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Malaysia news : Videos

APRC11 Malaysia News WEB
APRC11 Malaysia News WEB
Bigfoot News From Malaysia
Bigfoot News From Malaysia
SBS News - Malaysia asylum immunity deal
SBS News - Malaysia asylum immunity deal
Student: Cops beat me black and blue - Malaysia News
Student: Cops beat me black and blue - Malaysia News
CustomWare Launch on TV3 News Malaysia
CustomWare Launch on TV3 News Malaysia
Smoked out at Sogo - Malaysia News
Smoked out at Sogo - Malaysia News
Bio Fertilizer from Malaysia in Hunan China News
Bio Fertilizer from Malaysia in Hunan China News
Bio Fertilizer from Malaysia in Hainan China News
Bio Fertilizer from Malaysia in Hainan China News
Teos death shrouded in mystery - Malaysia News
Teos death shrouded in mystery - Malaysia News
Malaysia Police Vs China Gal Vidz news
Malaysia Police Vs China Gal Vidz news
Technician: Dried blood on Teohs body - Malaysia News
Technician: Dried blood on Teohs body - Malaysia News
Anwars appeal rejected - Malaysia News
Anwars appeal rejected - Malaysia News
Persecution on Ex Muslim converted to Christianity in Malaysia CBN News
Persecution on Ex Muslim converted to Christianity in Malaysia CBN News
Manoharas happy days with prince - Malaysia News
Manoharas happy days with prince - Malaysia News
Protesters want MACC probed, 7 arrested - Malaysia News
Protesters want MACC probed, 7 arrested - Malaysia News
Kedah pig arbattoir demolished - Malaysia News
Kedah pig arbattoir demolished - Malaysia News
Pre-Season News - Boon Siew Honda Malaysia - 2011 PETRONAS Asia Road Racing ...
Pre-Season News - Boon Siew Honda Malaysia - 2011 PETRONAS Asia Road Racing ...
Migrant Labor: Cambodias Daughters to Malaysia - Part 1 (Cambodia news in Khmer ...
Migrant Labor: Cambodias Daughters to Malaysia - Part 1 (Cambodia news in Khmer ...
Migrant Labor: Cambodias Daughters to Malaysia - Part 2 (Cambodia news in Khmer ...
Migrant Labor: Cambodias Daughters to Malaysia - Part 2 (Cambodia news in Khmer ...
Migrant Labor: Cambodias Daughters to Malaysia - Part 3 (Cambodia news in Khmer ...
Migrant Labor: Cambodias Daughters to Malaysia - Part 3 (Cambodia news in Khmer ...
Tourism Malaysia News in Laos Newsluckydraw 02
Tourism Malaysia News in Laos Newsluckydraw 02
Group condemns Subra - Malaysia News
Group condemns Subra - Malaysia News
Pengakuan Manohara Odelia Pinot - Malaysia News
Pengakuan Manohara Odelia Pinot - Malaysia News
Sex Scandal Video Will Be Investigated
Sex Scandal Video Will Be Investigated
New America, One Malaysia: Khairy Jamaluddin - Malaysia News
