Anonymous u.s. - Anonymous says hacked U.S. government cyber supplier - ITNewsFeed

Anonymous u.s. : Videos

Anonymous To the members of the United States goverment.mp4
Anonymous To the members of the United States goverment.mp4
Economic Collapse 2011: Anonymous American Patriot: God Bless America!
Economic Collapse 2011: Anonymous American Patriot: God Bless America!
Anonymous American Revolution Has Begun
Anonymous American Revolution Has Begun
Anonymous Message to American Taxpayers: Scientology - IRS
Anonymous Message to American Taxpayers: Scientology - IRS
A Message to the United States Government from Anonymous
A Message to the United States Government from Anonymous
Anonymous HAS released Bank of America emails LINK HERE..."CORRUPTION & ...
Anonymous HAS released Bank of America emails LINK HERE..."CORRUPTION & ...
SDCC 2011 - Family Guy/American Dad Interviews w/ Khail Anonymous
SDCC 2011 - Family Guy/American Dad Interviews w/ Khail Anonymous
Expect Us. (Message from Anonymous)
Expect Us. (Message from Anonymous)
North American Union- Anonymous Message To Canadians
North American Union- Anonymous Message To Canadians
What is Anonymous? - Understand Us!
What is Anonymous? - Understand Us!
Phase One is Upon Us: Anonymous Needs You!
Phase One is Upon Us: Anonymous Needs You!
Message from Anonymous to the United States (Introduction)
Message from Anonymous to the United States (Introduction)
Support To Anonymous from a Scientologist. Save us.
Support To Anonymous from a Scientologist. Save us.
Anonymous US not taking sides in Tunisia unrest
Anonymous US not taking sides in Tunisia unrest
Anonymous US not taking sides in Tunisia unrest and More deaths in Tunisia violence
Anonymous US not taking sides in Tunisia unrest and More deaths in Tunisia violence
Anonymous vs. Westboro Baptist Cult -THE RETURN- Expect us... ...
Anonymous vs. Westboro Baptist Cult -THE RETURN- Expect us... ...
anonymous message to the US government
anonymous message to the US government
Out ofthe Anonymous - They Walk Among Us
Out ofthe Anonymous - They Walk Among Us
14 Alleged Anonymous Members Arrested
14 Alleged Anonymous Members Arrested
anonymous message to the US government
anonymous message to the US government
Message to Scientology
Message to Scientology
Hacktivist collective Anonymous Threatens US Federal Reserve 6-14-2011
Hacktivist collective Anonymous Threatens US Federal Reserve 6-14-2011
Operation Payback - Anonymous Message About ACTA Laws, Internet Censorship and Copyright
Operation Payback - Anonymous Message About ACTA Laws, Internet Censorship and Copyright
Anonymous, LulzSec to FBI: Were Not Going Anywhere, Expect Us
Anonymous, LulzSec to FBI: Were Not Going Anywhere, Expect Us
Anonymous Question Box
Anonymous Question Box
Hollow Victory
Hollow Victory
digits: Anonymous Hackers Plan PayPal Boycott
digits: Anonymous Hackers Plan PayPal Boycott
Mother Shares Story Of Sons Tragic Video Game Addiction
Mother Shares Story Of Sons Tragic Video Game Addiction
The Anonymous General Manager Confronts Edge
The Anonymous General Manager Confronts Edge
(Anonymous) money changes everything
(Anonymous) money changes everything
Configuring Security in SharePoint Server
Configuring Security in SharePoint Server
We Are Anonymous - Join Us
We Are Anonymous - Join Us
Parents Anonymous
Parents Anonymous
anonymous /(us uk speak)
anonymous /(us uk speak)
Anonymous Secret Agent Spreads Random Kindness
Anonymous Secret Agent Spreads Random Kindness
Anonymous Donor
Anonymous Donor
Meet Your Anonymous Long Snapper
Meet Your Anonymous Long Snapper
Anonymous Tipper
Anonymous Tipper
Anonymous Republican big-money donors become political liability
Anonymous Republican big-money donors become political liability
Anonymous - FaceBook Censorship
Anonymous - FaceBook Censorship
Not feeling well? Check in on InFlu app
Not feeling well? Check in on InFlu app
The Future Is Unwritten: Anonymous Fan
The Future Is Unwritten: Anonymous Fan
Anonymous - Expect Us
Anonymous - Expect Us
Bonus: Overeaters Anonymous
Bonus: Overeaters Anonymous
Episode 3
Episode 3

