Sentinel prime - How many defenders of the faith are here tonight?

Sentinel prime : Videos

Transformers 3 DOTM Movie Leader Sentinel Prime Review
Transformers 3 DOTM Movie Leader Sentinel Prime Review
Video Review of the Transformers 3 Dark of the Moon (DOTM); Leader ...
Video Review of the Transformers 3 Dark of the Moon (DOTM); Leader ...
TF3: Sentinel Prime
TF3: Sentinel Prime
Transformers DOTM Sentinel Prime, Ark Playset & Video Game Pics from Toy Fair 2011
Transformers DOTM Sentinel Prime, Ark Playset & Video Game Pics from Toy Fair 2011 Voyager SENTINEL PRIME Contest!!! Voyager SENTINEL PRIME Contest!!!
Transformers 3 Filming Chicago: Sentinel Prime and Optimus Prime
Transformers 3 Filming Chicago: Sentinel Prime and Optimus Prime
Sentinel Prime Toy Revealed?!
Sentinel Prime Toy Revealed?!
Sentinel Prime is ready to tear $#!% up!!!
Sentinel Prime is ready to tear $#!% up!!!
Transformers 3 DOTM Leader Class Sentinel Prime
Transformers 3 DOTM Leader Class Sentinel Prime
Sentinel Prime - Voyager Class, Dark of the Moon
Sentinel Prime - Voyager Class, Dark of the Moon
Transformers Dark Of The Moon (DOTM) Leader Sentinel Prime Review!
Transformers Dark Of The Moon (DOTM) Leader Sentinel Prime Review!
Transformers Kre-O Sentinel Prime
Transformers Kre-O Sentinel Prime
Transformers - Dark Of The Moon Leader Class - Sentinel Prime
Transformers - Dark Of The Moon Leader Class - Sentinel Prime
Sentinel Prime - Leader Class
Sentinel Prime - Leader Class
DOTM Leader Class Sentinel Prime Transformers 3 toy Review
DOTM Leader Class Sentinel Prime Transformers 3 toy Review
Transformers Dark of the Moon- Leader Sentinel Prime in Stop Motion
Transformers Dark of the Moon- Leader Sentinel Prime in Stop Motion
transformers DOTM Sentinel Prime
transformers DOTM Sentinel Prime
Transformers DOTM Leader Sentinel Prime - Robot Mode
Transformers DOTM Leader Sentinel Prime - Robot Mode
Transformers Mech Teched Out Sentinel Prime Review
Transformers Mech Teched Out Sentinel Prime Review
Transformers DOTM Voyager Sentinel Prime
Transformers DOTM Voyager Sentinel Prime
Transformers DOTM Leader Class Sentinel Prime
Transformers DOTM Leader Class Sentinel Prime
Dark of the Moon: Sentinel Prime (Leader Class)
Dark of the Moon: Sentinel Prime (Leader Class)
Transformers: Dark of the Moon Movie Clip: "Wing Suit"
Transformers: Dark of the Moon Movie Clip: "Wing Suit"
Transformers Dark of the Moon Chevy Rollout Featurette
Transformers Dark of the Moon Chevy Rollout Featurette
Transformers DOTM Sentinel Prime Speech and Sound Clips
Transformers DOTM Sentinel Prime Speech and Sound Clips
Transformers Animated Deluxe Class Sentinel Prime
Transformers Animated Deluxe Class Sentinel Prime
Video Review of the Transformers 3 Dark of the Moon (DOTM); Leader ...
Video Review of the Transformers 3 Dark of the Moon (DOTM); Leader ...
TF3: Sentinel Prime
TF3: Sentinel Prime
Sentinel Prime - Leader Class
Sentinel Prime - Leader Class
Sentinel Prime review
Transformers DOTM Sentinel Prime, Ark Playset & Video Game Pics ...
Transformers DOTM Sentinel Prime, Ark Playset & Video Game Pics ...
IGN Rewind Theater: Transformers 3 Super Bowl TV Spot
IGN Rewind Theater: Transformers 3 Super Bowl TV Spot Voyager SENTINEL PRIME Contest!!! Voyager SENTINEL PRIME Contest!!!
TFA: Ultra Magnus & Sentinel Prime
TFA: Ultra Magnus & Sentinel Prime
Transformers Animated Sentinel Prime Review
Transformers Animated Sentinel Prime Review
Transformers Dark of the Moon Sentinel Prime Leader Class
Transformers Dark of the Moon Sentinel Prime Leader Class
Animated Sentinel Prime
Animated Sentinel Prime
Animated Sentinel Prime
Animated Sentinel Prime
Transformers 3 Filming Chicago: Sentinel Prime and Optimus Prime
Transformers 3 Filming Chicago: Sentinel Prime and Optimus Prime
DOTM Sentinel Prime(Leader Class) Review 1
DOTM Sentinel Prime(Leader Class) Review 1
DOTM Sentinel Prime(Leader Class) Review 2
DOTM Sentinel Prime(Leader Class) Review 2
DOTM Sentinel Prime Custom Moon Version
DOTM Sentinel Prime Custom Moon Version
Animated Sentinel Prime Review
Animated Sentinel Prime Review

