Reprimanded - Golden Plus directors reprimanded fined

Reprimanded : Photo Gallery

reprimanded - definition of reprimanded by the Free Online ...
reprimanded - definition of reprimanded by the Free Online ...
reprimanded - definition of reprimanded by the Free Online ...
reprimanded - definition of reprimanded by the Free Online ...
Boy Being Reprimanded By a Teacher - Royalty Free Clipart Picture
Boy Being Reprimanded By a Teacher - Royalty Free Clipart Picture
Mood (Sad) - Another Boy Reprimanded #2 | Flickr - Photo Sharing!
Mood (Sad) - Another Boy Reprimanded #2 | Flickr - Photo Sharing!
MEP Reprimanded For Exposing EU Dictatorship
MEP Reprimanded For Exposing EU Dictatorship
Beavis and Butthead teacher reprimanded - Telegraph
Beavis and Butthead teacher reprimanded - Telegraph
Women Lawyers--Back on Track: Judge reprimanded for racial remarks
Women Lawyers--Back on Track: Judge reprimanded for racial remarks
News and Commentary from Dvmx.
News and Commentary from Dvmx.
Reprimanded Quotes
Reprimanded Quotes
Skater Flatt fined, reprimanded for non-disclosure of injury ...
Skater Flatt fined, reprimanded for non-disclosure of injury ...
Homophobic Oklahoma State Legislator Gets Reprimanded For Horrid ...
Homophobic Oklahoma State Legislator Gets Reprimanded For Horrid ...
Harbhajan: Nobody likes Matthew Hayden | thetelegraph.
Harbhajan: Nobody likes Matthew Hayden | thetelegraph.
Hamilton, Webber and Alguersuari reprimanded after Spanish Grand ...
Hamilton, Webber and Alguersuari reprimanded after Spanish Grand ...
Business News | TOKYO – Japan's nuclear safety officials ...
Business News | TOKYO – Japan's nuclear safety officials ...
030- Bumblebee gets reprimanded rather than praised for destroying ...
030- Bumblebee gets reprimanded rather than praised for destroying ...
Karen Barber 'reprimanded' over row with Jason Gardiner? | TV ...
Karen Barber 'reprimanded' over row with Jason Gardiner? | TV ...
jack valenti is reprimanded | Flickr - Photo Sharing!
jack valenti is reprimanded | Flickr - Photo Sharing!
NBS Christmas Clearance Sale!
NBS Christmas Clearance Sale!
THEE! Ohio Players, 8dayz a week..
THEE! Ohio Players, 8dayz a week..
Atelier couture | Flickr - Photo Sharing!
Atelier couture | Flickr - Photo Sharing!
Last time, I was with GF and decided to take the burger test to the ...
Last time, I was with GF and decided to take the burger test to the ...
The TruckNet® UK Drivers RoundTable • View topic - yorkshire firms
The TruckNet® UK Drivers RoundTable • View topic - yorkshire firms
Local police officers honored with valor award
Local police officers honored with valor award
reprimanded jpg
reprimanded jpg
Beau being reprimanded for chasing skunks 2009 jpg
Beau being reprimanded for chasing skunks 2009 jpg
47136040 26144942 jpg
47136040 26144942 jpg
Episode 4 Sloan is reprimanded by Superintendent Stevenson
Episode 4 Sloan is reprimanded by Superintendent Stevenson
picture php albumid=60 pictureid=860
picture php albumid=60 pictureid=860
A mother of an Iraqi arrested by US forces scratches her face
A mother of an Iraqi arrested by US forces scratches her face
03a eprize jpg
03a eprize jpg
16093 PedroCollinsW jpg
16093 PedroCollinsW jpg
Sammy reprimanded, Rampaul fined
Sammy reprimanded, Rampaul fined
Philly firefighter reprimanded for posing for calendar found dead in home
Philly firefighter reprimanded for posing for calendar found dead in home
Rampaul fined, Sammy reprimanded
Rampaul fined, Sammy reprimanded
Firestone's football coach will keep his job
Firestone's football coach will keep his job
Southwest Pilot Reprimanded for Rant During Flight
Southwest Pilot Reprimanded for Rant During Flight
EL school board publicly reprimands Wolf
EL school board publicly reprimands Wolf
Lawyer reprimanded for possessing cocaine
Lawyer reprimanded for possessing cocaine
Foxy Brown Reprimanded For Turning Up To Court Late
Foxy Brown Reprimanded For Turning Up To Court Late
Tourism director placed on leave
Tourism director placed on leave
Councilwoman Reprimanded For Stealing Campaign Signs
Councilwoman Reprimanded For Stealing Campaign Signs
Judge faces fine, reprimand
Judge faces fine, reprimand
District 46 superintendent reprimanded over emails
District 46 superintendent reprimanded over emails
West Indies v India: Ravi Rampaul fined, Darren Sammy reprimanded
West Indies v India: Ravi Rampaul fined, Darren Sammy reprimanded
Marines who fired on plane won't be reprimanded
Marines who fired on plane won't be reprimanded
Foxy Brown Reprimanded For Turning Up To Court Late
Foxy Brown Reprimanded For Turning Up To Court Late
Lawyer reprimanded for being rude, profane
Lawyer reprimanded for being rude, profane

