Asiasoft passport - My Account got banned and i need someone to translate this for me ?

Asiasoft passport : Videos

How to create a Asiasoft Passport?
How to create a Asiasoft Passport?
MapleSEA Meso Hack
MapleSEA Meso Hack
SuddenAttackSEA Cash Generator.wmv
SuddenAttackSEA Cash Generator.wmv
Deletion of RamzaWolf the Dark Knight of Cassiopeia
Deletion of RamzaWolf the Dark Knight of Cassiopeia
MapleSEA @Cash Glitch Working 15/06/2011
MapleSEA @Cash Glitch Working 15/06/2011
Maple Story @Cash Generator(100% working)*UPDATED*
Maple Story @Cash Generator(100% working)*UPDATED*
Maple Story Level Double Hack
Maple Story Level Double Hack
CabalSEA Nevareth Carnival @ suntec City
CabalSEA Nevareth Carnival @ suntec City
how to sign up for a MapleSEA ( Maple South East Asia) *singapore ...
how to sign up for a MapleSEA ( Maple South East Asia) *singapore ...
How to create an Asiasoft account
How to create an Asiasoft account
AuditionSEA - Audition Online
AuditionSEA - Audition Online
How to Make Sudden Attack Account
How to Make Sudden Attack Account
How to download and register Sudden Attack
How to download and register Sudden Attack
VA - Baixando e CFudendo Sem ID SUDDEN ATTACK
VA - Baixando e CFudendo Sem ID SUDDEN ATTACK
how to sign up for a MapleSEA ( Maple South East Asia) *singapore ...
how to sign up for a MapleSEA ( Maple South East Asia) *singapore ...
V.A - Baixando e CFudendo Sem ID SUDDEN ATTACK
V.A - Baixando e CFudendo Sem ID SUDDEN ATTACK
Maple Story Level Double Hack
Maple Story Level Double Hack

Asiasoft passport : Photo Gallery

MapleSEA — New Asiasoft Passport & Game Support Services
MapleSEA — New Asiasoft Passport & Game Support Services info. Asiasoft Passport info. Asiasoft Passport
Welcome to AIKASEA - The Best Free to Play Online Game!
Welcome to AIKASEA - The Best Free to Play Online Game!
Sudden Attack
Sudden Attack
玄武傳奇 XW Online : Asiasoft Passport Registration
玄武傳奇 XW Online : Asiasoft Passport Registration
Asiasoft Passport
Asiasoft Passport
Support | Asiasoft Corporation - The Online Entertainment Leader ...
Support | Asiasoft Corporation - The Online Entertainment Leader ...
Asiasoft Passport | World Latest News
Asiasoft Passport | World Latest News
Sudden Attack News
Sudden Attack News
Asiasoft Passport Asiasoft Passport – A-Pakistan News
Asiasoft Passport Asiasoft Passport – A-Pakistan News
21.07] Asiasoft Passport and Cash Shop Maintenance 22nd July 2009
21.07] Asiasoft Passport and Cash Shop Maintenance 22nd July 2009
Asiasoft Passport: Asiasoft Passport Photos, Wallpapers, Galleries ...
Asiasoft Passport: Asiasoft Passport Photos, Wallpapers, Galleries ...
Asiasoft Passport | World Latest News
Asiasoft Passport | World Latest News
Asiasoft Passport | A-Pakistan News
Asiasoft Passport | A-Pakistan News
Welcome to AIKASEA - The Best Free to Play Online Game!
Welcome to AIKASEA - The Best Free to Play Online Game!
Asiasoft Passport : Asiasoft Passport in News, Blogs, Photos, Videos ...
Asiasoft Passport : Asiasoft Passport in News, Blogs, Photos, Videos ...
Asiasoft Passport : Asiasoft Passport in News, Blogs, Photos, Videos ...
Asiasoft Passport : Asiasoft Passport in News, Blogs, Photos, Videos ...
 ... หน้าต่างข้อมูล Asiasoft Passport
... หน้าต่างข้อมูล Asiasoft Passport
Asiasoft Passport Registration Completed.
Asiasoft Passport Registration Completed.
 ... from 22nd march to 20th april 2010 each asiasoft passport and in game
... from 22nd march to 20th april 2010 each asiasoft passport and in game
 Address. (You will use this LoginID to access your Asiasoft Passport ...
Address. (You will use this LoginID to access your Asiasoft Passport ...
Support | Asiasoft Corporation - The Online Entertainment Leader in ...
Support | Asiasoft Corporation - The Online Entertainment Leader in ...
Login into your Asiasoft Passport:
Login into your Asiasoft Passport:

Asiasoft passport : Latest News, Information, Answers and Websites

Read More - | Singapore News Update

Asiasoft passport introduced new games for users, which is a gaming operator there, you can play online game after registration that provides different types of.

