Tudou - Where can I watch Singaporean dramas online excluding mobtv and tudou?

Tudou : Videos

Tudou com
Tudou com
Tudou China Bigger Than Youtube
Tudou China Bigger Than Youtube
ARJOE MV Ni Credit to tsc00516 @ Tudou
ARJOE MV Ni Credit to tsc00516 @ Tudou
Introduction to Tudou.com by Tracy Deng, VP of Marketing
Introduction to Tudou.com by Tracy Deng, VP of Marketing
How To Download A Tudou Movie
How To Download A Tudou Movie
Gary Wang (MBA 02J), founder of Tudou.com
Gary Wang (MBA 02J), founder of Tudou.com
Pinscher Bulldog (TuDou) fight Pitweiler (Kilo)
Pinscher Bulldog (TuDou) fight Pitweiler (Kilo)
Tudou.com interview Takeshi Kaneshiro
Tudou.com interview Takeshi Kaneshiro
[Tudou News] 110306 Super Junior brings Korean Cuisine to Shanghai (Eating scene ...
[Tudou News] 110306 Super Junior brings Korean Cuisine to Shanghai (Eating scene ...
《步步惊心》 Bu Bu Jing Xin ~ Press Conference (Tudou ...
《步步惊心》 Bu Bu Jing Xin ~ Press Conference (Tudou ...
Michael Jackson ~ WMA 2000 Artist Of The Millenium Award mv Tudou
Michael Jackson ~ WMA 2000 Artist Of The Millenium Award mv Tudou
Michael Jackson 2002 at Rock Hall of Frame Tudou.flv
Michael Jackson 2002 at Rock Hall of Frame Tudou.flv
Oh Honey Honey 阿牛KTV tudou.flv
Oh Honey Honey 阿牛KTV tudou.flv
OnePiece Cosplay (Asian ver.) -From Tudou.com
OnePiece Cosplay (Asian ver.) -From Tudou.com
Tupac - Resurrection (Film Trailer)
Tupac - Resurrection (Film Trailer)
dance 口技+黑胶+街舞+古筝=酷![Tudou ...
dance 口技+黑胶+街舞+古筝=酷![Tudou ...
Tudou, bigger then YouTube
Tudou, bigger then YouTube
stories MV-叛逆的鲁鲁修插曲[Tudou com]
stories MV-叛逆的鲁鲁修插曲[Tudou com]
郑元畅_五熊- 你要什么就说[Tudou.com]
郑元畅_五熊- 你要什么就说[Tudou.com]
歡喜來逗陣Chapter 2 王紹偉部分(1/3)
歡喜來逗陣Chapter 2 王紹偉部分(1/3)
傅艺伟Fu Yi Wei (土豆网Tudou)
傅艺伟Fu Yi Wei (土豆网Tudou)
ARJOE MV Craig David Insomnia - Credit to 钰梓儿at Tudou
ARJOE MV Craig David Insomnia - Credit to 钰梓儿at Tudou
Lose you/Linda Sundblad
Lose you/Linda Sundblad
010408 Nite, Nancy & Jess
010408 Nite, Nancy & Jess
DHL Deliver Everything
DHL Deliver Everything
a gay kiss
a gay kiss
Bluetooth Sunglasses
Bluetooth Sunglasses
Steve Vai For The Love Of God
Steve Vai For The Love Of God
gone with the sin
gone with the sin
Tonight,I feel close to you
Tonight,I feel close to you
Eminem - lose yourself
Eminem - lose yourself
Steve Vai - Building the Church [G3 Live In Tokyo 2005]
Steve Vai - Building the Church [G3 Live In Tokyo 2005]
You Dont Know
You Dont Know
And I Love You So
And I Love You So
All out of love
All out of love
25 gang of Seri serdang
25 gang of Seri serdang
Bjork - Hidden Place
Bjork - Hidden Place
the man who sold the world
the man who sold the world
Take Me To Your Heart - M.L.T.R.(Michael Learns To Rock)
Take Me To Your Heart - M.L.T.R.(Michael Learns To Rock)
because you live
because you live

