Valedictorian - Valedictorian - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster ...

Valedictorian : Videos

Valedictorian Speaks Out Against Schooling
Valedictorian Speaks Out Against Schooling
Brittany McComb Valedictorian Speech
Brittany McComb Valedictorian Speech
Hilarious Valedictorian Speech
Hilarious Valedictorian Speech
Hilarious Valedictorian Speech- Brandon Rosario
Hilarious Valedictorian Speech- Brandon Rosario
Booker T. Washington High grad Deonte Bridges Valedictorian speech
Booker T. Washington High grad Deonte Bridges Valedictorian speech
Greatest Valedictorian Speech Ever!
Greatest Valedictorian Speech Ever!
Maxwell Dorian, Valedictorian
Maxwell Dorian, Valedictorian
Taws Valedictorian Speach
Taws Valedictorian Speach
The Valedictorian Ventriloquist
The Valedictorian Ventriloquist
Perfect GPA, Perfect Match!
Perfect GPA, Perfect Match!
Valedictorian Speech
Valedictorian Speech
Liberty Valedictorian Joins YAL
Liberty Valedictorian Joins YAL
Valedictorian Speech
Valedictorian Speech
Nicholas DUrbano JMSB Valedictorian Speech
Nicholas DUrbano JMSB Valedictorian Speech
Lady Gaga Disney Hall Valedictorian Speech
Lady Gaga Disney Hall Valedictorian Speech
Valedictorian speech, Centenary College 2010 graduation
Valedictorian speech, Centenary College 2010 graduation
School of General Studies Class Day, Columbia Commencement 2010
School of General Studies Class Day, Columbia Commencement 2010
Adelitas Way Home School Valedictorian Album Sampler
Adelitas Way Home School Valedictorian Album Sampler
Jesse Torrence Valedictorian Speech 1998
Jesse Torrence Valedictorian Speech 1998
Valedictorian - Coldplay "Viva La Vida" Official Parody- Beau Brians
Valedictorian - Coldplay "Viva La Vida" Official Parody- Beau Brians
Erica Goldson reads valedictorian speech at unschooling conference PART ONE
Erica Goldson reads valedictorian speech at unschooling conference PART ONE
Deonte Bridges discusses his valedictorian speech
Deonte Bridges discusses his valedictorian speech
Commencement 2008: Notre Dame Valedictorian, Joshua Hammack
Commencement 2008: Notre Dame Valedictorian, Joshua Hammack
Norfolk Aggie Valedictorian Speech
Norfolk Aggie Valedictorian Speech
Brittany McComb Valedictorian Speech
Brittany McComb Valedictorian Speech
Valedictorian Speaks Out Against Schooling
Valedictorian Speaks Out Against Schooling
Rapping Valedictorian Speech
Rapping Valedictorian Speech
NTU Valedictorian Speech - 23rd July 2009
NTU Valedictorian Speech - 23rd July 2009
Valedictorian makes Notre Dame history
Valedictorian makes Notre Dame history
Funny Valedictorian Speech
Funny Valedictorian Speech
Valedictorian Speech
Valedictorian Speech
Valedictorian speech, Centenary College 2010 graduation
Valedictorian speech, Centenary College 2010 graduation
Funny Valedictorian Speech
Funny Valedictorian Speech
Hilarious Valedictorian Speech
Hilarious Valedictorian Speech
Valedictorian Address
Valedictorian Address
Silenced valedictorian talks
Silenced valedictorian talks
Hilarious Valedictorian Speech
Hilarious Valedictorian Speech
Valedictorian censored
Valedictorian censored
Valedictorian | "We Are Valedictorian" Promo
Valedictorian | "We Are Valedictorian" Promo
Silenced valedictorian speaks out
Silenced valedictorian speaks out
The Valedictorian Ventriloquist
The Valedictorian Ventriloquist
Liberty Valedictorian Joins YAL
Liberty Valedictorian Joins YAL
Valedictorian silenced after God comments
Valedictorian silenced after God comments
Family Ties - Valedictorian
Family Ties - Valedictorian
Valedictorian controversy
Valedictorian controversy
HS Valedictorian Stands Tall
HS Valedictorian Stands Tall
Best Valedictorian Graduation Speech Ever (Very Funny)
Best Valedictorian Graduation Speech Ever (Very Funny)
Valedictorian Sues School Over Graduation Prayer
Valedictorian Sues School Over Graduation Prayer

