker
1x Induce Despair
1x Last Kiss
2x Doom Blade
1x Hideous End
1x Tendrils of Corruption
1x Disfigure
1x Rise from the Grave
2x Sign in Blood
1x Dead Reckoning
1x Duress
1x Mind Sludge
1x Marsh Casualies
1x Consume Spirit
1x Feast of Blood
2x Quest for the Gravelord
21x Swamp
1x Caravan Hurda
1x Serra Angel
1x Makinidi Griffin
1x Palaace Guard
2x Kor Sanctifiers
1x Kor Hookmaster
1x Lone Missionary
1x Cliff Threader
1x Ondu Cleric
1x Blinding Mage
1x Stormfront Pegasus
1x Devout Lightcaster
1x Kor Outfitter
1x Soul Warden
1x Loam Lion
1x Veterans Reflexes
1x Harms Way
1x Shieldmates Blessing
1x Repel the Darkness
1x Bold Defense
2x Pacifism
1x Guard Duty
1x Ionas Judgment
22x Plains
1x Berserkers of Blood Ridge
1x Valakut Fireboar
2x Shatterskull Giant
2x Goblin Shortcutter
1x Akoum Battlesinger
1x Skitter of Lizards
1x Hellfire Mongrel
1x Battle-Rattle Shaman
2x Lightning Elemental
2x Bladetusk Boar
1x Prodigal Pyromancer
1x Goblin Artillery
1x Torch Slinger
1x Dragon Whelp
1x Goblin Roughrider
1x Sparkmage Apprentice
1x Goblin Arsonist
1x Ruinous Minotaur
1x Panic Attack
1x Lava Axe
1x Demolish
1x Flame Slash
1x Claws of Valakut
1x Goblin War Paint
1x Quest for Pure Flame
2x Lightning Bolt
1x Slaughter Cry
1x Inferno Trap
1x Heat Ray
21x Mountain
1x Horned Turtle
1x Sea Gate Oracle
1x Sky Ruin Drake
1x Wall of Frost
1x Skywatcher Adept
1x Horizon Drake
1x Snapping Drake
1x Merfolk Seastalkers
1x Air Elemental
1x Frostwind Invoker
2x Surrakar Banisher
1x Wind Drake
1x Jwari Scuttler
1x Merfolk Looter
3x Cancel
1x Summoners Bane
1x Mysteries of the Deep
2x Into the Roil
2x Essence Scatter
1x Fleeting Distraction
1x Unsummon
2x Mind Control
1x Paralyzing Grasp
1x Narcolepsy
1x Ice Cage
1x Treasure Hunt
1x Sleep
1x Divination
20x Island
2x Lianowar Elves
1x Stampeding Rhino
1x Giant Spider
2x Nissas Chosen
1x Timernaw Larva
1x Vastwood Gorger
1x Borderland Ranger
1x Summit Apes
1x Aura Gnarlid
1x River Boa
1x Oran-Rief Survivalist
1x Graypelt Hunter
1x Centaur Courser
1x Daggerback Basilisk
1x Nest Invader
1x Grazing Gladehart
1x Bestial Menace
1x Overrun
1x Ranpant Growth
1x Beast Hunt
1x Explore
2x Giant Growth
1x Leaf Arrow
1x Momentous Fall
1x Naturalize
1x Savage Silhouette
1x Oakenform
1x Quest for the Gemblades
1x boar Umbra
20x Forest
COLORLESs Creature
1x Walking Atlas
1x Ulamogs Crusher
1x Ogres Cleaver
1x Eldrazi Monument
1x Trusty Machete
1x Prophetic Prism
1x Expedition Map
1x Kitesail
1x Bojuka Bog
4x Terramorphic Expanse
1x Quicksand
1x Tectonic Edge
1x Piranha Marsh
Answer: Well id go with a multicolored deck since you dont have many sorceries and instants BUT WOW you got some good stuff BloodGhast is worth 10$ and Eldrazi Monument is worth 15$ so thats 5 $ u already made from a 20$ deckbuilder Go with Black and Green
X10 Swamp
X9 Forest
X1 Quicksand
X1 Eldrazi Monument
X2 Giant Growth
X1 Naturalize
X1 Boar Umbra
X1 Oakenform
X1 Savage Silhouette
X1 Overrun
X1 Rampant Growth
X1 Timbermaw Larva\
X1 Summit Apes
X1 Daggerback Basilisk
X1 Grazing GladeHeart
X2 Llanowar Elves
X1 Nest Invader