Sentinel prime : Photo Gallery

Sentinel Prime (G1) - Teletraan I: the Transformers Wiki - War for ...
Sentinel Prime (G1) - Teletraan I: the Transformers Wiki - War for ...
Sentinel Prime (G1) - Teletraan I: the Transformers Wiki - War for ...
Sentinel Prime (G1) - Teletraan I: the Transformers Wiki - War for ...
Sentinel Prime & Optimus Prime Featured on the Cover of EMPIRE ...
Sentinel Prime & Optimus Prime Featured on the Cover of EMPIRE ...
Confusing 'Transformers 3′ Movie Spoilers & Sentinel Prime First Look
Confusing 'Transformers 3′ Movie Spoilers & Sentinel Prime First Look
Transformers 3 Empire Cover With Sentinel Prime | Screen Rant
Transformers 3 Empire Cover With Sentinel Prime | Screen Rant
DOTM Sentinel Prime by ~KHon-the-run on deviantART
DOTM Sentinel Prime by ~KHon-the-run on deviantART
Photo: Tf sentinel prime header / iGossip
Photo: Tf sentinel prime header / iGossip
Sentinel Prime (Leader) - Transformers 3 Main Line - TFW2005
Sentinel Prime (Leader) - Transformers 3 Main Line - TFW2005
Transformers 3 Dark of the Moon – Megatron and Sentinel Prime
Transformers 3 Dark of the Moon – Megatron and Sentinel Prime
Transformers 3 Movie Sentinel Prime Roll Out! | Robot Toy & Figure ...
Transformers 3 Movie Sentinel Prime Roll Out! | Robot Toy & Figure ...
Sentinel Prime Unveiled for Transformers 3 Dark of the Moon
Sentinel Prime Unveiled for Transformers 3 Dark of the Moon
Empire Magazine Features Sentinel Prime And Optimus Prime From ...
Empire Magazine Features Sentinel Prime And Optimus Prime From ...
DOTM Sentinel Prime leaked images | Transformers Custom Toys ...
DOTM Sentinel Prime leaked images | Transformers Custom Toys ...
Transformers 3: Dark of the Moon Sentinel Prime Revealed - Zeibiz
Transformers 3: Dark of the Moon Sentinel Prime Revealed - Zeibiz
Transformers 3 Toys Reveal Sentinel Prime, Wreckers & A New ...
Transformers 3 Toys Reveal Sentinel Prime, Wreckers & A New ...
Sentinel Prime and Optimus Prime in Transformers: Dark of the Moon ...
Sentinel Prime and Optimus Prime in Transformers: Dark of the Moon ...
07 Sentinel Prime Cover B by ~Tf-SeedsOfDeception on deviantART
07 Sentinel Prime Cover B by ~Tf-SeedsOfDeception on deviantART
Sentinel Prime Design by ~glovestudios on deviantART
Sentinel Prime Design by ~glovestudios on deviantART
HD Wallpapers: Transformer Sentinel prime
HD Wallpapers: Transformer Sentinel prime
Leader Class Sentinel Prime by *AleximusPrime on deviantART
Leader Class Sentinel Prime by *AleximusPrime on deviantART
TF3 Sentinel Prime - Transformers Photo (21582312) - Fanpop
TF3 Sentinel Prime - Transformers Photo (21582312) - Fanpop
Art Request-Sentinel Prime by *xXTransformersGirlXx on deviantART
Art Request-Sentinel Prime by *xXTransformersGirlXx on deviantART
Sentinel Prime by ~hansime on deviantART
Sentinel Prime by ~hansime on deviantART
DOTM Sentinel Prime Poster by ~spacer114 on deviantART
DOTM Sentinel Prime Poster by ~spacer114 on deviantART
Animated Sentinel Prime toy
Animated Sentinel Prime toy
SentinelPrimeRobot jpg
SentinelPrimeRobot jpg
http www brianstoys com store images products Transformers CommemorativeSeries
http www brianstoys com store images products Transformers CommemorativeSeries
Sentinel prime dw jpg
Sentinel prime dw jpg
sentinel prime lou jpg
sentinel prime lou jpg
sentinel prime toy images Image 0
sentinel prime toy images Image 0
SentinelPrimeProfile png
SentinelPrimeProfile png
r sentinelprime084 jpg
r sentinelprime084 jpg
Josh Wilding Reviews: Transformers: Dark Of The Moon 3D
Josh Wilding Reviews: Transformers: Dark Of The Moon 3D
Rated: PG-13 for violence, foul language and sexual situations
Rated: PG-13 for violence, foul language and sexual situations
Transformers: Dark of the Moon International Poster with Sentinel Prime
Transformers: Dark of the Moon International Poster with Sentinel Prime
Hollywood's 'biggest' star makes White Bear visit
Hollywood's 'biggest' star makes White Bear visit
New 'Transformers: Dark Of The Moon' Photos Show Sentinel Prime And More
New 'Transformers: Dark Of The Moon' Photos Show Sentinel Prime And More
Fire fighting vehicle built by local company to star in Transformers movie
Fire fighting vehicle built by local company to star in Transformers movie
'Transformers': Showy action and blank-faced girlfriends
'Transformers': Showy action and blank-faced girlfriends
Reviews - New Films Opening July 1st 2011 - Including Transformers Dark Of The ...
Reviews - New Films Opening July 1st 2011 - Including Transformers Dark Of The ...
Short-fuse sequel packs heavy firepower
Short-fuse sequel packs heavy firepower
Transformers: Dark Of The Moon Review
Transformers: Dark Of The Moon Review
Motto: ""Life is tough, but it's tougher if you're stupid.""
Motto: ""Life is tough, but it's tougher if you're stupid.""
An "avid fanboy geek's" take on the new "Transformers"
An "avid fanboy geek's" take on the new "Transformers"
New Chevy TV Spot For Transformers: Dark Of The Moon Hits!
New Chevy TV Spot For Transformers: Dark Of The Moon Hits!
Contest: 'Transformers' toys, shirt, book giveaway
Contest: 'Transformers' toys, shirt, book giveaway
Chevy Rollout - Exclusive Transformers: Dark of the Moon Footage
Chevy Rollout - Exclusive Transformers: Dark of the Moon Footage - The Ultimate Transformers Fansite - The Ultimate Transformers Fansite

