Happy teachers day card - For holiday gifts for teachers do you sign the card from the family the parents the child ...

Happy teachers day card : Videos

Class plan - happy teachers day
Class plan - happy teachers day
teachers day card 2009
teachers day card 2009
Scrap Away Sunday --Teachers Day--
Scrap Away Sunday --Teachers Day--
Making of Teachers Day Cards
Making of Teachers Day Cards
How to make a Teachers day Card
How to make a Teachers day Card
Teacher Day Card and more
Teacher Day Card and more
Best Fathers Day Card in the World!
Best Fathers Day Card in the World!
Card manipulation in PTEB Teachers.DAY(2007)
Card manipulation in PTEB Teachers.DAY(2007)
Teachers Day
Teachers Day
Pobaby cards-- Happy Teachers Day
Pobaby cards-- Happy Teachers Day
Vietnam Teachers Day
Vietnam Teachers Day
SMK USJ 12 Bollywood dance for Teachers Day 2011
SMK USJ 12 Bollywood dance for Teachers Day 2011
SMKKK Teachers Day 2009-Drama Comedy:Snow White part 1
SMKKK Teachers Day 2009-Drama Comedy:Snow White part 1
"We Love UW" protest against Scott Walkers budget repair bill
"We Love UW" protest against Scott Walkers budget repair bill
How to Make Valentines Day Gifts : How to Make a Valentines Day Card
How to Make Valentines Day Gifts : How to Make a Valentines Day Card
Crafts for Kids : Mothers Day Card Crafts for Kids
Crafts for Kids : Mothers Day Card Crafts for Kids
Teacher Cards Royal Coat Dimensional Magic vs Glossy Accents and Fathers Day Projects
Teacher Cards Royal Coat Dimensional Magic vs Glossy Accents and Fathers Day Projects
Shanti Asiatic School Children Perfoming on Teachers Day
Shanti Asiatic School Children Perfoming on Teachers Day
Simple Valentines Day Treat Card Feb. 11, 2010
Simple Valentines Day Treat Card Feb. 11, 2010
Teacher Appreciation card
Teacher Appreciation card
How to Make Valentines Day Gifts : How to Make a Mailbox for Valentines Day ...
How to Make Valentines Day Gifts : How to Make a Mailbox for Valentines Day ...
First Day Stampin Up! Card
First Day Stampin Up! Card
YTSS 4E7 09 Post Teachers Day Concert Performance
YTSS 4E7 09 Post Teachers Day Concert Performance
How to Make Valentines Day Gifts : How to Make a Valentines Day Pop- ...
How to Make Valentines Day Gifts : How to Make a Valentines Day Pop- ...
Happy Valentines Day
Happy Valentines Day
Teachers Day
Teachers Day
Scrap Away Sunday --Teachers Day--
Scrap Away Sunday --Teachers Day--
Happy B-Day Maam Jen (best teacher in MOGCHS ever)
Happy B-Day Maam Jen (best teacher in MOGCHS ever)
happy valentines day
happy valentines day
Simple Valentines Day Treat Card Feb. 11, 2010
Simple Valentines Day Treat Card Feb. 11, 2010
Talk Like A Pirate Day Greetings!
Talk Like A Pirate Day Greetings!
II-1 Teachers Day celebration (Sept. 26, 07) Part 4 of 31
II-1 Teachers Day celebration (Sept. 26, 07) Part 4 of 31
開心鬼Hong Kong Comedy - Girl students prank on nerd teacher
開心鬼Hong Kong Comedy - Girl students prank on nerd teacher
Valentines Day Cards
Valentines Day Cards
Happy (Early) Halloween!! :D [Read Desc.]
Happy (Early) Halloween!! :D [Read Desc.]
SSE Darwin Birthday Card
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W. H. Auden - The Unknown Citizen
Together Forever; A Jonas Twin Sister Story Ch. 7.wmv
Together Forever; A Jonas Twin Sister Story Ch. 7.wmv