Valedictorian : Photo Gallery

Student Leadership Stoles
Student Leadership Stoles
Lapel Pins - Scholastic Award Pins - Product Categories
Lapel Pins - Scholastic Award Pins - Product Categories
Press and Journal
Press and Journal
Valedictorian Speech, Mattawan H.S. 2001 - dominik.
Valedictorian Speech, Mattawan H.S. 2001 - dominik.
Valedictorian Free Speech Case at Appeals Court
Valedictorian Free Speech Case at Appeals Court
Valedictorian Cartoons and Comics
Valedictorian Cartoons and Comics
No More High School Rankings, Valedictorians at Educator ...
No More High School Rankings, Valedictorians at Educator ...
Valedictorian Nicole Gremaud ...
Valedictorian Nicole Gremaud ...
Class officer stoles, Valedictorian and Salutatorian stoles
Class officer stoles, Valedictorian and Salutatorian stoles
Valedictorian Cartoons and Comics
Valedictorian Cartoons and Comics
Valedictorian To Be Deported After Graduation - Strollerderby
Valedictorian To Be Deported After Graduation - Strollerderby
Valedictorian Rising - Thank you Kirstyn Knox, We are All So Proud ...
Valedictorian Rising - Thank you Kirstyn Knox, We are All So Proud ...
College of Micronesia-FSM Graduation Fall 2006
College of Micronesia-FSM Graduation Fall 2006
dictaphones market trends,China Wholesale
dictaphones market trends,China Wholesale
Heritage Christian Academy » Archives
Heritage Christian Academy » Archives
One family produces three valedictorians - St. Petersburg Times
One family produces three valedictorians - St. Petersburg Times
 ... > LHS students receive academic honors > Valedictorian Mattie Casey
... > LHS students receive academic honors > Valedictorian Mattie Casey
Valedictorian Quick Ship Grad Trophy - Jones School Supply
Valedictorian Quick Ship Grad Trophy - Jones School Supply
valedictorian speech aimee during her valedictorian speech thought i ...
valedictorian speech aimee during her valedictorian speech thought i ...
Valedictorian Ashley Shawgo | Flickr - Photo Sharing!
Valedictorian Ashley Shawgo | Flickr - Photo Sharing!
Adelitas Way – Home School Valedictorian (2011) | Lossless Album ...
Adelitas Way – Home School Valedictorian (2011) | Lossless Album ...
PHS Valedictorian and Salutatorian] : The Portal to Texas History
PHS Valedictorian and Salutatorian] : The Portal to Texas History
Black Valedictorian Leg Warmers by Mademoiselle Mermaid ...
Black Valedictorian Leg Warmers by Mademoiselle Mermaid ...
Valedictorian and Salutatorian
Valedictorian and Salutatorian
I'm sorry if I offended anyone, says NTU valedictorian
I'm sorry if I offended anyone, says NTU valedictorian
Arkansas girl rejects role as school co-valedictorian
Arkansas girl rejects role as school co-valedictorian
Kymberly Wimberly, black valedictorian, claims school demoted her over race
Kymberly Wimberly, black valedictorian, claims school demoted her over race
Former Student Alleges School District Didn't Want African-American as Sole ...
Former Student Alleges School District Didn't Want African-American as Sole ...
Austin man named sailor of the year
Austin man named sailor of the year
MCHS Valedictorian: Leo Shaw
MCHS Valedictorian: Leo Shaw
Excellence runs in this family
Excellence runs in this family
LAKE ELSINORE: Valedictorian policy may be revised
LAKE ELSINORE: Valedictorian policy may be revised
They're No. 1: Randi Wiley, Chaffee High School valedictorian
They're No. 1: Randi Wiley, Chaffee High School valedictorian
Feehan valedictorian wins National Merit Scholarship
Feehan valedictorian wins National Merit Scholarship
MCHS Valedictorian: Casey Haaland
MCHS Valedictorian: Casey Haaland
Oakmont valedictorian earns $6000 scholarship
Oakmont valedictorian earns $6000 scholarship
Valedictorian hurt in water accident
Valedictorian hurt in water accident
Committee to look at valedictorians
Committee to look at valedictorians
2004 valedictorian: Follow passions in school, career
2004 valedictorian: Follow passions in school, career
Old Tappan valedictorian heads to Brown
Old Tappan valedictorian heads to Brown