Sentinel prime : Latest News, Information, Answers and Websites

Transformers 101: Secret Origins From The Dark Of The Moon

By Matt Adler Since their debut in 1984, the Transformers have seen many incarnations throughout the full range of media, from comics to cartoons, to toys and, of course, live-action film. With the latest installment of their big-screen franchise, "Transformers: Dark Of The Moon," rolling out into theaters today (June 29), we’re taking a look at [...]

Sentinel Prime (G1) - Transformers Wiki

Sentinel Prime was Optimus Prime's immediate predecessor as Autobot leader. ... With the power of his new ability, Sentinel Prime defeated the Decepticons' ...

Does Sentinel Prime betrays The Autobot?

Answer: Since you asked... Yes, but he doesn't believe he's wrong. He doesn't believe in what Optimus and the Autobots do, and sees earth as an expendable, acceptable loss to save Cybertron He kills Ironhide when he betrays them. he also kills the twins in the same scene, but I heard they were cut from the final cut
Category: Comics & Animation

OAFE - Transformers Animated: Sentinel Prime review

OAFE reviews Transformers Animated Sentinel Prime toy from Hasbro

Robots (Sentinel Prime)

An adaptation of Marvel Comics Sentinel Prime for the GURPS RPG. By Morpheus Unbound.

Did you know Optimus Prime kills Sentinel Prime to save the world in Transformers 3?

One of the greatest battles since WW2?
Category: Politics

What is the best movie of the summer ?

Optimus kills megatron and sentinel prime in transformers 3 saved you 10 bucks
Category: Polls & Surveys

Sentinel Prime Dark of the Moon Figure Review - Transformers ...

Sentinel Prime. After 2 years of Revenge of the Fallen, we are finally moving on to the third (and perhaps) final chapter in the Bayverse known as Dark of the Moon. ...

Transformers: Dark of the Moon: Plot, 3-D change for the better

A movie review of "Transformers: Dark of the Moon." The third part in the franchise takes a giant leap forward in 3-D technical achievement and plot cohesion.