Anonymous u.s. : Photo Gallery

David Rumsey Historical Map Collection | 19th Century Maps by Children
David Rumsey Historical Map Collection | 19th Century Maps by Children
Anonymous - Television Tropes & Idioms
Anonymous - Television Tropes & Idioms
Dailymotion - Anonymous /(US UK Speak) - une vidéo News & Politics
Dailymotion - Anonymous /(US UK Speak) - une vidéo News & Politics
Underground Pub in Town... by Travelpod Member Budz888 | TripAdvisor
Underground Pub in Town... by Travelpod Member Budz888 | TripAdvisor
Anonymous asks US goverment to support Egyptian citizens | MyCE ...
Anonymous asks US goverment to support Egyptian citizens | MyCE ...
Prison » Anonymous: US security firms 'planned to ...
Prison » Anonymous: US security firms 'planned to ...
What does the red and white stripes on the United States flag ...
What does the red and white stripes on the United States flag ...
Anonymous: US security firms 'planned to attack WikiLeaks' | Media ...
Anonymous: US security firms 'planned to attack WikiLeaks' | Media ...
Anonymous to attack US Chamber of Commerce website today over ...
Anonymous to attack US Chamber of Commerce website today over ...
Anonymous: US security firms 'planned to attack WikiLeaks' | Media ...
Anonymous: US security firms 'planned to attack WikiLeaks' | Media ...
Anonymous Expect Us - Anonymous Wallpaper (10597781) - Fanpop
Anonymous Expect Us - Anonymous Wallpaper (10597781) - Fanpop
Poster Plus - Anonymous, U.S. Coast Guard - Always Ready, 1939
Poster Plus - Anonymous, U.S. Coast Guard - Always Ready, 1939
The Kinsey Institute - [Services & Events]
The Kinsey Institute - [Services & Events]
Us Web Proxy - US Web Proxy - Free, Fast and ...
Us Web Proxy - US Web Proxy - Free, Fast and ...
us chamber of commerce | Anonymous Online
us chamber of commerce | Anonymous Online
Wikileaks, Bank of America, Anonymous, US Government, Espionage
Wikileaks, Bank of America, Anonymous, US Government, Espionage
Anonymous Expect Us - Anonymous Wallpaper (10597781) - Fanpop
Anonymous Expect Us - Anonymous Wallpaper (10597781) - Fanpop
Anonymous. U.S.A. Color, 30 × 40. 1918.
Anonymous. U.S.A. Color, 30 × 40. 1918.
Anonymous: SONY, I AM DISAPPOINT | Do Not Argue
Anonymous: SONY, I AM DISAPPOINT | Do Not Argue
scene from Columbia Pictures Anonymous (2011)
scene from Columbia Pictures Anonymous (2011)
Anonymous, U.S.A.
Anonymous, U.S.A.
Anonymous (Stories from East Africa) | Fuller Youth Institute
Anonymous (Stories from East Africa) | Fuller Youth Institute
Together We Can Group | Hill Country Area of Narcotics Anonymous
Together We Can Group | Hill Country Area of Narcotics Anonymous
Power of Anonymous: The Collective Known As Anonymous
Power of Anonymous: The Collective Known As Anonymous
Anonymous hacks US gov contractor, airs dirty laundry
Anonymous hacks US gov contractor, airs dirty laundry
Anonymous threat at US Consulate considered false
Anonymous threat at US Consulate considered false
Editorial: A changing U.S. Postal Service
Editorial: A changing U.S. Postal Service
LulzSec leader denies links to extremist groups
LulzSec leader denies links to extremist groups
US Cyber Security Head Resigns Following LulzSec and Anonymous Hacks
US Cyber Security Head Resigns Following LulzSec and Anonymous Hacks
Ten years in 'pen' for soliciting 16-year-old
Ten years in 'pen' for soliciting 16-year-old
The Face That Launched Anonymous' War on PayPal
The Face That Launched Anonymous' War on PayPal
LulzSec and Anonymous to FBI – You Don't Scare Us
LulzSec and Anonymous to FBI – You Don't Scare Us
Anonymous, LulzSec: 'Your threats to arrest us are meaningless'
Anonymous, LulzSec: 'Your threats to arrest us are meaningless'
Suspected LulzSec Spokesperson Topiary Arrested
Suspected LulzSec Spokesperson Topiary Arrested
Our View: To stop U.S. default, don't let 'better' be enemy of 'necessary'
Our View: To stop U.S. default, don't let 'better' be enemy of 'necessary'
Stressed lawns may be dormant … or dying
Stressed lawns may be dormant … or dying
Agencies launch crime tips service
Agencies launch crime tips service
Send us your Vacation Photos
Send us your Vacation Photos
Bitcoin not so anonymous, Irish researcher says
Bitcoin not so anonymous, Irish researcher says
Anonymous hits US military contractor site
Anonymous hits US military contractor site

