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Murder suspect Mr. Ng now in ICU Channel 8 News revealed 3 murder ...
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SPH-owned Hardwarezone moderator lodged police report against forummer for ...
SPH-owned Hardwarezone moderator lodged police report against forummer for ...
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Timbuk2 Q Backpack Unpacking + First Look
Timbuk2 Q Backpack Unpacking + First Look
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Sunshine Empire Photo Montage (Can you name them?)
Unsolicated Low Interest Loan Offer Spam SMS - 30/12/2010
Unsolicated Low Interest Loan Offer Spam SMS - 30/12/2010
HWZ MY: Samsung Forum 2011
HWZ MY: Samsung Forum 2011
EDMW - Post Count Saga
EDMW - Post Count Saga
Perfect Cut 2 (一切完美2) - Cast & Production Team (Media ...
Perfect Cut 2 (一切完美2) - Cast & Production Team (Media ...
Perfect Cut 2 - Jocie Kwok - 放了爱(一切完美2) ...
Perfect Cut 2 - Jocie Kwok - 放了爱(一切完美2) ...
NVIDIA Quadro FX Professional at Dimension 3 Expo
NVIDIA Quadro FX Professional at Dimension 3 Expo
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06 nic perlas blogwatch webcast closing message
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protein factorys Premium Whey
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S10-3T - Synaptics Touchpad Multi-Touch
Iphone 3gs Full Opening 1/4 *Singapore Elex*
Iphone 3gs Full Opening 1/4 *Singapore Elex*
CNA 220805
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Red Razer DeathAdder
Sunshine Empire Photo Montage (Can you name them?)
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Downfall parody: PAP looses a few GRCs in coming elections (2011).
Downfall parody: PAP looses a few GRCs in coming elections (2011).
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Chile Quake: Is There Evidence of HAARP?
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How To Update M11xR2 (Bios, Newest Nvidia Drivers, Intel Drivers ...
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Manchester United - Wigan 5:0 (Rooney, Carrick, Valencia, Rafael ...
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theorycast.47 :: “Not My Problem” & other Singaporean citizen ...
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Portable Mini Figurine Speakers Sound Test
Tong Kok Wai - Killed by ROMANIAN diplomat Silviu Ionescu
Tong Kok Wai - Killed by ROMANIAN diplomat Silviu Ionescu
Iphone 3g Full Opening 2/5 *Singapore*
Iphone 3g Full Opening 2/5 *Singapore*
The Story of a South-East Asian Prostitute 为老不尊 ...
The Story of a South-East Asian Prostitute 为老不尊 ...
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Iphone 3gs Full Opening 4/4 *Singapore Elex*
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HardwareZone Launches Free Forums iPhone Application ...

The official HardwareZone (HWZ) Forums iPhone application, in collaboration with homegrown app developer Omnitoons, has debuted on the App store, allowing ...

TOP NEWS: Hardwarezone Forum

The moniker 'pay&pay' allegedly posted 4 comments on Hardwarezone forum expressing hope that Mr Sitoh be 'xxxxx'. Only less than a month ago, a Hardwarezone forumer 'BigBirdman' was arrested by the police for threatening ...

Is something wrong with hotmail? (Singnet)?

Okay, I know Ive asked this question but I still havent found th solution for it, thus, th repetition. All th proposed solutions I found is for PCs and I am using Mac. So how do I do this proxy thing with a Mac? There is no Internet Options in my Tools. So someone, help me please! I am using both Safari and Firefox btw/. Im in desperate need to check and reply my mails. Its been 2 days now. =( =( Even hardwarezone forums dont seem to give any solution for Mac. PS: Singnet is seriously mafan lehhhh!!!
Answer: http://www.guitar4christ.com/modules.php?name=Forums&file=viewtopic&t=23585&postdays=0&postorder=asc&start=0
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With Stereo Electronics' objective of maintaining constant communication with the Headphone & Earphones community, the HardwareZone.com Forum Sponsorship strategy is perfect for their marketing needs. A 12-month forum ...

