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How can I trust my fiance when he lies through omission?
My background: Im a divorced mom and my ex cheated on me (something I found out after he asked for the divorce). He was the man I thought Id spend the rest of my life with, so his leaving was very traumatic. I didnt even date again for over 5 years.
When I felt I was ready to date again, I wound up meeting a guy via an online matchmaking site. He was the same age as me, seemed to have some of the same interests and we "clicked" enough to begin dating. I fell in love.
A month or so into the relationship, I discovered hed lied about his age. Some things he said didnt mesh chronologically and I asked him for his drivers license -- he was a full 7 years older than me! He said that he didnt consider his real age to be his mental/physical age (he does look younger than he is). When I pressed him further, he admitted that hed "adjusted" his age so that hed attract younger women.
Okay, so my trust in him was tarnished with that. I decided it wasnt a big enough deal to leave him for, so we continued to see each other.
About a month later, I was visiting his MySpace page and noticed hed friended a BUNCH of other local single moms about my age SINCE meeting dating me. He has a tracking image on his MySpace page, and gets notified when someone visits it (hes a computer geek). Within a couple of hours of my visit, the single moms began to disappear from his friends list. By the end of the day, they were all gone.
I called him on it and he said that theyd ALL friended him first and in spite of not knowing who they were, hed just done the "MySpace" thing and friended them back. Uh-huh.
Crack #2 in my trust.
I forgave him that fumble, too.
Our relationship progressed and eventually he proposed. I accepted. This was a year ago.
Flash forward 10 months. Were emailing each other and he mentions not being able to help me with something because he needs to take his daughter to his "friends sons birthday party". Not knowing which party this was, I asked. He reluctantly tells me. Its a female friend, one Ive never heard of. He doesnt say anything about wanting me to come along.
Now, to set the stage for my reaction, please note that two weeks prior, he INSISTED I accompany him to another childs birthday party that was 45 minutes away, on a day in which I had a lot to do (in fact, had to leave what I was doing in order to attend the party and come right back afterwards). The child of a couple hes friends with.
This more recent birthday party is for a child of a -- you guessed it -- single mother.
Im peeved. I want to know why its so imperative that I attend one birthday party and unheard of that I attend the other.
He says that they have a strictly platonic relationship and that he hardly ever sees her except keeping in touch via email. Also, that wed never met because he didnt think wed all hang out together or anything. Uh-huh.
Okay, so I decide to believe him against my better judgement.
Two weeks ago was his daughters birthday party, which we hosted. Who shows up but this woman and her child? Shes nice and we get along just fine and other than her putting her hand on his shoulder when talking to him, I dont detect any wishy-washiness.
Last week, he emails me to let me know that he has someones computer to look at (he does this on the side occasionally to make a little extra cash). No mention of who it is, but he does this fairly often that I dont think anything of it.
Later that evening, my daughter and I are on our way to a store, when we pass his place of employment just as hes pulling out in his car. I wave, but he doesnt see me. Slow down to let him know Im in front of him, but he still doesnt notice. As hes passing me, I stick my hand out the window and wave again, but hes very intent on the road.
Its not until later that night, when I mention having seen him leaving work, that things become clear. He smells like cigarette smoke. I say something about it.
He says, "I didnt know shed be smoking in the house."
I ask, "Who?"
He says, "K__ ." (the woman who attended his daughters birthday party)
I ask if thats whose computer he was looking at. He says yes, that he figured I knew since hed been heading in the direction of her house. Now, we were on a main road; as far as I knew, hed been heading east. Which means nothing. He actually thought Id FOLLOWED him to her house and only because of that, felt the need to mention that hed gone there.
I asked him why he hadnt told me the truth as to where he was going and he replied that he knew "how" I was about his having female friends (HELLO! Id already told him I didnt care if he had female friends) and that Id react badly if I found out where he was going. Well, yeah, I certainly did when I found out hed omitted just whose house he was going to. He just doesnt see this as a problem.
NOW things are wishy-washy. I feel like I cant trust him because he c
Re: the MySpace page, hed added some HTML code that hid his friends. I did a little hack in order to view the friends, just to see if I could, so that was how I discovered the "new additions" to his lineup.
Yahoo cut off the last paragraph of my question. Should say:
"NOW things are wishy-washy. I feel like I cant trust him because he cant tell me the truth. He doesnt feel that purposefully omitting details is just like lying. I admit to having a suspicious nature; his actions only exacerbate my suspicions.
How can I trust that hes being truthful when my trust has been compromised?"
Answer: Um, telling you he's one age and actually being another age is not lying by ommission; it's lying to your face.
There are sooooo many red flags, I don't even know where to begin. Run, run away in the other direction!!!
This man sounds pathological.
People that have nothing to hide, hide nothing.
Category: Other - Family & Relationships
vickys a dumb ass?
Imagine a loved one or even yourself lying in a hospital bed. You are unable to move or to show any signs of life. Your existence is controlled by a respirator, a feeding tube, and an I.V. Your cognizant functions are gone. For all intents and purposes, you are dead. Your body is no longer able to sustain life; its entire purpose is now replaced by machines. You are being kept alive artificially. Should you be kept alive by these means or should you be allowed to die a natural death? Unfortunately, if you are in this situation, you are unable to rely your wishes to your doctor. Your voice has been replaced by the government. In today’s society, medical advancements permit human life despite being in a vegetable state. The argument behind euthanasia is to relieve human beings in a vegetable state from suffering any further if the end result is literally an end to life. Euthanasia may be defined as “the intentional killing by act or omission, of a dependent human being for his or her
Answer: The argument behind euthanasia is much broader than allowing people in a 'vegetative state' to die. It includes allowing fully conscious people who are suffering (physically or mentally) to decide when to die...
A man might lose his life saving the woman he loves, realising that without her his life would not be worth living. He might lose his life in pursuit of his life's passion, say a hang gliding or motor racing accident, enjoying his last seconds and content with his choices. If a man is free to chose the manner by which he lives his life, he must be free to make the ultimate choice of the manner of his own death...
P.S. Forgive my ignorance but who is Vicky?
Category: Philosophy
'Lives of Omission' finale already exposed, Producer may alter it ...
'Lives of Omission' finale already exposed, Producer may alter it [WILL ... episode yet, therefore the exposed ending isn't the complete story. ...
Sometimes I just feel like giving up and ending it all, what do you think?
First and foremost, if you are here to insult me you might as well save it. You could not possibly think any less of me than I do of myself at the moment.
In case you would like a little background history, I am 26 years old and living back at home. I am not currently working and was terminated from my previous two jobs. One was on a retaliatory basis and one was pretty much what I would call theft by omission. Let me explain, you see I had gone into the diner where I was working, at the time, on my night off. Of course, I had quite a bit to drink that night but not enough to excuse my actions (seeing on the ticket that my meal wasnt on there and leaving without doing anything to rectify the situation.) A "friend" slash co-worker went with me, along with a few other friends. The co-worker had asked the cook to make some food without a ticket and slipped him some money to do so, evidently. When he told me of his plan I told him it was stupid and I would prefer to just pay for my food. Well, he kept insisting on "taking care of it," so I went to our waitress and asked her to make sure my food was on the ticket; all she did was smirk and chuckle. Long story short, my food wasnt one of the meals on the ticket and I was fired for that purpose. Now, I have never been a thief and dont want my reputation completely down the shooter. I really want to go in to speak with the GM, but I have anxiety and have yet to bring myself to go in and pay for my food, though they had no qualms whatsoever about making me work OFF the clock for them on several occasions. Im not trying to justify anything, but merely trying to figure out what the best approach would be? Do I get the courage to go in and speak with the GM? Do I write it off since Im already regarded as a thief? What should I do? (By the way, there is a LOT more to this story, but I am not here to vent.)
