Kiasu parents - The Wooden Bowl | KiasuParents

Kiasu parents : Videos

D) Blogging - Recommendation 1 - Kiasu Parents
D) Blogging - Recommendation 1 - Kiasu Parents
Maths Problem 1
Maths Problem 1
Kiasu SIngaporean 1
Kiasu SIngaporean 1
Unbelieveable KIASU-ism!!!!
Unbelieveable KIASU-ism!!!!
KIasu Aunties !
KIasu Aunties !
Mr. Kiasu
Mr. Kiasu
Kiasu Singaporean At JB
Kiasu Singaporean At JB
Kiasu Kiasi
Kiasu Kiasi
Kiasu Singaporean 2
Kiasu Singaporean 2
Kiasu Mania
Kiasu Mania
kiasu lah... buhahaha
kiasu lah... buhahaha
The Married Men - The Kiasu Song
The Married Men - The Kiasu Song
Ministry of Home Affairs - Launch of Ready Bag at EP Day at ...
Ministry of Home Affairs - Launch of Ready Bag at EP Day at ...

Kiasu parents : Photo Gallery

Kiasu Parents Forum | Breaking News
Kiasu Parents Forum | Breaking News
Kiasu Parents Forum
Kiasu Parents Forum
Kiasu Parents PSLE 2010 | Breaking News
Kiasu Parents PSLE 2010 | Breaking News
Kiasu Parents Forum
Kiasu Parents Forum
Kiasu Parents - KiasuParents | ... because we ...
Kiasu Parents - KiasuParents | ... because we ...
Kiasu Parents Forum
Kiasu Parents Forum
Kiasu Parents Forum
Kiasu Parents Forum
KiasuParents | ... because we not stupid too
KiasuParents | ... because we not stupid too - - PageInsider. - - PageInsider.
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Kiasu Parents PSLE 2010: Latest Update | Breaking News
Kiasu Parents PSLE 2010: Latest Update | Breaking News
Religious School | Kiasu Parents (
Religious School | Kiasu Parents (
Kiasu Parents Preschools : Kiasu Parents Preschools in News, Blogs ...
Kiasu Parents Preschools : Kiasu Parents Preschools in News, Blogs ...
Kiasu Parents' Guide to the Nintendo DS | KiasuParents
Kiasu Parents' Guide to the Nintendo DS | KiasuParents
Phyllis Riccia School Pte Ltd | Kiasu Parents
Phyllis Riccia School Pte Ltd | Kiasu Parents
Kiasu Parents  
Kiasu Parents  
 ... Learning Nation - Singapores Education New Direction | Kiasu Parents
... Learning Nation - Singapores Education New Direction | Kiasu Parents
Kiasu Parents  
Kiasu Parents  
Hand-Print your Christmas Cards » gingerbread
Hand-Print your Christmas Cards » gingerbread
Actual search result 3d pooh caketo “”
Actual search result 3d pooh caketo “”
West.Kelly.Kirsten.Klaire: Barneys Space Adventure at Expo...
West.Kelly.Kirsten.Klaire: Barneys Space Adventure at Expo...
 ... Newspaper Clippings: Dr Lee Wei Lin - Am I kiasu? Yes. Am I kiasi? No
... Newspaper Clippings: Dr Lee Wei Lin - Am I kiasu? Yes. Am I kiasi? No
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Angsana Bintan Unveils Stylish New Rooms and Facilities for a Great Island ...
Angsana Bintan Unveils Stylish New Rooms and Facilities for a Great Island ...

Kiasu parents : Latest News, Information, Answers and Websites

Kiasu Parents : Kiasu Parents in News, Blogs, Photos, Videos ...

Kiasu Parents : Tags of Kiasu Parents , Kiasu Parents tags in News, Blogs, Photos, Videos, Web

Kiasuparents | Facebook

Kiasuparents - We are a group of parents who are passionate about bringing up junior the best we can. - Company Overview: We are a group of parents who are ...

The Wooden Bowl | KiasuParents

I came across this story and found it very meaningful and touching, and so decided to share it here with fellow Kiasu Parents here. A frail old man went to live with his son, daughter-in-law, and four-year-old grandson. ...

Primary Science Misconceptions: An Overview | KiasuParents

What are Science Misconceptions? Misconceptions can also be seen as preconceived notions, non-scientific beliefs, naive theories, mixed conceptions, or conceptual misunderstandings. Basically, in science these are cases ...