Happy teachers day card : Photo Gallery

Teacher Day Glitter Graphics : Glitter69.
Teacher Day Glitter Graphics : Glitter69.
Thank You... Teachers Day Cards, Teachers Day Ecards, Happy ...
Thank You... Teachers Day Cards, Teachers Day Ecards, Happy ...
Happy Teachers' Day! Free Teachers' Day (India) eCards, Greetings ...
Happy Teachers' Day! Free Teachers' Day (India) eCards, Greetings ...
Happy Teachers Day Card - Free eCard Picture Wishes | SMSnShayari.
Happy Teachers Day Card - Free eCard Picture Wishes | SMSnShayari.
Happy Teachers Day Teacher Appreciation Free Printable Teachers ...
Happy Teachers Day Teacher Appreciation Free Printable Teachers ...
EduBlog.NET: Search Results
EduBlog.NET: Search Results
Student Like You… Thank You Card On Teachers Day, Teachers Day ...
Student Like You… Thank You Card On Teachers Day, Teachers Day ...
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wallpapers: World Teacher s Day
Victoria~~: Teacher's Day Card
Victoria~~: Teacher's Day Card
Teachers Day | SMSnShayari.
Teachers Day | SMSnShayari.
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HMs Greetings: Teachers Day Card #1
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Happy Teachers Day eCard - Send Free Personalized Teachers Day Cards ...
Happy Teachers Day Cards
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Happy Teacher’s Day - 2010 at MoneyTree AsiaPac - Developing ...
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Happy Teachers Day Card | Flickr - Photo Sharing!
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Happy teachers day card : Latest News, Information, Answers and Websites

Happy Teachers Day Teacher Appreciation Free Printable Teachers ...

Download a free printable greeting card template that can be used to wish your teacher a Happy Teachers Day during Teacher Apreciation Week.


If you want to personalize it with teacher's day greetings card & hand made crafts, it is not at all a very bad idea. Happy teacher's day. Author Resource:- Ferns N Petals offer Send Gift for Teachers Day Gifts through fnp express ...

mothers day spanish card?

i have to make a spanish card for my mom before she wakes up its a grade on monday in my spanish class..so this is what i want it to say happy mothers day mom- first page.... you have always loved me and i always love you - 2nd pg .......i love you mom. 3rd page its cheesy but i need the grade and i really would love my mom to read that shes a spanish teacher she can read it too but i cant ask my mom this...or she would know what i wanted to say....and if you could ttranslateit i would be sooo happy
Answer: Feliz Dia de las Madres 1st page Siempre me has querido y yo siempre te quiero 2nd page Te quiero, Mama'
Category: Languages

What should I write in a valentines day card for a teacher?

Its a male teacher that I fancied for ages now. He is my favourite teacher and he is really good and also I think he likes me a bit more than other students, but that doesnt make a difference. Ive done this card and it looks nice, but I need dome suggestions what to write in it. I dont want it to be like a romantic card. I just want to write something nice that will make him happy. How is a card gonna make him loose his job ?
Answer: Nothing! Even if you do fancy this teacher, it can make them lose their job if it your school feels it's becoming too serious. It can also get you into trouble, and you will be sooo embarrassed if anyone finds out!!! No offence, but I agree with the first answer... Sorry babe, really, but send it to someone else. xxx Edit:If your school takes it the wrong way, or misinterprets it, he can get in trouble. They might actually think there's something going on between you. xxx
Category: Singles & Dating


