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Did you see me, Not Out Yet AKA Justin, on national news today?
Also check out this Fridays edition of Jet. I might be in that. I also was interviewed by TV guide, FOX national, NBC national, APR (national), a french radio channel (national), saloon(dot)com, getty images, and Obamas blog.
Answer: good for you
Category: Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgendered
Can the Main Steam Media (MSM) repair the self-inflicted damage to itself? (Picking on Palin has hurt them!)?
I was listening to an interview with Andrea Mitchell, a respected member of the NBC news team. Ms. Mitchell suggested that the only women Governor Palin would appeal to are blue-collar, uneducated women. Wow! What a slap in the face of educated women who ARE going to vote for Senator McCain and Governor Palin.
Over the weekend I found out that the big O (Oprah, not Obama) refuses to interview Governor Palin. Im fine with that, but with Oprah and Ellen and The View so openly Democratic, so openly using their television shows to showcase the Democratic ticket, are these shows setting the groundwork for the networks having to give that airtime to the Republicans to use however they see fit?
I like it that the RNC is now in charge of telling the MSM when they can interview Governor Palin. The RNC nor does Governor Palin answer to the MSM; the MSM answers to them, insofar as when and where Governor Palin will talk to them. Personally I would not have given either of the Big 3 (ABC, CBS, NBC) the first interview. But I like the control Governor Palin and Senator McCain are exercising over the MSM.
Whats your view?
Answer: Main Stream Media, and if you're going to spell it out, don't bother using the acronym. If you're going to use the acronym, don't spell it out, especially incorrectly.
In any event, I'm glad you like that.
Category: Elections
Is This a Modern Day Reality Check?
The ant works hard in the withering heat all summer long, building his house and laying up supplies for the winter.
The grasshopper thinks the ant is a fool and laughs and dances and plays the summer away.
Come winter, the ant is warm and well fed.
The grasshopper has no food or shelter, so he dies out in the cold.
MORAL OF THE STORY: Be responsible for yourself!
The ant works hard in the withering heat all summer long, building his house and laying up supplies for the winter.
The grasshopper thinks the ant is a fool and laughs and dances and plays the summer away.
Come winter, the shivering grasshopper calls a press conference and demands to know why the ant should be allowed to be warm and well fed while others are cold and starving.
CBS, NBC , PBS, CNN, and ABC show up to provide pictures of the shivering grasshopper next to a video of the ant in his comfortable home with a table filled with food. America is stunned by the sharp contrast.
How can this be, that in a country of such wealth, this poor grasshopper is allowed to suffer so?
Kermit the Frog appears on Oprah with the grasshopper and everybody cries when they sing, Its Not Easy Being Green.
Jesse Jackson stages a demonstration in front of the ant’s house where the news stations film the group singing, We shall overcome. Jesse then has the group kneel down to pray to God for the grasshoppers sake.
Nancy Pelosi & John Kerry exclaim in an interview with Larry King that the ant has gotten rich off the back of the grasshopper, and both call for an immediate tax hike on the ant to make him pay his fair share.
Finally, the EEOC drafts the Economic Equity & Anti-Grasshopper Act retroactive to the beginning of the summer.
The ant is fined for failing to hire a proportionate number of green bugs and, having nothing left to pay his retroactive taxes, his home is confiscated by the government.
The story ends as we see the grasshopper finishing up the last bits of the ants food while the government house he is in, which just happens to be the ants old house, crumbles around him because he doesnt maintain it.
The ant has disappeared in the snow.
The grasshopper is found dead in a drug related incident and the house, now abandoned, is taken over by a gang of spiders who terrorize the once peaceful neighborhood.
Answer: nice story!!!!!!!! and very true how it works.
the 30 million illegals that are here taking our tax morney are all grasshoppers! In some cases they are the spiders Terrorizing once peaceful neijbhor "hoods". On top of all the Ghetto Octo Moms grasshoppers living off other people as well.
Breakdown of different kind of Grasshoppers taking peoples hard earned money
3. GHETO OCTO MOM GRASSHOPPERS. (that have 6 kids with 6 different dads)
Please feel free to add to the list :-)
4. oh and we must add the president grasshopper to this list too. Obama already spent 1 trillion dollars of other peoples hard earned cash and plans to spread much much more...
Category: Politics
What source will "C0nservatives" allow us to use?
I quoted an Associated Press article earlier, which had been printed in the New York Times, and some silly "C0nservative" scolded me for not using a "valid source"!
It was an AP article, so tell me "C0nservatives" why I cant quote that?