Valedictorian : Latest News, Information, Answers and Websites

Black Student Can't Be Valedictorian - Courthouse News Service

PINE BLUFF, Ark. (AR) - A high school southeast of Little Rock would not let a black student be Valedictorian though she had the highest grade-point average, and wouldn't let her mom speak to the school board about it ...

Student Sues School After Barred From Being Sole Valedictorian ...

5 days ago ... Kymberly Wimberly filed a law suit against her Arkansas high school alleging she is the rightful Valedictorian but isn't receiving the honor ...

Are my chances of being Valedictorian ruined if I start getting straight As sophmore year?

Ever since I knew what a Valedictorian was, I wanted to be one. It seems like a supreme honor to hold such a title. I was just wondering If starting to make straight As sophomore year hinder my chances of becoming Valedictorian. Can anyone help me out?
Answer: absolutly not! just work really hard and get into your AP or college classes. ask ur teachers for the details. Freshmans more of a get ready and a good start. Im sure your teachers would help you.
Category: Standards & Testing

Valedictorian - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster ...

val·e·dic·to·ri·an. noun \-ˌdik-ˈtȯr-ē-ən\. Definition of Valedictorian. : the student usually having the highest rank in a graduating class who delivers ...

How can I make my valedictorian speech entertaining?

Im Valedictorian and Ive been working on my speech, but I need some ideas to keep the audience entertained and especially the students. I want the speech to be professional, but not put the audience to sleep. Any suggestions?
Answer: It's important that you crack some jokes. Usually, references to the more eccentric faculty members get a lot of laughs (so long as you represent them in a positive fashion). You could also incorporate some funny stories or observations that you made during your time in school. Naturally, don't mention anything offensive. Though you may feel obligated to, try to keep the "hopes and dreams" and "future" talk to a minimum. This is the quickest way to turn the crowd off, inducing a plethora of yawns in the process. It's also expected and extremely cliché, especially considering the fact that all of the other speakers will be saying the exact same things. Most importantly, *****keep your speech to under a page*****! Make it short, sweet, and potent. Not only will your peers appreciate it, but you'll be complemented on your delivery. Finally, be true to who you are. If you do that, you're sure to make your speech worthy of remembrance. Good luck!
Category: Other - Education

How do you put valedictorian or AP test scores taken senior year on a college application?

Considering you take a senior AP/IB test your senior, and most colleges require you to apply in your junior year? Also, you dont really know if youre Valedictorian until your senior year, so how do the colleges know?
Answer: They don't know. Colleges will get your AP scores for APs taken in the senior year after the results come out in July and if your school ranks (many don't), they will only know if you are Valedictorian when they receive a final transcript after you've enrolled. If a college profile says they have so many Valedictorians, they are basing this information on the current freshmen class from figures taken from final transcripts.
Category: Higher Education (University +)


how do you become Valedictorian for your high school? i think you have to have a high GPA. Is your GPA gotten from your credits in your junior year? Or is it from all you 4 years? I really want to become Valedictorian.
Answer: The rules vary from school to school, so you need to find the rules for your particular school to see the exact requirements. A common method is that the person with the highest grade point average for the four years of high school is chosen. Some schools do not include some classes in the calculations. Courses that might not be included would be physical education, orientation, art electives, band, or other non-core courses. Usually anything that is taken on a pass/fail basis is excluded. AP or other advanced classes are sometimes given extra credit when computing the GPA. For example, and A+ in an AP course might be considered to be a 4.6 while and A+ from a regular honors class might be a 4.3.
Category: Primary & Secondary Education

UALR Public Radio | FM 89 KUAR - McGehee Valedictorian Sues School

A recent Arkansas graduate is suing her school district citing racial bias behind the decision to downgrade her to co-Valedictorian. Kymberly Wymberly is seeking $75000 dollars from the McGehee School District and ...