Well, i have gotten alot of bad grades in school.. so this third marking period i get All Bs and 1 A ...and now im being so pressured because my grandmas so happy and my language arts teacher is tooooooooooo happy. and no even the PRINCIPAL told me good job because i had a meeting with him and my social worker was JUMPING when she saw my report card ...even miss G. school gudiance counsler and i need to keep theese grades or even RAISE them to As by the end of this month!!! i made my social workers DAY i made my language arts teachers DAY even my GRANDMA!!! I NEED TO MAINTAIN THEESE GRADES INTILL THE END OF THE MONTH PRESSURED STRESSED!!! I HAD SO MUCH BAD GRADES EVEN BELOW A 1.00 GPA NOW, I HAVE ALL Bs
Answer: Sounds like you have turned it around. Don't feel stressed, be happy that you pulled yourself up. Just keep studying. As a student, your job is to educate yourself and do the best job you can. Keep up the good work. The most important person to keep happy in this whole thing is yourself. If you stop and think about the reasons for bringing your grades up you too will see that, and recognize that the people you think you made their day are really only being happy FOR you. It sounds like though you know what you need to do...go do it!
Category: Other - Family & Relationships

Birthday Cards, Free Greeting Cards, Birthday Greetings: Happy ...

May 2, 2011 ... This Teachers Day 2011 Lets pay respect to these Teachers which are our parents in our School Life through these Teacher Day Cards. ...

How to say Happy Teachers Day in French/Russian?

I want to write Happy Teachers Day in French and Russian on a card. So if youre a native speaker, or you learn the languages, could you please tell me? Thanks! The online translators are giving me different translations, so it would be great if someone who speaks the language could tell me (: Thank you!
Answer: French (and I speak quite a bit), I'd go with "Jour heureux, Teachers!" - which is perfectly OK. Russian, your guess is as good as mine. Babelfish is usually pretty good, and gives me: Счастливый день учителей! ...Which I think I'll just have to trust. I hope these two are helpful to you.
Category: Words & Wordplay


Be it teacher's day greetings or teachers day e-cards, send online gifts to USA or Send gifts to India very easily through Ferns & Petals (FnP). Teacher's day gifts ... through the florists. Ferns & Petals (FnP) suggests you to make your gift homogeneous with lovely bunch of flowers, since flowers are the languages of love understood by all. If you want to personalize it with teacher's day greetings card & hand made crafts, it is not at all a very bad idea. Happy teacher's day. ...

Should I do this on Teachers Day?

I am think that I will be putting thank you cards on my teachers desks after school (after they left school) and next morning when they come to class, they would be surprised and happy. Also, should I include my name or not?
Answer: Thats a really nice gesture, i reckon you should put your name on it because then they will know who it is from. If you want to give your teacher something else, then you should have a look at this website http://www.teacher-appreciation.info/Teacher_Gifts/ Good luck :)
Category: Teaching

Help with a "thank you" card please?

I am writing a thank you card to a teacher who was our Spanish club supervisor this year. She helped us organize the meetings and fundraisers and let us use her room for the meetings. I am writing the card from the whole club and I really dont know what to say or how to say it so that it sounds maturely written. Can anyone help with the wording of the card? Thank you so much to all who answer and Happy Mothers Day!
Answer: just say her a thank u , maybe in spanish gracias por todo!
Category: Etiquette

What to write on a Valentines Day card for my sons preschool teacher?

This is my sons first time in school and they are going to do a Valentine card exchange, but I also wanted to send one to his teacher. He is 3 years old, and I was just planning on having him write Happy Valentines Day and his name. I think that is a little plain so now I need some suggestions. Please help!
Answer: try something like "happy valentines day, (insert teacher's name)! You are a great teacher!"
Category: Toddler & Preschooler

Teacher's Day Cards

Teacher's Day is here. Lets pay respect to these Teachers which are our ...

If you worked for a greeting card company, could you come up with a "Happy Grammar Day" card? What would it?

say? Who would you give one to? English teacher?
Answer: But mine would have a lovely note on front that has been badly corrected, with all kinds of red markings are to poor sentense structure, questionable use of punctuation and whatnot Inside wuld be the better sentiment
Category: Words & Wordplay

Is it okay to visit your old teachers? =/?