I suppose in your simple little minds the ONLY source I am "permitted" to use is F0x "News" (or Rush! :-)
(silly C0ns :-)
(its no wonder your pathetic party is in such disarray :-(
Here is a (PARTIAL) list of the "Liberal rags" (according to "C0nservatives" :-)
- NY Times
- Reuters
- PBS/NPR (silly "Cons" :-)
- Air America
- RadioPower.org
- The Guardian
- Washington Post
- Time Magazine (silly "Cons" :-)
- Slate
- Huffington Post
- Oprah Winfrey
- The Daily Show
- The Colbert Report
- Associated Press (silly "Cons" :-)
- The Atlantic Monthly
- The New Republic
- LA Times
- San Francsico Chronicle
- Boston Globe
- Salon
- CBS News
- Daily Kos
- NY Daily News
- The New Yorker
- The Nation
- Newsweek (silly "Cons" :-)
- Harpers
- FactCheck
- Drudge Report
Answer: As you have pointed out, the NYT has access the Associated Press articles. But what you do not understand is the NYT chooses which AP article to present to the public. The AP has authors of different political persuasion (left-right), therefore the NYT choose the left leaning articles to promote their liberal cause. The NYT is a lapdog media outlet for Obama and the rest of the socialists like Pelosi. It is a known fact that The New York Times is far left of center.
I do not frequent all of the sources on your list. I do know The Drudge Report is to the far right, yet you call it a "liberal rag". I would recommend researching before assuming.
Category: Politics
Shamcey Supsup Should've Won -Oprah
A new controversy has arouse online as the popular talk show host, Oprah Winfrey, was reported to have this message on the America's major broadcasting television network, NBC News Network. According to the report from online posts, ...
Oprah Donates $6 Million to Charter Schools | NBC Chicago
Sep 21, 2010 ... Says the donations mark the end of the Angel Network's giving.
MISSOSOLOGY • View topic - Oprah Winfrey say's via NBC News
Oprah Winfrey say's via NBC News "I have reservations with the results. If the only basis is the Q and A portion, after having been trimmed down ...
Have you heard Senator Inhofe Says He Will Call for Investigation on "Climategate"?
Ranking Member of the committee on Environment Senator Inhofe Says He Will Call for Investigation on "Climategate".
Yet, despite the seriousness of this issue, as well as this prominent Senator and others calling for hearings to investigate it, Americas television news organizations appear to be actively boycotting this growing controversy.
Here is what was covered instead of the massive world wide fraud,of professors and scientists, the very people who will present evidence of Man Made Global warming in Copenhagen,
* ABCs "World News with Charles Gibson" Friday did a very lengthy piece about Oprah Winfrey ending her syndicated daytime talk show
* ABCs "World News with Charles Gibson" Monday did a lengthy piece on new revelations involving the marital affair of Sen. John Ensign (R-Nev.)
* CBS "Evening News" Saturday reported a ten-year-old pianist playing at Carnegie Hall
* CBS "Evening News" Sunday did lengthy pieces on the website FreeCreditReport.com not being free and the movie "New Moon"
* CBS "Evening News" Monday did lengthy pieces about defective drywall and a man who makes money wearing t-shirts
* NBC "Nightly News" Friday reported on Switzerlands supercollider being turned back on
* NBC "Nightly News" Saturday did a somewhat lengthy report on food carts
* NBC "Nightly News" Sunday reported the release of British singer Susan Boyles CD, and then followed it up with another report Monday on her promoting it.
As for CNN, it has been broadcasting for almost 120 straight hours since this story broke, and it appears the so-called "Most Respected Name In News" has yet to devote one second to this huge scandal.
Answer: The "fix" should have become evident when it became so difficult to find UNBIASED proponents of a theory which is excessively funded by world governments and is poised to make billions in not TRILIIONS in sales of so-called "green technology"... If they could make a fortune off of the "flat earth theory", is there anyone that doubts they WOULD? When the local weatherman can predict the weather NEXT WEEK with accuracy I may start to believe in a "global warming" theory... but like the "global cooling" proponents of the seventies and eighties, they follow Occum's Razor to the most logical source of MONEY!
Category: Politics
Who is the sexiest female journalist?
a. Christiane Amanpour, CNN
b. Erica Hill, CNN
c. Katie Couric, NBC, CBS
d. Lisa Ling, ABC, Nat Geo, Oprah, CNN
e. Rosemary Church, CNN
To me Christiane Amanpour is sexy because of her confidence and ability to show it with no arrogance. Also her courage reporting in battlefields and voice I truly find seductive. But Rosemary Church (World News Asia) is hot! Whenever I see her on the news I get my petroleum jelly and you know the next.