Reprimanded : Videos

Nigel Farage reprimanded for criticising new EU president & foreign minister
Nigel Farage reprimanded for criticising new EU president & foreign minister
UKIP Nigel Farage MEP - Reprimanded for expression in the EU - Novemeber 2009
UKIP Nigel Farage MEP - Reprimanded for expression in the EU - Novemeber 2009
Maplewood Officer Reprimanded After Citizen Complaint by Catherine Bleish
Maplewood Officer Reprimanded After Citizen Complaint by Catherine Bleish
Charles Hamilton - Reprimanded (Lost Before)
Charles Hamilton - Reprimanded (Lost Before)
Public Reprimand for Defense Counsel Karnavas
Public Reprimand for Defense Counsel Karnavas
Letterhead issue: Liu reprimanded, Teng advised to be careful
Letterhead issue: Liu reprimanded, Teng advised to be careful
George Galloway v Dermot: Boris Johnson Should Reprimand Brian Coleman For Fire Fighters Comments
George Galloway v Dermot: Boris Johnson Should Reprimand Brian Coleman For Fire Fighters Comments
Is Jesus Trinity Holy Spirit & Apostles Reprimanded in Quran
Is Jesus Trinity Holy Spirit & Apostles Reprimanded in Quran
African Ritual live - Griot reprimanded by root doctor (Visit contentflowswagger.blogspot. ...
African Ritual live - Griot reprimanded by root doctor (Visit contentflowswagger.blogspot. ...
Sergeant Smith get reprimanded
Sergeant Smith get reprimanded
Lets Play IL-2: The Great Crusade - 22 (NightWarriors, Flying ...
Lets Play IL-2: The Great Crusade - 22 (NightWarriors, Flying ...
Reprimanded by Hideous Christian Mother
Reprimanded by Hideous Christian Mother
Raja Chaudhary arrested, released reprimanded from Maharashtra
Raja Chaudhary arrested, released reprimanded from Maharashtra
Decorated And Reprimanded For The Same Battle
Decorated And Reprimanded For The Same Battle
Secret Service Removes Rahm Emanuel from Oval Office 022209 Hillary Clinton Mossad agent reprimanded
Secret Service Removes Rahm Emanuel from Oval Office 022209 Hillary Clinton Mossad agent reprimanded
50s Prime Time Cafe - Being Reprimanded
50s Prime Time Cafe - Being Reprimanded
Dallas Official Tells Citizens Go to Hell
Dallas Official Tells Citizens Go to Hell
Chicago Officers Reprimanded for G-20 Behavior
Chicago Officers Reprimanded for G-20 Behavior
Eidolon AI is reprimanded
Eidolon AI is reprimanded
Parliament: Kimunya Reprimanded over derogatory language
Parliament: Kimunya Reprimanded over derogatory language
Israel: 2 army officers reprimanded for Gaza attack
Israel: 2 army officers reprimanded for Gaza attack
Cop Goes Back To Sleep Instead Of Announcing Amber Alert Little Girl Murdered! Cop ...
Cop Goes Back To Sleep Instead Of Announcing Amber Alert Little Girl Murdered! Cop ...
Reprimanded Seminole Co. Judge Resigns
Reprimanded Seminole Co. Judge Resigns
Seminole County Judge Reprimanded
Seminole County Judge Reprimanded
Letterhead issue: Liu reprimanded, Teng advised to be careful
Letterhead issue: Liu reprimanded, Teng advised to be careful
Nigel Farage reprimanded for criticising Baroness Ashton (FULL ...
Nigel Farage reprimanded for criticising Baroness Ashton (FULL ...
Terrill Reprimanded On House Floor For Alleged Outburst
Terrill Reprimanded On House Floor For Alleged Outburst
Scotland Yard
Scotland Yard
Joe Wilsons attorney reprimanded
Joe Wilsons attorney reprimanded
Lewd firefighters reprimanded
Lewd firefighters reprimanded
Nigel Farage reprimanded for criticising new EU president ...
Nigel Farage reprimanded for criticising new EU president ...
Refs getting reprimanded?
Refs getting reprimanded?
Bond Gets RepriManded
Bond Gets RepriManded
Public Reprimand Expected For Judge
Public Reprimand Expected For Judge
Erock gets Reprimanded
Erock gets Reprimanded
Charles Hamilton - Reprimanded (Lost Before)
Charles Hamilton - Reprimanded (Lost Before)
Parliament: Kimunya Reprimanded over derogatory language
Parliament: Kimunya Reprimanded over derogatory language
Santas Of Many Lands
Santas Of Many Lands
Reprimanded Dog Studios Auditions
Reprimanded Dog Studios Auditions
Farage reprimanded in European Parliament over Ashton questions ...
Farage reprimanded in European Parliament over Ashton questions ...
Chuck Todd’s lesson in how to sneeze
Chuck Todd’s lesson in how to sneeze
Hot Topic: SEC Reprimands
Hot Topic: SEC Reprimands
Reprimanded for Hugging
Reprimanded for Hugging
Maplewood Officer Reprimanded After Citizen Complaint by Catherine ...
Maplewood Officer Reprimanded After Citizen Complaint by Catherine ...
New Sheriff in Town
New Sheriff in Town
I get Reprimanded for Breaking things
I get Reprimanded for Breaking things