Anonymous u.s. : Latest News, Information, Answers and Websites

Anonymous hacks US gov contractor, airs dirty laundry - ITNewsFeed

Anonymous hacks US gov contractor, airs dirty laundry.

Anonymous hacks US gov contractor • The Register | Cyber Defense ...

Members of the Anonymous hacking collective said they broke into the networks of Mantech International and stole internal documents belonging to the US government contractor. As proof, the members posted a 390 MB ...

Is there any way you can send an anonymous text message on a cell phone?

I have U.S. Cellular by the way, and was wondering how I could do that. I know to call anonymously, you hit *67, but how do you text anonymously?
Answer: Yes, there are several ways, but most of them are somewhat cumbersome. Here are three possibilities. 1) Buy a pay-as-you go SIM card from a street vendor and pay cash. Then every time you want to send an anonymous SMS, change the SIM card. That way, your pay-as-you-go phone number will still be revealed to the recipient but they will have no way of linking that number to you. 2) You can also go on the web and send a text message from there. To do that, first you need a phone that allows you to access the web (eihter http or wap). Check if your phone is enabled for GPRS, HSDPA or EV-DO. Practically all phones less than about 4 years old are equipped with GPRS. Then you need to find a website from which you can send text messages. has a proxy that allows you to access the entire text based internet over wap. 3) If your phone has full web capability (not just wap) you could also install Skype and use that to send text messages. To remain anonymous, you should use a fake name when signing up and paying by VOUCHER rather than credit card. Here in the UK you can buy Skype vouchers in supermarkets. If that's not possible in the US, you can try buying a voucher on ebay.
Category: Cell Phones & Plans

Can you be anonymous buying a ticket on buses in Mexico either inter-country or going to another country?

Not a fugitive but prefer to keep my personal info private if I can, I think in the U.S. you can still just buy a bus ticket without showing I.D.
Answer: not a fugitive, but we now all think you are. If you have money you can get whatever you want.
Category: Other - Destinations

How can I disable anonymous proxy tool?

Im trying to watch a video on HULU, but its restricting me because it says im either outside of the U.S. (which Im not) or I need to disable an anyonymous proxy tool. How do I do that?
Answer: Go to your browser options and network settings find the proxy settings tab (it's a bit different in each browser) and delete the proxy settings. If your using anonymous proxies you might want to read the article below for future reference.
Category: Security

Will Anonymous target U.S. government institutions?

if USA congress passess internet censorship bill. They are trying to take down some Turkish site to protest censorship in Turkey. Thats why I was wondering if they had the ball to target Pentagon, CIA or any other U.S. governemt institutions as well to protest the internet censorship in the U.S.?
Answer: I'm afraid you are a little confused about Who Anonymous is, What Anonymous is about, and What they do. I suggest you look at the following videos by Anonymous that will provide more information.
Category: Politics

Anonymous steals 390MB from U.S. cybersecurity contractor ManTech ...