How to know what to write about for valedictorian speeches in elementary schools?

I am a candidate for Valedictorian in my elementary school. I need and example of an actual Valedictorian that has been presented before so I can get an idea of what I need to write about.
Answer: omg this is exactly the question i need answered ... :P ... I have no clue what to write about but people say that i should just write about what the school has meant to me and what the people have meant to mee.. hope this helps :P
Category: Primary & Secondary Education

How is a valedictorian chosen in high school?

Im just wondering. Ive been getting all As since I was young, and now Im in high school and want to be the top of my year. How do they pick ranks and who gets to be Valedictorian?
Answer: They are picked by Grade Point Average-sounds like you have a 4.0 but do you have extra classes? After school? College while in high school? That can bump you up-some kids can get 4.5 etc. Most schools nowdays have several also-
Category: Other - Education

Valedictorian | Define Valedictorian at

/ˌvæl ɪ dɪkˈtɔr i ən, -ˈtoʊr-/ Show Spelled[val-i-dik-tawr-ee-uh n, -tohr-] Show IPA. –noun. a student, usually the one ranking highest academically in a ...


could i still become Valedictorian? my final grades came in today. i have 2 Bs and the rest As and a pluses. im in all honors(besides gym). if i work really really hard, do u think i could become Valedictorian by senior year?by the way,im a freshman.
Answer: it all depends on the grades that everyone else in your grade gets, as well as the grades that they get in upcoming years. So, there is no real way of knowing now, but I'm sure that if you worked hard enough you could have a pretty good chance, but there are no promises
Category: Primary & Secondary Education

How would I go about becoming valedictorian or salutatorian in college?

Honestly, my high school career was pretty much mediocre. I didnt push myself as hard as I would have liked to, but thats the past and now I am looking forward to the future. I know I can do this. What would you recommend as advice or tips on becoming a college Valedictorian or salutatorian? Or at least in the top 10%. I plan to attend the Naval Academy, if that helps. Thanks!
Answer: The US Naval Academy is an intense school filled with very good students who are doing a lot of other competitive things in addition to academics. If you're a midshipman, all you need to do to impress other people with your college performance is graduate. If I were you I would just focus on doing my best and not worry about being in the top 10%.
Category: Higher Education (University +)

Black Valedictorian Can't Be Top Student?

Principal appoints white co-Valedictorian with lower GPA.

How should I write a speech as valedictorian in medical assisting?

Im not sure if Im Valedictorian just for the medical assisting school or the whole campus. Im not sure where to begin in writing my speech. It only has to be 3 minutes long and I dont know the guidelines. The graduation ceremony is next Saturday. Any tips for writing a Valedictorian speech would be appreciated.
Answer: Create an introduction. To begin you should consider a good way to get the audience's attention, so that they stay focused on you and you only during your speech, and not the hockey game back home on their 50" plasma screen. Although beginning by introducing yourself and telling about the Valedictorian role might be the clearest, it is also the dullest. Use something funny, or a quote to begin, and be enthusiastic. Start things off with a BANG (not literally) to get people awake and ready to listen! Thank those that made a difference in your life. Shortly after, it is best to say a few thank yous to teachers, principal, and maybe a few volunteers. Although it would be ideal to make up paragraphs for each and everyone, you don't have the time, and the audience doesn't have the patience. Keep each thank-you short and sweet, and, although not making it fully comedic, add in a laugh or two. Friendly, and all in good fun, of course. Another thing to remember is that most parents would prefer you give them a quiet hug and a thanks after your graduation in the comfort of your own home rather than you giving a sappy intro about how wonderful they are. Not that they aren't, because your parents are the reason you are here today. They rock! Just, not everyone knows them so just give them hugs and break it to them nice and slowly that they can't be in the speech. Add in memories. Now the time has come to discuss the school you are leaving. Talk about some cool events or spirit days that have happened this year. Dances and class parties work well. Also, talk about something unique to your school or grade. For example, you could discuss about how you all came to the school shy, nervous, and separated, and now you're one big group of friends, and the process to that stage. There are many possible ways to work this part of the speech. Acknowledge others. Eventually, you'll want to talk about the people's accomplishments. You may want to recognize the student of excellence, or how well your sports teams did during the season, or the person who got straight A's every term. Talk about all groups of people, not just the ones you are friends with. If you discuss funny happenings, make sure at least 85% of the people know what you are talking about. If you want to say stuff like, we have candy fanatics, shopaholics, a guy who can make cards disappear, etc. go for it. Just be more specific than I was there. Also, it might be more interesting to not use names, to get your classmates thinking about who you may be talking about. Again, make sure they can easily figure it out. Add quotes. There are two parts to a quoting section in a Valedictorian speech. One way, you can take wise quotes from the Internet or a book to inspire people. You can also get people's insight on the year. Ask classmates to give you a few things about what they thought about the past year. Good, bad, happy, sad, it all works. Get stuff from nerds, geeks, jocks, cheerleaders, popular, lonely, emo, glee club, and every type of person in between. Put an ad in the school newspaper, send out emails, post flyers. You'll have people talking to you left and right, and you may even make a few friends as well. Conclude your speech. To end your speech, you'll want to wrap up the year in a few words. Give your insight on the year in 2 or 3 sentences, and thank people for coming. Finally end it by bringing people into an applause for the graduates. Every one deserves to be congratulated!
Category: Health Care