Reprimanded : Latest News, Information, Answers and Websites

When i was 14 i got a reprimanded for assault, will it affect me becoming a nurse?

when i was 14 i got reprimanded for assult it was a stupid incident i slapped a girl and she had redding to her temple, im now 18 and have grew up alot, but i am wanting to go to university to study nursing or midwifery, will this affect my chances and will it show up on a criminal check, or does it dissapper because i ahve turned 18, pleaseeeeeeee help!!!! i was reprimanded at the police station by the sergent
Answer: no if your files are sealed at the age of 18 Stay out of trouble!!!
Category: Law & Ethics

Rampaul fined, Sammy reprimanded

Ravi Rampaul, the West Indies fast bowler, has been fined 10% of his match fee for showing dissent and his captain Darren Sammy has been reprimanded for breaching the code of conduct during the first Test

Reprimanded - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster ...

to reprove sharply or censure formally usually from a position of authority. See reprimand defined for English-language learners » ...

Archbishop of Canterbury Reprimanded by Angry Holy Land Christians ...

by Stuart Littlewood Kairos Palestine, the voice of Palestinian Christians, has given the Archbishop of Canterbury a strong ticking-off for remarks he made during a BBC interview.

Lohan reprimanded over house arrest parties - The West Australian

The house party is over for Lindsay Lohan, at least while shes on house arrest. ... SEARCH. Lohan reprimanded over house arrest parties. AP, The West Australian June 24, 2011, ...

Can you be reprimanded if you got in an accident with a faulty company vehicle?

My boyfriend was working with a van at his work that had 6 blind spots, faulty breaks, and has 75,000 miles on it. By company policy, vans should not be used after 70,000 mile. He was driving and got cut off by a car. He did not see the car coming due to his blindspots and the van would not break in time. He hit the car and the driver of the other car took off because he had no insurance. Now his work is trying to either write him up or fire him for this accident. Is there any laws or anything legal saying that the company cannot reprimand him? Thank you.
Answer: Laws vary from one state to another but all are quite explicit with a drivers' obligation. The driver of a vehicle is as much responsible for the roadworthiness of a vehicle he / she is intending to drive as is the responsibility of the owner in declaring the vheicle is indeed roadworthy. The non-owner driver may have a little advantage if unaware of un-safe conditions that are encapable to be noticed. Your boyfriend is caught into two situations, one of state law and the other of company rule. I do hope the incident was reported to the police with a full report. This report acts to protect in many ways despite insurance companies giving a bad rap for non-fault drivers. As for the company your boyfriend works for. Well, any company can fire you at their own choosing even if not liking the colour socks you wear. People don't believe that, but it is true. Federal labour laws only dictate the manner of which a person can be bired with regards to advanced notice and not the circumstances thereof other than minimum wage and underage child labour. If your boyfriend was aware of the safety policy of the company regarding limitations applied to their vehicles then he alone is responsible for his actions. He should have refused to drive the vehicle. The issue here is really the accident and not the vehicle condition. And, blind spots have nothing to do with vehicle safety and are no excuse for a right to drive or right of way when driving. The company can reprimand your boyfriend, yes, and to the extent of termination if they so choose. He would also be elligbile to collect unemployment benefits in most states for being terminated under this condition.
Category: Safety