Tudou : Photo Gallery

Download Tudou Videos, Movies - Tudou Video Downloader - Download ...
Download Tudou Videos, Movies - Tudou Video Downloader - Download ...
Tudou Plans to File for IPO Despite Rumors of a Buy-out ...
Tudou Plans to File for IPO Despite Rumors of a Buy-out ...
Squashing the Online Potato: Tudou to be shut down? - Shanghaiist
Squashing the Online Potato: Tudou to be shut down? - Shanghaiist
The Next Google?: Tudou - BusinessWeek
The Next Google?: Tudou - BusinessWeek
The 10 Asian Tech Companies That Are Putting American Ones To Shame
The 10 Asian Tech Companies That Are Putting American Ones To Shame
For Tudou.com, a Fourth Attempt at a US IPO Reveals Mounting ...
For Tudou.com, a Fourth Attempt at a US IPO Reveals Mounting ...
Mark's China Blog: Intellectual Property Compromises
Mark's China Blog: Intellectual Property Compromises
kuanhoong dot com » How to download Tudou online videos
kuanhoong dot com » How to download Tudou online videos
Tudou iPhone & iPad Video App Ranks No. 1 Within One Week | iPad ...
Tudou iPhone & iPad Video App Ranks No. 1 Within One Week | iPad ...
Tudou.com Online Video Hosting Site
Tudou.com Online Video Hosting Site
2010 Tudou Video Festival and Awards | enovate
2010 Tudou Video Festival and Awards | enovate
Tudou - Entertainment Application - DroidMill
Tudou - Entertainment Application - DroidMill
Google & Verizon Near Deal On Web Pay Tiers
Google & Verizon Near Deal On Web Pay Tiers
tudou.com | UserLogos.
tudou.com | UserLogos.
Tudou – Tudou iPhone & iPad Video App Ranks No. 1 Among Chinese ...
Tudou – Tudou iPhone & iPad Video App Ranks No. 1 Among Chinese ...
Tudou.com, Comprehensive Information About Tudou | Quarkbase
Tudou.com, Comprehensive Information About Tudou | Quarkbase
Tudou LOGO | Flickr - Photo Sharing!
Tudou LOGO | Flickr - Photo Sharing!
last friday tudou celebrated its 3rd anniversary party in the tudou ...
last friday tudou celebrated its 3rd anniversary party in the tudou ...
Tudou 4 year anniversary | Flickr - Photo Sharing!
Tudou 4 year anniversary | Flickr - Photo Sharing!
Visit of EU Commissioner Neelie Kroes to Tudou | Shanghaied Weblog
Visit of EU Commissioner Neelie Kroes to Tudou | Shanghaied Weblog
Tudou – A Closer Look At Tudou’s “Orange Box” – Original ...
Tudou – A Closer Look At Tudou’s “Orange Box” – Original ...
Case Study: Tudou and Nike Women Online Ad Campaign
Case Study: Tudou and Nike Women Online Ad Campaign
Download Tudou videos
Download Tudou videos
Chinese couple tosses kitten into puddle
Chinese couple tosses kitten into puddle
IPO Will Be Bittersweet For Tudou's CEO
IPO Will Be Bittersweet For Tudou's CEO
Netflix Price Hike: Chinese Alternative Free, Newer Movies
Netflix Price Hike: Chinese Alternative Free, Newer Movies
Tudou Faces Litigation on the Way to Listing
Tudou Faces Litigation on the Way to Listing
Tudou Files Nasdaq IPO for Fourth Time
Tudou Files Nasdaq IPO for Fourth Time
Is Baidu's Majority-Owned Video Site, QiYi, Looking to Raise $300 Million?
Is Baidu's Majority-Owned Video Site, QiYi, Looking to Raise $300 Million?
China's Radio, TV Ministry Clamps Down on Online Video News
China's Radio, TV Ministry Clamps Down on Online Video News
N-th power of feeling
N-th power of feeling
Everyone is jumping on the online TV bandwagon
Everyone is jumping on the online TV bandwagon
Qiyi goes for $300m as China's online video sites gird for battle
Qiyi goes for $300m as China's online video sites gird for battle
Microfilm becomes new internet favor
Microfilm becomes new internet favor
2011 Miss Universe China Reignwood Pageant Reaches Climactic Finale
2011 Miss Universe China Reignwood Pageant Reaches Climactic Finale
ChinaCache CEO: We're Expanding Our Network to Reduce Costs
ChinaCache CEO: We're Expanding Our Network to Reduce Costs
Lee Min Ho's Popularity in China Continues to Soar
Lee Min Ho's Popularity in China Continues to Soar
Jackie Chan dragged into Beijing rodeo row
Jackie Chan dragged into Beijing rodeo row
LeBron's summer camp dunk: world's most-watched sports videos
LeBron's summer camp dunk: world's most-watched sports videos