New America, One Malaysia: Khairy Jamaluddin - Malaysia News
Sultan Johor Tak Setuju Jambatan Ke-3 - Malaysia News
Sultan Johor Tak Setuju Jambatan Ke-3 - Malaysia News
Rosmah Perempuan Puaka! (Part 4/5) [MUST SEE!] [BEFORE ...
Rosmah Perempuan Puaka! (Part 4/5) [MUST SEE!] [BEFORE ...
Rosmah Perempuan Puaka - Pandangan Si Driver Teksi - Malaysia News
Rosmah Perempuan Puaka - Pandangan Si Driver Teksi - Malaysia News
Rosmah Perempuan Puaka! (Part 2/5) [MUST SEE!] [BEFORE ...
Rosmah Perempuan Puaka! (Part 2/5) [MUST SEE!] [BEFORE ...
malaysia news, malaysia news papers, malaysia news paper, malaysia ...
malaysia news, malaysia news papers, malaysia news paper, malaysia ...
Haze In Malaysia | Stay Away From Malaysia! - Malaysia News
Haze In Malaysia | Stay Away From Malaysia! - Malaysia News
TV1: Opposition MP Speaks, CUT, CUT, CUT - Malaysia News
TV1: Opposition MP Speaks, CUT, CUT, CUT - Malaysia News
Death plunge: Candles flicker in mourning - Malaysia News
Death plunge: Candles flicker in mourning - Malaysia News
Anwar confident in PAS - Malaysia News
Anwar confident in PAS - Malaysia News
Mahathir: "... macam makan babi" - Malaysia News
Mahathir: "... macam makan babi" - Malaysia News
Defenestration Malaysian Style - Malaysia News
Defenestration Malaysian Style - Malaysia News
Nizar thrown out of parliament - Malaysia News
Nizar thrown out of parliament - Malaysia News
Justice For Beng Hock: We Want Justice 17/07/2009 - Malaysia News
Justice For Beng Hock: We Want Justice 17/07/2009 - Malaysia News
Ex -Umno minister Zaid joins PKR - Malaysia News
Ex -Umno minister Zaid joins PKR - Malaysia News
Anwar Ibrahim: Bandar Sunway 18/07/2009 (Part 3) - Malaysia News
Anwar Ibrahim: Bandar Sunway 18/07/2009 (Part 3) - Malaysia News
Manoharas happy days with prince - Malaysia News
Manoharas happy days with prince - Malaysia News
Memorial services draw hundreds - Malaysia News
Memorial services draw hundreds - Malaysia News
Promo Video: Manohara meets Malaysiakini - Malaysia News
Promo Video: Manohara meets Malaysiakini - Malaysia News
Malaysia VS Man United - Tok Guru Abdul Hadi cakap... - Malaysia News
Malaysia VS Man United - Tok Guru Abdul Hadi cakap... - Malaysia News
Anwar Ibrahim: Bandar Sunway 18/07/2009 (Part 1) - Malaysia News
Anwar Ibrahim: Bandar Sunway 18/07/2009 (Part 1) - Malaysia News
Pt 1 | One-on-one with Farish Noor - Malaysia News
Pt 1 | One-on-one with Farish Noor - Malaysia News
Malaysias Crackdown - Malaysia
Malaysias Crackdown - Malaysia
Anwar Ibrahim - Seminggu Sebelum Perbicaraan Kes Liwat II ...
Anwar Ibrahim - Seminggu Sebelum Perbicaraan Kes Liwat II ...