Lawyer reprimanded for possessing cocaine

LITTLE ROCK — A Russellville lawyer who pleaded no contest to a felony cocaine possession charge has been reprimanded by the state Supreme Court Committee on Professional Conduct.

Brown reprimanded over homophobic slur

Officials at a human rights group have taken aim at Chris Brown after he was caught using a homophobic slur on video as he tried to talk his way out of a parking ticket.

West Indies Rampaul fined, Sammy reprimanded | Reuters

West Indies captain Darren Sammy was also reprimanded for another code of conduct breach in the Sabina Park test, the ICC said in a statement. ...

Why do children sometimes punish themselves after being reprimanded?

My child smacks me and when I tell her thats naughty she smacks herself, sometimes quite hard. I have never smacked her. She is 2 years old. Is this common and does it stop as a child gets older.
Answer: It might be because she is disappointed and trying to show that to you, or it could be a power thing. When you tell her it's bad to hit you, she then hits herself. She's might be finding a way to continue to be defiant towards you. She knows she isn't suppose to hit you, but she hits herself, not only continuing to disobey the rules, but she also sees that it hurts you even more. I'd say it's her testing the power. Maybe try acting very calmly when she does this. Don't say anything or look upset. If she does it hard to herself, calmly hold her hands, but try to show that it is not affecting you, and maybe she'll get the point and stop.
Category: Parenting

Federal Judge From Oklahoma Reprimanded For Scheme To Get Friend ...

Judge Ronald White has presided over several of Oklahoma's most high-profile federal cases. But when it comes to his own conduct, he's kept a low profile, until now.

US troopers ordered Iraqis to jump off bridge - After Saddam ...

Four US soldiers will be reprimanded for forcing two Iraqi detainees to jump off a bridge into the Tigris River earlier this year, a military spokesman said. ...

Lawyer reprimanded for possessing cocaine | Arkansas News

LITTLE ROCK — A Russellville lawyer who pleaded no contest to a felony cocaine possession charge has been reprimanded by the state Supreme Court Committee on Professional Conduct. The committee said today it issued the ...

Land acquisition: Supreme Court ire at Uttar Pradesh government , Greater Noida Authority

New Delhi, Jun 27 : The Supreme Court today severely reprimanded the Mayawati government and Greater Noida Development Authority for illegally acquiring the land of farmers and made it clear that it will have to step in to prevent another Nandigram.

Rapper Foxy Brown reprimanded for being two hours late to court ...

Jun 21, 2011 ... Rapper Foxy own was chewed out for her tardiness by a ooklyn judge who threatened to throw her in jail if she's late again.

How are prisoners reprimanded after braking a prison rule?

What kind of punishments and or sanctions can prisons legally inflict on the inmate , once a prison rule has been broken
Answer: Ok, let me see if I can answer this fully, using the prison I work at as an example. We have a 5-tiered rules system. The 100's are your worst rule violations, and the 500's are your least. An example of a 100 would be something like assaulting another inmate or staff, manufacture of a weapon, selling/distributing narcotics, etc. A 400 is usually disobeying a direct order, disrespecting/cussing out an officer or other staff member. 500's are really low, having too much of one item in your cell, petty crap like that. 100's get you instant time in Segregation, and possibly street charges, depending on the circumstances and the charge. It also fucks up your security classification (puts you at a higher level, thereby extending your stay at a harder prison like ours). In Seg, we have Administrative I and Administrative II inmates (along with Protective Custody, but that's a separate subject). Your Admin I inmates are your 100 and 200 rule violators, they get almost no commissary, cannot have any electronic devices in their cell, very little in the way of clothes beyond 2 days worth. Admin II inmates are your 300's and above. They can have most of their commissary and clothes, and depending on the length of time and the charge, can have certain electronics. Inmates that catch 500's very rarely get Seg time. They get cell restriction, which means that during Rec, they are confined to their cell. They get their showers when WE say they can shower. If they get over 30 days worth of cell restriction, they get moved to a special tier, where everyone that's over 30 days is. There, the tier is run much tighter, almost like Seg, but they still go to their jobs, still have all their items in their cell, and still go to regular chow. This is just the prison I work at, it can vary greatly between different prisons and different states.
Category: Law Enforcement & Police