Tudou : Latest News, Information, Answers and Websites

How do you watch movies on Tudou?

Ive been trying to watch movies on Tudou but its only showing me trailers and clips. Can someone tell me how to watch the movies and give the the website? Thanks!!
Answer: Do NOT try to watch or download a ‘free’ movie online. They are all scams and are just trying to put a virus in your computer. The people who post and say that they have used these websites are the owners who are trying to trick you into going on. If you look at their past answers you can see that they only reason they have an account is to lure people like you to their sites. I would suggest looking for the movie on Youtube, as people sometimes upload them in sections. Otherwise, you can always go to the library or sign up for Netflix. Again, do NOT click on any links, or you WILL get a virus. Watching a free movie isn’t work having to pay for a new computer.
Category: Movies

Any way to speed up Youku and Tudou?

I know I am not the only one who has encountered this problem. We all know it takes videos on youku and tudou forever to load. Is there any way at all to speed them up so it does not take an hour to watch a ten minute video on there?
Answer: Close all programs that you are not working on when viewing the videos.
Category: Other - Computers

How can i download videos from foreign sites like tudou and youku, into my video ipod?

I tried keepvid and it only works for some youtube videos. clipconverter.cc doesnt recognize tudou and youku videos. Any ideas on turning these video files from these sites into mp4? Is there a site similar to keepvid, mediaconverter.org, clipconverter.cc where i dont need to download a program in order to convert videos from these sites to mp4. no add ons no programs any ideas?
Answer: Try www.savevid.com All you have to do is enter the URL of the video clip, choose the format you want to download the file to and then it downloads! Hope I helped :)
Category: YouTube

Chinese School Teacher Showing Us Movies from Tudou? Is it legal or illegal?

Hey, my chinese teacher was showing us these US movies like Shrek, Toy Story (even Toy story 3! We started watching it since last year so we watched a lot of movies) with Chinese subtitles from this chinese site called Tudou. He told me this is like a Chinese Youtube but I wasnt sure if it was legal to watch a movie from this Tudou site. Anybody who can explain if its illegal or legal specifically? Thanks in advance!
Answer: Oh come on! Todou has been around forever. It is not illegal to watch movies on Tudou. You are reaching. If any laws are broken, it is by the up-loader and Tudou, not your teacher. .
Category: Law & Ethics

What are some good movies that I should watch on tudou?

Yes i am a kid so i would prefer movies that are not rated pg 13.
Answer: Have a look here http://www.havenvideo.com/ They have tudou, youku, google, stagehd, supernovatube and a lot of other movies all updated daily Enjoy
Category: Movies


Apr 27, 2011 ... After the hit success of the first Tudou “made-for-Internet” drama series in October 2010, Tudou, a leading video website in China, ...

how to remove caption from a tudou video?

When watching something on tudou and someone is speaking in another language the caption blocks the english subtitles and it is really annoying. So does anyone know how to remove the caption?
Answer: you cant sorry
Category: Other - Entertainment

Tudou and Youku : from online video to mobile phone and out of ...

