Stalin arrested - Joseph Stalin killer file

Stalin arrested : Videos

TV9 - DMK leader Stalin arrested by chennai police
TV9 - DMK leader Stalin arrested by chennai police
Pandoras Box - 1 - The Engineers Plot
Pandoras Box - 1 - The Engineers Plot
Georgia Gori Josef Stalin
Georgia Gori Josef Stalin
1939: German foxtrot for Stalin: Fritz Weber - Wladimir
1939: German foxtrot for Stalin: Fritz Weber - Wladimir
The Great Terror: Stalins Purge Of The Communist Party
The Great Terror: Stalins Purge Of The Communist Party
Joseph Stalin Is a Hero!
Joseph Stalin Is a Hero!
21768 murdered in Katyn massacre by the Soviet NKVD - April 1940 - Joseph Stalin ...
21768 murdered in Katyn massacre by the Soviet NKVD - April 1940 - Joseph Stalin ...
Prosecution of Dissent by Present Georgian Dictator Resembles Stalin - Beria Tactics of Intimidation
Prosecution of Dissent by Present Georgian Dictator Resembles Stalin - Beria Tactics of Intimidation
Over 600 Protesters Arrested at G8 G20 Summit, Jouralists Beaten & Tortured!
Over 600 Protesters Arrested at G8 G20 Summit, Jouralists Beaten & Tortured!
TSA: Disabled Woman Thrown to Floor, Arrested for Refusing Breast Pat Down Search
TSA: Disabled Woman Thrown to Floor, Arrested for Refusing Breast Pat Down Search
Wife of "Kopbuster Barry" Cooper Arrested in Austin
Wife of "Kopbuster Barry" Cooper Arrested in Austin
Stalin pt13
Stalin pt13
Arrest Me, Im a Terrorist!
Arrest Me, Im a Terrorist!
Top War Crimes Suspect Mladic Arrested in Serbia... Clinton, Bush and ...
Top War Crimes Suspect Mladic Arrested in Serbia... Clinton, Bush and ...
EX-CIA Analyst Beaten, Arrested for Turning His Back on Hillary Clinton!
EX-CIA Analyst Beaten, Arrested for Turning His Back on Hillary Clinton!
Dalibor Grubacevic - Hebrang: Main Title (Music from the TV series)
Dalibor Grubacevic - Hebrang: Main Title (Music from the TV series)
Days and Lives in Russias Gulag
Days and Lives in Russias Gulag
"Melodies of the White Night", music by Isaac Schvartz
"Melodies of the White Night", music by Isaac Schvartz
Stalin was right to worry!
Stalin was right to worry!
Land Grabbing: Four DMK leaders arrested
Land Grabbing: Four DMK leaders arrested
CIA Archives: Soviet Psychological Torture - I Am Not Alone (1956 - Part ...
CIA Archives: Soviet Psychological Torture - I Am Not Alone (1956 - Part ...
In Vavilovs Footsteps a documentary film by Nicoletta Fagiolo
In Vavilovs Footsteps a documentary film by Nicoletta Fagiolo
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Arrest Raja says J Jayalalitha-Dinamalar
Las Vegas Drug Prosecutor Who Busted Paris Hilton Arrested for Buying Crack Cocaine
Las Vegas Drug Prosecutor Who Busted Paris Hilton Arrested for Buying Crack Cocaine
Stalin Nostalgia - Russia
Stalin Nostalgia - Russia
Gulag: Many Days, Many Lives | Days and Lives :: Arrest
Gulag: Many Days, Many Lives | Days and Lives :: Arrest
The Arrest of Winston Churchill
The Arrest of Winston Churchill
200 protesting AIADMK men held near Perambalur
200 protesting AIADMK men held near Perambalur
Georgia Gori Josef Stalin
Georgia Gori Josef Stalin
Stalin and The Betrayal of Leningrad [3]
Stalin and The Betrayal of Leningrad [3]
Stalin and The Betrayal of Leningrad [4]
Stalin and The Betrayal of Leningrad [4]
On the Personality Cult and its Consequences. (Secret speech by ...
On the Personality Cult and its Consequences. (Secret speech by ...
21,768 murdered in Katyn massacre by the Soviet NKVD - April 1940 ...
21,768 murdered in Katyn massacre by the Soviet NKVD - April 1940 ...
Alex Jones arrested for asking a question
Alex Jones arrested for asking a question
Attempted Citizens Arrest Of Karl Rove
Attempted Citizens Arrest Of Karl Rove
April 3rd, 2010 Post-game with Ron MacLean & 6 Don Cher
April 3rd, 2010 Post-game with Ron MacLean & 6 Don Cher
On the Personality Cult and its Consequences. (Secret speech by ...
On the Personality Cult and its Consequences. (Secret speech by ...
Prosecution of Dissent by Present Georgian Dictator Resembles ...
Prosecution of Dissent by Present Georgian Dictator Resembles ...
1939: German foxtrot for Stalin: Fritz Weber - Wladimir
1939: German foxtrot for Stalin: Fritz Weber - Wladimir
On the Personality Cult and its Consequences. (Secret speech by ...
On the Personality Cult and its Consequences. (Secret speech by ...
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The IndoctriNATION 2: Children of the ACORN
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On the Personality Cult and its Consequences. (Secret speech by ...
On the Personality Cult and its Consequences. (Secret speech by ...
Big Brothers Face & Eye Recognition Software
Big Brothers Face & Eye Recognition Software

