The stolen generation - 'Gay stolen generation' claim | Star Online

The stolen generation : Videos

The Stolen Generation
The Stolen Generation
Sorry, Kevin Rudds Apology to "The stolen Generation"
Sorry, Kevin Rudds Apology to "The stolen Generation"
The Stolen Generation
The Stolen Generation
Australia Says Sorry to Stolen Generation
Australia Says Sorry to Stolen Generation
The Stolen Generation
The Stolen Generation
Marjorie Woodrow history - Member of the Stolen Generation
Marjorie Woodrow history - Member of the Stolen Generation
Apology to the Stolen Generations of Australia : Part 1
Apology to the Stolen Generations of Australia : Part 1
Rabbit Proof Fence - Stolen Generations
Rabbit Proof Fence - Stolen Generations
Stolen Generation
Stolen Generation
Kevin Rudds apology to the Stolen Generations
Kevin Rudds apology to the Stolen Generations
The Stolen generation
The Stolen generation
Sorry - An Apology to the Stolen Generations (Part 1 of 3)
Sorry - An Apology to the Stolen Generations (Part 1 of 3)
Reconciliation, Healing and the Stolen Generation.m4v
Reconciliation, Healing and the Stolen Generation.m4v
Apology to the Stolen Generations of Australia : Part 2
Apology to the Stolen Generations of Australia : Part 2
Sorry - An Apology to the Stolen Generations (Part 2 of 3)
Sorry - An Apology to the Stolen Generations (Part 2 of 3)
Sorry - The Stolen Generation - What about "Sorry" to Dads?
Sorry - The Stolen Generation - What about "Sorry" to Dads?
Sorry. The Stolen Generation.
Sorry. The Stolen Generation.
kevin rudd says sorry
kevin rudd says sorry
The New Stolen Generation? [Surrogacy and Identity Confusion]
The New Stolen Generation? [Surrogacy and Identity Confusion]
The Stolen Generation Debate
The Stolen Generation Debate
History in the making: Pain of Stolen Generations lives on
History in the making: Pain of Stolen Generations lives on
Weakening of a Nation 8 - Stolen Generation 2
Weakening of a Nation 8 - Stolen Generation 2
Afroamerindios Channel - The Stolen Generations /Australia
Afroamerindios Channel - The Stolen Generations /Australia
The Stolen Generation
The Stolen Generation
Stolen Generation
Stolen Generation
The Stolen Generation
The Stolen Generation
Australia Says Sorry to Stolen Generation
Australia Says Sorry to Stolen Generation
The Stolen Generation
The Stolen Generation
Marjorie Woodrow history - Member of the Stolen Generation
Marjorie Woodrow history - Member of the Stolen Generation
The Stolen generation
The Stolen generation
The White Stolen Generation
The White Stolen Generation
The Stolen Generation
The Stolen Generation
Sorry, Kevin Rudds Apology to "The stolen Generation"
Sorry, Kevin Rudds Apology to "The stolen Generation"
Sorry. The Stolen Generation.
Sorry. The Stolen Generation.
Blind Eye: Documentary on Stolen Generation
Blind Eye: Documentary on Stolen Generation
Aborigines - the stolen generation
Aborigines - the stolen generation
The New Stolen Generation? [Surrogacy and Identity Confusion]
The New Stolen Generation? [Surrogacy and Identity Confusion]
Sorry - The Stolen Generation - What about "Sorry" to Dads?
Sorry - The Stolen Generation - What about "Sorry" to Dads?
forgotten australians. compo or not
forgotten australians. compo or not
First apology to the stolen generation
First apology to the stolen generation
The Australian Stolen Generation Song
The Australian Stolen Generation Song
The Stolen Generation
The Stolen Generation
The Juice, Stolen Generation Live
The Juice, Stolen Generation Live
Weakening of a Nation 8 - Stolen Generation 2
Weakening of a Nation 8 - Stolen Generation 2
the stolen generation
the stolen generation