How can I get my hair to look like this? (Picture Link)?

So my hair is naturally straight, although the bottom of my hair is the slightest bit wavy. I want to do loose curls in my hair, like wavy/curly looking. How can I get my hair to look like this? Will I need to use a curler or a straightener? (Straighteners can also curl hair) Will I need some hair products like spray or something to do it? If you can help me with this, Id appreciate it. Heres a link to what I want it to look like. (Sorry if the link is huge) http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://home.rasysa.com/aeir/style/image/36594_11.jpg&imgrefurl=http://forums.hardwarezone.com.sg/showthread.php%3Ft%3D1663034%26page%3D708&usg=__30IDmMo1dGAqP73PF4Hr9pYo9Ew=&h=587&w=373&sz=51&hl=en&start=63&zoom=1&tbnid=BE2Oveyv2-y8sM:&tbnh=130&tbnw=91&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dloose%2Bcurls%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26client%3Dfirefox-a%26rls%3Dorg.mozilla:en-US:official%26channel%3Ds%26biw%3D1024%26bih%3D576%26tbs%3Disch:10%2C1482&um=1&itbs=1&iact=hc&vpx=359&vpy=185&dur=8724&hovh=282&hovw=179&tx=78&ty=245&ei=FK8PTdOGDqXrnQerrpT-DQ&oei=9q4PTfS-CI2nnwemroDyDQ&esq=4&page=4&ndsp=22&ved=1t:429,r:17,s:63&biw=1024&bih=576
Answer: oooo that hair looks super cute! well i hope this helps: i would use a straightener. before you start just make sure your hair is clean and completely dry. then you should put a heat protectent through out all of your hair (doesn't matter what brand of heat protectent, they all pretty much work the same.) get the straightener in your hand and a piece of hair, close the straightener down on the hair and the turn your arm 90 degrees and run the straightener down the full length of the piece of hair. repeat this with a variety of sizes of hair peices untill you've done all your hair. each curl doesn't have to be perfecto because if they all are it won't look natural(: good luck!! and i hope someone gives you a helpful answer(:
Category: Hair

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Team HardwareZone has landed in Taipei, Taiwan to cover the Computex ... Forums Index. Special Events. DMClub. Infotech Clinic. Digital Entertainment Lifestyle Hub ...

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Is it true Iraqs death toll rivals Rwanda genocide, Cambodian killing fields?

http://forums.hardwarezone.com.sg/showthread.php?t=2686231 THE DEATH TOLL IS OVER A MILLION http://forums.hardwarezone.com.sg/showthread.php?t=2686231 THE DEATH TOLL IS OVER A MILLION http://forums.hardwarezone.com.sg/showthread.php?t=2686231 THE DEATH TOLL IS OVER A MILLION http://forums.hardwarezone.com.sg/showthread.php?t=2686231 THE DEATH TOLL IS OVER A MILLION http://forums.hardwarezone.com.sg/showthread.php?t=2686231 THE DEATH TOLL IS OVER A MILLION http://forums.hardwarezone.com.sg/showthread.php?t=2686231 THE DEATH TOLL IS OVER A MILLION http://forums.hardwarezone.com.sg/showthread.php?t=2686231 THE DEATH TOLL IS OVER A MILLION
Answer: The people who wrote the original article blow goats
Category: Government

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HardwareZone is an IT-oriented Internet portal based in Singapore. ... certain forum members, who become presumptive "lords" over a particular sub-forum, the ...


