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Agnes Obls down by the river at copenhagen jazzhouse
Agnes Obls down by the river at copenhagen jazzhouse
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SEAL TEAM 6 Kills Osama Bin Laden President Obama Laughs At Donald Trump White House ...
SEAL TEAM 6 Kills Osama Bin Laden President Obama Laughs At Donald Trump White House ...
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Tina in the kitchen

Obls : Latest News, Information, Answers and Websites

7 Of 19 'Hijackers' Alive After 911 - New OBL Video A Phoney

Jeff... 7 of the 19 hijackers "identified" by the FBI, were found alive AFTER 9/ 11. (See following URLs at bottom about the 7 wrongly identified men, ...

OBLS - What does OBLS stand for? Acronyms and abbreviations ...

What does OBLS stand for? Definition of OBLS in the list of acronyms and abbreviations provided by the Free Online Dictionary and Thesaurus.

What you think OBLs up to?

What you think OBLs up to? ... Re:What you think OBLs up to? " Reply #5 on: October 30, 2004, 12:50:03 PM " Its curious that in the same presentation where OBL says that ...

Does it seem out of character for Obama to withhold the pictures or documentation of OBLs overdue demise?

I mean he has always been so transparent and open just as he promised in his campaign. @2 far The pictures document OBLs death do they not? That qualifies as "documentation" right? Oh, I see. He is being sensitive again. How much sensitivity do the fans of a murdering homicidal psychopath like Osama really deserve? Are we to live in constant fear or offending the irrational and allow them to dictate our every word and action? Isnt that the point of the tactic of terrorism anyway and if we succumb to it are we not declaring defeat? There is a difference between tact and holding peoples irrational feelings above truth and freedom of speech. No one has a right to not be offended and any actions they take because they are offended are their own responsibility and not that of whomever they have decided is offensive. @2 far "Personally, I dont need to see the pics. And it will only escalate the situation with the Muslim world. Is it that important to you?" No, what is important is to not to be controlled by, prostrate ourselves before, or cower in fear at the prospect of upsetting some barbaric irrational horde that threatens to visit violence and murder on us if we do. Can you name one instance where appeasement of, or tolerance for extremism has done anything but embolden it? It is seen as weakness by them, not appreciated as civilized conduct as it is intended.. However superior you feel by philosophically "turning the other cheek" or offering an olive branch, when dealing with extremist and radicals it is suicidal course of action and a policy of defeat. Its about much more than the picture 2 Far. If you do not understand that, there is nothing more to say.
Answer: Out of character - no. Obama has a history of putting the 'feelings' of America's enemies ahead of the feelings of Americans.
Category: Politics

Islamic Scholars: OBL's Burial At Sea 'Humiliates Muslims ...

May 2, 2011 ... The Blaze is a news, information and opinion site brought to you by a dedicated team of writers, journalists & video producers.

Abbottabad Residents Recall OBLs Reclusive Lifestyle - Video

Watch TV clips and show, Must-see moments from todays hits and all-time classics, see interviews and search for your favorite TV moments at Metacafe.com

He stated he apposed it. Do you think Obama favors .....?

......water boarding now? ==> "Waterboarded terrorist Gave US Name of OBL’s Courier" which led to Seal team 6 mission that killed OBL. http://gatewaypundit.rightnetwork.com/2011/05/waterboarded-terrorist-khalid-sheikh-mohammed-gave-us-name-of-obls-courier/
Answer: Yeah, it's time to rethink Obama's policy.
Category: Politics

2 questions: Whos the commander-in-chief of these men, and 2.) Why arent Dems blaming him like they did Bush?

http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20110516/ap_on_re_us/us_afghanistan Is Obama seriously going to continue claiming Well Bush started it even though Obama continues to take credit for OBL at the same time? You cant have ot both ways Dems. If Obama gets credit for OBLs death then he has to be responsible for the deaths of these men just as you claimed they were under Bush. I know I know, that was different right? Figures that none of the Obamabots could answer, not that I expected anything other than the mindless posts I just read.
Answer: You actually see no difference between a one-day special operation in Pakistan and a 10 year boots on the ground presence in Afghanistan? How odd.
Category: Politics

Ozzie Saffa: OBLs Last Known Location

OBLs Last Known Location. Posted by Lime Lite at 8:33 PM. 2 comments: Macaw said... Wicked LL...Hey OBL, laat jy swem bliksem... 3/5/11 22:13. Anonymous said... It seems Wikileaks forced their hand by revealng that the ...

President Obama Knew OBL's Location Since August… Voted Present ...