Stalin arrested : Photo Gallery

Stalin, Joseph - The Free Information Society
Stalin, Joseph - The Free Information Society
WWII Behind Closed Doors: Stalin, the Nazis and the West ...
WWII Behind Closed Doors: Stalin, the Nazis and the West ...
Stalin - Pictures from the Movies
Stalin - Pictures from the Movies
Great Russian Gifts FamousRussians7
Great Russian Gifts FamousRussians7
Ossetians - Stalin (Iosif Dzhugashvili)
Ossetians - Stalin (Iosif Dzhugashvili)
The Hindu : States / Tamil Nadu : Stalin arrested
The Hindu : States / Tamil Nadu : Stalin arrested
Joseph Stalin - Harry Turtledove Wiki - Historical fiction, Days ...
Joseph Stalin - Harry Turtledove Wiki - Historical fiction, Days ... Karunanidhi, Stalin arrested Karunanidhi, Stalin arrested
Gunmen kill 11 'Shias' in Pak in sectarian violence | Flash News ...
Gunmen kill 11 'Shias' in Pak in sectarian violence | Flash News ...
US authorities raid University of Northern Virginia (UNVA) on ...
US authorities raid University of Northern Virginia (UNVA) on ...
Who's the mug now? As Lindsay Lohan heads to jail, the other ...
Who's the mug now? As Lindsay Lohan heads to jail, the other ...
whewert - 5-
whewert - 5-
Erode District
Erode District
Russian President Denounces Stalin, But a Real Utopia is Coming
Russian President Denounces Stalin, But a Real Utopia is Coming
Stalin's 'great terror'
Stalin's 'great terror'
mangozeen: Ha Ha Stalin
mangozeen: Ha Ha Stalin
 ... Contributions of Comrade Joseph Stalin | The Marxist-Leninist
... Contributions of Comrade Joseph Stalin | The Marxist-Leninist
Stalins arrest record, March 1908
Stalins arrest record, March 1908
vladimir lenin and joseph stalin
vladimir lenin and joseph stalin
 ... it bears the signature of Stalin (in blue) at the top of the letter
... it bears the signature of Stalin (in blue) at the top of the letter
 ... been commander of the soviet air force was arrested the soviet secret
... been commander of the soviet air force was arrested the soviet secret
Stalin - Pictures from the Movies
Stalin - Pictures from the Movies
Stalin arrested
Stalin arrested
dmk leader m k  stalin arrested
dmk leader m k stalin arrested
DMK hold Congress' hand as desperate survival measures
DMK hold Congress' hand as desperate survival measures
Josef Stalin Honored in Vsevolod Meyerhold's Penza
Josef Stalin Honored in Vsevolod Meyerhold's Penza
An arrest that highlights tensions and ties with Russia
An arrest that highlights tensions and ties with Russia
Reviewed in brief.
Reviewed in brief.
Cardinal who survived the Gulags
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An Earthly Eclipse
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Dance review: American Ballet Theatre dances 'The Bright Stream' at the ...
Why Is Quantum Gravity So Hard? And Why Did Stalin Execute the Man Who ...
Why Is Quantum Gravity So Hard? And Why Did Stalin Execute the Man Who ...
Way back when: Today in history
Way back when: Today in history
Alagiri aide arrested in Madurai for forgery
Alagiri aide arrested in Madurai for forgery

Stalin arrested : Latest News, Information, Answers and Websites

What kind of country are we living in when........?????