My Account got banned and i need someone to translate this for me ?

I play this online game and my account got suspended. They told me to talk to the Administrator to get back my account. The Administrator told me to do this in order to get back my old account but i dont get what hes saying. Can anyone translate this in kid words. Please scan a copy of your National ID (Both front and back) or Student Pass (with photo) or Driving License (with photo), or any Official documents bearing your Full Name, Date of Birth and National ID number, and email to with the subject "Request for verification". Please include the Asiasoft passport Login ID which you wish to activate to expedite our process.
Answer: Ask your parents. This is somewhat complicated, so i would suggest that they do it. All it really is asking is for an ID (identification) of you. Scan someone's driver's license, and email it to em. Although, honestly, if i were you, i would NOT do this. This could turn into something really bad.
Category: Video & Online Games

Comments on - | Singapore News Update

Asiasoft passport. AIKA is a highly concentrated PVP game, the players in the war between 5 different countries. Not only the nation war, AIKA player, others ca.

Customer Service Officer <br/>(Mandarin Speaker) job - AS Online ...

... Replying confirmation cases for Asiasoft passport, APVerification, aCash and Customer; Perform Comprehensive Identity Verification (filling the Extensive Form, request game info and payment for admin fees/penalty fees, forward payment ...


Copyright ©2009 Asiasoft Corporation Public Company Limited. All Rights ...

Audition SEA help!....................?

wut is the Asiasoft passport? i dont get what it means! thanks!
Answer: oh asia soft passport is like an account u need to register if u wan to play audition sea.after u register there is few other game you can register in there after u login then u can register for ur audition sea then u can play it ^^
Category: Other - Internet

Games Help: Asiasoft Passport Signup/Maple Story Game Acount Signup

To signup go to http:// in the site click on signup then u will go to in there you put a tick in the box the box ...

Asiasoft Passport | A-Pakistan News

Asiasoft passport introduced new games for users, which is a gaming operator there, you can play online game after registration that provides different types of games since 2001, it is in Singapore, Malaysia, Vietnam and ...

Social Security Number? Asiasoft?

Hi! I am currently trying to sign up and download the game "Maple Story" created by AsiaSoft. When I go to sign up it says I need a Asiasoft "passport" so I went to go sign up for that and it asked for the usual: my email, etc. but it also asked for my social security number. I know Asiasoft games are very popular but I was always taught not to give out that on the internet. What should I do?
Answer: No legitimate site should ever ask you for your social security number over the Internet. Unless the site has a phone number you can call and have them explain to you why they need it, I'd just stay away.
Category: Video & Online Games

What is Asiasoft passport?................?

Answer: itz a key 2 play da games they hav created! ;D fo lyk Audition SEA...Maplestory SEA....probably all da games available && made in South-east Aisa! dun wrry bout da number thingy...make a random number...yu dun hav 2 search yer dat ^^
Category: Video & Online Games

Asiasoft Passport - Playpark : The World of Play

To retrieve your Asiasoft passport Login ID, please follow these procedures: ... The only way to retrieve your Asiasoft passport password is to request for a reset ...

Register Account - Asiasoft Passport

Kindly provide a valid email address and do note that 1 passport account is ...

Social secuirty number, safe? Its asking for my social security number, but Im not sure if I should enter it. Something about "to prove its you" or "to give the prize rightfully" or some other crap. Its there in the link. I guess people have entered their social numbers because I see videos of users playing the games the site supports(AuditionSEA)
Category: Security

Asiasoft Passport

We collect personally identifiable information when you register for Asiasoft Passport or Game account, when you use Asiasoft Online products or services, when ...

who can gimme MapleSea account For Free?

anY 3rd job accounts or 4th job?? i nid the account soo badly coz i nid to rebuild the acc.. if soo gimme euur Asiasoft passport id oso and pin number. if anY thing email me.
Answer: Wouldn't be much help cause if they find that you have someone else's account they'd ban the new account....and I believe accounts are free. Just make a new one.
Category: Video & Online Games

Asiasoft Passport

Asiasoft™, PlayPark™ and @Global™ present a party platter of free to play games! Asiasoft Games. Copyright © Asiasoft Online, PlayPark.Net and @Global ...