After exploring every angle for months, they concluded that all signs pointed to this being bin Laden's residence. President Obama was made aware of the compound when it was discovered last year. By mid-February, the ...

So, are all you going to believe what your government is saying about OBL death?

they have changed the story several times already.... How is OBLs photo going to enrage people any more than the 3 photos of other muslims in that compound in pools of blood that Reuters released? Ken, quit repeating the same tired crap every day.
Answer: Not one damn bit. Need Independent collaboration that this took place, and that this is not the tail wagging the DOG,
Category: Politics

Is this how G bush dreamt of The new world order?

Musing on the backdrop of the events from the 9/11 to OBLs so called death what i feel is that Uncle Sam has been able and successful to revitalize his vision of the New world order. The conspiracy theory can run like this that CIA trained OBL as a double edged knife for its fight against Russia and to keep Pak engaged in terrorist activity ,then give OBL safe haven in pakistan for so long that uncle sam meets its objective of attacking Iraq/ creating mutiny in Libya , oman and neighboring countries. oops a misfire was the EU and the world standing against an attack on Iran. I can just wonder where its heading, wish that Obama understands that he is still a puppet in the hands of the CIA. This conspiracy theory surely proves that terror attacks in India are with the prior knowledge of USA and it aids in destabilizing India. terrorism is a tool in the hands of US that works as a panic creator for a worldwide destabilized economy and what more not....!
Answer: I'm not sure, we can only but guess; :/ He's probably under monarch mind control or something anyway. Food for thought; The old pakistani president got murdered for mentioning that Osamas already dead. he died 10 years ago, however America has found another excuse of 'Osama' to start a war against pakistan. Also another reason they chose to 'kill' [and already dead man] Osama now is because Obamas elections are coming up, and he obviously wants to stay as president. Theres lots of theories, but I remember that day I found out that the pakistani president got shot. She was a woman too, if that makes a difference:/ What's upsetting is all the people celebrating:/ They don't know the truth; why didn't they question Osama in public before murdering him? I'm not meaning to offend anyone, but i really do believe the man was innocent. We all got fed one-side of the story, and noones even bothering to actually realise how MUCH of the truth is being hidden from us. Just because he's a Muslim. The New World Order.... 2012. Michael Jackson was right. It's all up to God now. I'm not afraid. :I BTW, have you heard of the INWO card game? How about HAARP? In 2012 is the next Polar Shift, the only place that won't be affected is the earths golden mean point, and that is (heads up to Muslim Haters) Saudi Arabia. It's in the center of the earth. Yup, scientific evidence. The Elite are going to say the Polar Shift is causing all the natural disasters, (Mhm, the Japan multiple disasters were planned, it's more than ironic); when in fact they're only starting to play with their earthquake-causing instruments._. Theres a huge conspiracy including Dubai, the illuminati and new world order; that's where they preserve all their important information. Through picture :/ [Talk about going off-topic] Theres this guy on youtube called Farhank501, he does all sorts of these things, he's stopped now [for whatever reason] but it should give you ideas, you don't have to believe everything.
Category: Other - Politics & Government

Licence Application at Business.gov.sg

A multiple award winner, the Online Business Licensing Service (OBLS) allows you to submit one or multiple licence applications to the relevant government agencies. ...

Online Business Licensing System - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Online Business Licensing System (OBLS) is a one-stop portal for businessmen to apply for all the required Singapore government licences in a single online ...

RedStateEclectic : Chris Hedges on OBLs Death

I was there when Building 7 collapsed. And I watched as a nation drank deep from that very dark elixir of American nationalism … the flip side of nationalism is always racism, it's about self-exaltation and the ...

Construction Loans for the Owner Builder - New Home and Log Home ...

Owner Builder Loan Services offers a construction loan for the owner builder. We provide direct construction loans to build your residential home including ...

Gelf Magazine The OBLs

A The Hack and the Flack article written by Michael Myser and Merrill Freund.

Annie Zaenen and Dick Crouch: OBLs hobble computations

OBLS HOBBLE COMPUTATIONS. Annie Zaenen and Dick Crouch. PARC. MS-Powerset. Proceedings of the LFG09 Conference. Miriam Butt and Tracy Holloway King ( Editors ...

e-Services Sitemap

OBLS is a one-stop portal (managed by MTI) to apply for all the relevant Government ... OBLS is a one-stop portal (managed by MTI) to apply for all the relevant ...