Product Catalog

SENTINEL PRIME is a legendary warrior, thought lost long ago. ... As a new arrival on Earth, SENTINEL PRIME is unfamiliar with all of the new tactics developed by the AUTOBOTS. ...

Transformers: Dark of the Moon is another loud bruiser

Michael Bay went to the far side of the moon in search of a human face for "Transformers." He came back with another loud, long, bruising and wearisome onslaught of giant, shape-shifting robots.

Anonymous_X: Sentinel Prime in Transformers: Dark of the Moon

Sentinel Prime in Transformers: Dark of the Moon. Labels: movie · Sentinel Prime featured in "Transformers: Dark of the Moon"? Woo hoo!!! Can hardly wait. 0 comments: Post a Comment · Newer Post Older Post Home ...

Sentinel Zeta Prime - Transformers Wiki

Sentinel Zeta Prime is an Autobot from the Aligned continuity family. ... Sentinel Zeta Prime was originally an officer in the Elite Guard before being named Prime. ...

If Transformers Animated was allowed to continue for a 4th season...?

...instead of being cancelled just as it finally got good, what do you think should happen? They left a lot of dangling threads and possibilities. Also what ideas do you have for what season 4 would be like? Swindle, Sunstorm, and Ramjet are still at large, Soundwave is still free, he should become loyal to Megatron and join the other Decepticons to free him Sentinel Prime should become the all ruling Magnus and get his spark ripped out by Megatron like his other incarnations The Dinobots, Wreck Gar, Rodimus and his team, and the remaining Elite Guard should Join Optimus team on earth hbu?
Answer: Dinobots should have been killed off, except maybe one of them. They were too silly so one is enough.
Category: Comics & Animation

Optimus kills megatron and sentinel prime?

third movie, thought i get that across again
Category: Polls & Surveys

Optimus kills megaton and sentinel prime?

Category: Movies

Prime Sentinel - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Prime Sentinels are an advanced type of Sentinel which exist in the fictional Marvel Comics universe. ... The Prime Sentinels were created when Bastion initiated the Operation: ...

Kreon Bio Summaries For Optimus Prime, Sentinel Prime, Bumblebee ...

For some unknown reason, the bio summaries for Kreon BIo Summaries For Optimus Prime, Sentinel Prime, Bumblebee, Megatron, and Starscream have been posted on's ecommerce site pages. ...

Fire fighting vehicle built by local company to star in Transformers movie

When movie goers watch Sentinel Prime racing through urban streets in the upcoming “Transformers: Dark of the Moon” they will be watching a fire truck that was built by a Wyoming manufacturer.

Who is This New Autobot on the Set of Transformers 3 ...

Theres a new <i>Transformers 3</i> video out showing Optimus Prime with his trailer attached and a new unknown autobot - could it be Sentinel Prime or Ultra Magnus?

‘Transformers 3′: In which Michael Bay turns Optimus Prime into a sociopathic idiot douchebag

Even by the surprisingly flimsy standards of ’80s action cartoons, Transformers was not a good show. The toys were fun — this was back in more innocent days, when talking cars didn’t have tongues — but the cartoon was a parade of random robots with colorful names and zero personality. The one exception — really,

Review: Transformers 3 plays out like a video game

The movie showcases some of the worst acting in recent years.

Local Manufacturer's Truck Stars as Sentinel Prime in Upcoming ...

Rosenbauer America manufactured an airport rescue fire fighting vehicle that will be used as “Sentinel Prime” in the upcoming movie, “Transformers: Dark of the Moon.” The vehicle will be on display at the White Bear ...

Transformers 3 Dark Of The Moon - Thoughts and Spoilers | Caperture

The movie brings in a good twist at the point on when the Autobot – Sentinel Prime turns against his own because of a deal he had made with Megatron. Sentinel Prime also kills Ironhide as he reveals his true goal. ...

Local Manufacturers Truck Stars as Sentinel Prime in Upcoming ‘Transformers 3’

Employees at a manufacturer based out of Wyoming, Minn., are about to see one of their trucks on the big screen.

What is the root of all evil (part 10)?

Sentinel Prime from Transformers: Animated or a sack of toenails? (one of these two only)
Answer: toenails
Category: Polls & Surveys

Sentinel Prime (Animated) - Teletraan I: the Transformers ...

Sentinel Prime is a jerk and unfortunately a member of the Cybertron Elite Guard under the command of Ultra Magnus. Sentinel has a history of rivalry ...

#SentinelPrimeFanClub on deviantART

Art - community of artists and those devoted to art. Digital art, skin art, themes, wallpaper art, traditional art, photography, poetry / prose. Art prints.