How do I become valedictorian of my community college?

I have a 4.0 GPA at Essex County College and Im in the Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society. Do i need to be PTK President in order to be Valedictorian?
Answer: Do you even have a Valedictorian? We didn't when I graduated community college - we just had the top 10% who got to wear honor cords and PTK members wore sashes and a gold tassel instead of the black one.
Category: Higher Education (University +)

Arkansas' 'egregious' valedictorian scandal: Racist? - The Week

A black teenager earns her school's top GPA, but still has to share her status as Valedictorian with a white student.

How do I make my Valedictorian Speech sound like its my voice, and not just a paper?

OK so I am in a Humanities class and I have to write a Valedictorian Speech for the class of 2010. I have written one and let a friend read it, but it sounds more like an essay paper rather than a speech. Any tips on how to make it sound more like myself?
Answer: Add some jokes in it. Really, add jokes. Don't try to make it sound excessively formal. Formality is required, but don't try to sound like a lawyer trying to prosecute a convict. Also, practice in front of a mirror to build more charisma. Speak lightly, but seriously. Congratulations on being Valedictorian of your class!
Category: Other - Education

What are some themes for a valedictorian speech?

Im the Valedictorian, but i dont want my speech to be the normal Valedictorian speech. I want it to be fun to listen to. My problem is that I dont know what my overarching theme should be. Ive researched and the only theme ive seen is about labels placed on you. Any ideas?
Answer: Check this out I am sure it will help. Best of luck. This is the best advice I saw though. 1. stay away from politics and religion 2. u can go with reminiscing with the class and such - its safe i guess but not all too original or interesting 3. most good speeches have an unoriginal inspirational theme but done in an original way 4. talk to people for ideas - talk to everybody - parents/friends/peers/teachers if i think of anything else - ill post again for now - GOOD LUCK - know what your going through - lol
Category: Other - Education

What would happen if a valedictorian refused any awards offered?

Suppose a girl graduates Valedictorian of her class, and she: 1) Refuses to give a speech at graduation 2) Refuses to appear on TV where they show all the Valedictorians of the area schools 3) Refuses to accept any scholarships to college 4) Attends local community college instead of a university
Answer: The earth would open up...the seas would boil... IT WOULD BE THE END OF THE WORLD!...just kidding. Seriously, she can do whatever she wants. I would just advise her to think long and hard about why she is denying it. The refusal to give a speech or appear on TV may not have any lasting impact, but your points #s 3 and 4 may be decisions that would affect her later on down the line (not that I'm putting down community colleges or anything like that). Some people may consider the Valedictorian's behavior odd, and may even feel insulted (including her parents) because it may come across as either snobbish or unappreciative. For that reason, if she is refusing the honor in an attempt to make some type of social statement, then, I would respectfully suggest that this girl needs to first consider the mindset of her audience. Will they even understand the point she is trying to make?
Category: Primary & Secondary Education

Valedictorian - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Valedictorian is an academic title conferred upon the highest ranked student among those graduating from an educational institution in the USA, ...