The stolen generation : Photo Gallery

Broken Links (State Library of Queensland)
Broken Links (State Library of Queensland)
San Francisco Sentinel » Blog Archives » AUSTRALIA – For Baz ...
San Francisco Sentinel » Blog Archives » AUSTRALIA – For Baz ...
HowStuffWorks "What was Australia's Stolen Generation?"
HowStuffWorks "What was Australia's Stolen Generation?"
JoyZine - Bringing Them Back Home: The 'Stolen Generation' Report
JoyZine - Bringing Them Back Home: The 'Stolen Generation' Report
Stolen Generation Apology (Stolen Generation)
Stolen Generation Apology (Stolen Generation)
Stolen Generations Timeline - Aboriginal Stolen Generation Timeline
Stolen Generations Timeline - Aboriginal Stolen Generation Timeline
ABC Online Indigenous - Special Topics - Stolen Generations
ABC Online Indigenous - Special Topics - Stolen Generations
February « 2008 « Astrology by Kingsley
February « 2008 « Astrology by Kingsley
Woolly Days: July 2007
Woolly Days: July 2007
pictures of the stolen generation
pictures of the stolen generation
The Stolen Generation: Aboriginal Children In Australia
The Stolen Generation: Aboriginal Children In Australia
The Denial' - Windschuttle and the Stolen Generations | Treaty ...
The Denial' - Windschuttle and the Stolen Generations | Treaty ...
Why Did The Stolen Generation Happen - QwickStep Answers Search Engine
Why Did The Stolen Generation Happen - QwickStep Answers Search Engine
Sorry day - honour the stolen generation | Flickr - Photo Sharing!
Sorry day - honour the stolen generation | Flickr - Photo Sharing!
 ... for today is also the best in my opinion it s called stolen generation
... for today is also the best in my opinion it s called stolen generation
Who Are The Stolen Generation - QwickStep Answers Search Engine
Who Are The Stolen Generation - QwickStep Answers Search Engine
The stolen generation | International Development Journalism ...
The stolen generation | International Development Journalism ...
An Apology for the Stolen Generation | Mijizas Blog
An Apology for the Stolen Generation | Mijizas Blog
The Stolen Generation: Aboriginal Children In Australia
The Stolen Generation: Aboriginal Children In Australia
stolen generations by kyra ekin the stolen generation refers to a time ...
stolen generations by kyra ekin the stolen generation refers to a time ...
Kayleen Arnold comments on the Apology to the Stolen Generations, 2009
Kayleen Arnold comments on the Apology to the Stolen Generations, 2009
another stolen generation
another stolen generation
Michael Jordan Stolen Generation Wallpaper jpg
Michael Jordan Stolen Generation Wallpaper jpg
jmNATIONAL1lowerpic wideweb 470x328 0 jpg
jmNATIONAL1lowerpic wideweb 470x328 0 jpg
stolen generation jpg
stolen generation jpg
r161423 591769 jpg
r161423 591769 jpg
r208310 796711 jpg
r208310 796711 jpg
prime minister apologizs jpg
prime minister apologizs jpg
kot37055 2210ta 1024x682 jpg
kot37055 2210ta 1024x682 jpg
‘Gay stolen generation’ claim
‘Gay stolen generation’ claim
Stolen generation man wins compensation
Stolen generation man wins compensation
Reliving a day that says everything about footy's tawdry past
Reliving a day that says everything about footy's tawdry past
Australians study Canadian Truth and Reconciliation Commission
Australians study Canadian Truth and Reconciliation Commission
Stolen generation
Stolen generation
The school for scandal
The school for scandal
British settlement of Sydney an 'invasion'
British settlement of Sydney an 'invasion'
Julia Gillard's year in quotes
Julia Gillard's year in quotes
The Noongar ascendancy
The Noongar ascendancy
Indigenous identity in the library
Indigenous identity in the library
Oranges and Sunshine
Oranges and Sunshine
Still haunted by raw memories
Still haunted by raw memories
Native title laws driving a wedge, says Mick Gooda
Native title laws driving a wedge, says Mick Gooda
Oranges and Sunshine
Oranges and Sunshine
Sign of respect at Playful Beginnings for Sorry Day
Sign of respect at Playful Beginnings for Sorry Day
Sorry day shows more awareness
Sorry day shows more awareness

The stolen generation : Latest News, Information, Answers and Websites

" Stolen Generations Fact Sheet

This Stolen Generations page last updated: 10 May 2011. This section of the ... The campaign continues for compensation for members of the Stolen ...