Answer: I like Christine Amanpour too but she's too old for me though.
Category: Celebrities
Who was the channel 5 news anchor that became an entertainment reporter on Access Hollywood?
He was on NBC, Chicago. Tall, Lean, African American Guy. I think his first name is John. He was anchoring in Chicago around 92, 93. He was also featured on an Oprah show where she was trying to find him a date.
Answer: Yes, his name is John Kelly... he was a reporter for NBC 5 in Chicago, then moved to Access Hollywood, and then later the network, not sure what hes doing now
Category: Reality Television
Whats the difference between Katrina & North Dakota?
>North Dakota News
>This text is from a county emergency manager out in the western part
>North Dakota state after a snowstorm.
>Up here, in the Northern Plains, we just recovered from a Historic
>may I even say a "Weather Event" of "Biblical Proportions" --- with a
>historic blizzard of up to 44" inches of snow and winds to 90 MPH that
>broke trees in half, knocked down utility poles, stranded hundreds of
>motorists in lethal snow banks, closed ALL roads, isolated scores of
>communities and cut power to 10s of thousands.
>George Bush did not come.
>FEMA did nothing.
>No one howled for the government.
>No one blamed the government.
>No one even uttered an expletive on TV .
>Jesse Jackson or Al Sharpton did not visit.
>Our Mayor did not blame Bush or anyone else.
>Our Governor did not blame Bush or anyone else, either.
>CNN, ABC, CBS, FOX or NBC did not visit - or report on this category 5
>snowstorm. Nobody demanded $2,000 debit cards.
>No one asked for a FEMA Trailer House.
>No one looted.
>Nobody - I mean Nobody demanded the government do something.
>Nobody expected the government to do anything, either.
>No Larry King, No Bill ORielly, No Oprah, No Chris Mathews and No
>No Shaun Penn, No Barbara Striesand, No Hollywood types to be found.
>Nope, we just melted the snow for water.
>Sent out caravans of SUVs to pluck people out of snow engulfed cars.
>The truck drivers pulled people out of snow banks and didnt ask for a
>Local restaurants made food and the police and fire departments
>it to the snowbound families.
>Families took in the stranded people - total strangers.
>We fired up wood stoves, broke out coal oil lanterns or Coleman
>We put on extra layers of clothes because up here it is "Work or Die".
>We did not wait for some affirmative action government to get us out
of a
>mess created by being immobilized by a welfare program that trades
>for sit-in at home checks.
>Even though a Category "5" blizzard of this scale has never fallen
>early, we know it can happen and how to deal with it ourselves.
>"In my many travels, I have noticed that once one gets north of about
>degrees North Latitude, 90% of the worlds social problems evaporate."
>It does seem that way, at least to me.
>I hope this gets passed on.
>Maybe SOME people will get the message. The world does Not owe you a
Answer: Uhh...how much revenue is generated from this state compared to how much is flowing through LA? 500,000 displaced compared to about 10000? You do the math?
Dr. Know don't Know sh*t!!! Know dat...clown
Category: Media & Journalism
EXCLUSIVE: Jenny McCarthy Dumps Oprah Winfrey's Struggling ...
Jul 28, 2011 ... McCarthy was set to create a television series for the talk show titan's fledgling network after signing a development deal in 2009.
'Frustrated' Jenny McCarthy Leaves Oprah's OWN for NBC | XFINITY ...
Jul 28, 2011 ... Former Playboy Playmate turned author Jenny McCarthy has reportedly become so frustrated with the “creative team” at Oprah Winfrey's OWN ...
Should we be more focused on the victims of VA tech instead of Cho seung-hui and his sick fantasy?
If anyone watching Oprah this morning, you would know that there was a survivor of the Columbine shooting on there, and he said that these shooters (Cho, and columbine shooters) want attention. And thats exactly what Cho is getting. He is plastered all over the news, and its sad. He even went to the drastic measures of mailing a package to NBC containing, photos, videos, and a letter, this shows that in a way he got what he wanted, he wanted to be broadcasted everywhere, and i think we should focus more on the victims, and the survivors of this tragedy instead of fufilling Chos sickening fantasy. The young man on oprah says that this will spark more people to do the same. And that Cho made the record for school shootings, and there will be some people out there that idolize him and will want to top his record.