1) Our own congressman falsely accuse our own military of murder, and then wont give a public apology when the charges get dropped. 2) We invite this ruthless dictator to our country to speak, and he doesnt give any straight answers. And dont give me freedom of speech B.S. because there comes a time when our country must have a backbone and make a stand against our enemies. What if Hussein or Hitler or Stalin wanted to enter our country back in the day??? They would be arrested immediately!!! 3) Im outraged when our own countrymen/women bash someone when they call out this dictator on his evil claims. Have we become this brainwashed of a country when we tolerate these type of scumbags. Im appalled because our own country calls our president the "bad guy" and lifts this Hitler on a pedistal. Our own press goes over there and instead of asking him about the real issues, they ask if he owns an IPOD, and does he listen to country music. That is a joke to me. Im not saying Bush does everything right, but when we live in a country where we discredit our own miltary, our president, and our own freedoms, that is where I get disgusted. People forget we lost over 40000-50000 troops in WWII. Why cant we see that this war is just as important to defeat the enemy as the other wars???
Answer: I agree with you. Also who said a guest and not a citizen has free speech. If I invite someone to my home and they start threatening me and my friends and family. I boot em out. He doesn't have the right of free speech that insites violence and also because he is not a citizen.
Category: Law & Ethics

When is the funeral for the Democrat Party? What will be etched in their communist tombstone? Obama and Stalin?

The communist Obama wants to seize private companies and ARREST PATRIOTS FOR BEING ENEMIES OF THE STATE!!!! How much longer will the Democrats be viable under these conditions? Obama probably has more power than Stalin did during the cold war! Obama has nuclear weapons, a big military, and puppet states. He must have as much power as Stalin, if not more
Answer: With the news media's help the Dem Party has managed to get the occasional one term president elected. They still think FDR saved us from the Great Depression despite more and more historians questioning the 10 year recovery that actually happened quickly after the gov't got out of the economy after WWII. Obama will be labeled the greatest president of the 21st century by those in charge of the media, regardless of the facts.
Category: Politics

Was Stalin ever arrested

Actually, he was, 'On 18th April, 1902, Stalin was arrested after coordinating a strike at the large Rothschild plant at Batum. After spending 18 months in ...

Why did Stalin arrest former POWs and what were they used for?

Answer: [1] Stalin arrested former POW's because he feared that they might have become infected with "Western" ideas about liberalism and democracy, and therefore be a threat to the Soviet regime if they were allowed to return to their homes. Additionally, the Soviet regime considered that any POW could only have become a POW by failing to fight hard enough for Russia, so they did not deserve to be treated kindly upon their release: consider Stalin's attitude towards his son's capture. [2] After being arrested by the NKVD, the former POW's were sentenced to work in Russia's gulag of slave labor camps. Conditions were so bad that many perished in the camps. So the POW's had a very bad time. First starved in German POW camps; then worked to death (and starved again) in Stalin's camps.
Category: History


His revolutionist activities brought his first arrest, in 1902. He was exiled to Siberia in 1903 but soon escaped. From 1902 to 1913 Stalin was arrested and ...

In theory, could Joseph Stalin have been arrested- if so, who had the power to do this? In practice?

Answer: Yes he could have been arrested. But it would have been extremely difficult because of the way that the Soviet system worked. Stalin used his position as General Secretary of the Communist Party to sack, demote - or worse, his rivals and to promote his followers. The police, and secret police bodies were almost extensions of the communist party. The nomenklatua system of appointments ensured that if one person fell, then their supporters fell as well; Stalin's arrest would have led to hundred of thousands of arrests; few people in the party would want to embark on such a traumatic chain of events. The only person who had enough power, and the position, to have him arrested, was head of the NKVD - Lavrenty Beria. When the Soviet Union was invaded Stalin could not be contracted for several days - he refused to answer the door or the phone. When his Politburo colleagues, including Beria, finally got him to answer the door to his Dacha (house in the country), he asked "Have you come to arrest me?". They said no! In his later years he grew even more wary of Beria, but for several reasons did not have him arrested or even shot - probably because Beria still had total control over the police organs.
Category: History

During what years did Stalins purges occur?