National Cyber Security is the largest source of news and information on computer security, hacking, cyber bullying, cyber wars and more.

Gamblers Anonymous

Contains information about the fellowship support group and its programs for compulsive gamblers.

Isnt it ironic that U.S. citizens must learn details of healthcare negotiations from anonymous sources?

Especially considering Obama promised voters things would CHANGE and that these negotiations would be done on CSPAN so THE PEOPLE could see what was going on. "Im going to have all the negotiations around a big table. Well have doctors and nurses and hospital administrators. Insurance companies, drug companies -- theyll get a seat at the table, they just wont be able to buy every chair. But what we will do is, well have the negotiations televised on C-SPAN, so that people can see who is making arguments on behalf of their constituents, and who are making arguments on behalf of the drug companies or the insurance companies. And so, that approach, I think is what is going to allow people to stay involved in this process.";_ylt=AmW.6TMk4wYleyfawqPQmwKpg9IF;_ylu=X3oDMTNjcTF2ZTVjBGFzc2V0A2FwLzIwMTAwMTEzL3VzX2hlYWx0aF9jYXJlX292ZXJoYXVsBGNjb2RlA21vc3Rwb3B1bGFyBGNwb3MDNARwb3MDNARzZWMDeW5fdG9wX3N0b3JpZXMEc2xrA2Fwc291cmNlc2VtcA-- These officials also said key lawmakers and the White House were hoping to include more money to protect state governments from the cost of an expansion of the federal-state Medicaid insurance program for the poor. That issue flared after Sen. Ben Nelson, D-Neb., the critical 60th vote for the health care bill in the Senate, got a deal for the federal government to pay the full cost of Medicaid expansion in his state forever, whereas other states would have to pick up part of the tab after a few years. *********The officials spoke on condition of anonymity, saying they were not free to disclose details of the negotiations.************** The developments came as the pace of negotiations on health care legislation quickened with House members returning to Washington on Tuesday from a holiday recess. The White House wants a final bill for Obama to sign in time for his State of the Union address early next month.
Answer: Well, like Pelosi said: "Obama said a lot of things during his campaign."
Category: Politics

Co-Dependents Anonymous (US)

A fellowship of men and women whose common purpose is to develop healthy relationships.

Anonymous says hacked U.S. government cyber supplier - ITNewsFeed

Anonymous says hacked U.S. government cyber supplier.

Group Hug | Anonymous online confessions

You untagged / removed the pictures you had of us on Facebook. You speak of being madly in love with your new guy (even three months afterwards). ...

Anonymous says hacked U.S. government cyber supplier | Techbey ...

WASHINGTON | Fri Jul 29, 2011 5:24pm EDT WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Hackers with the loose-knit group Anonymous said on Friday they had broken into the network of U.S. government contractor Mantech International Corp and ...

Are there Nose Pickers Anonymous Meetings in the U.S.?

Or just in Britain?
Answer: There is where I live. They hold their meetings next door to the meetings I attend: Rectal Trauma Survivors & Proud.
Category: Polls & Surveys

Anonymous hacks US gov contractor, airs dirty laundry ...

Anonymous hacks US gov contractor, airs dirty laundry · Anonymous, Phase 1, The Plan, The Reason · This is an official communiqué from Anonymous and Lulz Security in the name of AntiSec. comet elenin what is the truth? ... - Anonymous on a hacking spree again … U.S. ...

Hackers with the loose-knit group Anonymous said on Friday they had broken into the network of U.S. government contractor Mantech International Corp and posted some NATO-related correspondence online. ...

Can you get an anonymous STD check in the U.S.? Or does everything, even checks, go on to your medical history?

Or does everything go on your medical history?
Answer: Anonymous?I just know some website anoymous and provided test center.
Category: STDs

Anonymous hits US military contractor site - Americas - Al Jazeera ...

Jul 11, 2011 ... Cyberactivist sub-group "AntiSec" penetrates database maintained by consultancy firm Booz Allen Hamilton.

Anonymous says hacked U.S. government cyber supplier | Reuters

9 hours ago ... WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Hackers with the loose-knit group Anonymous said on Friday they had broken into the network of U.S. government ...