Malaysia news : Photo Gallery

Malaysia News
Malaysia News
Malaysia News Journalist Team Will Win Vietnam | Weblog Surf
Malaysia News Journalist Team Will Win Vietnam | Weblog Surf
Malaysia News: June 2007
Malaysia News: June 2007
Malaysia Property News | Property Market In Malaysia
Malaysia Property News | Property Market In Malaysia
Edison Chen Video Gallery: June 2009
Edison Chen Video Gallery: June 2009
Score A Programme
Score A Programme
SERPENT MALAYSIA - News, Support & Discussion Centre - Page 14 - R ...
SERPENT MALAYSIA - News, Support & Discussion Centre - Page 14 - R ...
Kuala Lumper Stock Exchange News | Live Stock Trading News ...
Kuala Lumper Stock Exchange News | Live Stock Trading News ...
Brian's Experience: Watch Malaysia News online with NTV7
Brian's Experience: Watch Malaysia News online with NTV7
Healthy Sweet: SteviaSugar CEO, Dr. Irfan Unal in Utusan Malaysia ...
Healthy Sweet: SteviaSugar CEO, Dr. Irfan Unal in Utusan Malaysia ...
Malaysia News
Malaysia News
Malaysia to develop into halal product hub? Plus: a quick guide to ...
Malaysia to develop into halal product hub? Plus: a quick guide to ...
Malaysian News Library) The sexiest celebrity in Malaysia
Malaysian News Library) The sexiest celebrity in Malaysia
Malaysia News - Android
Malaysia News - Android
 ... Malaysia Property News | Malaysia House | Malaysia Real Estate | House
... Malaysia Property News | Malaysia House | Malaysia Real Estate | House
Bigfoot News from Malaysia
Bigfoot News from Malaysia
 ... Sweet: SteviaSugar CEO, Dr. Irfan Unal in Utusan Malaysia News Article
... Sweet: SteviaSugar CEO, Dr. Irfan Unal in Utusan Malaysia News Article
Hitachi Construction Machinery Malaysia : Our Company : News
Hitachi Construction Machinery Malaysia : Our Company : News
Malaysia Map - Malaysia Peta - Maps Portal : Malaysia Photos ...
Malaysia Map - Malaysia Peta - Maps Portal : Malaysia Photos ...
 ... News. yes ytl, ytl yes 4g, yes malaysia, yes ytl 4g, yes ytl malaysia
... News. yes ytl, ytl yes 4g, yes malaysia, yes ytl 4g, yes ytl malaysia
malaysia tourism news
malaysia tourism news
Miss Malaysia Universe 2011 at BEAUTY PAGEANT NEWS
Miss Malaysia Universe 2011 at BEAUTY PAGEANT NEWS
malaysia free news
malaysia free news
news h6 jpg
news h6 jpg
pic news 0909 4 jpg
pic news 0909 4 jpg
short news 13130 jpg
short news 13130 jpg
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news120 4 jpg
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news113 6 jpg
news113 4 jpg
news113 4 jpg
Malaysia's Bersih defy warnings, to march for electoral reform
Malaysia's Bersih defy warnings, to march for electoral reform
Special Report: Can Malaysia reform and discriminate?
Special Report: Can Malaysia reform and discriminate?
Bumi Armada to Raise $890 Million in IPO
Bumi Armada to Raise $890 Million in IPO
Malaysia Ringgit, Bonds Gain After Policy Rate Left Unchanged
Malaysia Ringgit, Bonds Gain After Policy Rate Left Unchanged
Malaysian Stocks: Cahya Mata, LPI, Premium Nutrients, YTL Power
Malaysian Stocks: Cahya Mata, LPI, Premium Nutrients, YTL Power
BURSA MALAYSIA: Share Prices End Mixed, CI Hits New All-Time High
BURSA MALAYSIA: Share Prices End Mixed, CI Hits New All-Time High
Hammer-wielding man in Malaysian kindergarten hostage siege dies of injuries
Hammer-wielding man in Malaysian kindergarten hostage siege dies of injuries
Malaysia Breaks Ground on $16 Billion Mass Transit Rail Project
Malaysia Breaks Ground on $16 Billion Mass Transit Rail Project
Former champ Pagunsan shares lead in Malaysia
Former champ Pagunsan shares lead in Malaysia
Special Report: Can Malaysia reform and discriminate?
Special Report: Can Malaysia reform and discriminate?
Malaysia opens up for WA families
Malaysia opens up for WA families
Lynas, Siemens look at rare-earths venture
Lynas, Siemens look at rare-earths venture
Latest boat brings 66 asylum seekers
Latest boat brings 66 asylum seekers
Vystar Corporation To Merge With Malaysia's Ecoglove
Vystar Corporation To Merge With Malaysia's Ecoglove
CMSB agrees to invest in OMH's Malaysia plant
CMSB agrees to invest in OMH's Malaysia plant
Gillard in personal plea to Malaysia PM
Gillard in personal plea to Malaysia PM

Malaysia news : Latest News, Information, Answers and Websites

Is it true, somebody recently called my grandmother a prostitutes in Malaysia News ?

when May13 come again , i going to that man house to make it right that my grandmother follow my grandfather down on second trip to give birth to my father and my four auntie in Medam 12 years before world war 2
Answer: I know what and who u mean but it is totally Nonsense lah that fellow who talk about this thing may have suffer from mad cow disease lah, totally rubbish
Category: Malaysia

was the recent burning of 14 churches in Malaysia properly reported in the news or largely ignored?