So I just graduated from middle school and am going to be a freshman in high school this September. In middle school I had these two teachers who were there for me and have helped me through what I think of the darkest time of my life. You see I had a lot going and its kind of hard to explain. I felt so alone and felt like such an outcast in the universe. I felt like a weirdo being the only one feeling like that and dealing with the problems I had. These two teachers were there for me and always told me that they are there for me if I needed someone to talk to. They would let me come up during lunch and just talk to them. They even gave me their cellphone numbers in case I really needed help or I just needed someone to talk to. But I never used their cell phone numbers because I know of the student teacher boundries and I didnt want them to lose their jobs so I would just talk to them in school or email them on their school emails. Talking to them made me feel less alone. My parents werent really there for me and they were part of the problem. They were just not the best parents and would say rude stuff. Be emotionally abusive. These two teachers shelped me so much and they helped me realize that there is nothing wrong with me an that its okay to ask for help and that they are glad to be there for me. They made me laugh and made me happy and talking to them helped me get out of that gloomy sad dead mood I was in. I actually felt alive and happy and felt life in me. I started to love my life and learned how to have fun and ignore my parents comments about me. I felt so happy and enlightened. On the last day of school I gave these two teachers card telling them how I felt and thanking them for their help. I wrote how I will never forget them. After reading my cards they told me that if I ever need to talk to them, I should just give them a call or text them, but I am not going to do that because I know that that is crossing the line even if they said it is okay to. So, back to my question. I wanted to visit them during the school year. Like visit them whenever there is a dance going on at my old school or when there is parent teacher conferences at my old school and they are on their break. I just want to keep them in my life and I want them to know that they mean a lot to me and I am so thankful and grateful to have meet them. My question is that is it okay if to visit my old teachers. Its only been a few months since I graduated form middle school so I want to make sure if it is okay to visit them. And is it okay to call or text them? I know the answer to that is no but I just want to make sure to be on the safe side. I know that they dont check their school emails during summer and I dont know their personal emails, so thats why I asked about the calling and texting. Thanks in advance and please no mean answers. Hope you guys are having a great summer!!! =) P.S: Sorry it is so long =/ Oh yeah and how do I go visit them? Like what should I say? When should I go? Will they be creeped out or happy to see me? Stuff like that. Oh yeah, after readin all these answers I want to be teacher when I grow up. I have wnated to be a teacher since I was 9 years old and now I am sure I want to be a teacher and my teachers inspired me to be a teacher. I want to be a teacher because I want to make a difference in someones life like these two teachers made in my life =)
Answer: There is absolutely nothing wrong with that! I am a teacher, and when I decided to become a teacher, I went back to My favorite Elementary, Middle, and High School Teachers and told them that all three of them influenced my decision. My elementary school teacher influenced me by saying how much fun she had teaching and seeing her pupils grow up into wonderful young adults. My Middle School teacher basically did the same thing. My High School teacher, I had for Geometry, Algebra 2, Pre-Calculus, and Calculus. He had such a fun time teaching, that that is when I finally made my decision. I often go back to my hometown and visit all of my old teachers, and they enjoy hearing stories about my students, and I as well enjoy hearing stories about their current teachers. Now, I have been teaching High School Mathematics for about 9 years, so that means that I have had about 8-9 classes (school year graduation) in my teaching life, and I often have visitors at least once a week, and I enjoy spending time with them. A couple of them even told me that I was the one that influenced them to become a teacher. The first time I heard this, it was a student that I had for one year, in AP Calculus. She was a bright young lady. She made all A's. When she came back 6 years later, I was in my 7th year teaching. She said that she had graduated with a Master's in Secondary Education with a concentration in Mathematics and that she was teaching Calculus, I was so proud that I almost cried. Influencing students to become teachers is the best feeling in the world! Hope I helped, sorry that It's quite "rambly!"
Category: Teaching


TEACHER'S DAY CARDS WITH QUOTATIONS: Although teacher's day greetings cards are somewhat the traditional ways, you can make it very unique by adding a fantastic quotation meant exclusively for this occasion. ...