Stolen Generations Fact Sheet

Jul 28, 2007 ... These children became known as the Stolen Generations. “There can be no reconciliation without addressing the past” ...

'Gay stolen generation' claim | Star Online

A Queensland GP has labelled Australiaâ ™s gay marriage ban a â œjust and necessary discriminationâ to ensure same-sex couples donâ ™t have children. In The Courier Mail opinion piece, under the headline ...

Australia - Australian Aboriginal Children - The Stolen Generation

Feb 12, 2008 ... The policies that produced the Stolen Generation brought with it thousands of Aboriginal people that were deprived of their families, ...

Stolen generation man gets compensation

Neville Austin has become the 1st member of the stolen generation to receive compensation from the Vic govt.

How can the stolen generation be taken seriously?

Children Were Taken, Yes. But, How can the stolen generation be taken seriously when their parents/guardians had to sign them over to allow the authorities to take them? Strange how some details are conveniently left out when the hand goes out for money.
Answer: And $$$ is what bites the hand off.
Category: Law & Ethics

How do you write an emotional response to the stolen generation?

I have to write an emotional response to the stolen generation in australia. Can you give me some ideas of what I could write?
Answer: The "stolen generation" involved children being removed from their parents and put in institutions or given to white families, in order to "educate" them. If you have ever known a mother who has lost a young child, they can explain the profound emotions involved.
Category: Homework Help

Manuel Pietra to Provide Government Resource Planning (GRP) Domain Expertise as Member of AuthenWare Advisory Board

FreeBalance President & CEO joins Advisory Board of leading cybersecurity software company.Ottawa, ON (PRWEB) June 27, 2011 FreeBalance, a global Government Resource Planning (GRP) software company, and AuthenWare®, a leading cybersecurity software provider, today announced that FreeBalance President & CEO, Manuel Pietra has joined the AuthenWare Advisory Board. Manuel Pietra is a global ...

Justice for stolen-gen victim

Almost everything Neville Austin has ever wanted is contained in a one-page letter he received this week from the Victorian government.

Do You Know Any Aboriginal Poems About The Stolen Generation?

Does anyone know poems about the stolen generation. Please i really need it for an assignment. Thanks
Answer: Here are two: "Bicultural Blackfella" I am a Wiradjuri woman Proud and strong. Raised in white institutions, Made to get along. Socialised, educated, employed The white-man’s way. These have shaped who I am today. But I never forget where I’m from, Or what ancestry runs through my veins. I am who I am – I am a bicultural Blackfella And I apologise to no one. © Anita Heiss, Gold Coast 1997 Found here: "The Fortunate One" "Hey you! You the fortunate one. I lived part of our history I was a stolen child, taken from my family I felt the pain, the hurt, the misery. One amongst a thousand, searching for my Identity. Hey you! You the fortunate one. Don't turn your back on me! Don't say 'I don't belong here' Don't judge or criticize me! Saying that I am no Aborigine!!!" ~ Pauline McLeod ~ Found here:
Category: History

How should I study for the Stolen Generation?

I am asked to study for the "Stolen Generation" without any further information. Which parts about it should i study for?
Answer: The laws enforced on the Aborigines at that time, European views of the Aborigines, treatment towards the Aborigines, and how they planned to "eliminate" them through assimilation.
Category: History

Stolen Generations - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Stolen Generations (also known as Stolen children) is a term used to describe the children of Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander descent ...

Australia's 'Stolen Generation'

Nov 6, 2002 ... The 'stolen generation' were some 100000 aboriginal children who were taken from their families on the territories, and raised in homes or ...

"Operation Stolen Dreams" Gets Another Mortgage Fraud Plea

The noose tightens on mortgage fraud

Sony says protecting content made it hackers target

TOKYO (Reuters) - Sony Corp believes it was targeted by hackers because it tried to protect its intellectual property, CEO Howard Stringer told a shareholders meeting at which he sidestepped a call for him to step down over the incident.

Effects of stolen generation on the aboriginal society and parents?

What were the consequences of the stolen generation for the aboriginal community and the families of the stolen children?
Answer: I'm not sure what you mean, could you provide more details?
Category: Other - Cultures & Groups

Stolen generation: How did the children feel when they were taken away?