Before that I job-hopped a lot. Nothing was ever challenging enough. I was always ambitious but seemed to have lost all motivation (due to depression mostly,) and direction in life.
Ive been in and out of college. Dropping out several times due to a debilitating anxiety disorder and relationship problems.
Ive accumulated some debt in the process and feel so overwhelmed. Once in a while I will tell myself, " I should just file bankruptcy!" Then I begin to rationalize and know that its not an option for me. I WANT to get back on track and pay my debt off, respectively.
Right now my sole focus is trying to find a new job, but I AM being sort of picky because I want to find something that will last while I get my life back together with paying my debt off; moving back into a place of my own; and returning to and finishing college.
Lately though, all I can think about is suicide. Its just a lingering thought mostly. Is there something I can do to keep these thoughts from entering my mind? I keep telling myself if I keep my faith in God things will be all right.
If you need further details let me know. Your advice is greatly appreciated. Thank you.
Answer: It sounds like your life is breaking apart because you do not have a set plan and have not set any boundaries for yourself. I life as complicated as yours with a complicated and interconnected set of dreams requires careful planning. Let me help you.
First, FORGET HAVING RELATIONSHIPS. You are not well established yet to have them and then when you break up your devastated and everything suffers. It is best to forget it for now; any relationship that you have while you are developing your dreams is not likely to last because you will not be the same person at the end of your journey as you are at the beginning and most other people won't be able to manage the change.
COMMENT: Apparently NO ONE wanted you at the job you lost because no one came to your defense and they set you up. The waitress and cook should have lost their job, too. But that is neither here nor there. The GM apparently did not want to call the police. Hmm. something is fishy here. If anyone brings up this job to them, you would have grounds to question their labor practices.
You need to learn how to live above suspicion. Don't get drunk again. Try to improve your judgment. You have to WORK to make yourself better, it is not going to happen on its own. You might want to see a doctor and get medical support.
If you believe in God, than you should never, EVER question your worth. You were put here for a purpose. So far you have wandered off the path. Try to keep to the path, uphill and down. The open path is exciting enough, if you look carefully enough.
See my blog for more advice;_ylt=At2AGEQfZDehlErNcNj7cje0AOJ3
Category: Psychology
Lives Of Omission Episode 20 | Korean Manga Spoiler
Lives of Omission Episode 20 - 潛行狙擊 Episode 20. Lives Of Omission Episode 20 is out for watch !! I know that everyone is dying to watch this show but it wouldn't be out today because of the ending for the other show – The ...
Is it normal for a guy to snoop thru his girlfriends Chat/Email/text? Please read it all before answering?
My girlfriend posted this question earlier but didnt post all the details. I snoop through her email and text messages but there is good reason. She has gone to visit 2 of her ex boyfriends since we have lived together on more than one occasion.
But one previous boyfriend (Jerry) lives right next door to her sister. He is well off financially and was her live in (these are her words) "sugar daddy" for over a year. She went to “visit her sister” and her and her whole family went to visit Jerry too.
The other ex boyfriend (James) she had lived with for quite a while too. This guy used to cheat on her, put her down and made her self esteem very low. He once wrote her an email while she was with me telling her how horrible she looked in her facebook photo. I called him out about that but he never responded. She has lied to me on several occasions when I confronted her about seeing them. She told me “no he was not there” but I knew for a fact differently. She is now best buddies with this James’s girlfriend Robin and says she is going there to see her. (Which of course means he is there at least some of the time.) This new girlfriend took her out one night for a girls night out with Robin (and get this) James’ s ex wife . Is this starting to sound like a recipe for disaster? I told her she should not go it sounded like trouble. It turned out just like I thought. Robin got into a fight with the ex wife and the law was called and people arrested.
She told me she was going to spend the night at her best friend’s house. When she did she ended up having sex with them both. We have talked about this and she says it was just a “one time thing” but how can I believe that?
Her Mom and Stepfather (both of whom have never held steady jobs and never been self sufficient) decided to move here to Florida. They have often begged her and her sister for money to keep the lights on or buy groceries.... yet they always seem to have money to buy their smokeydope to get high with.
Because I would not let them stay here to freeload off of me she had told someone in a chat log that she was considering moving them in to her sugar daddys house but that she would have to live there too. Basically she was going to prostitute herself so her freeloading parents could have a place to stay.
She tells me I need to trust her. I keep trying. But it seems about the time I start trusting her again then she lies (whether by omission or outright) and my trust is broken. She erases chat logs now and deletes browsing history. She says because she “wants her privacy” I probably wouldn’t care at all if I could trust what she has to say. She gets angry with me because I don’t trust her. But it’s hard to do when you have been lied to so many times. I have on occasion falsely accused her because I didn’t know if she was telling the truth.
Don’t get me wrong. She is a very sweet woman and has had some horrible things happen in her past. I take these things into consideration. I stay with her because I love her dearly despite her faults. I have many faults too and she accepts those in me. Trust is very important to me.
Now before you answer this question I don’t want “pat answers” Like “If you don’t trust her you should leave” That’s not going to happen I am just looking for more or less a yes or no answer with a small explanation why. Here is the question.
Taking the above background taken into consideration, the lies, sneaking, cheating tell me would you think it’s a reasonable thing for me to check her email chat logs and text messages. ??? Would you do it in my position ? Be honest.
Kelly the reason I posted this was not because of trust issues I know I have those when it comes to her. But I postedit because she posted the question "Is it normal for my boyfreind to look at my chats text and emails" without giving details.
Just as a side note people: She knows my passwords and has access to all my emails and chats archives. There is nothing in them I would be afraid to let her read.
To those of you who say dump her, there are some extenuating circumstances. I realize she is “broke” psychologically by a very abusive ex husband in a relationship where she was in fear of her life. I realize some of her lies come from a sort of PTSD from that relationship.
85% of the time we have a loving caring thoughtful relationship. In the 14 years I have been divorced this relationship is actually one of the better ones I have had. That’s why I don’t “dump” her. She has changed a lot in the almost 2 years we have been together and is learning to trust again but it’s taking time. Her lies have become less frequent as time goes on. I feel that she won’t ever trust totally unless she faces some of her “fears” with me. Making her face her lies and realize that she will not be hurt by telling me the truth. Part of the reason that I check her logs and emails I want to know when she is lying to make her talk about why with me.
Kelly as far as being a “rep
Kelly as far as being a “replacement sugar daddy” I make about 34k a year and live in a 910 square foot 2 bedroom wood frame home in a poorer neighborhood. She could go back to that rich sugar daddy today and he would take her back in a heartbeat and she knows that.
But since she has been with me I have got her to go back to school for culinary arts (which she has a passion for) she graduated, and now she works as a prep cook for an upscale restaurant in the area with aspirations to be a full Chef someday.