X1 River Boa (Great card btw Regenerate FTW)
X1 Centaur Courser
X1 Giant Spider
X2 Sign In Blood
X1 Duress
X2 Doom Blade
X1 Tendrils of Corruption
X1 Mind Sludge
X1 Marsh Casualties
X2 Child of Night
X2 Blood Seeker
X1 Vampire NightHawk
X1 Butcher of Malakir
X1 GateKeep Of Malakir
X1 Escaped Null
X1 Giant Scorpion
It will be a well rounded deck xpecially if you can get Eldrazi out on about your 5th if you lay down 1 land per turn then every one of your creatures have +1 +1 flying Indistructible then you can use Child of night and nighthawk for life gain and Nighthawk is good to mow opponents since it has deathtouch giant scorpion is good too and for the green you have a few regenerates and beastier creatures to kill your Opposition Its a decent deck for a beginner
Category: Card Games
Dragon Nest Global Now Officially Dragon Nest SEA (Updated ...
May 11, 2011 ... The publisher Shanda Games International changed the name ...
Dragon Nest SEA - Facebook Event - OnRPG Free MMORPG Forums
http://apps.facebook.com/dnalliance/ My alliance - http://apps.facebook.com/dnalliance/join/MjEyNzI3 Just join each others' alliance and get.
need help making blackwings faster?
i think i need a little help making this deck faster
blackwing-vayu the emblem of honor
blackwing-elphin the raven
blackwing-gale the whirlwind
2xblackwing-shura the blue flame
3xblackwing-kalut the moon shadow
2xblackwing-blizzard the far north
2xblackwing-mistral the silver shield
2xblackwing-sirocco the dawn
3xblackwing-bora the spear
2xblackwing-fane the steel chain
the dark creator
3xblack whirlwind
against the wind
2xswallows nest
2xallure of darkness
pot of avarice
2xdelta crow-anti reverse
fake feather
2xdefence draw
2xicarus attack
2xinterdimenional matter transporter
2xbottemless trap hole
extra deck:10
blackwing armor master
3xblackwing armed wing
psychic lifetrancer
goyo gaurdian
sea dragon lord gishilnodon
black rose dragon
red dragon archfiend
power tool dragon
If you could please help, Ild be very thankful.
Answer: deck thinners. more than sangan. find them. use them. congrats for making a generic black wing deck.
Category: Card Games
Dragon Nest SEA Closed Beta Starts July 13
Jul 1, 2011 ... Six-day closed beta to start July 13; open beta coming next month.
Ahrrrr! If life is like a pirate adventure on the high seas, where are you involved?
Ahrrrr! I might be the crusty one-eyed nutcase way up in the crows nest peering at everyone and everything with a "pirate scope".
Answer: As much as I'd like to say I'd be the fetching young wench in the arms of the Capt'., along the lines of Olivia de Havilland in Capt'. Blood, or for you of the fresher set, Kyra Knightly in Pirates of the Caribbean, I would have to say I'd probably be the woman of a certain age who'd 'been retired' to an island with all the other retirees. There we would be lounging with the natives and working at setting up a well stocked trading post for you way-farers. We'd work on barter, of course. Rum !!
Category: Polls & Surveys
This Is The Ultimate Blackwing Deck-- [Rate/Cut/Suggest]?