I am doing a social studies assignment and I really need an appropriate answer for this! And what else and I can talk about im my answer to the question? Thank you!
Answer: I'm not exactly the best person to answer this but here goes... How would YOU feel if you were: snatched away from your parents because of your parentage? abused physically, emotionally, sexually etc? discriminated against by society? taught to hate yourself and feel ashamed of your heritage - by no other than a religious institution?
Category: Other - Cultures & Groups

Child Of Australia's Stolen Generation Wins Compensation From ...

The Australian government has made the first payout to a “stolen generation” Melbourne man who was taken from his Aboriginal mother after she could not pay $12 in boarding fees. Neville Austin, was just 15 months old ...

Child of Australia's 'stolen generation' wins compensation from ...

The Australian government has made the first payout to a "stolen generation" Melbourne man who was taken from his Aboriginal mother after she could not pay £8 in boarding fees. ...

Stolen generation man wins compensation

A Melbourne man has won compensation and an apology from the Victorian government, which kept him apart from his Aboriginal mother for 17 years.

Should the Stolen Generation be given money compensation?

Australian PM Kevin Rudd, presented an apology to the Stolen Generation. Should this group of people receive financial compensation in addition to the apology?
Answer: Yes of course they should.
Category: Law & Ethics

Stolen generation man compensated | National | BigPond News

Neville Austin has become the 1st member of the stolen generation to receive compensation from the Vic govt.

Has crime in Aboriginal communities decreased since Rudd apoligised to the stolen generation?

Has crime in Aboriginal communities decreased since Rudd apoligised to the stolen generation?
Answer: I dont believe that Rudd saying sorry has ANYTHING to do with a decrease in crime levels in indigenous communities. If anything, things have gotten worse, following Howard's NT Energency Response, also referred to as the NT Intervention - the worst thing this government has done! Bandaid solutions are NEVER going to solve serious social issues- such as domestic violence and crime. The NT intervention has done no good the the indigenous has placed more pressure on them, in the way of govt welface (centrelink) alcohol bans...etc Rudd apologised and then did not follow it up with any decent social policies to address the main issues in some indigenous communities
Category: Other - Cultures & Groups

Stolen Generation -

Uncle Bob, an elder from the Anangu clan at Uluru and a member of the stolen generation talks and sings about his experiences in the below sound files. ...

What year did the stolen generation start happenning ?

Answer: The forced removal of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children from their families was official government policy from 1909 to 1969. However the practice took place both before and after this period. Governments, churches and welfare bodies all took part. The removal policy was managed by the Aborigines Protection Board (APB). The APB was a government board established in 1909 with the power to remove children without parental consent and without a court order.
Category: History

What does the term "Stolen Generation" actually mean?

I know what the Stolen Generation IS, I just dont know what the term means. Like, where did it come from, etc. I need the answer to this pretty quickly, so please, if you know.... Tell me. Thank you!! :D
Answer: The Stolen Generations (also Stolen children) is a term used to describe those children of Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander descent who were removed from their families by the Australian Federal and State government agencies and church missions, under acts of their respective parliaments. For more information, visit these link :o)
Category: Homework Help

The Stolen Generation - TIME

Aborigines taken from their families in the name of assimilation seek an apology from white Australia

Fuel theft hits Iraq power grid: inspector

Large volumes of diesel fuel destined for Iraqs power stations are stolen each month by transportation contractors in cahoots with electricity ministry officials, an inspector said on Thursday.

Do you think the members of the Stolen Generation will ask for compensation?

Do people believe that sorry will be enough? Or do you think that the stolen generation will consider sorry to be enough? Or will nothing be enough?
Answer: I don't think compensation would cover the hurt, grief etc of the actual event and lives lived and lost because of it - how could it and how could you put a price on it? Unlike other governments of the world who refuse to acknowledge their bad past behaviour I think we should be able to move on with a clean or cleaner slate after it has been publicly acknowledged (in hindsight as most things are) that the policies and thought behind them were bad. If a public apology gives the affected people open slather to sue at will then the intent behind the apology will be lost and it may well be... Who knows what the next step will be... It's a rather complicated issue and like an onion - many layers to come. We should put ourselves in their shoes...
Category: Government

ABC Online Indigenous - Special Topics - Stolen Generations

Members of the Stolen Generations are expected to gather in southern ... Three members of the Stolen Generations have reached out-of-court settlements with the ...