Kiasu Parents PSLE 2010 | Breaking News

This Is The Latest News Update About Kiasu Parents PSLE 2010. ... First time parents especially wont be privy to what sort of knowledge is really needed for this. ...

Singapore Primary Schools Ranked By Popularity | KiasuParents

Jun 25, 2008 ... (Updated 18 Oct 2008) Smart KiasuParents do not target a ...

Index page | KiasuParents

KiasuParents are not only kiasu about our children - we are serious when it ...

KiasuParents | ... because we not stupid too

May 25, 2011 ... Singapore parenting community and forum with directories of childcare and enrichment services. Independent news alerts, reviews, ...

kiasuparents (kiasuparents) on Twitter

kiasuparents (kiasuparents) is on Twitter. Sign up for Twitter to follow kiasuparents (kiasuparents) and get their latest updates.

ParenThots - Features

Within that definition, a parent who is kiasu is motivated by fear which is already the wrong motivation. ... "I think a kiasu parent on the whole is very result-oriented. ...

Singapore Primary Schools Ranked By Academic Excellence | KiasuParents

Jun 25, 2008 ... The Academic Excellence Ranking for ...

Kiasu Parents Problem Solvers

Kisau Parents is an online society of the parents that resides in Singapore so that they can communicate with one another and solve the problems that their children are facing together to ensure a better future for them.

Kiasu Parents

Latest Update News About Kiasu Parents: After enjoying a slice of cappucino cheese cake and a piping hot cup of white coffee, I nearly fell off my seat when I

KiasuParents | ... because we not stupid too

Singapore parenting community and forum with directories of childcare and enrichment services. Independent news alerts, reviews, ratings and comments from parents, ...

Kiasu Parents | World Latest News

kiasu parents. I was in conversation with 2 sets of SAP SAMH mothers. After the conversation, I wonder that I have received my lele in recent years … It is known that the PCE mothers kiausu mothers. ...

Asiaone - Spore firm offers

I am a kiasu parent too "Teach less, learn more" credo espoused by the Ministry of ... Teachers may be teaching less, but in parents eyes, the curriculum does not appear to be ...

How did I do it? Seriously Im not not so sure how?

Well, im not a nerd or geek or etc. Im depressed most of the time, sometimes suicidal and lonely even when I have friends to keep me company. I was bullied and cried everyday till no more tears left to shed. I am laid back. Watch TV 24/7. Even i study in front of the box. Im always a slow learner but managed to stay afloat. I write poems mostly -whenever im sad. oh yeah, I hate school. Id always get up late and go to school late(but never got penalised/detention). I was a librarian. A slacker but finishes his work on time(sometimes late). I study last minute. And I seldom pray to god. I have a very bad and abusive father. A quiet mom. A so-so but popular brother. A sister wt some problems. My house is a living hell and sometimes I get so mad and bored. So, how on earth did I get very good results(straight As). Im from Malaysian public school. My school is a popular one there and kiasu(typical Asian demanding type). I also did some extracurricular activities. Was top in school(dont know in entire country) for history. AND Im not bragging. Im puzzled at myself cause I really dont know. Im in med school now. My parents were brainy and is my family but Im the dumbest of them all. My class tests were mediocre(B average). Pls dont cite genetics. And I have indian blood(my grandparents) but it doesnt mean im supposed to get good grades. I sincerely know that Im really dumb. So how? And Im an average at med school but ppl are expecting excellence from me, even the dean himself. Im a BIGGGGG time slacker. So,
Answer: Maybe you really earned it! Don't put yourself down! just because you think so lowly of yourself doesn't mean that you didn't earn those grades. I am going through a crisis of my life as well, similar to yours... and I wish I could get grades like yours... but instead, I fill the void by hanging out with actors/actresses/ and high-ranking politicians to fill the void and make myself feel special.
Category: Psychology

Diva - Kiasu? We just want the best for our kids

Website founders want to help parents keep up with what other mums and dads know. ... "Being a kiasu parent is just being an involved parent, someone who wants the best for ...

Kiasu Parents

Kiasu Parents: Maths is a very structured subject and also can be very abstract, difficult to relate to in real life. The structure in Maths is useful in that

Singapore Primary Schools Ranked By Popularity | KiasuParents

(Updated 18 Oct 2008) Smart KiasuParents do not target a school where we have ... Primary Schools is meant to let parents appreciate the odds of getting their ...