Blackwing Deck: 40
Monsters: 20
1x Dark Armed Dragon
1x Blackwing-Sirocco the Dawn
1x Blackwing-Elphin the Raven
1x Blackwing-Gale the Whirlwind
1x Blackwing-Fane the Steel Chain
1x Prometheus,King Of The Shadows
2x Blackwing-Bora the Spear
2x Blackwing-Blizzard the Far North
2x Blackwing-Mistral the Silver Shield
2x Blackwing-Vayu the Emblem of Honor
3x Blackwing-Shura the Blue Flame
3x Blackwing-Kalut the Moonshadow
3x Blackwing-Mistral the Silver Shield
Spells: 10
1x Heavy Storm
1x Pot of Avarice
1x Lightning Vortex
1x Gold Sarcophagus
2x Dark Eruption
2x Black Whirlwind
2x Allure of Darkness
Traps: 10
1x Mirrior Force
1x Torrential Tribute
2x Icarus Attack
3x Dark Illusion
3x Reckless Greed
Side Deck: 15
1x Battlestorm
1x Fake Feather
1x Brain Control
1x Mystic Tomato
1x Swallows Nest
1x Veil Of Darkness
1x Against The Wind
1x Solemn Judgement
1x Armageddon Knight
1x Call Of The Haunted
1x Bottomless Trap Hole
1x Dark Spirit Art - Greed
1x Mystical Space Typhoon
1x Delta Crow-Anti Reverse
1x Return From The Different Dimmension
Extra Deck: 14
1x Goyo Guardian
1x Stardust Dragon
1x Magical Android
1x Iron Chain Dragon
1x Black Rose Dragon
1x Power Tool Dragon
1x Ancient Fairy Dragon
1x Red Dragon Archfiend
1x Thought Ruler Archfiend
1x Sea Dragon Lord Gishilnodon
1x Gaia Knight, the Force of Earth
1x Blackwing Armor Master
1x Blackwing Armor Wing
Answer: As a Black wing Deck this is pretty good, but compares nothing to Decks like Gladiator Beast and light sworn.
Suggestion: Build a Gladiator Beast deck, they are relatively cheap and powerfull. They are 2 times more powerful then Black Wing and almost 4 Times cheaper
Category: Card Games
Dragon Nest SEA: Sign Up for Open Beta Game Account
Official Dragon nest sea Download ... Mark your calendar for Dragon Nest Open Beta! Aug 05. Notice. Thank you for playing Dragon Nest Closed Beta Test! ...
Dragon Nest Open Beta to launch tomorrow 2pm SGT
A quick update from a reliable source for Dragon nest sea fans. The open beta will be launching tomorrow at 2pm Singapore Time (GMT+08h) You will be able to.
Dragon Nest SEA Open Beta Dated on August 16 | guild wars 2 time ...
today announced the concrete date for Dragon Nest{Rift account}SEA open beta. Starting from August 16, the gate of Lagendia will open to all brave men. It's time to{ Dragon Nest gold } gather your friends and head over to ...
Dragon Nest SEA | Facebook
Dragon nest sea - The gates of Lagendia has opened, the call for heroes has sounded. If adrenaline-pumping action, dungeon-based battles, and dazzling ...
Dragon Nest Source - Your #1 Dragon Nest Online NA & SEA Fansite
Your #1 Source for everything Dragon Nest. The first, and largest, Dragon Nest NA & SEA Fansite, Forums and Wiki!
Download Dragon Nest SEA Client now | The Pinoy Gaming and Babes Blog!
Jul 14, 2011 ... Good News Pinoy Dragon Nest Fans! You can now download Dragon nest sea Client via Cherry Credits @ http://dn.cherrycredits.com/.
Patch your Dragon Nest SEA CBT Client to OBT Client | The Pinoy ...
In preparation for the Dragon nest sea Open Beta Test Phase starting on August 16, 2011, The Dragon Nest team has issued the following advisory for those who.
Dragon Nest SEA Alliance Party - iMMOsite get your gaming life ...
Dragon nest sea Alliance let's you build up your alliance from your Facebook friends and other facebook users. ... Login to Dragon nest sea Game Client from OBT onwards; Select your character and enter the Cash Shop. ...