Laura the reason I ask is because she posed the same question only did not share all the details. She simply asked if it is normal for a guy to look through my emails, chat logs etc. Then told me that everyone on Yahoo said it was not normal. She did not give any indication that she had done things in the past to make trust a problem. So I wanted to see if that received different responses and it has.
Ruby and abbijo “just leave her” does not seem to be an option. I have deep feelings for her and see the beauty in her that many others do not. Perhaps due to the nature of my question I have not put that information in this email. I believe trust is ultimately broken to some extent in every relationship. It’s just a matter of how much you are willing to take before you “give up”
Out of curiosity…. How many of you responders have NEVER snooped ? Not even just a little bit on a significant other? Never asked about a phone number in his/her phone or wallet/purse… never eased dropped on a phone conversation in the other room? Never looked at an email or chat left open by accident on his/her computer?? Never asked an ex/friend/relative about him/her? If you think hard I bet every one of you has done that in the past.
Answer: Sorry, I agree with Kelly: I say No. You already know what she's capable of and if you're willing to stay with her anyway, then you've made your own bed. It's like saying "my girlfriend has a gun and tried to shoot me with it a few times, but I'll stay with her and let her keep her gun as long as she keeps promising she'll never try to shoot me again, and allows me to check the chamber for bullets every day." You know it's not going to change anything and you've already said you won't give her up anyway. So why bother? Why even ask?
Category: Singles & Dating
Was this lying by omission (please help)?
I talked to my mother and suspected after hearing slurred words and dragged out vowels that she was drunk. I asked if she had been drinking, and she denied it (shes an alcoholic). I asked if she had taken xanax like she does (which mimics drunkenness), and she denied that, too.
We went back and forth with this for about 15 minutes, with me getting more and more upset that I was being straight up lied to (shes grown and can be an alcoholic if she wants, but deliberately lying over and over when its obviously otherwise does something to my mental health that I cant fully explain). So towards the very end of the conversation, with me yelling at this point (Ive been lied to so much and Ive seen my mother so incoherent throughout my life that I was determined to get the satisfaction of hearing her admit it so I could get off the phone), she finally said, "Fine! You want the truth? I smoked pot."
So, I told my dad that she lied to me, and he argued that she didnt lie. I said, "Havent you heard about lying by omission? Technically, she did lie" and he said, "No, TECHNICALLY she didnt."
So on top of the other stuff Im dealing with, Im fuming that my dad is starting a technicality argument with me in this situation.
Anyway, for anyone who knows anything about law, or logic, or lying by omission in particular, can you please tell me if, in fact, my mother technically lied to me? If you have sources, that would be even better.
anime: I didnt ask if she lied. I asked if she lied by omission.
If she left out a very important fact with the intent to deceive me, is that lying by omission?
Lying by omission
Lying by omission is a lie when you state the truth, but you leave something out. Have you ever heard the phrase, ”it’s still lying if you don’t tell all of it”? Well that is an example of lying by omission.
Lying By Omission
A lie of omission is when a person fails to include the relevant facts that the listener reasonably expects to be included in an answer. For example, a woman says to her boyfriend, "I thought you went to a show, not to the bar." He answers, "I did go to the show. Here are the ticket stubs," but he leaves out the fact that he went to the bar after the show.
Lying by omission
One lies by omission by omitting an important fact, deliberately leaving another person with a misconception.
Answer: Hi A, I am a recovered alcoholic and I can honestly tell you, I would recommend you go to al-ateen or al-anon to keep your sanity and to understand how to take care of yourself as a child of an addict/alcoholic. I would also recommend you get educated on this deadly disease. What you need to understand is alcoholics lie, addicts lie, and gamblers lie. It's a part of this disease. Your mom is not the same mom you had if and when she had a period of sobriety, because being a chronic alcoholic means the disease has taken over and now runs her life. In other words, it is her first love and 99.9% of the time it's all she can think of and do. If you can separate the mom from the alcoholic it may help you to understand a little of why she does what she does. She needs help, desperately. There is Alcoholics Anonymous that is available to help her recover, as well counsellors who deal with only addictive people/personalities. If you want any kind of a relationship with her, one or both of you will have to get help. There is no other way, sorry, and I am very sorry you have to go through this. Believe me when I say she would never lie to you sober, I am sure she loves you, and you cannot hurt her as much as she has and is hurting and killing herself. She cannot get well on her own at this point. She has a disease that takes us only 3 places, jail, institution (hospital for recovering) and death. Without recovery her choices are limited and her chances are not good. I hope and pray she will get help and your family too, because this is a family disease. This is not about whether she did lie or did not. You will have to look at the bigger picture here and I sincerely hope you do.... If you want to talk about this or just vent anytime, feel free to email me. Take care, please.
Category: Mental Health
'Lives of Omission' finale already exposed, Producer may alter it ...
Last week, Lives of Omission TV ratings had an average of 31 points, peaking at 33 points. The finale ... Producer Chong still hasn't finished editing the finale episode yet, therefore the exposed ending isn't the complete story. ...
Was Lord Dawson paid by the Times to kill King George V?
In January 1936 George fell ill and on the 20th he lapsed into a coma. Towards midnight the royal physician administered injections of cocaine and morphine. The euthanasia was timed to ensure that the death notice would appear in the first edition of the next days The Times.
Extract from the New York Times 28 Nov 1986:
As he lay comatose on his deathbed in 1936, King George V was injected with fatal doses of morphine and cocaine to assure him a painless death in time, according to his physicians notes, for the announcement to be carried in the morning papers rather than the less appropriate evening journals.
The fact that the death of a reigning monarch had been medically hastened remained a secret for half a century until the publication today of the notes made at the time by Lord Dawson, the royal physician who recorded that he administered the two injections at about 11 oclock on the night of Jan. 20, 1936. That was scarcely an hour and a half after Lord Dawson had written a classically brief medical bulletin that declared, The Kings life is moving peacefully toward its close.
That close came in less than an hour after the injections. Lord Dawson, according to his notes, had already taken the precaution of phoning his wife in London to ask that she advise The Times to hold back publication.
In Windsor Castle Archives
A Peaceful Ending at Midnight, said the headline the next morning in the newspaper that was deemed to be the most appropriate vehicle for major announcements to the nation.
The Dawson notes, now preserved in the archives of Windsor Castle, were first examined by the physicians biographer, Francis Watson, when he prepared a volume that appeared in 1950, five years after Lord Dawsons death. At the request of the physicians widow, the biographer said today, he simply omitted any reference to the euthanasia that had taken place at Sandringham Castle.
It was Mr. Watson, now 79 years old, who filled in the omission in an article in a journal called History Today that went on sale here this morning. Perhaps I should have included it in the book at the time, he said. Lady Dawson did not want it in the book and I quite readily agreed. I didnt think it appropriate. Queens Reaction Not Known
The reaction of Queen Elizabeth II, the granddaughter of Lord Dawsons patient, could not be learned. It happened a long time ago, the spokesman at Buckingham Palace told callers, and all those concerned are now dead.
Lord Dawsons notes assert that he had been told by Queen Mary and the Prince of Wales - the playboy son who was to become Edward VIII and, less than a year later, would abdicate and become the Duke of Windsor - that they did not want the Kings life needlessly prolonged if his illness was clearly fatal. There is no indication that the King himself had been consulted.