Transformers 3 showing at SM 3D cinema

WHEN the war on Cybertron between the Autobots and Decepticons appears lost to the Autobots, their leader, Sentinel Prime, attempts to launch the Ark from their planet, containing technology that could have saved his kind. Attacked by Starscream, it crashes on Earths moon in 1961. President John F. Kennedy makes his famous promise to the nation to put a man on the moon. The 1969 NASA moon ...


im doing the quest Take it Back! where you have to follow liberty prime and i dont know where he went he took out the first barrier and now hes disappeared and i dont know where he is. also, sentinel lyons is following me, and i dont know what to do now please help me i was going to the liberty memorial and when i turned around he just wasnt there i retraced my steps and couldnt find him i could reload but its at the very beginning of the quest
Answer: just follow the street until you get to the jefferson memorial. there's a good chance he (somehow) ran ahead (though what you were doing to lose him is beyond me). if he's not ahead and there's a gate still in the way then the games probably glitched on you. i hope you saved prior.
Category: Video & Online Games

Can somebody help me with this quiz in programming?

) A ____ repeats actions while some condition remains unchanged. (Points: 3) Repetition Structure Control Structure Selection Structure Sequence Structure 2. (TCO 5) When should a programmer select a Do While Loop for his or her program? (Points: 3) When the programmer knows the exact number of times the loop will be executed. When the programmer knows the loop must be executed at least once. When he or she is not sure how many times the loop will be executed. There is no reason to select a Do While loop. Any loop can be used any time. 3. (TCO 5) Which is NOT a component of a C# Loop Structure? (Points: 3) A control variable. A conditional expression. Required to change control variable in the body of the loop. Semi-colon at the end of the parenthesis. 4. (TCO 5) The While Loop has three important parts: prime the read of a value into the loop control variable, a Boolean expression that is tested for a true or false value, and: (Points: 3) A statement or block that is repeated as long as the expression is true. A statement or block that is repeated only if the expression is false. One line of code that is repeated once, if the expression is true. A statement or block that is repeated once, if the expression is true. 5. (TCO 5) A loop that never stops executing or never terminates is called: (Points: 3) A nested loop. An infinite loop. A pre-test loop. A post-test loop. 6. (TCO 5) Which of the following is not good programming practice? (Points: 3) Indenting the statements in the body of each control structure Using floating-point values for counters in counter-controlled repetition Nesting multiple repetition structures Placing vertical spacing above and below control structures 7. (TCO 5) What would be the output of the following code? int I = 2; while (I < 5) { Console.WriteLine("{0}",I); I++; } (Points: 3) 10, 9, 8, 7, 6 2, 3, 4 1 3 5 7 9 1 2 4 6 8 10 8. (TCO 5) Which statement is NOT equivalent to x = x + 1? (Points: 3) x++; x + = 1; x = 1 + x; x =+ 1; 9. (TCO 5) _____________ is a statement interrupts the execution of the loop body and jumps to the next loop iteration. (Points: 3) continue; break; goto Each of the above 10. (TCO 5) Some loops require the user to enter a special value to end the loop, which is called: (Points: 3) Pre-test value. Sentinel value. Post-test value. None of the above. 11. (TCO 10) During code walkthrough of a specific program, describe the usefulness of good documentation. What forms can this documentation take within the code? (Points: 5)
Answer: This is not a quiz: it is homework. If WE were to answer, would WE get the points? Plain and obvious homework questions should be reported as abuse: it is cheating.
Category: Programming & Design

Review: Transformers is another loud bruiser

To his credit, Michael Bay does try to put more human touch into "Transformers: Dark of the Moon," aiming to make up for the clattering mess of overgrown kitchen appliances that duked it out in the franchises last installment.

Will You Stand Up Against the Zio-Nazi Conspiracy to Murder OUR Free Speech? "The Palestinians are like croc?