Reliving a sorry chapter in the game

CHARLIE McAdam had endured plenty by the time he arrived at Victoria Park to watch his son Gilbert take on Collingwood on April 17, 1993.

Manuel Pietra to Provide Government Resource Planning (GRP) Domain Expertise as Member of AuthenWare Advisory Board

FreeBalance President & CEO joins Advisory Board of leading cybersecurity software company. (PRWeb June 27, 2011) Read the full story at

HowStuffWorks "What was Australia's Stolen Generation?"

The Stolen Generation is a dark chapter in Australia's history. Read about the Stolen Generation and how Aborigines were taken from their homes.

What happened during the stolen generation?

like im typing a essay and i need to write about what occured like i need to write about the cause and effects of being removed from my family.
Answer: I could write a story about it, but others at wikipedia already wrote it down better as I could.
Category: History

Stolen Generations: Information from

Stolen Generations was Peter Reads title for a 1981 study of NSW government removal of 5625 Aboriginal children from their families between

Stolen generation man gets compensation | Top Stories | BigPond News

Neville Austin has become the 1st member of the stolen generation to receive compensation from the Vic govt.

Stolen Generations - Aboriginal Stolen Generation ...

Stolen Generations: Why children were stolen, Stolen Generation timeline, effects of being stolen, political reactions to the Stolen Generations.

Australias Stolen Generation

The stolen generation were some 100,000 aboriginal children who were taken from their families on the territories, and raised in homes or adopted by white families. ...

Bank of America and SunTrust ATM Scammers Get Jail

Feds bust ATM crime ring

The Stolen Generations

The Stolen Generations of Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders

Stolen generation man gets compensation

A MAN has become the first member of the stolen generation to receive an apology and compensation from the Victorian Government.

Stolen Generation Summary |

Stolen Generation summary with 27 pages of lesson plans, quotes, chapter summaries, analysis, encyclopedia entries, essays, research information, and more.

The Stolen Generations

Removing the Stolen Generations The Sorrow and the Pity Buy the Book ... The central point in the debate over the Stolen Generations is the accusation that ...

KOALA732: The "Stolen Generation"- an Academic attempts to ...

The "Stolen Generation"- an Academic attempts to Criminalize White Australia. There appears to be a very concerted attempt to criminalize Australia in a legal minefield over the issue of 'Genocide'. ...

Stolen generation man gets compensation

MAN becomes the first member of the stolen generation to receive an apology and compensation from the Victorian Government.

YouTube - The Stolen Generation

Jun 3, 2007 ... WARNING: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander viewers are warned that the following video may contain images of deceased persons.

The new stolen generation — Conspiracy Theory - Conspiracy ...

The new stolen generation. Australia is experiencing an epidemic of child abduction – but this is not the work of your average criminals. These crimes are being committed by the State, using words like “care” and ...

The "Stolen Generation" - Aboriginal Art Online

Aboriginal Art Online offers quality paintings and limited edition prints by Australian Aboriginal artists - together with information and comment about ...

The Stolen Generation - TIME

Oct 2, 2000 ... Aborigines taken from their families in the name of assimilation seek an apology from white Australia.

Aboriginal Education - An Understanding

The Stolen Generation refers to the Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait ... There are many stories told and untold of the stolen generation. ...

Stolen generation apology a win for mum

UPDATE 1.30pm: A MEMBER of the Stolen Generation said an apology from the State Government was "one for mum".

Stolen generation man gets compo

MAN taken at 15 months old becomes first stolen generation member to receive compensation from the Victorian Government.

What is the opinion of indigenous Australians about stolen generation?