Magistrate publicly reprimanded | The Post and Courier ...

In the reprimand agreement with the states Office of Disciplinary Counsel, Brown admitted to the misconduct and consented to the ...

Kelly Osbourne loves Betsey Johnson

Kelly Osbourne was reprimanded by Betsey Johnson for wanting to pay for one of her dresses. The star is a big fan of the American designer’s creations and was thrilled to discover a store conveniently located in her hotel lobby recently.

Reprimand - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Reprimanding takes in different forms in different legal systems, such as in UK law. ... In the UK, anybody above the ages of 10 can receive a reprimand. ...

Fukushima Daiichi Plant Owner Reprimanded -

Jun 10, 2011 ... Japan's nuclear safety officials demanded an investigation into how two workers at the Fukushima Daiichi power plant were exposed to more ...

Samuel L. Jackson Reprimanded Over Leak Of 'Avengers' Script ...

Samuel L. Jackson was scolded by studio bosses after his movie script for the highly anticipated Marvel comic film The Avengers was leaked online. The star, who is currently shooting the superher...

Reprimanded | Define Reprimanded at

Reprimanded definition, a severe reproof or rebuke, esp. a formal one by a person in authority. See more.

City attorney pick reprimanded by Nebraska Supreme Court

Grand Island Mayor Jay Vavriceks pick for city attorney was reprimanded by the Nebraska Supreme Court for an outburst in open court.

Will Michael Steele be reprimanded or applauded for speaking ill of Mitt Romneys Republican credentials?

Steele called Romney a flip-flopper on many subjects and stated he was rejected by the Republican party. Will Steele be reprimanded or applauded by the far right for his comments?
Answer: Doubtful because Mitt doesn't have Rush's power in the GOP. However, Steele will likely be pressured to step aside to "spend more time with his family".
Category: Politics

Rampaul fined for dissent, Sammy reprimanded

As if the defeat in the first Test was not enough, West Indies paceman Ravi Rampaul was on Friday fined for showing dissent to an umpires decision and skipper Darren Sammy was reprimanded for his actions against the spirit of the game.

Rampaul fined, Sammy reprimanded for breaching ICC Code of Conduct

Dubai, Jun 24 : West Indian player Ravi Rampaul has been fined ten per cent of his match fee and captain Darren Sammy has been reprimanded for breaching Level 1 of the ICC Code of Conduct during their teams Test match against India in Jamaica.

Reprimanded - Definition and More from the Free Merriam ...

Definition of reprimand from the Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary with audio pronunciations, thesaurus, Word of the Day, and word games.

Rampaul fined for showing dissent, Sammy reprimanded

Kingston, June 24 (PTI) As if the defeat in the first Test was not enough, West Indies paceman Ravi Rampaul was today fined for showing dissent to umpires decision and skipper Darren Sammy was reprimanded for his actions against the spirit of the game.Rampaul has been fined 10 per cent of his match fee and Sammy has been reprimanded for breaching Level 1 of the ICC Code of Conduct.The ...

West Indies Rampaul fined, Sammy reprimanded

KINGSTON (Reuters) - West Indies pace bowler Ravi Rampaul has been fined 10 percent of his match fee for dissent after disputing an umpires decision in the first test against India, the International Cricket Council (ICC) said Friday.

West Indies v India: Ravi Rampaul fined, Darren Sammy reprimanded ...

Jun 24, 2011 ... Ravi Rampaul, the West Indies fast bowler, has been fined 10% of his match fee for showing dissent and his captain Darren Sammy has been ...

reprimanded - Wiktionary

reprimanded. Definition from Wiktionary, the free dictionary. Jump to: navigation, search ... reprimanded. Simple past tense and past participle of reprimand. ...