"The Palestinians are like crocodiles, the more you give them meat, they want more".... Ehud Barak, Prime Minister of Israel at the time - August 28, 2000.Reported in the Jerusalem Post August 30, 2000 This is a deliberate lie and the world media kept it secret! Unreported!! May I ask why? Do you like to Examine the Physical Evidence in support of the Israeli Holocaust in Palestine? This map “First Jewish colony in Palestine, 1878” shows a small number of the Jews were living in the Arab land without any trouble. This map “United Nations Partition Plan-UN Resolution 181, 1947 / Rhodes Armistice Line, 1949” was a solution to European anti-Jewish sentiments and an unfair action at the expense of Arabs. This offer “Projection of the West Bank Final Status Map presented by Israel, Camp David, July 2000” clearly shows that the Israelis offered nothing to the Palestinians. What about the illegal and immoral invasion of Iraq based on false and fabricated reason and ground beside Israel? Cheney: Iraq pullout would hurt Israel! (A good idea, for once) and How could you deny the fact that Iraq was invaded to secure Israel? are true and undeniable facts! Yet, we are not allowed to discuss them openly and feely!! Why is it so? "We Jews are going to bring war on Germany." - David Brown, President of American Hebrew, in 1934, quoted in Edmonsons I Testify, page 188. "The Second World War is being fought for the defense of the fundamentals of Judaism." - The Chicago Jewish Sentinel, October 8, 1942. Above statements are true and accurate like pull out of Iraq and invasion of Iraq. Once again, we are not allowed to discuss them openly and feely!! P.S. Links are for authentication and not for promotion.
Answer: Well, according to the above evidence and many others I know, "the Jews brought the WW2". Now, they are trying to get the WW3!! The Jews are ethnically cleansing the Arabs (Muslims and Christians) and they feel good about it. However, they do not feel good about Hitler's ethnic cleansing!! What an irony! What a double Standard!! What a bunch of hypocrites!!!!
Category: Other - Politics & Government

Local Manufacturer's Truck Stars as Sentinel Prime in Upcoming ...

Jun 23, 2011 ... Rosenbauer America manufactured an airport rescue fire fighting vehicle that will be used as “Sentinel Prime” in the upcoming movie, ...

YouTube - DOTM Leader Class SENTINEL PRIME

Mar 14, 2011 ... A look at the legendary Autobot leader and mentor to Optimus Prime!

Transformers 3 builds to action-packed finish

You can tell that Michael Bay was just dying to get the metallic monsters on the street and do a "2012" number on Chicago. So you have to admire the directors ambition and patience in "Transformers: Dark of the Moon."

Can all of you comment here about your favorite transformers dark of the moon favorite characters please?

I hate the cartoon series but I love the films.I personally dont like optimus prime because he acts too much of the hero.I like que(wheeljack) and the twins have been confirmed to be appearing on the third movie.Btw my favorite is sentinel prime.Also silverbolt will appear in the third movie as a space shuttle.
Answer: I read the book based on the movie, and you might want to rethink something you posted about one of the Autobots there. But in regards to Optimus Prime, he is the hero as far as I'm concerned, but he doesn't show it. Throughout everything I have seen, and I have been a fan of Transformers for over 25 years, he does what he has to do because quite simply, "Freedom is the right of all sentient beings."
Category: Movies

Morocco seeks Sentinel radar

WASHINGTON, June 28 (UPI) -- Morocco is requesting a U.S. Foreign Military Sale of eight AN/MPQ-64F1 Sentinel Radars and associated equipment.

Sentinel Prime - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Sentinel Prime is the name of several fictional characters in the various Transformers series. First mention of Sentinel Prime was in issue #65 of the US ...

Sentinel Prime Featured in New 'Transformers 3' International ...

A look at an international poster for 'Transformers: Dark of the Moon' featuring Sentinel Prime.

Sentinel Prime (Animated) - Transformers Wiki

The name or term "Sentinel Prime" refers to more than one character or idea. For a list of other meanings, see Sentinel Prime (disambiguation) ...

Transformers: Dark of the Moon (2011)

/** * This Template is used to show the similar Movies * * * @package NYTD_Movies * @version $Id: Movies_SimilarMovies.tpl.php 47391 2010-10-13 22:48:24Z howard $ * @filesource $HeadURL: * @author jayesh_pawar */ ?>

Sentinel Prime (G1) - Teletraan I: the Transformers Wiki ...

Sentinel Prime was Optimus Primes immediate predecessor as Autobot leader.

Cyberverse Sentinel Prime Repaint Incoming? - Transformers News ...

A potential repaint of the Cyberverse Sentinel Prime mold has been found via Hasbro's PDF Instruction Archive. Named.

6 Major Inconsistencies With Transformers 3 | John Campea's Screen

PROBLEM #1 – WHY SHOOT SENTINEL PRIME DOWN? In the movie we see that Sentinel Prime is escaping from Cybertron and the Decepticons with his pillars. During the escape, the Decepticons shoot his ship out of the sky ...

Can someone help me with this computer science program for java?