Should any state violate the U. S. Constitution and establish a religion by issuing a privelidge?

Questions? see previous question and answers-"Is Alcoholics Anonymous a religion?" Wheres the Constitutional Law advocates and students, plus the ACLU? Sorry redbrd, didnt intend to infringe on your rights or even to advocate so. just wondering if states are infringing on our constitutional rights. Redbrd;understood, I myself am torn by this struggle.
Answer: You might be interested in 12 Step Coercion Watch: 12-Step Coercion Watch is a discussion list for those concerned about the violations of religious liberty that are occurring throughout the world where people are being coerced into the 12-Step programs of Alcoholics Anonymous and its many offshoots such as Narcotics Anonymous. In the United States alone more than a million people each year are forced into these programs by courts, licensing boards, and government employers. Three federal circuit courts (Second, Seventh and Ninth Circuits) and two state supreme courts (Tennessee and New York) have ruled this practice to be in violation of the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment, yet the coercion continues throughout the country and also in other countries. The discussions will focus on planning and initiating organizational efforts to end 12-Step coercion worldwide. The primary focus will be, but not be limited to, legal challenges in the courts. This may include, but not be limited to, advising those now being coerced that this coercion is unconstitutional, encouraging them to file suit, and finding legal assistance for them. We encourage lawyers and laypersons alike to participate in this group and hope that a Supreme Court decision will eventually lead to the end of 12-step coercion in the U.S. We also would like to hear from those from other countries where coercion exists so together we can work to end 12-step coercion worldwide once and for all.
Category: Law & Ethics

Alcoholics Anonymous :

Welcome To Alcoholics Anonymous Español | Français. Welcome To Alcoholics Anonymous ... Alcoholics Anonymous World Services, Inc. All Rights Reserved. ...

Is it possible to have anonymous banking inside the U.S. ?

This has nothing to do with tax evasion or laundering . I am tired of my information being sold off and I am becoming increasingly concerned of the governments prying and changing our rights to privacy. I know I could do a safe deposit but I need to have the convenience of modern banking not just safe keeping. Is it even possible anymore ? I know banks have to report anything over $10,000 but that would not be a problem since I am not that privlaged.
Answer: The Patriot Act now requires for your info to be readily available to the government. Even for prepaid credit cards you now have to give out your ssn. So no, it is not possible to bank anonymously anymore. I, too would like to bank anonymously but ever since 9/11, our government is really paranoid. But really even before 9/11, with the invention of social security numbers a person became trackable.
Category: Personal Finance

Survey/poll: Do you think you could recognize all your answers if they were anonymous?

Lets assume you answered 10000+ questions in 2 years and they were all among 10+ other answers. All these answers were anonymous so you cant tell the answer from an avatar picture or name. The answer has to be "normal" too.. That means no mark after it to help you recognize it. Like "The capital of the U.S is D.C~" How many do you think youd get right?
Answer: I think I could get a lot right to be honest. :) Hahah, I could probably get a few right from a select few of my contacts as well. They each have a different/unique way of answering.
Category: Polls & Surveys

The Anonymous Us Project

May 14, 2011 ... The Anonymous Us Project is a safety zone for real and honest opinions about reproductive technologies and family fragmentation.

Are Wikileaks and Anonymous sources of U.S secrets information?

Why does the U.S needs secrets? We all know puppet communist cuba is used by the organized crime to smuggle illegal drugs to florida and that violence and terrorism in Mexico is linked to it. Some call it CIA Black Ops, other call it conspiracy theories, and others U.S secrets. Because The U.S owns Cuba and the U.S main stream media denies it.
Answer: Every nation needs secrets. And the USA does not own Cuba.
Category: International Organizations

Are anonymous tips of illegal activity considered probably cause under the U.S. Constitution.?

Specially in the state of PA
Answer: Yes
Category: Law & Ethics

Anonymous says hacked U.S. government cyber supplier (Reuters ...

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – Hackers with the loose-knit group Anonymous said on Friday they had broken into the network of U.S. government contractor Mantech International Corp and posted some NATO-related correspondence ...