Councilwoman Reprimanded After Teen Caught On Video Running Off With Campaign Signs

The Centennial City Council has voted to give one of its members a written reprimand and public censure following an incident last year involving the removal of campaign signs.

What does reprimanded mean? definition, meaning and ...

What does reprimanded mean? Proper usage and pronunciation (in phonetic transcription) of the word reprimanded. Information about reprimanded in the ...

Have you ever reprimanded a mother because of her treatment of a child in public or has someone reprimanded u?

If so, what was the circumstance? How did the person being reprimanded react? Was the outcome at all rewarding or positive?
Answer: I can not tell you how many times I have wanted to reprimand a mother because of her poor treatment of a child in public. However I can tell you how many times I have followed through and done it; zero. Situations I have come across have never been too out of line for me to take action. If I ever saw a child being physically abused in public, you can bet I would say something. I think if the reprimand is validated, it is anyones place to confront the mother. Children are innocent and naive. It is the parents' job to protect their children. If they do not do it, then who will? That is where an innocent bystander has to step in, because the child is left in a vulnerable situation with no one to protect him/her. Also, I have never been reprimanded, and plan to keep it that way.
Category: Parenting

Twins' Guard Reprimanded For Scolding Lesbian Couple « CBS Minnesota

A Target Field security guard has been reprimanded for allegedly scolding a lesbian couple for kissing.

Cameroon FA fines trio

The Cameroon FA has fined Arsenal midfielder Alex Song and reprimanded Tottenhams Benoit Assou-Ekotto.

Reprimand | Define Reprimand at

/n. ˈrɛp rəˌmænd, -ˌmɑnd; v. ˈrɛp rəˌmænd, -ˌmɑnd, ˌrɛp rəˈmænd, -ˈmɑnd/ Show Spelled[n. rep-ruh-mand, -mahnd; v. rep-ruh-mand, -mahnd, rep-ruh-mand, ...

Have you ever been reprimanded at work for something you didnt do?

I was recently moved to a new office but have the same job. My supervisor reprimanded me because the director in the new place said staff are complaining that I criticize the work place and that I am loud. I almost laughed because its so absurd. I am quiet, keep to myself, and just do my job. And I am certainly not stupid enough to criticize my work place at work. Whats up with this? Is it time to move on?
Answer: Because you are the new kid you may have to deal with this for a while if you plan on staying where you are. I am at a company right now that I am reprimanded almost daily for something out of my control. I am looking for a new job because this lets up for a while but then comes back with a vengeance. Each time I let my guard down a new issue arises. You have to decide whether this is a one time deal or if this is the new supervisor's way of dealing with issues. If it seems to be a pattern you may want to move on or change departments if the company is big enough. Good luck and I definetly feel your pain.
Category: Other - Careers & Employment

How would I find out if a Deputy Sheriff has been reprimanded?

I saw a Deputy Sheriff throw an older woman on the ground, frisk and handcuff her. I found out his name but have no clue how to know if this Deputy has been reprimanded for this before? I could not STAND to watch him throw this very small woman to the ground. She was not resisting at all!
Answer: You can file for his disciplinary records through the freedom of information act if you are part to the incident, but some departments will even ignore discovery motions rather than produce the records, when they do the case against the person harmed is dismissed but if the officer has a record of excessive force the department will cover it up.~
Category: Law & Ethics

Bill James reprimanded for "homo" comment - WBTV 3 News ...

Local news, weather, sports, traffic, health, consumer and television programming information for Charlotte, North Carolina.

Should Jazz coach Jerry Sloan be reprimanded for not utilizing the talents of Andre Kirilenko?

The Russian can do practically anything, yet Sloan leaves him on the bench for long stretches of time and only inserts him for garbage ball at the end. Meanwhile, Kirilenkos competitor for minutes, C.J. Miles, does nothing special and is clearly the inferior player. Is this kind of thing why Sloan never wins coach of the year?
Answer: Not sure Sloan is totally to blame. With Boozer out, Jazz are missing him mightily so, and it shows each and every game. Despite Milsap and Okur stepping up, Carlos' presence in the paint off the boards is hugely missed and a huge key to their line-up. Kirilenko has always been a respectful player, I just dont think in this day and age he can pull down a double double every game, but needs more playing time for sure.
Category: Basketball

UPDATE 2-Lazard man pulls out as UK watchdog warns Kraft ...