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more than = as MANY?

theres this discussion at a forum, initially it was about the maths, then later on it evolved into an argument on whether MORE THAN = AS MANY. http://forums.hardwarezone.com.sg/showthread.php?t=1929805&page=3 "proof" was offered to suggest that MORE THAN = AS MANY. http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2006/12/061211124329.htm my stand is that MORE THAN means, more than. ie, if you have 1 and i have 4 times more than, i have 5, not 4. can someone verify whos correct?
Answer: I agree with you, speaking mathematically about it. It's common to say "100% more than..." to indicate "twice as many as..."
Category: Words & Wordplay

flash actionscript help needed!?

http://forums.hardwarezone.com/showthread.php?t=1764540 sorry Ive gotta post the code somewhere else coz yahoo answers doesnt seem to show the codes right
Answer: Try the following function preloadProgress( event:ProgressEvent ):void { var loadedPercent:int = event.getBytesLoaded( ) / event.getBytesTotal( ) * 100; loaderText.text = loadedPercent + "% loaded"; twirlsMask.scaleY = loadedPercent / 100; }
Category: Programming & Design

Forum Engagement in HardwareZone.com Drives Traffic & Sales To ...

May 30, 2011 ... HardwareZone.com being the market leader for technology news and reviews, with its very active and popular forum platform, provides the ...

Eat-Drink-Man-Woman - www.hardwarezone.com.sg

A hang-out place to relax and chit-chat about food and boy-girl stuff...

I went to a school funfair today. do u think it looks great?

photos here - http://forums.hardwarezone.com.sg/showthread.php?t=2711398
Answer: Looks pretty ace O: Looks massive D:
Category: Polls & Surveys

If the USA can kill millions of civilian Iraqis, What stops them from the killing at home?

Answer: How many times are you going to post this terror supporting lie?
Category: Government

game theory about zero sum games?

does this call for a mixed solution(i cant remember if its called a mixed solution)? i remember my lecturer saying something about using 50% choice or something like that in net zero sum games(again, not sure if its called net zero sum game), and i cant remember the name of the solution. consider this scenario. in an online game, when you use up your stamina, you can then choose to "idle" to recover stamina, or attempt to "block" your enemys move. with 1k word limit, i cant post everything here, a copy of my question can be found here: http://forums.hardwarezone.com.sg/showthread.php?p=28924937#post28924937 in short, its a (+1, -1) (-1, +1) (-1,+1) (+1, -1)
Answer: the outcomes don't make sense, or at the very least are not complete. If you block the outcomes are for being hit because your opponent attacked and hit you or not being hit because your opponent attacked and missed. But if you are idle the outcomes are the opponent attacks and hits you or is idle. What happens if you block and your opponent is idle? Can you be idle and have the opponent attack and miss? There has to at least be an outcome for you blocking and the opponent being idle. I can understand the opponent not missing if he attacks and you are idle. It all depends on what happens if you block and he is idle. If you benefit than your opponent never has an incentive to be idle and attacking is the dominant strategy, in which case blocking would become dominant for you. Then it is all up to chance whether you are damaged or not. Even if it was 0,0 for you blocking and opponent being idle your opponent would never have a reason to be idle. There would have to be an outcome that is beneficial to your opponent for there to be a possibility for him to choose to be idle.
Category: Economics

News Reader 456: News Reader 456: Hardwarezone Forum

Hardwarezone Forum Electronics' objective of maintaining constant communication with the Headphone & Earphones community, the HardwareZone.com Forum Sponsorship strategy is perfect for their marketing needs. ...

hair question about perms?