Answer: Yes it is, including the vandalizing of the Muslim praying room. The online community is getting fast and strong in Malaysia, so the mainstream media is letting (or rather was being let) the hook off with these news. Again, when it comes to even more "sensitive" issue (e.g. the new Australia book which discussed the misuse of government fund), government is still stepping in to remove the book from the shelf.
Category: Current Events

The Star Online: Malaysia News

News; Market Watch. Bursa Malaysia · My Portfolio · Exchange Rates · Unit Trusts . Market Intelligence. IPO Watch · Company Ratings · Bonus & Dividends ...

Why this news were never reported in Malaysia news channel?
Answer: They don't report on how bad BN's work..bad name-takut malu bah. But there were many good news on how BN had achieved..they only report on good news..but truth of good or bad must be revealed in the end kan. yes it is common but they cannot bar us from reading it from bloggers who would not give up writing these articles so that we are kept informed. NGo magazine wrote abt it all the time. i want to add something to your question. do you know that there were many floods in sandakan in January, my cousin sms said that the town of sandakan almost tenggelam but there was not many news reported on these floods. water (knee high level)gets or stays inside the house for 4 to 5 days before subsided, muds everywhere, water level reaching upper thigh was common in sandakan-january, ppl only eat maggie mee with two legs standing with knee high water, NO relief group provide anything, ADUN did not appear or care, why vote them ah?
Category: Malaysia

KFC Malaysia staff in scandalous videos

We’ve been tipped off by on a recent social media disaster at KFC Malaysia that was caused by two scandalous videos of several KFC employees.

Tourism Malaysia New York Office To Push MM2H Programme

NEW YORK, July 7 (Bernama) -- The New York office of Tourism Malaysia is aggressively pushing the Malaysia My Second Home (MM2H) programme in the United States, its vice-president Salahuddin Mohd Arifin said.

Where can I read news about celebrities coming to Malaysia?

Today I found out on the newspaper that John Woo came to Malaysia but I didnt hear anything about the news.. I wanted to know which is best site for this kind of entertainment news. its not in the star paper or clovetwo
Answer: go to[ the ]
Category: Malaysia

Malaysia Hopes New IMF Head Will Be Responsive To Views Of Developing Countries

KUALA LUMPUR, July 7 (Bernama) -- Malaysia has expressed the hope that new International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director Christine Lagarde will be responsive to the views of developing countries.

Malaysian police shoot hostage-taker to end kindergarten ...

News. World news. Malaysia. Malaysian police shoot hostage-taker to end kindergarten siege ... teachers are safe," he was quoted as saying by the national Bernama news agency. ...


Malaysia News.Net is a long-standing Malaysian news site providing updated reports from across the nation, including coverage of major cities such ...


Has Malaysia become a police state? Tommy Thomas | 7:24PM Jul 7. MOST VIEWED. News | Letters | Opinions. Cops: Restriction order against 91 individuals ...

Bursa Malaysia Market News: FBM KLCI slips below 1590-level on ...

This blog publishes market news relating to the companies listed in Bursa Malaysia, as well as business news in general. You can search and find all the past market and business news by searching within this Blog. ...

Frankie John Official Blog™: Malaysia News: Bersih 2.0 warns of ...

Malaysia News: Bersih 2.0 warns of telco, Internet blackout. Posted by Administrator™ at Friday, July 08, 2011. By MalaysiaKini. The IGP, however, denies the claims and warns those spreading such rumours of arrest. ...

BURSA MALAYSIA: Share Prices Higher In Early Trade

KUALA LUMPUR, July 8 (Bernama) -- Share prices on Bursa Malaysia were higher in early trade today as investors took the cue from the positive overnight performance on Wall Street, dealers said.

Yahoo! News Malaysia - Latest News & Headlines

The latest news and headlines from Yahoo! News Malaysia. Get breaking news stories and in-depth coverage with videos and photos.

Malaysian National News Agency ~ BERNAMA

Malaysian National News Agency which provides real time Malaysian news including politics, business, economy, commodities, executive reports, and sports.