It is not clear from the notes how explicit Lord Dawson was in the exchange he reported with the Queen and Prince about the method of ending the Kings life, or whether this conversation had been initiated by the family or the physician. But there is circumstantial evidence, in a speech Lord Dawson delivered in the House of Lords in a debate on euthanasia 10 months later, to suggest that the discussion could have been prompted by the doctor. Mission of Mercy
The royal physician spoke against a bill that would have legalized the practice but he did so without condemning euthanasia. Instead, describing it as a mission of mercy, he argued it was a matter best left to the conscience of individual physicians rather than official regulators.
One should make the act of dying more gentle and more peaceful even if it does involve curtailment of the length of life, he told his fellow peers. That has become increasingly the custom. This may be taken as something accepted.
Calling for a gentle growth of euthanasia, rather than a removal of all restraints by legislation, Lord Dawson went on to say, If we cannot cure for heavens sake let us do our best to lighten the pain. Biographer Is Appalled
Similar reasoning was reflected in the notes he made after the Kings death. It was evident, the physician said, that the last stage might endure for many hours, unknown to the patient but little comporting with the dignity and the serenity which he so richly merited and which demanded a brief final scene.
If Lord Dawson ever imagined that future and more enlightened generations would hail his intervention, he would have been severely disappointed by the reaction here today to Mr. Watsons disclosures.
In my opinion the King
Answer: Why do you think there are so many who believe that Lady Diana was killed?
Unfair deeds have been performed, by those in power, throughout history.
Category: Law & Ethics » 'Lives of Omission' finale already exposed ...
August 30, 2011 1:32 pm You are here:Home Headline News World News South Asia 'Lives of Omission' finale already exposed, Producer may alter it ... As for Bosco and Kate's ending, the decision will be made this week. ...
Please read it all before answering. Is it normal for a guy to snoop thru a girlfriends chat/email/text msgs?
My girlfriend posted this question earlier but didnt post all the details. I snoop through her email and text messages but there is good reason. She has gone to visit 2 of her ex boyfriends since we have lived together on more than one occasion.
But one previous boyfriend (Jerry) lives right next door to her sister. He is well off financially and was her live in (these are her words) "sugar daddy" for over a year. She went to “visit her sister” and her and her whole family went to visit Jerry too.
The other ex boyfriend (James) she had lived with for quite a while too. This guy used to cheat on her, put her down and made her self esteem very low. He once wrote her an email while she was with me telling her how horrible she looked in her facebook photo. I called him out about that but he never responded. She has lied to me on several occasions when I confronted her about seeing them. She told me “no he was not there” but I knew for a fact differently. She is now best buddies with this James’s girlfriend Robin and says she is going there to see her. (Which of course means he is there at least some of the time.) This new girlfriend took her out one night for a girls night out with Robin (and get this) James’ s ex wife . Is this starting to sound like a recipe for disaster? I told her she should not go it sounded like trouble. It turned out just like I thought. Robin got into a fight with the ex wife and the law was called and people arrested.
She told me she was going to spend the night at her best friend’s house. When she did she ended up having sex with her best friend and her husband (she is bi). We have talked about this and she says it was just a “one time thing” but how can I believe that?
Her Mom and Stepfather (both of whom have never held steady jobs and never been self sufficient) decided to move here to Florida. They have often begged her and her sister for money to keep the lights on or buy groceries.... yet they always seem to have money to buy their smokeydope to get high with.
Because I would not let them stay here to freeload off of me she had told someone in a chat log that she was considering moving them in to her previous sugar daddys house but that she would have to live there too. Basically she was going to prostitute herself so her freeloading parents could have a place to stay.
She tells me I need to trust her. I keep trying. But it seems about the time I start trusting her again then she lies (whether by omission or outright) and my trust is broken. She erases chat logs now and deletes browsing history. She says because she “wants her privacy” I probably wouldn’t care at all if I could trust what she has to say. She gets angry with me because I don’t trust her. But it’s hard to do when you have been lied to so many times. I have on occasion falsely accused her because I didn’t know if she was telling the truth.
Don’t get me wrong. She is a very sweet woman and has had some horrible things happen in her past that cause her to do some of the things she does. I take these things into consideration. I stay with her because I love her dearly despite her faults. I have many faults too and she accepts those in me. Trust is very important to me.
Now before you answer this question I don’t want “pat answers” Like “If you don’t trust her you should leave” That’s not going to happen I am just looking for more or less a yes or no answer with a small explanation why. Here is the question.
Taking the above background taken into consideration, the lies, sneaking, cheating tell me would you think it’s such a bad thing for me to check her cell phone text histry, email chat logs and text messages. ???
Answers will be deleted if its obvious you didnt read the whole story.
Answer: You're looking for a straight 'yes' or 'no' but i honestly don't think you can apply that to this situation.
Yes i think it's a bad thing you're checking her stuff. But honestly i'd do the same in your situation. But that doesn't make it right.
You say trust is very important to you but if you trusted her you wouldn't be doing what you are. And she isn't going to trust you, no matter what she's done, if she finds out what you're upto.
Best thing is just to sit and talk about everything, have a big clear out conversation and get all your worries out in the open. It does no good to bottle everything up.
Category: Problems with Service
Finale Spoilers for “Lives of Omission” Exposed? |
Thus producer Chong Wai-Kin (莊偉健) didn't rule out the possibility of filming a sequel for Lives of Omission after completing the movie version of it. Amended Original Ending to Accommodate Audience's Reaction. The finale ...
TVB Celebrity News: 'Lives of Omission' finale already exposed ...
Producer Chong Wai Kin cannot say there won't be a sequel after the Lives of Omission film version. ... Producer Chong still hasn't finished editing the finale episode yet, therefore the exposed ending isn't the complete story. ...
Lives On Omission's real ending - Point2Entertainment
I am not watching Lives On Omission, nor will I but if the following is the ending, I might just watch! Great PS skills! You do know that will never happen in TVB world right? I mean you will see Kate snogging all the guys and rolling on bed but ...
Money makes you SAD/ANGRY/MEAN/HAPPY?>>>please read full article before answering!?
Money Matters
by Suze Orman
Count Your Blessings -- and Your Money
by Suze Orman
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Printable ViewEmail this PageMonday, July 31, 2006
Id be the last person to tell you that money can buy happiness, but Im fascinated by recent reports insisting that money isnt a major factor in whether or not people are happy.
Positive psychology (thats what academicians call the study of human happiness) is a hot field of research, and the folks at the Positive Psychology Center at the University of Pennsylvania have come up with an interesting questionnaire thats been getting a lot of press.
Yet nowhere in the 24-question Authentic Happiness Inventory does the issue of money -- or, more important, our desire for financial security -- merit a mention. Hmm.
A Conspicuous Omission
Given how expensive our lives are, how can money not be a factor? We have huge mortgages and tapped-out home equity lines of credit weighing on us. College tuition bills have never been more daunting. Our employers are less likely to give us a defined benefit pension, so the onus is on us -- and our 401(k)s -- to figure out how well be able to afford retirement. If were lucky enough to get health insurance through our employer, the trend is for each of us to be responsible for a greater portion of the bill.
I would love to live in a world where authentic happiness was achievable solely from the richness of relationships, but Im a realist. And the reality I see -- and that so many of you write to me about -- is one in which money plays into our ability to be truly happy.