Answer: Question - Should we be more focused on the victims of VA tech instead of Cho seung-hui and his sick fantasy.
One word - YES!!!!
Category: Current Events
Shamcey Supsup deserved to win by Oprah Winfrey
Oprah Winfrey say's via NBC News "I have reservations with the results. If the only basis is the Q and A portion, after having been trimmed down to 5, Ms. Philippines deserved to win. What made her different from the rest is ...
Is Oprah going to help launch OBAMA TV to a wider audience so he can spread his propaganda at a faster pace?
You didnt see this on CNN or Fox News or NBC: President Obama awkwardly introducing Chiles president, Sebastián Piñera, to the Netherlands prime minister, Jan Peter Balkenende, at the recent nuclear security summit. "You know, uh, youve met Jan?" the president says tentatively as the other world leaders stand aside like shy kids at a dance.
Or this: Obama, playfully doing his best impression of Muhammad Ali, throwing mock punches into the midsection of a costumed Easter Bunny following the White House Easter Egg Roll.
You didnt see it on the networks because the behind-the-scenes video was only available on "West Wing Week," the Obama administrations new video blog.
Why is Obama side-stepping the white house press corps in favor of his OWN video crew? What doesnt he want us to know/see?
Answer: Probably because they ask questions that talking head Gibbs cannot answer or, prefers to dance around. It is better to have the propaganda machine put forth the canned message so that we don't know what is going on. Questions asked in real time have more value than videotaped responses that are not totally accurate due to editing. The president slammed technology in a recent address at Hampton University but has no problem using it shamelessly to further his own agenda. The DC double standard is very much alive and probably is worse than it has been for some time.
Category: Politics
Oprah Winfrey says Supsup should have ... - Philippine Showbiz News
3 hours ago ... Her statement via NBC News says: Oprah Winfrey says Supsup deserved to win. “I have reservations with the results. If the only basis is the Q ...
Oprah Winfrey said "Miss Philippines deserve to win" | Mint Screen
Oprah said in a report from NBC News, “I have a reservations with the result.If the only basis is the Q & A portion,after having been trimmed down to 5 Ms. Philippines deserve to win. What made her different from the rest is that ...
Oprah Winfrey statement interview about “Miss Philippines Shamcey ...
Hands down, Ms. Philippines answered straight to the point.” This is the statement of Oprah in a report from NBC news. Honestly speaking on the statement above given by Oprah she really have a point on it! Well, for me? ...
about obama and oprah?
Since I dont know how to reach the individuals that answered my posting I will have to do it this way.
First Carly: Dont you watch the national news programs? It showed Obama on CBS and NBC turning his back to the flag and refused to sing the national athem.
Aegiama, ElaineMT, and Pika. I guess you want to wear a burka if you already dont.
Answer: Obama lacks the skills to run a nation and would make a terrible president. He's going to need a hole lot more than Oprah to get elected.
Category: Elections
IdeaFestival adds Wes Moore, author, NBC News regular and Oprah ...
IdeaFestival adds Wes Moore, author, NBC News regular and Oprah Winfrey Network host. By Staff | Published: September 1, 2011. The author Wes Moore, left, ...
Oprahs Contest, should I try out?
Oprahs Having a new contest to be the next big talk show host. Its always been my dream to host my own show. Im a broadcast news major and I host my own show at my student run radio station. In high school I was on a reality show with MTV and I had the chance to work with producers from MTV and other production companies out in LA. I also had my own morning announcement show. Ive worked for ESPN and Ive interned with NBC in Washington DC and Im currently working with another big news company in DC ( I cant say which one) I work at the Journalism School at my college and my twin brother and I have a partnered account on YouTube. I know I have what it takes, but should I spend the time and money going to an open casting call? Im skeptical about these things and I dont have a lot of money, the trip would probably cost around 500 total with flight hotel transportation etc. Should I give it a shot or wait for a better opportunity? What do you guys think?
Answer: they say reach for your dreams so it would not hurt to try
good luck
Category: Talk Shows
"Ms. Philippines Deserved To Win"-Oprah Winfrey
Oprah Winfrey say's via NBC News. “I have reservations with the results. If the only basis is the Q and A portion, after having been trimmed down to 5, Ms. Philippines deserved to win. What made her different from the rest is that she had no ...
The Clinton Media Machine, NBC News Brian Williams calls it. What do you make of these two days of blitz?
Ellen, Oprah, Letterman and Today. Promote a new book Promote the new slogan, change n experience. Experience at doing the same good ole boy politics this nation is sick of?