Malaysia News

Malaysia current news and events ... Jul.06, 2011 in 11, 2011, A., AG, AS, GT, News, Stor, ali, chinese, di, in, lee, malay, malaysia, malaysianews, mp, pr Leave a Comment ...

Asia News Headlines - Yahoo! News SG

Get the latest Asia news headlines from Yahoo! News Singapore. ... Around 30 children held hostage in Malaysia: police AFP News - 1 hour 5 minutes ago ...

30 kids, 3 teachers freed after Malaysia standoff - World ...

Machete-wielding man shot after taking 33 hostages at Malaysia kindergarten ... and news service reports staff and news service reports ...

Asia News Headlines - Yahoo! News SG

Asia News Headlines. Top Stories; Latest News. Malaysia police storm preschool, free 30 children Reuters - 8 hours ago. MUAR, Malaysia (Reuters) - Malaysian ...

Malaysia News - Topix

News on Malaysia continually updated from thousands of sources around the net.

Malaysia to lock down capital

Malaysian officials say they will close access to the capital Kuala Lumpur for 24 hours because of a planned pro-electoral reform rally.

Malaysia News: Bersih fails to get permit for Stadium Merdeka rally

"GREAT NEWS! Dang Wangi police station called Bersih, asked them to pick up permit for rally in Stadium MERDEKA! Now falls to PM & Stadium Management to make appropriate arrangements." However, half-an-hour later, a correction was ...

New Straits Times Online

Jul 8, 2011 ... Learning Curve, Sunday People, New Straits Times from Malaysia. ... News of the World shutting down amid scandal - BusinessWeek ...

Malaysia, Brunei To Exchange Journalists And Information Officers

KUALA LUMPUR, July 8 (Bernama) -- Malaysia and Brunei Darussalam will soon exchange information officers and journalists in the effort to strengthen bilateral ties in the field of information, Information, Communications and Culture Minister Datuk Seri Dr Rais Yatim said.

Malaysian Newspapers : Newspapers from Malaysia : Malaysian News

Malaysian newspapers for information on local issues, politics, events, celebrations, people and business. Looking for accommodation, shopping, bargains and ...

BBC News - Children safe after siege at Malaysian kindergarten

Some 30 children and their teachers are safe after police storm the Malaysian kindergarten where they were being held hostage.

New Envoy To Victoria Wants To Do Malaysia Proud

MELBOURNE, July 8 (Bernama) -- Malaysias Consul General-designate to the state of Victoria, Dr Mohd Rameez Yahaya, is looking forward to his assignment here because of the scope of the work and challenges involved.

Malaysia News: Despite obstacles, Bersih remains unwavering

With less than 24 hours to our intended peaceful gathering, our resolve to walk the last, most difficult mile as one united people in pursuit of clean and fair elections and a better Malaysia for all is firmer than ever. ...

Malaysia News

Star online bringing Malaysia News to the world - Malaysia newspaper.

What is the hottest news in malaysia at the moment?

(clue:Its not Anwar)
Answer: Balasundram, private investigator of Abd Razak Baginda has made "perakuan bersumpah" regarding the Najib affairs with Altantunya..huahua... He also claimed that Najib have been meeting with Altantunya at Paris and Singapore..
Category: Malaysia

China Wants Malaysia To Join Apec Port Services Network

ZHUZHOU (Southeast China), July 7 (Bernama) -- China wants Malaysia to join the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Port Services Network (APSN), a new international organisation for ports and port services, that will look into the impact of regulations and policies on various maritime industries.

Malaysia News: Malaysiakini comes under DDOS attack?

The site will also be launching mirror sites on blog platforms Wordpress and Blogspot as well as publishing news onMalaysiakini's Facebook page tomorrow. If Malaysiakini's site is blocked or inaccessible, readers can follow its Facebook ...