Yes, Ive heard about the study of lottery winners that showed they were not relatively happier than those who hadnt won the lottery, and the one reporting that folks on the Forbes 100 list (the wealthiest people alive) werent much happier than the average American.
Those studies show that being filthy rich doesnt ensure happiness, but thats not something most of us have to contend with.
Im talking about how your happiness is affected when youre worried about how youll pay the bills at the end of the month, save for the future, and be able to afford to retire. In other words, how youll make ends meet. When those worries are your reality, I think its ridiculously hard to be authentically happy.
Happiness Is Income-Sensitive
Apparently, Im not the only one who thinks so. A survey conducted earlier this year by the Pew Research Center reports that, overall, just 34 percent of respondents are very happy.
But when you start to slice the findings by income, it gets very interesting: 49 percent of respondents with an annual family income above $100,000 say they are very happy. When income falls between $75,000 and $100,000, the very-happy contingent falls to 38 percent. Just 24 percent of those with incomes below $30,000 said they were very happy.
I want to be quite clear: Im in no way saying that money is all that matters. But Im so tired of how scared everyone is to admit that money does in fact make a difference in the quality of our lives.
A Family Affair
Most of you would probably say that what makes you truly happy is your family and the love you share in your relationships, and I couldnt agree more. But money comes into play in those relationships, too.
When I talk about money this way to a group, invariably someone comes up to me afterward and give me a "tsk, tsk" look and says, "Suze, you are so wrong. Money isnt the key to life, this is!" At which point their wallet flies open and they show me a photo of their family.
Thats when things get interesting, because I start asking them questions: Did you take that photo with your own camera? It looks like a beautiful beach; was the photo taken on a family vacation? Are those braces I see on the two teenagers? Do you hope to help those beautiful kids go to college?
As their heads bob in successive "yes" nods, I ask them how they provide all of that for their family. Thats when they understand that I had it right.
Richer, But Not Happier
At the risk of repeating myself, I totally agree that family and friends are vital to our well being; without meaningful relationships, theres no chance of ever being truly, authentically happy. Thats why, every Saturday night, I end my CNBC show with the following words: "People first. Then money. Then things."
But money does have a place at the table. If you dont have money to buy things, youre going to be very frustrated. Its just that simple.
How we handle the money we have also plays into our happiness. The Pew survey points out that over the past few decades, the percentage of Americans who say theyre happy hasnt changed much (it hovers at around one-third of the population), while at the same time the average per capita income has doubled in inflation-adjusted dollars. So we have more money, but were not much happier on average.
A paradox? Far from it. My sense is that we while were making more money, we arent making more of the money we make. We have a ton of debt, and we have to worry about saving for retirement in a way that our parents and grandparents never did. And as many of you know, its really hard to boost your happiness quotient when youve got a lot of money worries.
Where Are You on the Money/Happiness Scale?
Do you agree, or am I way off base? Id love to know what you think about the money/happiness connection. So answer the following questions and find out how you stack up with your fellow readers and happiness-seekers.
(Please answer and submit your response to one question at a time.)
Question 1:
Money has absolutely nothing to do with my level of happiness.
Strongly agree
Strongly disagree
Neither agree nor disagree
Question 2:
Money is a factor, though not the only factor, in my happiness.
Strongly agree
Strongly disagree
Neither agree nor disagree
Question 3:
I would be happier if I didn’t have to worry about paying the bills every month.
Strongly agree
Strongly disagree
Neitehr agree nor disagree
Question 4:
I would be happier if I could afford to save more money for my long-term goals (such as buying a home, paying for a child’s college education, or retiring comfortably)
Strongly agree
Strongly disagree
Neither agree nor disagree
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Answer: After one's basic needs (food, shelter, clothing, etc which reflect money or other assets) are met, other aspects of ones life may become more important than money in ones happiness. These are considered in some corporate compensation programs and may include things such as: recognition of accomplishments by management and peers, personal development opportunities, status symbols, and self fulfillment opportunities.
Category: Investing
nevada state constitution.?
Sec. 3. Pledge of certain property and money, escheated estates and fines collected under penal laws for educational purposes; apportionment and use of interest. All lands granted by Congress to this state for educational purposes, all estates that escheat to the state, all property given or bequeathed to the state for educational purposes, and the proceeds derived from these sources, together with that percentage of the proceeds from the sale of federal lands which has been granted by Congress to this state without restriction or for educational purposes and all fines collected under the penal laws of the state are hereby pledged for educational purposes and the money therefrom must not be transferred to other funds for other uses. The interest only earned on the money derived from these sources must be apportioned by the legislature among the several counties for educational purposes, and, if necessary, a portion of that interest may be appropriated for the support of the state university, but any of that interest which is unexpended at the end of any year must be added to the principal sum pledged for educational purposes.
[Amended in 1886, 1889, 1912, 1916, 1980, and 1988. The first amendment was approved and ratified by the people at the 1886 general election, but no entry of the proposed amendment had been made upon the journal of either house of the legislature, and such omission was fatal to the adoption of the amendment. See: State ex rel. Stevenson v. Tufly, 19 Nev. 391 (1887). The second amendment was proposed and passed by the 1885 legislature; agreed to and passed by the 1887 legislature; and approved and ratified by the people at a special election held February 11, 1889. See: Statutes of Nevada 1885, p. 160; Statutes of Nevada 1887, p. 168. The third amendment was proposed and passed by the 1909 legislature; agreed to and passed by the 1911 legislature; and approved and ratified by the people at the 1912 general election. See: Statutes of Nevada 1909, p. 340; Statutes of Nevada 1911, p. 453. The fourth amendment was proposed and passed by the 1913 legislature; agreed to and passed by the 1915 legislature; and approved and ratified by the people at the 1916 general election. See: Statutes of Nevada 1913, p. 591; Statutes of Nevada 1915, p. 513. The fifth amendment was proposed and passed by the 1977 legislature; agreed to and passed by the 1979 legislature; and approved and ratified by the people at the 1980 general election. See: Statutes of Nevada 1977, p. 1716; Statutes of Nevada 1979, p. 1953. The sixth amendment was proposed and passed by the 1985 legislature; agreed to and passed by the 1987 legislature; and approved and ratified by the people at the 1988 general election. See: Statutes of Nevada 1985, p. 2361; Statutes of Nevada 1987, p. 2355.]
my grandmother lives in california, and said that in their state constitution it says that the schools cannot force anyone to pay for classes, uniforms, intruments, summersschool, ect. and that the state never followed that rule until recently someone figured it out and made a complaint. now california is making alot of changes.
she told me i should read the nevada state constitution, because we follow california very closely and could be doing the same thing. i read a little of it, and i think this might be the right section, but honestly i dont fully understand it.
1. please help to understand this better.
2. if you have any other input or knowledge on the subject, feel free to add that in also!
thanks! ♥
Answer: There may be a section of the Nevada constitution that addresses fees for uniforms, instruments, etc., but this is not it. This section says that money set aside (and land grants set aside by Congress) for educational purposes can't be transferred to some other part of the budget and used to pay for something else instead of education.
Category: Government
Dating a man who has done time on drug charges.?