Asiasoft Passport | World Latest News

Asiasoft passport. Please, you will be advised that he is a new wave of phishing sites y now on the kidnap personal information. Since then, have we note several reports from our friendly players also in this issue. ...

AsiaSoft - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Players are required to sign up for Asiasoft passports in order to play any of the company's published games. Like other game ...

Account Creation - AIKA - Asiasoft

(If you are an existing Asiasoft passport holder, please proceed to Step 2.) Step 2 : Login ... (You will use this LoginID to access your Asiasoft passport account). ...

Do you think that this is a safe ?

DO u think that this website is safe ?
Answer: you can never be sure but looks safe to me
Category: Security

Asiasoft Passport | Singapore News Update

Asiasoft passport introduced new games for users, which is a gaming operator there, you can play online game after registration that provides different types of.

How to permanently suspend your own asiasoft passport?

I want to suspend my own passport because i cant delete it and i dont wan to just leave it there, so i want to find a way to permanently suspend or ban it without getting in trouble like hacking and stuff. so that they dont come knocking on my door or continue sending me asiasoft stuff
Answer: x
Category: Security

Passport - Asiasoft

Asiasoft passport takes on various security measures to enable the ...

Is there something wrong with Maple Story?

Okay, im trying to make a Maple Story account. Ive already gotten an Asiasoft passport, but when I get to the part where it says "Do you know how to make a Maple Story account using AsiaSoft" (Which ive already done) I said yes, and the page wont load after that. Does anyone know whats going on?
Answer: U can visit to get more infomations. It's funny and helpful.
Category: Video & Online Games

how to delete a maplestory account ?

i play maplesea and i would like to delete one of my maple accounts to make room for anothor one, and when i press on view accounts in my Asiasoft passport it just got options to change or reset 1st/2nd password, so how can i delete one ? :S
Answer: You mean deleting a character? You have to log into Maplestory (all versions), and hit "delete" after selecting a character. Input your birthdate, and you're done!
Category: Video & Online Games

Do you have to sign up for an Asiasoft Passport in order to play Maple Story?

And if yes, where?
Answer: not asiasoft, nexon the link to play, download, talk about , and everything else with maplestory is happy mapling.
Category: Video & Online Games

how do you get an AsiaSoft Passport?

for maplestory you need one. I cant register without.
Answer: did you try this website:
Category: Video & Online Games

Do I need to pay for an Asiasoft Passport or do is it free???

Does your birth number count?And thnx btw
Answer: nope,but you need to give them ur ic or passport number....kinda sucks but hey,their games are worth it...CABAL ONLINE FTW!!
Category: Video & Online Games

For those of you that play there anyway I can play in MapleSEA from the US?

Ideally, only people in the UK can play MSEA...but its so much better than global. And I want to try it. I dont think I need an Asiasoft passport...but if I do, I need someone to help me fake it. >.> The only solution I can think of is a proxy... Nexon started banning foreign IPs...but someone was playing jMS from the US, so there has to be a way. If anyone can help, that would be very appreciated. Also. If the only solution is, say...hacking, nevermind. >.>
Answer: You can surf the internet anonymously or invisible. You can browse the web at school without being blocked by the school's filter or in your own house. You can browse the web at work and not be blocked by your work's filter. if this sites help you please spread it to your friends on myspace or anything.. that will help this site try this proxy servers...
Category: Video & Online Games

Did I get banned in MapleSEA? help.?

So today I bought mesos and apparently after that, I had trouble logging in to the character containing the mesos after typing my 2nd password. I did get in once in the afternoon but after that when I finish typing second password it just says trouble logging in? Kindly refer to, then the game just closes itself and says The connection to the server has ended. Please try again later. I am able to login to other accounts and even other characters within the same account. Help please? P.S my Asiasoft passport states account as Active.
Category: Video & Online Games

Verify Maple story account?

Can someone please help me? I signed up for mapole story through Asiasoft passport. But when i go to play maple story, it says that it is not a registered id. It says that i have to verify my account. But i am not recieving any verification e-mails. Can someone help me? Did i use the right website? ?!?!?HELP!?!?!
Answer: did u go to that u sign-up.. and download the game into ur computer..
Category: Video & Online Games

Sorry for not posting for a few patch or events « Anoimus's Blog

Maplers are required to login to Asiasoft passport to redeem a unique 30 digit item redemption code from “MapleSEA Events Code Redemption”Tab by key in the Generic Code given by GM during the event. image. There will ...

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