Prime numbers are one of the building blocks used in Public-key cryptography. In this lap you will write a program which checks if a number is a prime number. 1. Write a method called isDivisibleBy which accepts two incoming parameters and checks to see if the first number is divisible by the second number without a remainder. The method returns true or false. Test the method by calling it with some test values from the main method. [20 points - formating 5, parameters 5, return datatype 5, if 5] 2. Write a method called isPrime which checks for a positive integer number if it is a prime number. A positive integer number is a prime number if it is divisible only by 1 and by itself. Use the isDivisibleBy function from above in your method. Change the main method to test the isPrime method. Useful information on prime numbers can be found at [25 points - formating 5, parameters 5, loop and call of isDivisibleBy 10, return datatype 5] 3. Change the main method such that it lets you enter a number, checks that the number entered is a positive number, and then displays whether or not the number is a prime number. Use the sentinel value -1 to end the program. [25 points - formating 5, loop 10, reading numbers 5, call isPrime 5] So far, this is what I have: import java.util.*; public class prime{ //method used to see if the first number is divisible by the second number public static void isDivisibleBy(int number1, int number2){ if(number1%number2) System.out.println("true"); //also needs to return true else System.out.println("false"); //also needs to return false } public static void main(String[]args){ Scanner scan=new Scanner(; System.out.println("Please enter a number"); int number1; // first number System.out.println( "Please enter second number to be divided by the first number" ) int number2; second number if (number1%number2)
Answer: Here's some methods to check if a number is prime and divisisble by some other number, implementing the main methods should be simple enough. public static boolean isDivisibleBy(int numerator, int denominator) { return (numerator % denominator) == 0; } public static boolean isPrime(int number) { for(int i = 2; i * i <= number; i++) { if(isDivisibleBy(number, i) { return false; } } return true; }
Category: Programming & Design

Sentinel Prime (SentinelPrime) | Formspring

View Sentinel Primes profile on Formspring. Formspring is a place where you can respond, have fun and get to know friends better.

How many defenders of the faith are here tonight?

The Sentinel Along deserted avenues Steam begins to rise The figures primed and ready Prepared for quick surprise Hes watching for a sign His life is on the line Dogs whine in the alleys Smoke is on the wind From deep inside its empty shell A cathedral bell begins Ringing out its toll A storm begins to grow Amidst the upturned burned-out cars The challengers await And in their fists clutch iron bars With which to seal his fate Across his chest in scabbards rest The rows of throwing knives Whose razor points in challenged tests Have finished many lives Now facing as another The stand-off eats at time Then all at once a silence falls As the bell ceases its chime Upon this sign the challengers With shrieks and cries rush forth The knives fly out like bullets Upon their deadly course Screams of pain and agony Rent the silent air Amidst the dying bodies Blood runs everywhere The figure stands expressionless Impassive and alone Unmoved by this victory And the seeds of death hes sown Sworn to avenge condemn to hell Tempt not the blade all fear the Sentinel Wow - no one really does read the details. Judas Priest - Defenders of the Faith the song - The Sentinel
Answer: You're right, not everyone reads all the details. Or else they are not Judas Priest fans! ; )
Category: Religion & Spirituality

Transformers Animated, Deluxe, Sentinel Prime

At this point in 2008, we dont know Sentinel Primes full story. ... What we do know about Sentinel Prime is that he is the most arrogant, pompous, ...

Meet Sentinel Prime and Rosie Huntingon-Whiteley in New ...

Sentinel Prime is the legendary Autobot and mentor to Optimus Prime who will be voiced by the legendary Leonard Nimoy in Transformers: Dark of the Moon. ...

Transformers: Beginner's Guide To Shockwave & Sentinel Prime ...

Get some recon on Optimus Prime's successor and his new foe from the comics and cartoons before you check out Dark of the Moon.

New 'Transformers: Dark Of The Moon' Photos Show Sentinel Prime ...

Jun 14, 2011 ... Covering the world of movies with exclusive news, celebrity columns and more.

Optimus Prime vs A Fleet of Sentinels?

Answer: Optimus Prime simply because he is Optimus Prime
Category: Comics & Animation

Sentinel Prime - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Sentinel Prime is the name of several fictional characters in the various Transformers series. ... Sentinel Prime has since appeared in a variety of forms as either ...

Sentinel Prime (G1) - Teletraan I: the Transformers Wiki - War for ...

Sentinel Prime was Optimus Prime's immediate predecessor as Autobot leader.

Review: Transformers is another loud bruiser

DAVID GERMAIN AP Movie Writer To his credit, Michael Bay does try to put more human touch into "Transformers: Dark of the Moon," aiming to make up for the clattering mess of overgrown kitchen appliances that duked it out in the franchises last installment. Bay went to the far side of the moon and even to planet Vulcan, enlisting John F. Kennedy, Richard Nixon, Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin and Mr ...