I met a man via phone though a friend... We talked for a month or so. He was not looking for me and it was kind of a by chance connection. We talked on the phone and via text for a little less than a month and then he disappeared. The last time I heard from him was over a month ago. It was a text telling me how much he cared and wished he could see me. He lives 3 hours away and although I head his way often he is still a little further south. I kept trying to meet up with him the 3 times I was down there and it never seem to work out on his end. He is a good guy, smart, funny, willing to tell me how he feels with no prompting, and entirely too good looking.
Last night he text out of now where. Tells me he is sorry he disappeared and he misses me very much. I was shocked and a little miffed to hear from him. I gave him quite a good chewing for just having the "balls" to contact me. After a bit of chewing that he took well he said "you dont understand." Fair... I let him call and after a little bit of me venting at him I let him explain with the understanding that if I got even the hint of dishonesty I would be ending the convo. He began to explain what he had not told me in the beginning. He was released from jail in November after doing 2 years on a drug conviction. Selling weed. Although I dont use any drugs now nor have I since I was a teenager behaving badly, I am not completely ignorant of the world of drugs. I partied hard once upon a time but that stage passed. It does not horrify me. What others do is there business as long as it doesnt affect me. Back on point, he was living in a halfway house and is now in his own home again but on home confinement for a month. He said he didnt want me to judge him before I got to know him and although he had not been looking for me he wanted to know me once he had found me. When he dropped of the planet he said he knew he was past the point where he should have told me and didnt know how. Last night he took my disappointment in his lie and the fact that he did not trust me enough not to freak out. I understand why he didnt want to tell me. I really do understand it. Would you put that out there right away? I wouldnt.
I find that I am very impressed with what he was brave enough to do last night. He has a strong personality and he did something that I imagine was very hard to do. I also take it he cares far more than I thought to be able to tell me now.
It may seem strange but the conviction doesnt bother me too much. What he did was against the law and he paid for it. I dont feel that people should pay for things like this forever. We all screw up. Some of worse than others. Im not saying that I would feel this way about all convictions but this one yes. It is fresh still though. Has he learned from it? Time will tell. In the mean time I think that he is a good man who messed up. Thinking back he lied only by omission. He never answered my question untruthfully, he just didnt offer it up. I did not think this was something that I needed to ask. He lied yes but in the most honest way he could if that makes sense, and I understand why he did.
Do I give this man a chance with caution? Do I bail? Do I remain only what I have been and see how all this goes for him in the next few months? I am at a loss for answers. I have no experience to help me on this one.
Please dont be rude or mean. I am looking for an objective open minded answer.
Answer: OK. I would not be against giving someone a chance that has a past record. I have one myself. I learned from my mistakes and have moved on. I would never do anything to put my life and all that I have NOW at risk. With that being said- I am not sure how old this person is but I would take that into consideration. If he is well into his mature years I would not be able to enter into a relationship with someone who was way beyond old enough to know what they were doing. My ex was 32 when he caught his charge and I thought that was pretty stupid considering he knew better and had a lot to lose but still chose to do so anyway. WE LOST EVERYTHING and now he will never see daylight again and it wasn't his first time being charged with drug possession and resale.
If the person is a teen ager or maybe 25 and under then I would maybe consider it. But beyond that no way. He should have known better and you do not need to mix your life in with someone who could take you down with him. If he didn't care about putting his own self in that mess do you think he will care about doing that to you? If he knows you are against it he will just sneak around behind you and do it if he hasn't learned his lesson. And what kind of job will he have given these charges are on his record? You going to support him when he can't work? Or will he HAVE to sell drugs again since he cannot get a job?
I would not be involved. I guess it's because I have been down that road. And it hurts.
Also, just because he didn't trust you enough to tell you before but now he does... don't take that as a sign that he is starting to love you or learn to have resepct for you. He decided to be honest because he wanted to be honest about it- just like he could have in the past. He knows that he is in a mess and nobody will really want to stick around and deal with it.
I am sure he is a nice guy. But look really close before you get involved with him. He sounds like a huge mess that you don't need. AND never forget that just because someone has done time and they have paid their dues does not mean they will stop their behavior. SOMEtimes when people are at the age that they should no better but they still mess up it means that they will be like that forever.
I would run for the hills!!!!!!!!! Sorry... Hope this helps.
Category: Singles & Dating
Finale Spoilers for “Lives of Omission” Exposed? |
Aug 31, 2011 ... Amended Original Ending to Accommodate Audience's Reaction. The finale spoilers for Lives of Omission were exposed earlier, which ...
Ending the life of the act/omission dispute: causation in withholding ...
5th edn, 1999) pp 296–305 and Huxtable, above n 5, p 120. Ending the life of the act/omission dispute 469. İ 2011 The Author. Legal Studies İ 2011 The Society ...
Lives of Omission - 潛行狙擊
[SPOILER ALERT] CH 29-30 (FINALE) Discussion for Lives of Omission. Definitely a bittersweet feeling that Lives of Omission is ending. It's been a pleasant and ...
Did Roberta Sparrows life change as a result of Donnie Darkos death?
At he end of the movie, scenes of several charabters appeared, whose life might have been altered by Darkos sacrifice. Was it an omission, or something else?
Answer: One great thing about Donnie Darko is that it leaves you to form your own conclusions, so there really is no right or wrong answer here.
I would say that yes, her life probably was affected, especially by the fact that he wrote her a letter before he died. However, it probably did not hold enough significance to show in the movie.
Category: Movies
Why are Republicans opposed to health care in light of this overwhelming evidence?
Health Care Insurance companies are murdering paying Americans! They have been doing it for years.
Here is the deal, you have paid into your insurance policy all your life. You get sick and need urgent care or you will die. You go and get procedures done, then smack dab in the middle of it all, your health insurance carrier drops your coverage and retroactively takes back all the payments it has made to your health care bills. Unable to fight it out in court due to your medical condition, you are forced to die.
Why did the private health care company decide to rescind your policy? Technically: Because they found some tiny discrepancy in your medical records and retroactively took away your coverage. Realistically: Because they make profit off not paying out your policy.
In the links, Blue cross and blue shield employees were praised and rewarded for finding anything that could be used to rescind a sick persons health care coverage.
How many people have to die in the name of profits?
What is worse, is that the private insurance companies refuse to stop the practice of rescission. Here is a link:
Here is more testimony in front of a senate panel
The evidence is overwhelming. 6000 people just in ONE lawsuit in California were unfairly rescinded, many have since died of their ailments, nearly all the others were forced into bankruptcy, costing taxpayers millions of dollars.
Conservatives claim to be pro life. They claim to protect innocent lives. Why support the insurance company that can rescind you, or me, or anyone else and condemn us to die on a technicality when you need health care coverage the most?
Sarah Palin called the Obama health care panel a "death panel", but that is EXACTLY what we have right now! The insurance companies are profiteering off of death.
If you still oppose health care reform after reading these links, I pray that you never find yourself needing health care and get rescinded because of a typo or omission that you were unaware of on your application, because if it doesnt kill you, it will bankrupt you.
So, how can you be against health care reform after reading and seeing this?
Answer: I agree with you entirely. The insurance companies lobby most politicians into getting what they want. I really don't think insurance reform would be bad for this country. The government tries to scare us into thinking that we will get less care and can't pick our own doctors. That's a bunch of bullshit!! I've been on both sides of the tracks. I've seen the benefits of having government insurance and then having to see what private insurance does over here. Over here the insurance companies have too much damn power and not enough compassion and scruples to help the deathly ill. If we are all healthy, then they will bend over backwards for us, if we are gravely ill you can forget it. People are not properly informed about this type of insurance and only hear and believe what they want to. I am all for this type of insurance.