I am curious. D u buy into this awakening or see thru the experience of a well oiled political campaign and machine?
All opinions welcome. Love sources too. Thank you very much.
Answer: I caught Slick Willy being "interviewed" by Matt Lauer this morning. You would think he would get tired of being slobbered over by the media, but appearently not. You know the media that isn't biased.
If the media wasn't so biased perhaps we could get an honest look at these people and would be able to make up our own minds.
Category: Media & Journalism
Oprah Winfrey says Supsup should have ... - Philippine Showbiz News
It has been widely spread via internet that Oprah expressed her disappointment when Miss Philippines got only 3rd runner up. Her statement via NBC News says: Oprah Winfrey says Supsup deserved to win. “I have ...
Miss Philippines Deserved To Win The Miss Universe Crown - Oprah
However, there has been no official videos, links or statement on NBC news to prove this yet. Whether the statement of Oprah is true or not, we don't need the confirmation because Shamcey has shown to the world how strong ...
NBC Nightly News: Today's rallies with Oprah - YouTube
Dec 9, 2007 ... Reporting from New Hampshire rally, where the crowd continues growing, NBC covers the rallies with Oprah Winfrey and several new polls that ...
NBC Finds Pulse, Gaddafi Trafficking Female Soldiers, Oprah To ...
Jul 13, 2011 ... Popular news app Pulse partners with NBC News. Gaddafi's female army. Oprah Winfrey will take over as the CEO and chief creative officer for ...
How would you react in this scenario? (Warning: Imagination required!)?
This scenario is going to get a little weird, so if you dont have a good imagination, dont even attempt to answer.
You have returned home from your daily modern rituals of every-day American society. A loved one calls you and tells you to quickly turn on the TV. You cannot help but to notice the shock in their voice. Without hesitation, you grab the remote and turn on the TV. A public announcement is on every channel. You see Brian Williams (from NBC Nightly News) and the President of the United States of America and are shocked by the creature sitting in between them. It is covered in fur and resembles a coyote or an Ethiopian wolf, but has a human-like torso and is a biped (look here for a visual aid: http://i416.photobucket.com/albums/pp245/tailskicksarse/adoekesemirealink-Copy.jpg ). The creature is tranquilly sitting next to the two men and the president occasionally pets it. Brian Williams is having a conversation with both the creature and the president like he would with a normal news interview. Through their conversation you learn that the creature is from an intelligent species known as "Cynocephali" that once lived among humans, but do to a long line of political, social, and religious difficulties, they decided to go underground, causing the human species to go through a period of amnesia (AKA the dark ages). In order to fulfill a religious prophecy, the president (who reveals that he and the cynocephali next to him are childhood friends) has partnered with the cynocephali to commence what he calls "Project Harmony". "Project Harmony" is to be an international movement that will help to build a diplomatic and economic relationship, quell prejudice and fear, and prevent a “Columbus meets the Indians” effect for the Cynocephali.
Both Brian Williams and the president constantly try to assure you that the Cynocephali are friendly and have good intentions.
Also, through the broadcast, you learn things about the cynocephali such as the fact that their religion is Abrahamic (they worship only YHWH/Jehovah/Allah) and that they are messianic (they believe Jesus Christ is the messiah). Also, though they lack any kind of digital technology, they are about level with us with technology.
The broadcast concludes with the announcement of several documentaries about the cynocephali and a special guest appearance on the Oprah Winfrey Network coming very soon.
Answer: No way in God's Grace am I gonna read all of THAT!
Category: Polls & Surveys
Obama Supporters did Obama unwittingly admit Foxnews is the most powerful name in news?
when he said "Foxnews cost him a few points" and
So Obama Supporters I guess with Obama being ahead by just a few points....then I guess:
Washington Post,
Saturday Night Live
David Letterman,
Bill Mahr,
The Daily Show
The View
Oprahs Endorsement
Left Wing Rich Hollywood Celebrity endorsements
Huffington Post
Daily Kos
US Magazine
Time Magazine
wasnt enough to fend off FOXNEWS!!!!
good Lord!!!!!
Answer: What?
Category: Politics
Shamcey Supsup 'deserved to win' — Oprah | COOLBUSTER.net
According to netizens, Oprah said via NBC News. “I have reservations with the results. If the only basis is the Q and A portion, after having been trimmed down to 5, Ms. Philippines deserved to win. What made her different ...
Does this make sense since she had to report reality on the news?
Answer: That's not different that a show like O'Reilly factor where it is editorial content versus news reporting.
Category: Politics