Did anyone study 4 real under a OBLS?

what is it like, studying under an OBLS? If you dont know what an OBLS is, then you do not know much about martial arts.
Answer: I see your little game. Yes I studied with one of Bruce Lee's original students. Larry Hartsell was mentioned in Black Belt Magazine in the 1970's. He was said to be one of the premier JKD fighters. I drove 135 miles (each way) every two weeks during 1975 to train with him. At that time he lived in Charlotte, N.C. I have pictures of us together as well as the yellow pages ad for the school he taught at. NOTE: I'm not dumb enough to state something here that I can't prove. Anyone that does not believe me is welcome to send a message requesting copies of the pictures. THE email needs to be sent to my regular email address pugpaws2@yahoo.com. My study with Sifu Hartsell was different. First the kicks they do are named backward from what Japanese or Okinawan kicks are called. A Japanese style roundhouse kick to Sifu Hartsell was called a hook kick. What I learned as a Hook kick they call a roundhouse kick. He also taught what he called a pendulum kick, and a cross returning kick. We did some Wing-Chun hand techniques like trapping hands, slapping hands, ...etc. We practiced many combinations of the JKD kicks and hand techniques as well as bag work. His heavy bag had nine D rings and chains at the top instead of the regular four. He told me that the bag weighed nearly 400 pounds. When I got were I could move the bag slightly with a shuffle side kick, he would stand behind the bag and lean into it. He wanted me to get my kicks to a point where I could move him and the bag. He weighed about 230 at that time.
Category: Martial Arts

OBLS - Definition by AcronymFinder

Acronym Finder: Definition of OBLS. What does OBLS stand for?

Cameron: OBLs death a "great relief"

News, Reviews and Listings on the Middle East-related events in Europe ... Cameron: OBLs death a "great relief" News - Latest News. British Prime Minister David ...

conspirators:If the CIA was to release the picture of OBLs body and they were?

somehow able to to get his body out of the water and do some more testing, and the test results came out positive that it was him. Would you guys accept the fact that hes dead or deny all evidence and make up some BS excuse as to why hes alive?
Answer: believe me, they would not.
Category: Politics

Even more details on the OBL photos – The 1600 Report - CNN.com Blogs

Photos of OBLs body at a hangar after he was brought back to Afghanistan. This is the most recognizable with a clear picture of his face. The picture is gruesome because he has a massive open head wound across both eyes. ...

Online Business Licensing Service (OBLS)

A one-stop portal to apply for all the relevant Government registrations and licences for conducting business in Singapore.

Conservative Blog & Conservative News Source for Right of ...

RedState is the leading conservative news blog for right of center online activists. Join the community. ... While I agree that OBLs death isnt necessarily a cause by ...

On a scale of 1-10 how happy is average Muslim over OBLs death?

10 being the happiest
Answer: I don't know. Ask the Muslim American families who lost loved ones on 911 or the thousands of Muslim American soldiers serving our country or the Muslim Americans who work at the White House with the President to bring down Bin Laden.
Category: Politics

Was it Gods Plan to have *somebody* search for WMDs in Iraq and OBLs in Afghanistan?

Pakistan is part of Afghanistan, right? also would this be a good time to put a giant FAILURE ACCOMPLISHED banner on his dads aircraft carrier (CVN-77)?
Category: Religion & Spirituality

EnterpriseOne - index

A one-stop portal to apply for all the relevant Government registrations and licences for conducting business in Singapore.

OBLS- Obsessive Blake Lewis Syndrom. HELP!?

Im going to see the tour and I think Im going to SCREAM the entire time, lol!!!
Answer: Me 2! I can't wait to hear him beatbox! I'll be screaming so loud!
Category: Celebrities

Online Business Learning Solutions - Cost efficient hosted ...

Online Learning LMS, online courses, continuing professional development, elearning solutions, computer based training systems and solutions to provide professional ...

500 euros sewn into OBLs clothes - Wall Street Examiner Forums and ...

what Osama bin Laden could have done with the 500 euros he had VIDEO Added On May 4, 2011 Lisa Sylvester investigates what Osama bin Laden could ha...

how about this idea, to catch osama bin laden?

did you notice that OBLs latest picture shows him with a dark beard? in previous photos, his beard was graying. what does this mean? obviously he is using grecian formula on his beard. but how is he obtaining it? he must be sending an underling to buy it for him at the bazaar. i have an idea. why doesnt the government set up a tracking system to follow every muslim who buys grecian formula? one of them will no doubt lead them to the cave where OBL is hiding. there are many satellites in orbit: http://www.satsig.net/sslist.htm or better yet, implant every package with a GPS device! then we can notify the military, who will send him to islamic paradise.
Answer: I think nowadays they use Just For Men. Grecian Formula hasn't been in wide use since the 80's. You should write a letter to the White House with your suggestion. Maybe win a nobel prize for it. Or spearhead your own project.
Category: Law Enforcement & Police

When is too many OBLs? - Black Hat Forum Black Hat SEO

When do you guys decide on too many OBLs for a backlink being useful? Is there a specific ratio you employ? Like, 50 for a PR1, 100 for PR2, etc etc. Just curious as to how you guys think for this. ...