i have naturally curly hair similar to this http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.easy-hairstyles.com/images/curly-hair.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.easy-hairstyles.com/3/curly-hair-style/&usg=__BgLmTXBf7PYHe_alVD-q1bWZ0Es=&h=427&w=300&sz=36&hl=en&start=0&zoom=1&tbnid=4vP58TQd5ZHLjM:&tbnh=172&tbnw=125&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dcurly%2Bhair%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26biw%3D1259%26bih%3D610%26tbs%3Disch:1&um=1&itbs=1&iact=hc&vpx=454&vpy=199&dur=843&hovh=268&hovw=188&tx=117&ty=132&ei=-YmaTJz7BoWasAOz4c36BA&oei=t4maTKWLC4K2sAPItvWLBA&esq=9&page=1&ndsp=14&ved=1t:429,r:2,s:0 i want my hair to look like this http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.drfunkenberry.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/07/vanessa.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.drfunkenberry.com/2009/08/05/more-nude-photos-of-vanessa-hudgens-leak/&usg=__6E2xaVrRasDN-7Ogoi1EPdrFWMg=&h=490&w=376&sz=54&hl=en&start=0&zoom=1&tbnid=GcoecU6o2j-SLM:&tbnh=134&tbnw=103&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dvanessa%2Bhudgens%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26biw%3D1259%26bih%3D610%26tbs%3Disch:1&um=1&itbs=1&iact=hc&vpx=119&vpy=243&dur=172&hovh=256&hovw=197&tx=158&ty=149&ei=MYqaTKvFCYqksQPdrrSEBA&oei=MYqaTKvFCYqksQPdrrSEBA&esq=1&page=1&ndsp=24&ved=1t:429,r:16,s:0 or like this http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://home.rasysa.com/aeir/style/image/36594_11.jpg&imgrefurl=http://forums.hardwarezone.com.sg/showthread.php%3Ft%3D1663034%26page%3D708&usg=__30IDmMo1dGAqP73PF4Hr9pYo9Ew=&h=587&w=373&sz=51&hl=en&start=107&zoom=1&tbnid=BE2Oveyv2-y8sM:&tbnh=149&tbnw=92&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dperm%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26biw%3D1259%26bih%3D610%26tbs%3Disch:1&um=1&itbs=1&iact=rc&dur=406&ei=eIqaTOebMoSosQPT6OzrBA&oei=X4qaTNW3K4SWsgOc3a2EBA&esq=6&page=6&ndsp=19&ved=1t:429,r:12,s:107&tx=33&ty=67 so i want larger looser curls. would i be able to get a perm for this? would they have to perminantly straighten it and then do the perm? how long would it last? and about how much would it cost? i know you probably not going to know all the answers, im going to ask a stylist, but if you know any of the answers, it would be helpful, thanks :)
Answer: Hey "Yes" you can get your hair permed what they can do is permanently straighten your hair then do i think its called a loose perm which is similar to the first picture. his usually last up the 2 years or a year depending on how well they did it, perming usually costs around $334 for me but my hair is really long :) I hope this helped if not sorry and i wish you luck
Category: Hair

Are my pair of Converse real or fake?

I recently bought a pair of high-top Converse on eBay in an auction and won it for around $21. I asked the seller if they are real beforehand, and he told me that its from OEM (original equipment manufacturer). I just received them yesterday, and there are red flags going off. 1) You can see a strip of glue along the front rubber sidewall. 2) There is no barcode underneath the labeling on the tongue as you can see at: http://forums.hardwarezone.com.sg/showthread.php?t=2365686 3) There are typos on the description tag. 4) The price is 195 (which Im thinking is Chinese yuan) is the equivalent to $29 USD 5) The circular label seems a bit questionable (S is smudged) 6) You can feel friction on the rubber sidewall. Ironically, it feels like high quality. So what do you think? Im gonna wear them anyways, but I need to give the seller a feedback. Thanks for your time, guys! Gee whiz, I totally forgot to post up the pics. Here it is: http://s814.photobucket.com/albums/zz61/ecllin/Converse/
Answer: Well, I wouldn't take the glue thing as a tell tale sign...chucks are darn uncomfortable and not perfect at first..Ive had plenty of authentic Converse, where the workmanship wasnt the greatest (who knows what third world country kid made them :-X) I would say based on the price, it isnt too likely theyre fake because thats about the cost of a pair of converse chucks. The typos are a bad sign, and the fact that theyre from China, unfortunately, is a bad sign. Bootleg kings. I probably have a fake pair of UGGs if its any consellation, youre better off keeping them and wearing them under some cute jeans :-)
Category: Fashion & Accessories

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www.hardwarezone.com IT Discussion Forums ... Welcome to the www.hardwarezone.com.ph. If this is your first visit, be sure to check out the FAQ by clicking the link above. ...