I am preparing for school oral presentation about stolen generation. I really want to know what indigenous Australians think. My questions are.. 1. What do indigenous Australians think about stolen generation? 2. Is stolen generation still affecting aboriginal culture? If it is, how? 3. What do indigenous Australians think about Kevin Rudds apology? Id rather get answer from indigenous Australians. Thank you.
Answer: Personally: 1. What is there to think about? It happened, it was a government ploy to try to "dilute" Aboriginal blood, it was terrible and heart-wrenching and deserved to be recognised. It shouldn't have happened (like a lot of past Govt decisions which dramatically affect people - Abor and non-Abor) 2. It is still impacting on Aboriginal culture, there are the people who never knew their history and their family. If you're talking traditional culture, mostly it's affecting people in the areas where most Aboriginal culture have been lost. But if you're talking modern culture, it definitely is still affecting us - there are so many people looking for their lost families. 3. It was great! It's about time it was recognised by any Govt. Most Australians (esp white Australians) are offended by the idea that it was an official apology. But they're mainly people with no empathy and enjoy stereotyping all people under one umbrella. They're the people who say but it happened to us as well. YES, that's true and can't you feel sympathy for someone else? This is for that chick with no compassion: Not all Aboriginal people sit in the park drinking out of brown paper bags. I'm Murri and my Mum and Dad have worked all their lives, so have I after finishing school...and I was brought up on a Mission and had to live with the repercussions of the Stolen Generation...and I'm not one of those people. And proud of my culture and my race. You WILL NOT make me ashamed of my people. I've seen a few white people do it too...I think it's terrible how you whites are all alcoholic wife beaters and paedophiles. Do you see the hypocrisy? *sigh* probably not... Thanks for allowing the rant...people like her make me mad.
Category: Other - Cultures & Groups

Stolen Generations

Stolen Generations on WN Network delivers the latest Videos and Editable pages for News & Events, including Entertainment, Music, Sports, Science and ...

What were the problems faced for the struggled for rights and freedom for the stolen generation?

What did the stolen generations face while struggling for rights and freedoms? Pleaseee help! Thanks:)
Answer: The psychic scars left by 200 years of murder, displacement, spiritual upheaval, abuse and assimilation, combined with the appallingly low standard of living that many Aborigines experience today, have led to well-publicised problems of substance and alcohol abuse, often resulting in aggression. 1. Possibly up to 10% Aboriginal children grew up without knowing their families or culture during these years of forced removal. 2. Increased sense of being lower class and devalued 3. institutionalization - abuse, poor relationships, limited opportunities 4. ignorance of these events in the broader community 5. campaign for recognition - "Bringing them home report" 1997 (Note that during the 1960s the term 'stolen generations' was not used)
Category: Homework Help

Stolen Generations - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

For the film, see The Stolen Children. A fictional portrayal entitled ... The Stolen Generations (also known as Stolen children) is a term used to describe the ...

Stolen Generation - Wikinfo

Stolen Generation is the term commonly used to mean the Australian ... Awareness of the Stolen Generation, and the practices which created it, only began to ...

Stolen generation man gets compensation

Melbourne man Neville Austin has become the first member of the stolen generation to receive compensation from the Victorian government.

Child of Australias stolen generation wins compensation from government

The Australian government has made the first payout to a "stolen generation" Melbourne man who was taken from his Aboriginal mother after she could not pay £8 in boarding fees.

What work did the stolen generation have to do after leaving white school?

More specifically, what did Aborigine men do once they left the schools (at age 18?), I know women may have worked as housekeepers ect, but what about men? In around 1960?
Category: History

BBC NEWS | Asia-Pacific | The agony of Australias Stolen ...

Bruce Trevorrow, who was taken from his Aboriginal family as a young child, has become the first of Australias Stolen Generations to win compensation. ...

What else coudl be done to help those a part of the Stolen Generation?

in addition to laws, tracing of families, councelling, funding, national sorry day and speech, is there anything else that could be done to address the issue of the stolen generation more efficiently in the future than already has been done?
Answer: I think what needs to be asked is are the efforts to make amends for past atrocities done to appease guilty consciences or to actually heal and repair damage cause by atrocities of the past? Also one must also consider that those affect must eventually stand for themselves on their own and not fall into the trap of dependency. It is always better for people to have the ability and resources to do for themselves. I think if the tools and knowledge for people to become independently successful are readily accessible then all that is left is for people to take advantage them. From there people should be left alone to chart their own course and make their own choices...
Category: Other - Cultures & Groups

Child Of Australia's Stolen Generation Wins Compensation From ...

The inhabitant polity has prefabricated the prototypal payout to a “stolen generation” town Negro who was condemned from his Aboriginal tending after she could not clear $ 12 in departure fees. Neville Austin, was meet ...

The symbiosis between state and missions

The Stolen Generations 1881 - 2008 ... This was an institution that has figured prominently in the story of the Stolen Generations in Western Australia. ...

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