Free Happy Teacher's Day eCard - eMail Free Personalized ...

Happy Teacher's Day eCard. Send Teacher's Day ecards and online greeting cards quickly and easily to friends and family at CrossCards.com!

A For… Teachers Day Cards, Teachers Day Ecards, Happy ...

An animated teachers day ecard to send your warm wishes on teachers day and wish your teacher a appy teachers day. All out teachers day cards, teachers day ...

Teachers Day Cards|Greetings

Send beautiful teachers day ecards and greetings from dgreetings to your teacher and ... Through this lovely card wish your teacher a very Happy Teacher's Day ...


Article from Article Mayhem and entitled TEACHERS DAY CARDS - By Deepak verma. ... Greetings cards with quotations: Teacher's day quotations are the best way to describe your teachers & convey your gratitude. ...

Teachers Day 2011, Teachers Day Wishes, Free Teachers Day ...

1 day ago ... Teachers Day greetings, Teachers Day Cards, Send a teachers Day ... For being a Wonderful Teacher - Post card, ecard. Happy Teacher's Day ...

Happy Teacher Day! Free Teacher Day eCards, Greeting Cards ...

Comments (5); Facebook Comments. By: SITHASITHADEVI5/15/2011. VERY GOOD CARDS. By: hanin zein al deen3/4/2011. it is so nice & happy teacher day . ...

What should I write in a card for a teacher?

Well tomorrow is the last day of school, I will probably be moving to a new country. I have this teacher, who isnt my teacher but hes the smartest person Ive met! He is kind of old and funny and he has the answers I need, so very brilliant-minded. I want to say bye and thank him for answering my questions and make me very happy. What should I say? Hes not my teacher hes just some staff genius staff person that each time u hang around him u discover sth wonderful...
Answer: Sounds like you have quite a summer ahead of you. I suggest something simple. Include some of your question in here. Dear Mr. So-and-so: Thanks for being such a great influence and resource for me this year. You always could answer my questions and had a great sense of humor. I've really appreciated you helping me out with (insert subject/type of question here). I'm probably going to be going to (insert new home here) this summer, so I wanted to be absolutely sure to say good-bye and thank you. Even though you weren't my teacher, you're definitely the smartest person I met at the school. Thanks again, (insert your name here) Basically, leave out the "kind of old" part but leave in everything else. Trust me, he'll love it. Teachers cherish times when students tell them that they made a difference.
Category: Etiquette

Some one please Help Mothers Day Ideas?

Some one please Help Mothers Day Ideas? I am a pre school teacher and im trying to think of a poem to go along with my craft idea... Im getting those mixing whisk and feeling them with chocolate kisses... Im attaching a small card that says Whisking you a Happy Mothers Day filled with Hugs and Kisses... But im wanting to also have the kids color a card with the "recipe of a perfect mom" on it... Any ides on how to do that recipe thing?
Answer: How about a simple card labelled, "What Moms are made of:" and having each kid tell you what their mom is made of and write in their exact (often funny) answers.
Category: Toddler & Preschooler


TEACHER'S DAY CARDS WITH QUOTATIONS: Although teacher's day greetings cards are somewhat the traditional ways, you can make it very unique by adding a fantastic quotation meant exclusively for this occasion. ...

How to say Happy Teachers Day in different languages???HELP!!?

I need to make a card for the occasion and planning to have the wish said in diff languages....anyone help?I need it with ALPHABETS and how to say it...if its Chinese I hope u can state the Chinese writing and pronunciation ..please...I need at least 10 languages!!!
Answer: FELIZ DIA DO PROFESSOR! in Portuguese here in Brazil we celebrate it on OCT 15th...
Category: Languages


Flower bouquets with teachers day greetings cards: Flower pots with lovely floral arrangements can be an exotic choice. Amalgamate it with teachers day greetings cards and lovely quotations for teachers day. Compose a ...

Teachers-Would you be flattered if a student....?