The private insurance companies are all about making a profit and paying top notch to those who will keep them making the money.
As for all these people that don't give a damn, I wonder if you would still feel the same if you or your loved ones had a life threatening disease and the insurance companies cut them off and they died because it. Think about that. If you still feel the same it's no wonder this country is going into the toilet!!
Watch this film by Michael Moore. It's called "Sicko". It definitely changed my mind. Don't be naive.
Category: Politics
A complaint about atheists?
Youre mean >:( (angry face expressing anger)
It seems that before I launch into this, I should tell you that whenever a will-o-the-wisp of cameralism, however unreal, turns up anywhere, Atheists is off at a trot. In the text that follows, when I quote from Atheists, I will use the word "excrement" in place of another word which is now apparently permitted in general circulation publications and which I have edited out. There can be no doubt that he is the embodiment of everything petty in our lives. Every grievance, every envy, every naive ideology finds expression in Atheists. By following his suggestions, we have become such poor caretakers of the tree of liberty that it has wilted and is sagging dangerously close to the ground. Nevertheless, I can state with absolute certainty that there isnt so much as a molecule of evidence that totalitarianism is the key to world peace. The only reason that Atheists claims otherwise is that once you understand his artifices, you have a responsibility to do something about them. To know, to understand, and not to act, is an egregious sin of omission. It is the sin of silence. It is the sin of letting Atheists leave behind a legacy of perpetual indebtedness in developing countries.
If anyone should propose a practical scheme for recalling the ideals of compassion, nonviolence, community, and cooperation, I should be quite disposed to incur almost any degree of expense to accomplish that object. In the meantime, let me point out that Atheists does not tolerate any view that differs from his own. Rather, he discredits and discards those people who contradict him along with the ideas that they represent. In essence, his contrivances are all about denial, usually in the form of circumlocutory jargon that distorts and evades and seldom stands up to honest analysis. More emphatically, the objection may still be raised that the peak of fashion is to send lousy, obtuse scofflaws on safari holidays instead of publicly birching them. At first glance this sounds almost believable yet the following must be borne in mind: If I had to choose the most polyloquent specimen from Atheistss welter of grotesque gabble, it would have to be Atheistss claim that the rigors that his victims have been called upon to undergo have been amply justified in the sphere of concrete achievement.
Was Atheists just trying to be cute when he said that its perfectly safe to drink and drive? I sure hope so because he is always trying to change the way we work. This annoys me because Atheistss previous changes have always been for the worse. Im positive that his new changes will be even more unconscionable because if Atheists continues to bring widespread death and degradation to millions of human beings across the face of the Earth, crime will escalate as schools deteriorate, corruption increases, and quality of life plummets. I see how important his cold-blooded, raucous protests are to his loyalists and I laugh. I laugh because he expresses insufficient concern about the ozone layer, the Bhopal tragedy, and lesbian theater. And here, I allege, lies a clue to the intellectual vacuum so gapingly apparent in his teachings. I have one final message for you before ending this letter: Atheists justifies his ideologies with a specious veneer of science.
You know the greek philosopher "atheists"?
Answer: Opinions are like asshole in that yours is longer than most.
Category: Religion & Spirituality
Lives of Omission - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Lives of Omission premiered on 1 August 2011 and is slated to end on 9 September 2011 with a total of 30 episodes. Lives of Omission centers around a squad ...
TVBcrazy: GOOD NEWS!!! :D
most ppl already no that in the end of Lives of Omissions that Jodie is going to die but now they changed the ending ^_^ it has been rumoured that Kate Tsui (Paris) is an undercover and she's going to die instead. ...
How to end social inequality in india?
Human rights are not respected in India.
Article I.
All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.
Article II.
1. Everyone is entitled to all rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration, without distinction of any kind, such as race, color, sex, language, religion, political or otherwise, national or social origin, property, birth or any other condition.
2. There is also no distinction made in the political, jurisdictional or international status of the country or territory to which a person belongs, whether its an independent territory, trust, non self-governing or under any other limitation of sovereignty.
Article III.
Everyone has the right to life, liberty and personal security.
Article IV.
No one shall be held in slavery or servitude, slavery and the slave trade shall be prohibited in all their forms.
Article V.
No one shall be subjected to torture or cruel treatment or punishment, inhuman or degrading treatment.
Article VI.
Everyone has the right to be everywhere recognized as a person before the law.
Article VII.
All are equal before the law and are entitled without any discrimination to equal protection of law. All are entitled to equal protection against any discrimination in violation of this Declaration and against any incitement to such discrimination.
Article VIII.
Everyone has the right to receive effective remedy by the competent national tribunals for acts violating the fundamental rights granted him by constitution or by law.
Article IX.
No one shall be subjected to arbitrary arrest, detention or exile.
Article X.
Everyone is entitled in full equality to a fair and public hearing by an independent and impartial tribunal, in deciding upon their rights and obligations and the foundation of any criminal charge against him.
Article XI.
1. Everyone charged with a penal offense has the right to be presumed innocent until his guilt has been proven according to law in a public trial at which he has had all the guarantees necessary for his defense.
2. No one shall be held guilty of any act or omission which, at the time did not constitute a crime under national law or international. Nor shall a heavier penalty imposed than the one at the time of practice, was applicable to the criminal act.
Article XII.
No one shall be subjected to arbitrary interference with his privacy, his family, home or correspondence, nor to attacks upon his honor and reputation. Everyone is entitled to protection by law against such interference or attacks.
Article XIII.
1. Everyone has the right to freedom of movement and residence within the borders of each state.
2. Everyone has the right to leave any country, including his own, and to return.
Article XIV.
1. Everyone, from persecution is entitled to seek and enjoy asylum in other countries.
2. This right may not be invoked in the case of prosecutions genuinely arising from common law crimes or from acts contrary to the purposes and principles of the United Nations.
Article XV.
1. Everyone has the right to a nationality.
2. No one shall be arbitrarily deprived of his nationality nor denied the right to change his nationality.
Article XVI.
1. Men and women of full age, without any limitation due to race, nationality or religion, have the right to marry and to found a family. Enjoy equal rights as to marriage, during marriage and its dissolution.
2. Marriage shall be entered into only with the free and full consent of the intending spouses.
3. The family is the natural and fundamental group unit of society and is entitled to protection by society and state.
Article XVII.
1. Everyone has the right to own property alone or in association with others.
2. No one shall be arbitrarily deprived of his property.
Article XVIII.
Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion: this right includes freedom to change religion or belief and freedom to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance, in public or particular.
Article XIX.
Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression: this right includes freedom without interference, to have opinions and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.
Article XX.
1. Everyone has the right to freedom of peaceful assembly and association.
2. No one may be compelled to belong to an association.
Article XXI.
1. Everyone has the right to take part in the government of his country, directly or through freely chosen representatives.