Ive always read 1936-1938, but this doesnt seem correct. Didnt the purges start with the assassination of Sergei Kirov on December 1,1934? Also, the last people to be executed during the Great Terror were Trotsky and Yezhov, both of whom were executed in 1940. So isnt it more accurate to say the purges lasted from 1934-1940, or at least 1935(I believe this is when the earliest of the top officers were arrested)-1939 or 1940? If I am wrong, why?
Answer: The purges do not refer to the system of arrest, trial and execution of ordinary Soviet citizens, but to the removal from the party of "undesirable elements". As Trotsky and Yezhov had already been removed from the party long before their deaths, then 1940 is too late to include them in the purges - although I think you have a valid point. The first major purge was before Stalin achieved power, in 1921, when some 200,000 were expelled from the party. The next purge was Stalin's first - the 1929 - 1930 purge of technical experts, mostly foreigners. These people were purged because they were no longer needed to help maintain the machines bought from Germany, Britain & the USA. They were mostly given fairly light sentences and the foreigners were expelled from the USSR. Coupled with this purge was the purge after the XVI Party Conference - the so-called Victory Conference: some 10% of the party was purged. However, these early purges were not as murderous as the later purges, most people lost their party cards and privileges - few were imprisoned and even fewer were executed. After Kirov's murder the emphasis changed, the purges turned murderous and the Great Purge began. It is the Great Purge that the dates you list refer to. There was no systematic purge from 1934 - 36, which is why the dates of the Great Purge are usually given as 1936 - 1938. They slowed throughout 1938, and had ceased by 1939 - although arbitrary arrests, imprisonment and executions continued throughout the rest of Stalin's reign. See: Stalin, A Biography by Robert Service
Category: History

Joseph Stalin killer file

1913 - He changes his name to Stalin, which translates to 'Man of Steel'. During the year he is arrested and exiled to Siberia, where he remains until March ...

The Stalin Museum in Gori, Georgia « Democracy Guest List

Stalin's arrest, at this home, was said (by Natia) to have hardened him. Surely, yes, prison abuse and torture probably did sway him from an earlier strategy of communication to a later strategy of militarization, ...

Does brown have a Stalin or Charles I complex?

An MP arrested by anti-terrorist police for telling the truth in opposition to the ruling party line. Stalin had his critics labelled mad or enemies of the state and removed them. Charles I arrested MPs as traitors and caused a civil war. Which is gordon?
Answer: (((Stalin! with out a doubt.))) it was bad enough under Blair, the labour party are getting very dodgy under Brown. i think the man needs psychiatric treatment. you just cant act the way the labour party has acted within a democracy. refusing referendums, spy cams every where, local councils listening in on our phone calls, refusal to close our borders. lying and deceiving on a colossal scale......its just ridiculous. there should be a vote of no confidence. the country cannot go on with the most incompetent foul Nazi government we have ever had in power. its causing mayhem. the most irritating thing is that all of the money for massive security step ups and intrusive surveillance not only comes out of our pockets, but is a Direct consequence of a war WE DID NOT WANT. and an uncontrolled immigration policy that we also did not want. if the labour party had listened to the people this country would still be afloat! and would not have! a terrorist problem. the sheer incompetence of new labour is staggering.
Category: Politics

Stalin used the murder of Kirov as an excuse to arrest millions of innocent party members --many of them for t?

A. True B. False Stalin used the murder of Kirov as an excuse to arrest millions of innocent party members --many of them for their involvement in the vast plot that supposedly lay behind the killing of Kirov.
Answer: C. Partially true?
Category: Government


between 1902 and 1913 he was arrested 8 times and exiled to Siberia. He escaped 7 times! • in prison he adopted the name Stalin which translated as "Man of ...

How many times was Joseph Stalin arrested?