Monthly news update on Malaysia?

so whats been new in Malaysia? I dont think Ive done this since like last November so can someone just fill me in on some news, events, etc thats occured in Malaysia? I miss Malaysia... i do check the star. but I havent been so Im just wondering if theres any major things that happened....:D.
Answer: Well, i know this probably isnt the answer your looking for but you can get monthly new on malaysia if you watch a malaysian tv channel on your cable. Or you could go to to check for some updates.
Category: Malaysia

Malaysia News Headlines - Yahoo! News MY

Get the latest Malaysia news headlines from Yahoo! News Malaysia. Find breaking Malaysia news, including analysis and opinion on top Malaysia stories.

Malaysia police end hostage drama

Malaysian police have stormed a kindergarten and subdued a man who had taken over 30 children hostage.

Malaysia News: No clampdown on the Internet ahead of rally. [Video ...

The home ministry has not given such orders but you have to ask the MCMC (Malaysian Communications And Multimedia Commission)," he said. Hishammuddin (left) also said the police have the situation under control therefore, the was no ...

The Star Online: Malaysia News

Malaysias food inflation rate stays low. Health Minister: Total of 63 hospitals now open ... detective working for Britains News of the World tabloid hacked ...

Malaysia defers amnesty plan for illegal labor

Malaysias government said Thursday it would defer a amnesty program for illegal foreign workers due to start next week to tighten measures to curb any abuse.

The World Is Watching Us! (TO BE UPDATED)

By Malaysia Today Here is a summary of news reports on Bersih 2.0 from various international media. The world is watching Malaysia. Who is to be blamed for all the bad press? Certainly, NOT Bersih! 1. Bloomberg - Malaysia to Block Roads in Bid to Stop Protesters Demanding Fair Elections 2. BBC - Malaysia rally: Kuala Lumpur to be locked down 3. Asiaone News - Malaysian capital locked down for ...

Malaysia Today

Malaysia Today. Independent News Portal in Malaysia. Read the latest news in the country covering issue on politics, business, lifestyle, community, and so much more.

Kindergarten hostage-taker shot dead in Malaysia | MAARS News

A MACHETE-wielding man who took 30 children and four teachers hostage for six hours in a Malaysian kindergarten has died after being shot by police.

Malaysia Today - Your Source of Independent News

Malaysia Today. Independent News Portal in Malaysia. Read the latest news in the country covering issue on politics, business, lifestyle, community, ...

Malaysia police kill hostage taker at kindergarten

KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia (AP) — A machete-wielding man who took 30 children and four teachers hostage for six hours in a Malaysian kindergarten has died after being shot by police, an official said Friday. None of the captives was harmed during the tense hostage drama Thursday in the southern city of Muar in Johor state.

Is there any news on the Sampras - Federer match in Malaysia?

It seemed to take a long time to get all this together. First there were going to be three matches. Then there was just one. Now I havent heard anything since the match was announced. Is it still going to happen?
Answer: As I know, they are still playing after Shanghai.
Category: Tennis

Man holds Malaysia class hostage with machete - CBS News

30 kindergarten students, 4 teachers safe after tense standoff ends; Police shoot suspect in head, leaving him in critical condition

Where can I follow the news on Malaysias submarine scandal?

As you know,all major news paper and the media are controlled by the government and nothing will be revealed.
Answer: malaysiakini covers the story quite well
Category: Malaysia

Case law related news article - (in either Australia or Malaysia) that is able to reflect its advantages?

Hi everyone, ps: Im currently a college student doing South Australian Matriculation Pre-U. Programme, studying Law. And this is for my Legal Studies assignment. My research question is "should judges should be allowed to make law?". And my answer to it is YES. However, I need a (Australia/Malaysia) news article (2005-2007) related to case law to start with the assignment. To show that it sparkles my interest in doing this research. I have been finding news article everywhere online but I still cant find a good one. Theyre either too old or barely reflects my point (yes, judges should make law). I really hope that anyone here could help me out with it. Any news articles provided will be greatly appreciated. Thank you so much. =] **reply** Dear Allen, yes I have tried some law sites but most of the articles are pay-per-view. And its also difficult to find current news article, they are mostly few years back. =)
Answer: hi try go to University kebangsaan malaysia library.. LibraryTun Sri Lanang. i heard its among the largest acedemic library in SEA
Category: Law & Ethics