The 2 major Chinese online video platforms (Tudou and Youku) have just signed deals to expand their distribution to mobile phone and out-of-home screens. According to DVB CN, Chinese online video site Tudou announced ...

When embedding Tudou video, how to set it so that the video will autoplay?

What code do we need to put in to get the video to autoplay?
Answer: For embedded videos yes there is a way. You add "autoplay=1;" to the list of parameters in the embed code. If it doesn't work, you can try Moyea web player lite - http://www.flash-video-mx.com/web-player-lite/ With it, you can easily add videos to web pages and make them autoplay.
Category: Other - Computers

<del>Youtube</del> Tudou: Color 4 and Monkey Shines - Andy Best

0 TrackBacks. Listed below are links to blogs that reference this entry: Youtube Tudou: Color 4 and Monkey Shines. TrackBack URL for this entry: http://www.kungfuology.com/cgi-bin/mt/mt-tb.cgi/1149 ...

IPO Will Be Bittersweet for Tudou's CEO - Christopher Zinsli ...

Jul 11, 2011 ... But when Chinese online-video provider Tudou Holdings Ltd. goes public, its chief executive is going to have to shell out some of his own ...

Tudou Files Nasdaq IPO for Fourth Time | Marbridge Consulting ...

Chinese online video site operator Tudou Holdings Limited has filed an amended IPO with the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) stating that founder, chairman, and CEO Gary Wei Wang has agreed to pay his ex-wife, ...

can I watch movies for free at megavideo or tudou?

I know alot of sites had these as their source. Thing is my anti virus ran out, cant afford to buy more at the moment and want to watch free movies online. Used to use watchmovies.net but it doesnt seem to let me now. Maybe Im doing something wrong? Can anyone help?
Answer: There is a good new film site that has got that and nearly 10,000 other films at http://bit.ly/freemoviesclub The neatest thing is that they are all free and most in High Def.You can down load most of them too if you want so you can see them another time. The streams are really fast too so I reckon you will love them. And you do not have to do any questionaires
Category: Movies

Why does Tudou videos only load little parts now?

Hi, Ive been on Tudou for a while now. Today, all of the videos played until they reached this little white "tick" mark on the track and then stopped. There is a pop-up in chinese that points to it every time, but unfortunately I cannot understand it. Could someone please help?
Answer: I am having the same problem , it's been like that since the earthquake that they shut down the page for a couple of days. I don't know how to fix it but if you view the video in the regular size and not in full window it downloads fine and the "tick" mark doesn't appear it also downloads fast.
Category: Other - Internet

Tudou CEO Settles Suit With Ex-Wife; Is The IPO Coming? - Venture ...

The chief executive of Tudou has settled a court case with his ex-wife, potentially resolving a dispute that threatened to disrupt the operations of the Chinese online-video provider as it prepares to go public in the ...

Is there a way to watch movies on tudou.com with english subtitles?

I need to watch the movie Ten Canoes for a school assignment but every free movie site I go to is linked to tudou and the subs are in chinese. I need the subs to be in english so I can understand what the characters are saying. Please help!
Answer: no
Category: Other - Internet

Where can I watch Singaporean dramas online excluding mobtv and tudou?

I want to watch old shows like holland v and love me, love me not.
Answer: On here they have Singapore movies, but think they mean drama as they're quite long. They're subbed in English but they only have 7 movies/dramas. http://www.dramaclick.com/index.php?view=&category=10
Category: Drama

IPO Will Be Bittersweet For Tudou's CEO - Venture Capital Dispatch ...

When Chinese online-video provider Tudou goes public, its chief executive is going to have to shell out some of his own cash.


土豆网是你会喜欢的个人视频网站,免费无限空间,上传你的视频,观看和搜索海量视频 节目,收藏你喜欢的视频,订阅你关注的播客,简单方便地分享给你的朋友们。

Tudou | CrunchBase Profile

Tudou is a Chinese online video site, hosting over 40 million videos viewed by over 200 million visitors a month.

How can you convert tudou or youku videos?