What size curling iron would I need? 25mm...32mm?? please help!?

http://www.google.com.au/imgres?imgurl=http://i288.photobucket.com/albums/ll161/foolover_05/Miranda_Kerr.jpg&imgrefurl=http://forums.hardwarezone.com.sg/showthread.php%3Fp%3D48095225&h=576&w=431&sz=37&tbnid=jwzvNhLILw1c_M:&tbnh=260&tbnw=194&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dmiranda%2Bkerr&zoom=1&q=miranda+kerr&hl=en&usg=__GTSXZVrjd6d-xbCnJFdO8uEs-9s=&sa=X&ei=Q43fTKKWIoOAvgOftsSADw&ved=0CDIQ9QEwAw I want curls like that, so what what size curling iron would be best? I was thinking 25-32mm but ive never really used a curling iron before..! thanks in advance for any help :)
Category: Hair

Hardware Zone - Computer hardware forums

Computer hardware forums Hardware Zone statistics · Hardware Zone, 4029230. 513. up +2 Garden and green industry forum Lawn Site statistics ...

HardwareZone - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

HardwareZone's forums are the most popular in Singapore. They are policed by moderators appointed by the administrator. ...

help with hdd and motherboard?

hi all, due to space constraints i have my questions on another forum -> http://forums.hardwarezone.com/showthread.php?t=1515866 , i just want to know is there any way i can save my data on the old hdd, if i were to get a new motherboard? any replies here or there will be much appreciated, thanks
Answer: Take it out and install it as a slave on the new board. You will need a new primary drive, but the data will be intact.
Category: Desktops

poll/survey:14 years old preteens become parents ?

http://forums.hardwarezone.com.sg/showthread.php?p=51312228 thanks ♥Crazy But Cute♥ and ♥Your Amazing. Just The Way You .. it means many preteens are involved in sexual activities,its just an eye opener
Answer: u r absolutely correct. many preteens are involved in sexual activities That's the saddest one in this modern world.
Category: Teen & Preteen

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Brought to you by the Singapore Police Force and Hardware Zone, posts on this forum would inform you on the latest crime trends and the measures you and ...

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www.hardwarezone.com IT Discussion Forums ... Money Mind is your one-stop forum for all matters pertaining to Insurance, Wealth Management, Banking matters, Foreign exchange, ...

May I know how to delete my post at hardwarezone.com.sg forum?

May I know how to delete my post at hardwarezone.com.sg forum?
Answer: Contact Moderator for forum and tell them you want to remove your post. ~
Category: Other - Internet

What is the best DSLR camera?

Hi, so i am looking for a DSLR camera. I really dont care about the brand, but my price limit is around $450/$500. I am looking for a DSLR camera that is great for night shots, has around 3 fps, and is good for action shots. Similar to the 3 images on this page http://forums.hardwarezone.com.sg/showthread.php?t=2902289&page=3
Answer: Unfortunately, there are NO dSLR's in the price range you suggest. The entry level dSLR's start at about $550, the ones with the most features for the investment start at about $700. * Night shots require a camera that has an ISO top limit of at least 3200. * fps has NOTHING to do with getting great sports and action shots. * ANY fully adjustable camera can take shots like those you linked us to. That is what they do. You may be able to find a good used Nikon D40 or Canon Rebel XT for the budget you suggest.
Category: Cameras

Singapore's biggest forum, Hardwarezone Forums, gets hacked ...

Mar 18, 2010 ... I don't know what's official, but I haven't seen a forum even remotely as large as Hardwarezone's forums in Singapore, largely due to the ...