Whats you comment on this news: Malaysia warns Muslims of Valentines Day trap"? @use your brain Yeah Islamic version is usually paid sex, like temporary marriages oh it couldnt be any worse @Azim So Muslim god forbids Muslims from celebrating others festivals, WHY ? what a joke ?
Answer: Yeah Malaysia is supposed to be one of those countries that prove how moderate a muslim country can be. I guess "moderate" means "bigoted, fundamentalist, intolerant... but at least we don't stone people to death.., yet." in the islamic vocabulary BTW, "kaffir" is basically the n word amongst Muslims so ...... ....... (what a ridiculous name) is showing you what a total bigot she is by using that term. Again, real tolerant eh? @ ...... ..... Well I suppose ....... ..... is appropriate considering that you have no substance, you're well represented by an empty space. Speaking of which how do you explain this: here's an excerpt: "In South Africa today, the term is used both as an insult, and by some, as a common word for a black person. In any case, the term is regarded by most as derogatory (in the same way as "ni**er" in other countries). Use of the word has been actionable in South African courts since at least 1976 under the offense of crimen injuria: "the unlawful, intentional and serious violation of the dignity of another" " I guess you're practicing that Taqiyya again are you? I have no respect for people who lie, even less for people who lie for their religion.
Category: Religion & Spirituality

What is your opinion about the increase in News Papers price in Malaysia?

Do you realise the price of news papers going up especially the English daily like The Star. I find it is not necessary as they need to consider ordinary people who rely on news papers for information. I wonder they realise of their role as good corporate citizen. Star makes huge profit from sales and advertisement. Do you share my concern?
Answer: Read your papers on line like i do,its environmently friendly, no travel involved ,and best of all , its free
Category: Media & Journalism

Malaysia - News, photos, topics, and quotes

The latest news on Malaysia, from thousands of sources worldwide. High-quality photos, articles, blog posts, quotes, and more.

Malaysia police storm preschool, free 30 children

MUAR, Malaysia (Reuters) - Malaysian police stormed a preschool on Thursday to free 30 children and four teachers held hostage by a man armed with a hammer and a machete.

The Malaysian Insider

Top News · Malaysia · Business · World · Showbiz · Sports · Features · Opinion · Bahasa · Food · Books · Gallery · Travel · About · More ...

Children sang to help calm down Malaysian hostage-taker

Authorities rescued 30 children and four teachers from a man wielding a hammer and a machete in southern Malaysia on Thursday, the countrys national news agency said.

BURSA MALAYSIA: Shares Prices Mixed, CI Down 0.03 Per Cent

KUALA LUMPUR, July 7 (Bernama) -- Share prices on Bursa Malaysia ended the morning session mixed today, as some profit-taking set in among key bluechips led by Malaysia Marine and Heavy Engineering, dealers said.

Why one of Indonesian TV always shows negative news about Malaysia?

You know, especially the karate jury... They should how to respect people and listen to both sides. Did they aware that Malaysia is helping their citizen to get some money for food? why should this thing make my temperature so hot?
Answer: hahahaha... i don know la....
Category: Indonesia

NST - New Straits Times

English daily in Malaysia, with national and global news, business and sports coverage, local columns, and features on lifestyle, entertainment and property news.

Malaysia News - Media Monitoring Service by EIN News

Malaysia News. Service for global professionals. Constantly updated news and information about Malaysia.

Inspiring Young Filmmakers: Panasonic Malaysia Hosts Kid Witness ...

KUCHING: What would you teach the world about saving the planet? What would you teach the world about [...]