A Couple of Helpful Tips to Better Your ... -

Upon getting the paper, parents would realise that their children may not have done as well as they ought to, or may have lost marks where they shouldn't have. Here are a couple of tips to help your children better their ...

anwarmunir2002 -

Kiasu Parents | World Latest News It is known that the PCE mothers kiausu mothers. Some are willing to spend $ 1000 S maps of Glenn Doman to teach their children since her birth. It is also the famous garden of St James. ...

Of Kids and Education: GEP testing and kiasu-ism at its ugliest

Controversy arises because in recent times, some parents have begun to send their kids to ... As a Singaporean and a kiasu parent I do see the value of investing ...

Ambitious, kiasu parents in Sibu " My Longkang

Adopted kiasu attitude (though is it really the Singaporeans? ... I was shocked to read that parents are taking photographs of notes, assignments ...

Singapore Kiasu Parents | Singapore Insights

Singaporean parents are kiasu. Singaporean parents want to enroll their children into the ... Im sure everyone parents would agree with me, getting your kid into ...


NO. Extra classes should only be given to good performers to help them compete at national levels. NO. Extra classes will only add to the stress of students, parents and teachers ...

Me-The-"Kiasu" Mom | Journey about raising up our lovely kids

In case you do not know what "kiasu" mean. By definition from Wikipedia, "kiasu" is a Hokkien word that literally means "fear of losing" ...

kiasu parents

the pap ppl damn kiasu. put up flags.then use recorder ask ppl to vote for them. juz now see them at the lift ,ask my parents to vote for them. ...

PSLE standards are a runaway train that even ... -

Thanks to parent and school hothousing, the kids rise to the occasion and the bell curve is skewed again. So the following year's PSLE gets a little bit harder. More hothousing follows as people try to catch up with the ...

Edvantage - Kiasu parents appeal to good schools

Some parents are willing to give time and money as a trade off for their child to get a place in the school.

RAZORTV - 'Kiasu' parents appeal to top schools

Parents whose children did not get into a secondary school of their choice, flocked to top-ranking secondary schools to make an appeal.

Kiasu - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Examples of kiasu behaviour includes accumulating too much food on ones plate during a ... or to the extent of parents imposing heavy study labour on their ...

MONTESSORIMUM.COM " Are you a kiasu parent?

Where do you draw the line between pushing your child to be the best he or she can be and being a "kiasu" parent who is always competing with others? ...

Do you think exam results are overrated in Singapore?

There are parents who give their children endless tuition just to make them do well in school. Go and read what a student write what she thinks about the kiasu parents, and the often wrong views of results.
Answer: lol. I guess so, but you can't blame those parents for behaving that way; they just want the best for their children, and if they have the means to do so, why not? Argument #1- Good results is not equal to smart kids, because hardworking kids can get good results, and so can lazy (but) smart kids. Argument #2- Exams are overrated in Singapore. Yes or No. #1- Well, I agree with the girl on that basic point of hers; but you see, all parents want their child to do well, and I she's angry that her parents are on to her back because she got into a "good school". So unless she's trying to tell people that she's a smart girl and doesn't need to study to get good grades, then she can complain about her parents being on her back, but if not, then she should just shut up and study more so she CAN do well. Why? #2- results are overrated in Singapore, YES, because the government emphasizes on good results because good results will get you in good schools, good schools will give u a higher chance to get into a good uni, and graduate with good results that will determine your future (i.e. Good job). Its the whole stupid cycle for better things, because basically, its the whole survival issue- the early bird catches the worm, and this 'worm' is what the parents want for their kids- to excel and be ahead over the rest. The issue of "overrated exam results" is a tricky one; its not that parents want to be kiasu and make sure their child is getting the best; its because of the increasing standards of affluence and the widening income gap that are ruffling the feathers of the concerned parents about their children's (and their) futures. Why is it people view results as the "key" to having a head start (and thus better future prospects)? The answer is simple- because its the only thing that can measure one's capability quantitatively. You think employers care more about one's qualitative than quantitative aspects? They don't have the time to- they'd rather look at their results to see how capable this person is. Saves time and money. So in conclusion- yes, it IS overrated, but the thing is, what can anyone do? You can't do anything, so, live with it lor!
Category: Primary & Secondary Education

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