2. Everyone has the right to equal access to public service in his country.
3. The will of the people shall be the basis of government authority, this will shall be expressed in periodic and genuine elections by universal suffrage, by secret vote or equivalent process to ensure fr
Answer: The only way is to CRUSH those communal morons [who divide Indians on the basis of caste, creed, race and religion] after taking huge sums of SPY MONEY from Chinese and Pakistani spy agencies. The government should have laws to declare such anti-nationals disguised as staunch nationalists as TERRORISTS and the law enforcement should be given freedom to SHOOT AT SIGHT at the slightest provocation.
The fake north Indian Aryan Supremacy complex (similar to the loser Hitler's Aryan Supremacy theory) should be crushed the same way the joker Hitler was crushed by the Soviets durng the World War II. Hitler's followers in India should commit suicide unable to face the onslaught of the law enforcement just like what Hitler did. Aryan Supremancy - My foot.
These PSEUDO-PATRIOTS have so badly divided the nation on communal lines leaving the common man with irrepairable damages. ONLY PAKISTANIS CAN SAY THAT JINNAH IS SECULAR, INDIANS CAN'T.
@ Nitha / Ganda: I agree with you that all benefits and growth find it difficult to trickle down from the hands of some north Indian Aryans to the poor. That was why India failed to shine in spite of the 'India Shining Campaign'.
Why don't you unblock me, are you scared of tough guys / answers? How will people who are so timid get back their lands lost during partition?
The Aftermath Inc.
Category: Politics
I have to be present when a person signs up for policies correct.?
I am a new health insurance agent and have this client. A pretty good size one that I have been working on for weeks. Its the end of the quarter and were trying to close it in 2 days. Were working with an HR person who lives out of state. She is refusing to let us see the employees to have them sign the necessary documents. The company is paying for their policies all the employees need to do is just sign 2 things. This is illegal for me to send paper documents over to her and have them sign it without me present correct. If someone has had a situation like this please help me out. Also we went to the owner (HR sister) and she told me to talk to the HR person. Weve gone around in circles for weeks with her. I will lose me license due to errors and omissions if i do this and something goes wrong,correctI just need some help. I know theres a lot of info that is left out. But any help would be great. Thanks
Answer: Whether or not you have to be present with the employee, is going to vary state by state. But if you've already been told it's illegal for you not to be there, well, do you want a client that's going to be breaking the law? My philosophy is, they're probably hiding something, that is probably going to come back and bite you in the rear, and YOU are going to be the fall guy.
Sometimes, it's worth it to walk away from slimey customers. There are more out there - it's NOT worth your career.
**I thought about this last night, while up with a crying 2 year old at 3am. Ya know, you can't POSSIBLY be with every single employee who signs up to be part of a group policy. If they have 3000 employees in 20 offices, it's just not realistic. You need to call your marketing rep and ask. This is a GROUP policy, right?**
Category: Insurance
Tai Seng DVD Club -- New Release
9/2/2011. Disc A. Lives of Omission (13-18)#4; The Magic Ring (5-6). Disc B. The Life and Times of a Sentinel (21-25 END)#5; Neighborhood Gourmet (13-16) ...
Laughing-Gor Going On The Silver Screen Once Again |
Fala Chen Doesn't Dare To Dream Of Becoming TV Queen. Fala Chen talks about ending of "Lives of Omission" and rumors that she has been appointed to receive the TV Queen award. (203 Comments) ...
Funds for alternative, renewable, electrical power plants no byproducts omitted in to the atmosphere, land or?
01/19/2011 I have an Alternative, Renewable, Electrical Power Plant Plans, No byproducts omitted in to the Atmosphere, land, or human life in any way shape or form. I want to show the world this project for the rebuilding of this planet of its structures generation or harvesting of electrical energy. There is no fossil fuels burned, no nuclear use, no radiation use, no dams needed, or wind generation needed or used, no solar needed or used no geothermal used, no chemicals used, no hazards of pollutions. i have these three power plants for the showing to the department of energy, its plans of this project, and the working pro to types too prove there is no byproducts products of any to create any land fills, or coal sludges like they have now, I have tried too show these projects, and they just want too steal it from under handed ways, i had an non disclosure to an Rick E Iaccino, and he thinks he knows all the projects working capabilities, as i showed him just the start up or this project, and now he thinks he knows the whole project. I do not have this man as an partner any more, as he sent me an email, and said if i try to build this project he will try to stop this, as he thinks i an use of down pressors, and its not, this start up looks like an down pressor system, and when this process is done its an different from of an working system. To bad for him tring to run and take charge of this project, I have this non disclousure to do an agreement patent not to show the rest of the world, as the patent department has so manny liers, cheats, and thives, and corruptions going on in it, how did our government project leak out of its patents, because of greed of all in side of its walls, this project can not get in to the hands of countries that want to do harm to others countries, how do i hide this, and i called the department od defense, and asked if they want it, and i am looked at as an no education, only collage people have all the knowage right, wrong look at the past history in the arcrives of self learns of books, and had on the job training, and when you can drive an locomotive, and set up an die or mold for quality production, and no texr book trained me too do these projects, i was an foreman in three different companies, and have done work, and repair that no one would be able to do by the book. Books are nice, and so is texting, thats all kids do now adays no work, just text a way, and take your mine off your job duities and watch this country fall down the tubes once you let these little boys text all day long on the work force in your company, do not run the company, lets text, all day long, little kids, paid well, but dont do there work, at work. interfearence of this way of life will end taking a lot of lives, and this should not be done on the job. Back to my project. should I patent my project, and let the whole world see it for the creation of wars??? or should i just build it and keep Quite??? Email me at, or watch my twitter for my project of the lies about energy in this country, and the miss use of it, and how too keep the large companies over seas, and no work in America, now lets all stay on unenployment, i changed my working duities three times to stay working, and now a days these kids, adults, and all stay on unenployment when there job duities are not there to work them, jobs are needed in this country, and now i have the way to create thousands of jobs, and no one wants my energy because its fuel less, dont you want an clean environment, or should i sell my project to china, or some othe god for saken country that theat there people like cattle, may be this should happen if the country change hands, is this what you want, coal for fuel, choak on it, and omissions are up, and the cancer is bad in this country, now lets drink the chromumin 6 from all the polluters the government lets them use your was clean water to build there war projects, this world wants too get dirty, full of corruption, steal from great inventors, and use it for bad things, great now drink, breath, and eat your poisions, you like it, and believe me, once its there, the planet will not be here for you your kids, and the people, that are pigs, and pollution, is the ends of this earth. God will tell all when you can not clean what you have done, its starting now, drink the posion you created. You have done it. Now you can not correct it, lie, steal, pollute. It only took youwhat two hundred years, now what??? there is my question, collage boys fix it, its just like spell check right, push your botton, and fix it, now its all fixed right little boys, all my spelling is not tooo woolr is it, but you r earth is now fix it little boys fix it, oh my water it is no goog i pi put some of our posinois in it and now i cna t c can not drink itt, O h no my want m y my water. You done now, and you can not fix it, you let the people do this now fix it. fix it, get your blac
Category: Engineering
lives of omission | Tumblr
Lives Of Omission is coming to an end soon and did anyone heard that the ending is leak? There's rumors that out of the 4 main characters, 3 will be dead and 1 ...
Lives On Omission's real ending - Point2Entertainment
I am not watching Lives On Omission, nor will I but if the following is the ending, I might just watch! Great PS skills! You do know that will never happen in TVB ...