Gateway to a host of government services ranging from accessing business information, exploring governmental assistance, to filling in important forms needed to start ...

Who do you think deserves the credit for OBLs death?

I credit the intelligence community, Bush, Navy seals, Obama. Nice job everybody! I dont praise Bush for much but to me this isnt a political issue. Were all Americans when it comes to exterminating cowardly terrorists who killed our innocent fellow Americans. Cant we at least come together as one about this? Star if you agree.
Answer: Well done Everyone involved! It is nice to have competent leadership who is willing to take risks to protect us. It is nice to have brave soldiers who are willing to risk all to protect us
Category: Politics

OBLS (TV Series 2003) - IMDb

With Albert Bendix, Rikke Bjørnbøl, Klaus Bondam, Mette Bratlann.

Why is the whitehouse saying there is no video of the entire raid?

There is ALWAYS a camera/s used in a raid like this .... there is video showing OBLs last seconds of life. I have family who are military experts Henery, you are exactly right...They would NEVER do a mission like this without documented proof of video and photo...They have it with basic missions. They have a video of everything..
Answer: Is there no video or are they not going to release it? Also, it may have been real-time and not saved, although I'd find that hard to believe. A tape like that could be useful for training. However, they may not have recorded the tape to protect the identity of SEAL Team 6 members. If it exist, it should not be released. Aubrey, you wouldn't believe it anyway. The SEAL team took the body back to the ship and did DNA analysis and you don't believe that, why should a photo or video make a difference? You most likely don't believe that the long or short form birth certificate is real, you think the official (a republican at the time) that saw Obama's birth certificate is lying, you think the birth announcement made in 1961 are lying, it is a was of time to even mess with you stupidity.
Category: Politics

What Does OBLs Death Mean Going Forward? «

What Does OBLs Death Mean Going Forward? President Obama deserves credit and praise for placing professional and technical trust in his commanders' abilities and the Intelligence Community's findings. ...

The birthers got killed, but today are we seeing the birth of the deather conspiracy movement?

Deathers; people who hate Obama so much that they will demand to see proof of OBLs dead body. Will Trump demand the release of the death certificate?
Answer: No I don't think that he will show as much of a quarter of effort as he did in the request for Obama's birth certificate. But you are so true. It is amazing to see such hate for a President who walked into a disaster. You would think he created it himself just by being born. I think there will never be enough proof....of ANYTHING.
Category: Politics

Hisham Wyne: Osama Bin Laden: The Aftermath

Over a couple of weeks have transpired since the assassination of the purported rock star ... And while OBLs removal may not hamper opportunistic attacks carried out by lone ...

Online Business Licensing Service (OBLS) - Ecquaria Technologies ...

The project resulted in the development and delivery of the Online Business Licensing Service (OBLS) to help create a pro-enterprise environment in ...

I heard with my own ears that ground zero imam downplay 9/11 deaths, and you think he is on our side?

he downplayed it and wouldnt answer questions about OBLs death and muslims not responding to it....
Category: Politics

House Plan & Log Home Links, Construction Loans, Financing ...

House plan & log home links. Construction loan for self build home construction including, ... OBLS accepts no responsibility for the content or use of any linked sites. ...

Everything you ever wanted to know about OBLs death ...

The death of Al-Qaedas leader has sparked a fierce response that lacks an understanding ... Id say OBLs warped ideology is already known to the world, since its already on ...

Owner Builder Construction Loans for New Home and Log Home ...

Build your own home! Owner Builder Loan Services offers a construction loan for the owner builder. Construction loans to build your residential home ...

World News

Latest headlines from WN Network. WorldNews delivers latest Breaking news including World News, U.S. ... Obama supposed to Post Photos of OBLs Usama Death from the Navy Seals ...

Now that Al Qaeda has confirmed OBLs death, what kind of ridiculous conspiracy theory?

bullshit will the Contards come up with to try to explain that away?
Answer: they will revert to, 'we know he is dead, but we believe that Bush gets all the credit'
Category: Politics

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