I want to convert tudou and youku videos to mp4 so I can play them on my iPod? Is there a special program you can download as all the programs I have downloaded convert youtube videos.
Answer: Very easy for u with E.M. Youtube video download tool. It works very well and easy to use. It can download video from youtube , myspace, veoh, yahoo or any other video websites autoamtically. (1)DOwnload youtube video; (2)Convert it to Ipod video (iPod Mp4); click "Convert flv to video"--> "New Task" --->"Change Formats"-->"Apple video"-->"iPod Mpeg4" or "iPod mov Mpeg4" -- "Convert Now"; (3)Input the mp4 video to itune , then sync with ur iPod. Or convert the video to aac audio for iPod. http://www.effectmatrix.com/Youtube_video_download_tool/index.htm
Category: Other - Internet

Tudou and “UGC 2.0″ | China IWOM Blog- Making Sense of the Buzz ...

Tudou and “UGC 2.0″. Filed in Personal 0 comments. The creative zeal of Chinese netizens is just one feature that sets this landscape apart from anywhere else in the world. A Forrester report highlighted the greater ...

Where can I find a list of youku and tudou movies to watch ?

Any sites where these are listed with links ? I am looking for moives with Chinese subtitles Thanks!
Answer: http://www.surfthechannel.com/channels.html http://watch-series.com/ both are great
Category: Movies

TUDOU leading video site in China hosting large video database for ...

Tudou.com Chinese: 土豆网is the first and leading online video platform in ...


上传你的视频,观看海量视频节目。土豆热爱原创,每个人都是生活的导演,戴上土豆面具 ...

How will I uninstall the tudou speedup?

I keep on removing it to my programs but I cant. A dialog box will then appear with characters that I cannot understand. Please help me. I really want to remove it to my computer.
Answer: paste the characters in here, there's gotta be somebody who understands. anyway try to use some 3-party professional software to get rid of it, such as perfect uninstaller or remover genius.
Category: Software

Tudou - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Tudou, Inc. (simplified Chinese: 土豆网; traditional Chinese: 土豆網; pinyin: Tǔdòu Wǎng; literally "Potato Net") is one of the largest video websites in ...

Tudou CEO Said To Settle With Ex-Wife, Paving Way For IPO By Youku ...

Jun 26, 2011 ... Gary Wang, the CEO of China's no. 2 video website, has reached a settlement with his ex-wife Yang Lei over her claim to partial ownership of ...

Tudou CEO Said To Settle With Ex-Wife, Paving Way For IPO By Youku ...

Gary Wang, the CEO of China's no. 2 video website, has reached a settlement with his ex-wife Yang Lei over her claim to partial ownership of the company, paving the way for a Nasdaq IPO by the company, the Shanghai Daily ...

How to watch tudou video with the Macbook?

Im a new Macbook user. Loves to watch video on Tudou. But since I got my new Macbook, the video on Tudou cant seems to load. Can someone please help?
Answer: Try Chrome or install adobe flash player~
Category: Laptops & Notebooks

Why does TUDOU for Brokeback mountain not work on my COMPUTERRRRR?

It starts then stops over and over again!!! This is soooooooo annoying. Ive tried different website and all have tudou as the player for brokeback mountain. why doesnt it ever work.
Answer: I know very little about this site. It appears that you must purchase advertising from them in order for their things to work properly. Please read this article and I hope it helps you.
Category: Other - Internet

For Tudou.com, a Fourth Attempt at a US IPO Reveals Mounting ...

Tudou.com's fourth attempt at a US IPO reveals a growing number of copyright content claims - up by 46 claims this month, to a total of 587.

The data displayed here is user-generated. We do not host any media files (video, audio or images) on our servers. We aggregate and link / embed publicly available content from other sites on the Internet. We are not responsible for the accuracy, authenticity, compliance, copyright, legality, decency, or any other aspect of the content of other sites referenced here. If you have any legal / copyright issues or want to submit a correction, please drop a comment below and we will look into it promptly.

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