Help would be appreciated
Answer: Research him:
Category: Homework Help

Whats something interesting from your family history?

any good ones? mine: my grandfather was arrested for protesting communism in poland after wwii. Two weeks before when he was supposed to be executed stalin died and there was an amnesty for political prisoners :)
Answer: Oh wow! Let's see, I learned that I am either of Polish or Austrian descent, depending on which map you look at. My family is from Dombrowa, Poland, a town that apparently was actually part of Austria for a brief time. Also, my grandfather rarely talked about his WWII service. All he said once was that he served in the European theater. And he did. He was in France. On June 6, 1944. We didn't learn that until after he died.
Category: Polls & Surveys

Did Stalin introduce dictatorship, camps and arbitrary arrests in the USSR? Justify your answer.?

thanks ....its the only question out of 15 i couldnt do
Answer: No, the Czar had the same, Peter the Great had them, Catherine the Great had them. It has always been a way of Russian life. Not USSR, that came much later.
Category: History

WEBLOZ » Blog Archive » MK Stalin arrested; Jaya continues to hunt ...

Chennai, Jul 30: Hardening the rivalry between Jayalalithaa-led AIADMK government in Tamil Nadu and Karunanidhi-led DMK, police arrested DMK treasurer MK Stalin on Saturday, Jul 30 for allegedly staging road-roko to ...

M.K. Stalin arrested Today | Speciality Benefits

M.K. Stalin arrested for resisting the arrest of DMK Tiruvarur District secretary, Poondi Kalaivanan, in Tiruvarur district. Mr. Kalaivanan was wanted in connection with a case of forcing students to boycott schools ...

Why is Stalin OK but Hitler NOT?

Its OK to pretend to be Stalin and to wave a USSR flag. And its controversial, but its generally "OK" to be a Communist. But its not OK to pretend to be Hitler or to wave a Nazi flag or do a Nazi salute? And you get arrested for being a Nazi! I mean if you go around wearing a Stalin or a Lenin t-shirt you are "hip", but if you go around wearing a Hitler t-shirt you might get arrested! I dont understand. Stalin killed more people than Hitler did! So shouldnt Stalin be WORSE than Hitler? Please explain why Stalin and Communism is OK but Hitler and National Socialism isnt. Oh, and Mao too!! Mao killed MILLIONS of Chinese! But I see kids with Mao stickers all over them like hes cool or something. WTF. It makes me so maddddddddddddddd...
Answer: Images of Che' Guevara have for quite some time now had a certain "hip" factor; in recent years, images styled in the same format as was used in Mao, Lenin and Stalinist propaganda; Che' was a murder of children, though due to his relatively short lifespan and available population in his areas of operation, his actual body count pales in comparison to Mao or Stalin. Hitler had an estimated body count of over 12 Million, estimates place Stalin at somewhere near 50 million during the entirety of his reign; however the undisputed heavy weight champ, Mao, he had an estimated body count of up to 67 million Reason why these cowards aren't as reviled as Hitler: 1) We never went to war with Russia or China directly, it's much more difficult to keep your secrets when conquering armies take possession of your documents 2) While Hitler and Stalin shared a desire to persecute the Jewish people, their eradication was Hitler's stated intent, Stalin hid his attempted genocide behind the guise of a cultural revolution, as did Mao (Mao tending to focus on dissidents and the educated) 3) Many people agree with the communist principles that Mao, Stalin and Che' espoused, and as such, have allowed themselves to take a "the end justifies the means" philosophy to gloss over or pardon the inhumanity of these cowards... With the exception of neo-nazi groups and other such Wack-A-Doo's, the same cannot be said, take away the small bands of fringe groups and Hitler's ideology has few adherents. Communism on the other hand...
Category: Politics

Did Joesph Stalin really do this?