* Kraft formally reprimanded * Kiernan withdraws as candidate to head Takeover Panel ... The Panel publicly reprimanded Kraft for closing down Cadburys Somerdale factory in ...

Can you visit/study in America if you were arrested and reprimanded?

About 2 years ago I was arrested for shoplifting and reprimanded. However, now this has been wiped off my criminal record and I dont have to declare it when applying for jobs etc. However, I read somewhere that if youve EVER been arrested you have to apply for a visa and have an interview with the US embassy. Is this true? Im starting university next year and my course offers a year studying in the USA. Im quite worried.
Answer: You would need to apply at the USA Embassy in London and get an interview for a visa. They do cost more but it is totally possible to get a visa. The interview is for them to assess whether your criminal record is a threat to them!!! After 9/11 the security has been tight for the States. I have known many customers who have applied and been granted a visa who still have their criminal records but it is not worth chancing going without it. You have nothing to worry about as I am sure it wont be a problem. Remember to call in plenty of time as sometimes it can take 2 months before you get an appoinment. Then you have to wait for their decision. Keep that in mind. Enjoy your course and dont worry
Category: Other - United States

West Indies v India: Ravi Rampaul fined, Darren Sammy reprimanded ...

Ravi Rampaul, the West Indies fast bowler, has been fined 10% of his match fee for showing dissent and his captain Darren Sammy has been reprimanded for breaching the code of conduct during the first Test - Cricket news ...

reprimanded legal definition of reprimanded. reprimanded ...

What is reprimanded? Meaning of reprimanded as a legal term. What does reprimanded mean in law? ... The reprimand is usually pronounced by the speaker. ...

How can I effective write a letter of objection after being reprimanded at work for something I did not do?

There is a clause in our policy at work that state if anyone gets offended for anything you say or do it can be reported and you will be reprimanded.
Answer: I would suggest talking respectfully to the HR or the person in your company that is incharge of these kind of things before you start to make your letter of objection. This way, things may get clarified in a much more efficient way. If you decide to make a letter, I would suggest that you make it as professional as it can get. (1)Evaluate whether this thing really needs a letter of objection or it may just be a simple matter that can be resolved without such. (2) Be polite and respectful in your letter in trying to clarify your case.
Category: Law & Ethics

West Palm Beach doctor reprimanded on charges of fondling ...

A West Palm Beach primary care doctor accused of fondling multiple patients was reprimanded and ordered to pay $28,000 in costs and penalties on Saturday.

Brown reprimanded over homophobic slur

Officials at a human rights group have taken aim at Chris Brown after he was caught using a homophobic slur on video as he tried to talk his way out...

Golden Plus directors reprimanded, fined

PETALING JAYA: The board members of Golden Plus Holdings Bhd have been publicly reprimanded and fined a total of RM1.4mil by stock exchange regulator Bursa Securities for failure to appoint PricewaterhouseCoopers as a special auditor (as directed) and to allow the special auditor to proceed with special audit work.

Archbishop of Canterbury reprimanded by angry Holy Land Christians ...

Stuart Littlewood views Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams's failure to acknowledge the role played by Israel's occupation in the haemorrhaging of Christian populations from the Holy Land and recalls previous ...

Reprimand - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

A reprimand is a severe, formal or official reproof. Reprimanding takes in different forms in different legal systems, such as in UK law. ...

The Seattle Times: Local News: Detective previously reprimanded Northwest news and information from the Seattle Times. Daily local news, ... DeAllah also received a written reprimand in 1993 after he showed up for an off ...

Football: Cameroon FA fines trio

The Cameroon FA has fined Arsenal midfielder Alex Song and reprimanded Tottenhams Benoit Assou-Ekotto for code of conduct breaches.

Reprimanded Seminole County Judge Resigns - Orlando News ...

SEMINOLE COUNTY, Fla. -- After a public reprimand, a Seminole County judge is resigning. Thursday, September 23, 2010. House Reprimands, Penalizes Speaker

The House voted overwhelmingly yesterday to reprimand House Speaker Newt Gingrich (R-Ga.) and order him to pay an unprecedented $300000 penalty, the first ...

Undertakers reprimanded for taking a coffee break with a coffin in the back of the hearse?