Do you think an accused R@pist (Assange) and some pimply-faced idi0ts (Anonymous) can really take down the U.S?

The UK couldnt do it in 1776 Spain couldnt do it in the Spanish-American War Germany and the Ottoman Empire couldnt do it in WWI The Germans and Japanese couldnt do it in WWII Iraq got its azz handed to it twice in 1991 and 2003 Al-Qaeda couldnt do it on 9-11 And now we have this accused R@pist Assange and some acne-ridden douchbags who call themselves Anonymous...who think they can succeed?? Julian Assange is in jail Anonymous measly little DDoS attacks using software that anyone can download and MORE IMPORTANTLY can be easily protected against isnt working...MasterCare AND Visa are up and running. Seriously?? This is how these dip$hits are gonna take down "The System"?? *facepalm* Let me now make a prediction: If Assange somehow gets out of jail (which I predicted hed be in before Christmas), he wont live through next year. Book it! agree or agree?
Answer: yes...ok, no.
Category: Politics

Is the U.S. Federal Reserve Bank privately owned by an anonymous group of people that arent held accountable?

And, who can provide the legal document that states that federal income tax is legal and, indeed, constitutional?
Answer: - No, there is no individual ownership of shares in the Federal Reserve system. However there is 'buy in' of sorts at the branch level by member banks. To summarize... The Federal Reserve System is organized with a government agency at the top (the Board of Governors), and branches beneath them that resemble private corporations. ( ) The Board of Governors are all appointed for 14-year terms by the president and confirmed by congress. It operates per it's charter and laws set by congress. it is overseen by congress. There is no structure or mechanism for private ownership at this level. Board members themselves are forbidden by law to have any economic interest in a private bank. The 12 branches, however, are organized similar to private corporations. Member banks are required to buy shares in their branch. They can vote for 6 of their 9 board members. The shares get a standard 6% dividend. These shares cannot be sold on the open market. All 'profit' from the Federal Reserve branches are turned over to the Treasury at the end of the year. Is this private ownership? It is the subject of much debate. The Feds response: ) - The Income Tax law is codified in title 26 if the U.S. legal code: Some people have tried to avoid paying taxes but this has never won in court (though there was a recent case of a women who avoided tax *evasion* charges when she couldn't get a straight answer from the IRS regarding the law but she was still liable for the taxes). For more details on this type of arguments, check out: For the IRS view:,,id=159853,00.h
Category: Law & Ethics

Is there any possible way to be an anonymous voter in the U.S.?

Names, addresses, and political party are a matter of public record for purchase in the U.S. Just like phone numbers. Anonymous voting is what we preach to everyone. But, is it possible in the U.S.
Answer: Voters should have names in order to be valid. Anonymity is not tolerated to vote under the Election Laws.
Category: Elections

Anonymous hacks US gov contractor, airs dirty laundry • The Register

24 minutes ago ... The document dump comes after Anonymous and its Lulz Security offshoot have claimed responsibility for brazen attacks on the US CIA, the US ...

Has anyone ever used an offshore debit card or found a legitimate anonymous debit card?

I have tried opening bank account after bank account in the U.S. and NEVER found one that will not give out my physical location or access to my account. (I have tried credit cards as well and they also give out access to my account and my location.) I am willing to try ANYTHING to regain my privacy. By location, I mean wont provide the ip address I log in from or the purchases which I make (which can be used to locate me). And by access to my account, I mean wont give out the password to my account. One solution is to only use prepaid cards. However this is not a good long term solution, as you will be losing 5-10% on each purchase and prepaid cards only come in amounts of $500 or less in the U.S. post 9-11. (Ive had serious problems with privacy in the past.) Yes, Ive been told that giving out ones password would be highly irregular but all the banks that Ive used have done it. And they all give out my location as well. I know because when I move apartments I receive about 50 e-mails from all of them asking me to log in to my account. I also know that my financial transactions are given out.
Answer: If you are trying for a credit card, loan or mortgage you may are desparate to have a look at your credit status in the first instance in order to save embarrassment and disappointment. You are able to obtain a free credit check on the web down at they are very professional, and they have been advertised on television.
Category: Credit

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