I was reading this in an article: Even though the Russian people answered the call and laid down their lives for the Motherland, Stalin still found ways of terrorizing them. During the most savage conflict of a merciless war, the Battle for Stalingrad, Stalin formed units of the NKVD who were ordered, on pain of death, to advance behind the Russian troops. Should any soldier try to retreat they were to be shot. It was forbidden for any Russian soldier to surrender and if they did their families would lose their state allowances. Tens of thousands of deserters lost their lives in this way. By 1945 the Red Army pushed west destroying Hitler’s armies and arrived at the gates of Berlin in May. But Stalin’s repression followed them. Stalin became alarmed by the thought that his troops would become contaminated by the ideas of the American and British troops in Germany. If a Russian soldier should even embrace one of his fellow victors he was arrested and sent to a labor camp for re-education. By 1945 more than three million Russians had escaped to the West and by 1948 almost all had been forcibly repatriated. On arriving back to the USSR thousands were marched straight from the boats and trains into makeshift execution yards and shot. Is it true?
Answer: Elements of it are true but largely it is misinformed propaganda. Yes in Stalingrad the order was "not one step backwards" and yes, some retreating troops were shot by the NKVD, but as the battle wore on, they number who were executed dropped off sharply. And there is no evidence for the persecution of the families of such troops. Russians were allowed to surrender, and, due to inept leadership, millions were captured by the Nazis in the opening year of the war. The reason many did not want to be taken prisoner is that Germany & the USSR didn't sign the Geneva Convention so if you were captured, the Nazis had no obligation to look after you - millions starved or were worked to death. Deserters were persecuted, as in any army - and thousands DID desert, often working for the Germans as Hiwis, Stalin's repression did not immediately follow the troops to Berlin (it did come, but not immediately, and not on the scale you suggest) and there is no evidence for troops who embraced Western Allies being arrested or persecuted in any way -I have photos of my father, stationed in Berlin in the 1950s, in uniform next to a couple of Soviet troops also in uniform - they are all smiling and enjoying a cigarette and a beer. Three million Russians escaping to the West - nonsense - how - there were miles of ruined countryside, towns and cities between most Soviet citizens and and any Western city And boats? Trains would be used to repatriate people, not boats. And finally Stalin's Terror, evil though it was, did not massacre people on the same scale as Hitler, the latest estimates for the number of dead is about 2.5 million, not the frankly ludicrous 60million that some claimed, or the 35 that Robert Conquest guessed at. Read Stalin: A Biography by Robert Service, Beria. My Father by Sergio Beria and Russia's War by Richard Overy for a better understanding of the USSR, and how it fought WWII.
Category: History

– DMK leader Stalin arrested by chennai police | Andhra Videos

1:42 pm » – Who is Shoba; 1:40 pm » Singanamala Ramesh faced another 3 cases; 1:40 pm » – DMK leader Stalin arrested by chennai police; 1:40 pm » – Kishore Chandradev face face with; 1:39 pm » Goldsmith creates rare ring ...

M. K. Stalin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Stalin has been arrested several times on various public issues since he was first arrested in 1975 under MISA, which is close to terrorism and goondas act. ...

General points of Stalins life?

k my last question wasnt clear. im confused with the order of the general points in Joseph Stalins life. please help me, every site i look at has it differently. im so stressed because i cant even figure out where to start with this outline! 10 points best answer and thanks! this is my general list of points in his life but i dont even know if this is right anymore or what im leaving out :( youth arrests involvement in WWI General Commissar General Secretary WWII
Answer: Born in a city that starts with a g in geogia. Stalin was the epitemy of evil. He had multiple wives. One killed herself. All his childeren except one died. He was a soldier and supporter in the bolsevek revolution. He worked with lenin and became the supreme commander of the soviet union. He was very paranoid and had many of his military leaders put to death because he suspected them of a coup. He built the subway and many of the sewer systems. He put 60,000,000 people to death. Including jews, his military leaders, people with different ideas and his own people. He ran away and dissapeared for the first week that the Nazis attacked the soviet union. He eventually won the eastern front by throwing seemingly infinatenumbers of soldiers at the Nazis, many, in the early years of the war, without any training or weapons to speak of. He set up the iron curtain. He never repaid the U.S. for lend lease. He demanded the U.S. share war captured technology and teritory with the soviet union. He enslaved all countrys takken by the soviet union during WWII. He buit the berlin wall. He deid in 1954.
Category: History

Terrorism a big challenge to nation: PM | The India Daily

Justice PD Dinakaran, who is facing probe on... Terrorism a ». Describing communalism and terrorism as a... Tamil Nadu: MK Stalin arrested Tamil Nadu: MK ». MK Stalin arrested for resisting the arrest. ...

Historically Speaking; Is Venezuela sounding at all like Nazi Germany, Stalins Russia, etc. etc.?