More bad news for the Indochina tiger,Panthera tigres corbetti. This time in Malaysia?;_ylt=AjkRwqfTP7yzKZEfO7Z6BRPsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20090720120343AA75Iy7 Just to make this a question,how many sub species of tiger are left?
Answer: Panthera TIGRIS corbetti, not TIGRES. There are 6 living subspecies of tiger - Amur or Siberian, Bengal, Malayan, Sumatran, Indo-Chinese and South China. Goldwing - there are certainly not 6 species of tiger, there's only one, Panthera tigris, and there's no such thing as a Euro-Chinese tiger. Also please watch your spelling and/or typing - there's no "Diberian" or "Sumatrian" tiger either.
Category: Zoology


MELBOURNE, July 7 (Bernama) -- Malaysias Consul General-designate to thestate of Victoria, Dr Mohd Rameez Yahaya, is looking forward to his assignmenthere because of the scope of the work and challenges involved. "I am told there are more than 43,000 Malaysians in Victoria, the largest inany Aussie state. And the number is growing," Dr Rameez said. "There are also more than 8,000 Malaysian ...

Why Singaporean is going to Malaysia when the news keep telling them that Malaysia is a dangerous place?

Answer: In spore the government controlled the media, I think they want to less money flowing to Msia but when I think again maybe things that are not dangerous to us are dangerous to Sporean lah, example those people they are like a well trained dog, when the government say no, they don’t dare to do anything, grumbling grumbling ok lah, just like a dog, they have big wide road where everybody dare not to go against any traffic law, for us we do what we like on the road and we think the risk is low, for them uuuuuuwahhhh like that also can meh? Like the katak bawah tempurung, cakap cakap can but lawan cannot lah….somemore hor….no pedestrian crossing or traffic light they don’t know how to cross the road lah, like that sure dangerous mah….ehh that Mas Selamat terrorist punya orang lah, run away also they dunno, like that Spore got terrorist also dunno, like that very dangerous lah, actually I tell you lah hor they are egg white lah. You know arr the Singapore government factory make and sell land mine, bomb woi ! not dangerous lah, we msia very the dangerous lah
Category: Malaysia

Great news for all cat lovers - Malaysia to double tiger population by next year ?

awesome news. fantastic excellent, hats off to Malaysia - what inspiring pleasing news. Such is the iniative and will of their conservation plan, they will even widen areas already protected and used to conserve tigers habitats ! that is just awesome ! If India and Bengal do the same , I sincerely hope we see a rapid increase of these wild beasts...however Id be lying if i said Im not worried if one day we get it completely wrong and over conserve , do you know what I mean ? imagine a scenario where youre in rural India/Bengal/ broken down, and its Tiger Territory. Its 2050 and the ratio of humans to tigers has become a startling 5:1 they are everywhere...and anywhere. literaly. The government simply cannot wipe out enough Tigers to kerb the population down, infact, so severe has the situation become - that for every 100 tigers wiped out daily, 5000 news cubs are being born ! (see how bad it is ? over conservation coming back to bite our a55 ?) imagine a dozen angry hungry man eating tigers leaping onto your broken down vehicle - some violently smacking at the windsheild, some trying to chew into doors....argh, whilst I absolutely ADMIRE felids, i would be absolutely sh!tting myself in this situation. suddenly word gets out that youre alone in your car - and now many more tigers are joining in, coming out of the wilderness surrounding the roadside by your car. your phone is dead b.t.w ^_^ what do you do ? do we under estimate intelligence, ability to survive of tigers ? secondly could you imagine what could happen to marine life and coastal life, if one day in the future the results of over conservation have resulted in oceans INFESTED with great whites, tiger sharks, hammer head sharks etc etc ??? one animal id love to see conserved v/well is the blue whale, as well as the ELEPHANT. itbreaks my heart to see /hear/read about Elephants slaughtered, after being injured by mines or booby traps and then de-tusked. Such a HUGE majestic beast of the widlerness, dishonoured, brutalised like this by a suposedly far more civilised and intelligent creature. yeah right. here is link to malaysia tiger story.
Answer: EXCELLENT - it's about time they did something. My only fear is that in the East, tiger parts are sold for various purposes (none of them work, but hey that never mattered). If you stop that trade, you're three steps ahead. Interesting fact: In India, they get around Tiger attacks by wearing a mask on their head facing backward. A tiger will very seldom attack face to face unless startled or cornered. If they see a face, they normally won't attack.
Category: Cats

Where can I find the financial news in Malaysia?

Answer: just get some time to see this
Category: Malaysia

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