I am sorry but were I able, I would be knocking on the sides of my coffin asking them to bring me a slice of chocolate cake and a Perrier water. Would it upset you?
Answer: No not really - after all I wouldn't be there to object would I really? Its everybody else that gets upset over respect for the dead etc - it would be in bad taste in front of the mourners I suppose but then again what about the old tradition of the wake with the coffin sat in the middle of the room? I like this quote from a book by Colin Cotterill called "the Coroner's Lunch" in which Dr Siri explains to 3 young girls that although their mummy's body is in the temple she isn't there really - her body is just like a sweetie wrapper something to hold all the things together that made their mummy her, her love for them, her thoughts and her feelings. Put like that why would anyone get upset at two people sharing a cup of coffee and a piece of cake in front of a sweetie wrapper?
Category: Senior Citizens

How many times can an employee be late without being reprimanded and terminated?

I would appreciate the answer to this question for an assignment in class.
Answer: with me you have 3 strikes a month. if more better clean your desk
Category: Other - US Local Businesses

reprimanded - definition of reprimanded by the Free Online ...

rep·ri·mand (r p r -m nd ). tr.v. rep·ri·mand·ed, rep·ri·mand·ing, rep·ri·mands. To reprove severely, especially in a formal or official way. ...

reprimanded - definition of reprimanded by the Free Online ...

Translations of reprimanded. reprimanded synonyms, reprimanded antonyms. Information about reprimanded in the free online English ...

Song fined over row with Etoo

The Cameroon football federation fine Alex Song over his row with Samuel Etoo, clear Etoo of indiscipline and reprimand Benoit Assou-Ekotto.

Archbishop of Canterbury Reprimanded by Angry Holy Land Christians ...

Kairos Palestine, the voice of Palestinian Christians, has given the Archbishop of Canterbury a strong ticking-off for remarks he made during a BBC.

What would you do if another parent reprimanded you kid at the playground?

I think for me it could go 1 of 2 ways. 1) The parent nicely but sternly reprimands her and I say "thank you" to the parent. 2) The parent is bitchy and mean to her and I say to my daughter "well, looks like you cant do whatever you like, better watch out next time." or something similar. Easier said than done, though. What would you do?
Answer: I think it would depend on what my child had done. If he was hitting or phyiscally hurting another child and the other parent saw it first I wouldn't mind them telling him not to hit or push, etc. (as long as they didn't scream at him). If he was just being annoying (like singing a song over and over again or something like that) and they yelled at him or what not i would most certaintly have a problem with it.
Category: Parenting

Are you reprimanded if minors drink along side their parents in a restaurant for a special occasion?

Well Im planning on going to a fancy restaurant for my birthday with my parents. i was wondering, if it would be ok if i shared a glass of champagne with my parents? I know obviously its frowned upon, but would the restaurant allow for this to occur? I live in Florida and im not quite sure of whether or not that would be allowed.
Answer: It is against the law for anyone under the age of 21 to possess alcohol with or without their parent's permission. Contrary to what seems to be a popular belief, there are no other exceptions. Parents and guardians of children, who are defined as those who are less than 18 years of age, have numerous responsibilities placed on them under Florida Statutes. Some of these responsibilities are placed on them when a child is prosecuted for a law violation in Juvenile Court under Florida Statutes, Chapter 985. Parents and guardians must attend all court hearings with their child and can be ordered to pay for detention fees, commitment fees, attorney fees, and restitution if their child is prosecuted in Juvenile Court. A parent or guardian may also be ordered to participate in community service and counseling under Chapter 985. Parents and guardians are also subjected to criminal liability in some cases if they permit or assist their child in violating alcohol, tobacco, or school attendance laws. The Florida Statutes Section 562.111 makes it unlawful for any person under the age of 21 to possess alcohol. There is only one exception. The exception is for persons who are employed by an establishment that serves alcohol. Those persons may possess alcohol if they are 18 years of age or older and the possession is during the course of their employment. Many of those establishments cannot by law even employ children. A child may not possess alcohol under any circumstances.
Category: Other - Dining Out

What does it mean for a teacher to get reprimanded?

i know "reprimand" means to be punished, but what exactly happens to a teacher who is reprimanded? PS: one of my teachers is getting repremanded for cursing and scream at me. and i had 2 other teachers on my side. and i think my school was scared my parents would sue (which was never their intention)
Answer: They are told they can no longer do whatever they did, they may have a review in front of the school board, and they are written up (most likely) about the incident and it stays with their records.
Category: Other - Beauty & Style

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