CARACAS, Venezuela — Authorities arrested 11 people, including seven police officers, suspected of carrying out an attack on a Caracas synagogue that raised concerns of rising of anti-Semitism in Venezuela, officials said Sunday.,2933,489778,00.html Venezuelan Jews also expressed concern after Chavez initially suggested the synagogue attack might have been carried out by government opponents eager to portray his government as anti-Semitic, then warned Jews "not to allow themselves to be used" by his opponents. Personally, I think Chavez made it happen. I do not give anyone a thumbs down for answering a question of mine on the night that I give it. Jennifer L, I like your answer until you got to the part about Fox News. I use Fox News on purpose, I believe they are being treat unfairly. I also believe they are the most even-minded news source I know of. I think they are fair, but people who rail against them are being unfair. I use them on other sites as well, with people complaining about the story, even though the story itself is never found to be at fault. I wouldnt want people unfairly treating me that way. I think you wouldnt like it if they did that to you.
Answer: I agree with you about Chavez's culpability. I don't trust him. My wife is from Venezuela and is Jewish. In fact her brother was married in the synagogue that was vandalized. My mother in law is still in Caracas so as you can imagine we have been following this situation very closely. From what I can see Chavez is playing both sides against each other, riling up anti Jewish sentiment with his pro Hamas statements while trying to appear the hero to the Jewish community.
Category: Religion & Spirituality

Stalin Arrested | World Breaking News

Stalin arrested. Force in Tamil Nadu say that Commie son of DMK principal M Karunanidhi was never inactive or detained. They add that Mr Stalin was just affected as he was obstructing interchange. ...

The Hindu : States / Tamil Nadu : Stalin detained at Tiruvarur

2 hours ago ... M.K. Stalin arrested for resisting the arrest of DMK Tiruvarur District secretary, Poondi Kalaivanan, in Tiruvarur district. ...

Joseph Stalin : Biography

On 18th April, 1902, Stalin was arrested after coordinating a strike at the large Rothschild plant at Batum. After spending 18 months in prison Stalin was ...

What aspects of the former USSR should the USA adopt to become a great country?

After Stalin, the country went downhill. The USA should adopt the 5-year-plans to industrialize the country. The USA should establish a secret police system to arrest all dissidents and send them to labour camps. The USA should increase military production and invade countries to secure resources or trade routes, and simply to increase USA presence and to bring nationalist sentiment. The USA should also annex Canada and Mexico. Mexico would be where the majority of forced labour camps would be. The USA will establish English as the ONLY official language and everyone who speaks a different language will be sent to Alaska or Mexico in forced labour camps. You will not be allowed to leave your city wihout a permit. Members of the Communist Party will get special privileges, but nobody else will. If someone so much as says a joke about their leader, they will arrested. Also, anyone who the leader wants to get rid of will be forced to admit guilt to crimes they havent commited. What other aspects of the Soviet Union should the USA adopt?
Answer: Believe the USA should try to get her own country together first before they tackle the Soviet Union Seen how divided it is...with new election of Perry in Texas..sure we hear how he wants it to leave and start their own By the way USA is a great is just at the moment we have too many nut cases running around ...just saying
Category: Politics

Stalin arrested in Chennai « Speak Chennai – Latest news updates ...

M.K. Stalin arrested for resisting the arrest of DMK Tiruvarur District secretary, Poondi Kalaivanan, in Tiruvarur district. Mr. Kalaivanan was wanted in connection with a case of forcing students to boycott schools ...

(1879-1953) Joseph Stalin, infamous for his campaigns of terror ...

Stalin was arrested and exiled by imperial police in 1908 because of his illegal underground activities. His escape the next year was followed by further ...

why was Joseph Stalin [Djugashvili] arrested in 1903?

i need good answers
Answer: i googled this and came up with many sites saying he was arrested in 1913, and the only thing i found about him being arrested in 1903 was: Stalin joins the Bolsheviks and becomes a specialist in organising robberies and extortion rackets to help fund the revolutionaries. He is repeatedly arrested and exiled for his activities but usually manages to escape.
Category: Military

DMK leader MK Stalin detained – Hindustan Times | 4 Daily News ...

Police said Stalin, former deputy chief minister, and some of his aides were picked up ...MK Stalin detained at TiruvarurNDTV.comTN Police detains MK Stalin, DMK MLA KalaivananIBNLive.comProtesting Stalin arrested in ...

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