If a student got you a card for mothers/fathers day? Because my real dad has never really been there for me. In fact, the best way I would describe him is "monster". Anyways, I have this male teacher that I really click with. There is nothing inappropraite, we just talk about things going on in life, and I talk to him about some struggles Ive been having. He supports me, and helps me, and is just there to talk. I guess he is one of the stronger male figures in my life. Whenever I have a problem, he is happy to help and always makes time to chat if I need it. He doesnt have kids, because he is gay, and thats why I think he is so friendly with all of us students. Next year, would it be weird to give him a fathers day card? As in, he is like a father to me? Or would that be weird? Im 13, he is 45. Opinions. How would you feel if a student gave you a card like that?
Answer: I wouldn't do a father's day card per se. They do make cards for "like a father". (I get one for my aunt every mother's day) Just a you are important, thanks for being there for me type of card. I am glad that you have a man that you can go to with your struggles. It is important to have someone you can talk to.
Category: Teaching


TEACHER'S DAY CARDS WITH QUOTATIONS: Although teacher's day greetings cards are somewhat the traditional ways, you can make it very unique by adding a fantastic quotation meant exclusively for this occasion. ...

Teacher's Day Crafts

Teacher's day greetings card is one of the many ways through which you can convey your deepest feelings & gratitude for that special person of your life. Online gift delivery is very easy ... Happy Teacher's Day. EzineSeeker.com. Article Source: http://entertainment.ezinemark.com/teachers-day-crafts-7d3033161f73.html. Author Box. Ashish kumar has 51 articles online. This article is posted by Ashish Kumar behalf of Ferns n petals. Buy online teachers day flowers and ...

For holiday gifts for teachers, do you sign the card from the family, the parents, the child, or any combo?

My sons (pre-k and kindergarten) got their teachers coffee mugs with candy for Valentines Day. We also got a little card, and Id like to put a note in there thanking them for what theyve done to bring out the best in the boys, in addition to their attempted "Happy Valentines Day" handwritten note in there from the kids personally. Would you sign it from the family (divorced parents, but feel the same way), just from me, just from the kids, or something like "Happy Valentines Day from Cameron and parents"? I have no interest in "getting credit" for paying for a gift the kids picked out. Thats part of my job as their mom.
Answer: Aw, what a nice idea! I do end of the year gifts with my girls' teachers, and usually by that time (or by Valentine's day, for that matter) they know you, your ex, and the kids in the family. You could have Cameron sign his own name and then below it put "and family" which would include you, your ex and other child, but puts the emphasis on the child that is giving the gift.
Category: Grade-Schooler

Simple translation!! 3 words only!!! German?

I need to know what "happy teachers day" in german!!! I have to give a teachers day card to my german teacher on friday!!! PLEASE HELP!!! It would be great if you can also give me some stuff to write in the card!!! HURRY HELP PLEASE!!! THANKS IN ADVANCE!!!
Answer: I have never heard of such a thing, but, maybe try this: Happy Birthday would be: herzlichen Glückwunsch zum Geburtstag so if we just change the kind of day, and substitute /teacher/ for /birth/... you could say herzlichen Glückwunsch zum Lehrertag!
Category: Languages

teachers, would you appreciate this?

my swimming teacher knows me for two years and my brother. shes one of the best teachers ever! she, since day one, has treated me as if i were her own daughter, and even called me her own baby. shes infertile and cant have kids and i feels horrible. with today being mothers day, i went on and bought her a necklace. is it weird of me to make her a card or something, and have it say "happy mothers day, from all your students" and have everyone sign it and frame it? and then give it to her? with the necklace? i dont know if i want her to know if it was me or not. any ideas?
Answer: That is so sweet of you! :) It's definitely not weird, and I'm sure it would mean a lot to her. It's up to you whether you want her to know that it was you or not. She'll probably know anyway, especially if you hand it to her. I'm sure that she will really appreciate your thoughtfulness!
Category: Teaching

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