High school student alleges racial bias in valedictorian choice ...

4 days ago ... Read 'High school student alleges racial bias in Valedictorian choice' on Yahoo! News. LITTLE ROCK, Ark (Reuters) - A black high school ...

Black Teen Mom Denied Valedictorian Title : Ms Magazine Blog

In her senior year, she took a full load of Advanced Placement courses, worked through the long hours and intense coursework and ended the year with straight A's, earning her the title of Valedictorian of her class at ...

How do I become the valedictorian of my high school?

I take all the advanced classes available, in which i earn high grades, and i am involved in many extracurricular activities as well as volunteer services. Do you have any tips on how to become the Valedictorian without trying to hurt those with higher gpa than mine?
Answer: Study. You will need Straight A's your entire senior year, and the Advanced Classes will help boost your GPA if the point system for Advanced/Honors classes is weighted. For Example, in my High School regular classes were worth 4 points for an A, Honors Classes were worth 4.5, and AP (Advanced Placement) Classes were worth 5 points. A "good" general rule of thumb for studying is for every hour in class, two hours outside of class. A good way to study is to outline the entire chapter to start with, as you study your notes, rewrite the outline, taking out the information you remember easily. keep rewriting the outline until your test on the chapter. the night before the test you should be the most comfortable, and have the shortest outline. This method works well for Science and History Classes, and is a big reason why i graduated with a 3.3 instead of a 2.0.
Category: Primary & Secondary Education

Where can I find a free yet good Valedictorian speech?

I am graduating Grade 8. Because of this, I must write a Valedictorian speech. Two problems however because one I moved from school to school quite a bit so I have nothing much to write about the school I am in currently. Second, Its due in 4 hours. Its currently 3:57 and my school starts at 8:50. I need to write the Valedictorian speech, then write an essay, and study for two tests! Someone please just give me a free Valedictorian speech.
Answer: You need to have more confidence in yourself! If your grades are good enough for you to be the Valedictorian, then you must have learned how to juggle studying, extracurriculars, etc. at quite a young age and I'm sure that you must be pretty adept. Trying to copy a "free" speech is a big mistake! Some schools will reprimand you and even take your status away if you copy a speech and someone finds out. Please don't do this. Take your time and write one. It is okay to ask for help, but it is not okay to steal a speech. Years afterward, you will thank yourself for your honesty. Visit this link:
Category: Primary & Secondary Education

What is great way to start an 8th grade valedictorian speech?

I was named Valedictorian for my 8th grade class that is graduating this year. I need to write a speech to say at graduation. I have great ideas on what i want to say in the speech but I cannot think of the first sentence. I want it to be catchy, professional, sweet, something for people to actually pay attention to when I say it.
Answer: talk about how unusual it is to be leaving and how your so suprised and grateful , its a classic
Category: Primary & Secondary Education

Funny Valedictorian Speech - CollegeHumor Video

This speech made him the most popular kid in school, for the two weeks before graduation. Watch "Funny Valedictorian Speech" and more funny videos on ...

valedictorian - definition of valedictorian by the Free Online ...

val·e·dic·to·ri·an (v l -d k-tôr - n, -t r -). n. The student with the highest academic rank in a class who delivers the valedictory at graduation. ...

Valedictorian sues school: Was she snubbed because of race? – This ...

A recent high school graduate from Arkansas is suing her school district, claiming it refused to recognize her as the school's sole Valedictorian because she is black. Kymberly Wimberly, 18, earned the highest grade ...

Black Student Barred from Being Valedictorian, Says Lawsuit

18-year-old Kymberly Wimberly is suing her McGehee, Arkansas public high school for barring her from being Valedictorian because of her race. (As opposed to the equally unfair but way less depressing "funny name issue.

Black student sues over valedictorian flap - US news - Life ...

5 days ago ... A black teenager contends her high school discriminated against her by refusing to let her be sole Valedictorian even though she had the ...

Arkansas School Got Real Shady With Black Valedictorian, Lawsuit ...

If the GPA calculations are accurate down at McGehee High School, it would seem that Kymberly Wimberly should have been the one and only Valedictorian. But nope. Drama had to ensue. According to a...

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