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08 Jun 2011, in Event Coverage. Looking to change consumers standards in home audio ... Forums. Forums Index. Announcements. Discussions. Community Matters. Feedback. Price Lists. HWZ ...

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Nov 20, 2007 ... A hang-out place to relax and chit-chat about food and boy ...

help with hdd and motherboard?

hi all, due to space constraints i have my questions on another forum -> http://forums.hardwarezone.com/showthread.php?t=1515866 , i just want to know is there any way i can save my data on the old hdd, if i were to get a new motherboard? any replies here or there will be much appreciated, thanks
Answer: This is more than a windows world, but will assume you are talking windows. Back up your hard drive first , just in case. Install your motherboard. Without booting it with your existirng drive, put in the XP cd, Boot it and do a second level repair (not the first 'R', the one that will come after you tell it to install XP. It will see your old system and ask you if you want to repair it. Say Yes) . This will replace all of the HAL code and windows drivers, with the microsoft stored equivalents for the new board. It will then rebuild your XP for the new motherboard. All things being ok, you wind up with your system with no copying or loss of installed programs. After it boots the new XP environment, install the motherboard chipset and drivers disk that came with the motherboard, and run windows update for all the rest. Works great, and the recommended way. You will be asked to re-register your XP , since the new MB will null your existing licence. Just run the activation via internet (hopefully, MS installed a compatible ethernet driver to allow you to do this, otherwise you have to place a phone call)
Category: Other - Hardware


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With Stereo Electronics' objective of maintaining constant communication with the Headphone & Earphones community, the HardwareZone.com Forum Sponsorship strategy is perfect for their marketing needs. A 12-month forum ...

Look Back And Reflect: EDMW Sagas: Nitrile and elise

The moniker 'pay&pay' allegedly posted 4 comments on Hardwarezone forum expressing hope that Mr Sitoh be 'xxxxx'. Only less than a month ago, a Hardwarezone forumer 'BigBirdman' was arrested by the police for threatening ...

Broadband World Forum Asia 2011 Ups the Ante Yet Again ...

After the announcement that this years Broadband World Forum Asia (BWFA) will be held in ... Forum Asia 2011 website at www.broadbandworldforum.com/asia or call ...

sportsnews24hr: Hardwarezone Forum Singapore

HardwareZone's forums, you will be happy to know that they now have an iPhone app. HardwareZone's forums are the most popular in Singapore. They are policed by moderators appointed by the administrator. ...

HardwareZone.com | Facebook

Get exclusive content and interact with HardwareZone.com right from Facebook. ... HardwareZone.com Check out this video by forum user SerSiTiv as he explores the ...


Tech site with information on notebooks, graphics, optical storage, mobile phones and gaming. Includes a price guide for tech buffs and buyers in Malaysia.

HardwareZone Forums for iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad on the ...

Learn more, read reviews, and download HardwareZone Forums by Omnitoons on the iTunes App Store.

News Reader 456: Hardwarezone Forum

Hardwarezone Forum Electronics' objective of maintaining constant communication with the Headphone & Earphones community, the HardwareZone.com Forum Sponsorship strategy is perfect for their marketing needs. ...

Hardwarezone Forum « mahenaunews

Hardwarezone Forum. The moniker 'pay&pay' allegedly posted 4 comments on Hardwarezone forum expressing hope that Mr Sitoh be 'xxxxx'. Only less than a month ago, a Hardwarezone forumer 'BigBirdman' was arrested by the ...

Hardwarezone moderator lodged police report against forummer

SPH-owned Hardwarezone moderator ‘Nitrile’ lodged a police report against a forummer for posting ‘threatening’ comments against PAP MP for Potong Pasir Sitoh Yih Pin and even uploaded it on the forum: [Source: Hardwarezone] The moniker ‘pay&pay’ allegedly posted 4 comments on Hardwarezone forum expressing hope that Mr Sitoh be ‘xxxxx’. Only less than a month ago, a Hardwarezone [...]

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