Transformers: Dark Of The Moon Thrills Opening Night Crowds

Robot flick nabs $13.5 million from Tuesday-night screenings.

Transformers 3's Sentinel Prime - Movies News at IGN

Apparently, being able to fly and tear off faces in TF2 wasn't enough ass- kickery for Optimus Prime. Now, the Autobot leader gets some help: Sentinel ...

EDITED,,, your opinion on this please ?

untitled. Beside a quiet dale, shrouded by daily, mourning, fog a towering, yet solitary, once mighty oak still stands alone. In silent vigil, he is waiting, denying the time passing another change of season arrives, falling into winter now. For decades he’s stood sentinel over an overgrown forest path it’s presence, now so scared by time, nearly unknown to himself. His soul is nearly frozen, striped bare of his red autumn cloak winter breezes shall easily disturb his weary dreaming slumber. Boughs of his crown weathered by strife, yet still unbowed tests of strength endured, his very fiber, his being stretched. Ignoring stark truth, daily he waits, hoping, always longing, an unforgotten, raven haired, angel figure to emerge. An autumn day, unlike this one, long ago in his prime gloriously misty, peacefully still, with rapidly fading chill. She first came along the once marked path, singing of her dreams as time passed, her vibrant voice found his deeply shielded heart. Of dreams without fears, joys unfound, she often sang for him possibilities of living a life she yearned for, yes, she’d gladly wait. Her radiance breached the cold layers surrounding his motionless soul her voice nourishing him with warmth, seasons into years passing. That last day, at first light, found her stirring, leaving her place nary a whisper uttered, nor regretful look, quietly she stole away. Each day at dawn he looks to that now lonely spot where she last lay her presence and dream songs recalled, engraved within his soul. Alone, his heart nearly taken by time, he stands, awaiting her return her youthful smile below green eyes, he forlornly still craves. He often murmurs with leafy questioning quivers, as if she were there he believes he hears her musical replies, only now, in distant breezes. Fifty-eight spent years, waiting for the dreamer returning, never yielding, death, held at bay by his memories of long ago, finally coming now. Twenty-four years ago now, the once young dreamer, laid to her final rest, with flooding tears in spring, beneath the shade of the once mighty oak. NOTE: I have intentally NOT compressed this,,, in my mind it works well,,, wonder how anyone else sees it though neon,,, the number of years are mentioned in an attempt to tie this into a frame of time most humans can understand by moving the time passage from the abstract into something approaching a realistic grounding for most of us.
Answer: Nice read! More like Shakespearean-sense detailed descriptive poem. The consecutive details draw the full picture for the reader. There is not a vague or obscure image that may give it a third dimension behind which a shadow of hidden meaning rests. That what makes any nicely written poem, like this, fully emotional, a one-pass read. And I wonder, you 'v got all it takes to write long lasting poems, what is holding you from doing so?! But again, you know better, I'm only a reader displaying his take on your poem, not a technical (professional) critic or editor.
Category: Poetry

Review: Transformers Is Another Loud Bruiser

Movie review: Dark of the Moon delivers another loud, long Transformers bruiser

iStoryTime Unleashes Transformers Dark of the Moon Mix & Match Storybook App

Written by David Roe and Illustrated by Alex Milne and Rob Ruffalo of UdonLos Angeles, CA (PRWEB) June 29, 2011 iStoryTime, the largest library of mobile children’s book applications, in partnership with Reader’s Digest Children’s Books® and Hasbro, Inc., today launched the Transformers Dark of the Moon Mix & Match storybook available immediately on Apple’s iPad, iPhone and iPod touch. ...

Whos going to see Transformers 3?

The twins DIE!!! :D *TA Haha!* But so does Ironhide |( And Starscream Sentinel Prime is the main villain, not Shockwave Optimus and Megatron work together to stop him Megatron gives up fighting, which is why its the final movie. *WARNING* these spoilers should not have been read by anyone wanting to see the movie
Answer: well im gonna go see the movie ^_^ it looks really interesting
Category: Polls & Surveys

Sentinel Magnus (SentinelPrime) on Twitter

Im an Autobot, one of the best there is. Im acting Magnus of the Autobot forces. Turn-offs include organic worlds and species.

Sentinel Prime - Transformers Animated - TFW2005

Graduate of the same class as OPTIMUS PRIME at the AUTOBOT Academy, SENTINEL PRIME is commander of a squad of the best the AUTOBOTS have to offer

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