Happy teachers day - Is Teachers Day celebration international ?

Happy teachers day : Photo Gallery

wallpapers: World Teacher s Day
wallpapers: World Teacher s Day
Happy Teacher's Day! « BlogsOfRaghs
Happy Teacher's Day! « BlogsOfRaghs
Happy Teacher's Day 2011 | Celebrate Teacher's Day On 5th ...
Happy Teacher's Day 2011 | Celebrate Teacher's Day On 5th ...
Happy Teachers Day Teacher Appreciation Free Printable Teachers ...
Happy Teachers Day Teacher Appreciation Free Printable Teachers ...
Contest : Happy Teachers' Day! | syazanazura;)
Contest : Happy Teachers' Day! | syazanazura;)
DIANA IN HySTerIC!!!: HAPPY TEACHER'S DAY? not for me. For my REAL ...
DIANA IN HySTerIC!!!: HAPPY TEACHER'S DAY? not for me. For my REAL ...
Happy Teacher's Day 2011 Celebrations
Happy Teacher's Day 2011 Celebrations
Teacher's Day Graphics, Comments, Scraps, Pictures for Myspace & Orkut
Teacher's Day Graphics, Comments, Scraps, Pictures for Myspace & Orkut
Happy Teacher's Day 2011 | Celebrate Teacher's Day On 5th ...
Happy Teacher's Day 2011 | Celebrate Teacher's Day On 5th ...
Otakus Abroad XDD: Happy Teachers' Day
Otakus Abroad XDD: Happy Teachers' Day
Quotable Quotations: Happy teachers Day !!!!!!!
Quotable Quotations: Happy teachers Day !!!!!!!
Mathematics Queries: Happy Teachers Day
Mathematics Queries: Happy Teachers Day
HOUSE OF TOY PORN: Happy Teachers DAY!!
HOUSE OF TOY PORN: Happy Teachers DAY!!
Coffee With Sundar » Blog Archive » Happy Teachers Day
Coffee With Sundar » Blog Archive » Happy Teachers Day
Happy Teachers' Day « Leading The Change
Happy Teachers' Day « Leading The Change
Orkut Happy Teachers Day Scraps, Orkut Happy Teachers Day Images ...
Orkut Happy Teachers Day Scraps, Orkut Happy Teachers Day Images ...
HAPPY TEACHERS DAY!!! « Melodizasters Brain
HAPPY TEACHERS DAY!!! « Melodizasters Brain
Happy-Teachers-Day 2
Happy-Teachers-Day 2
Happy Teachers’ Day « Leading The Change
Happy Teachers’ Day « Leading The Change
Happy Teachers Day ! | Flickr - Photo Sharing!
Happy Teachers Day ! | Flickr - Photo Sharing!
Happy Teachers Day | Flickr - Photo Sharing!
Happy Teachers Day | Flickr - Photo Sharing!
Happy Teachers Day Coloring Page - Teacher - Twisty Noodle
Happy Teachers Day Coloring Page - Teacher - Twisty Noodle
Incentives to teach
Incentives to teach
The yoga of teaching
The yoga of teaching
Scranton teachers plan picket for dedication of new Tripp Elementary School
Scranton teachers plan picket for dedication of new Tripp Elementary School
Just add students, Horn Elementary says
Just add students, Horn Elementary says
At start of school year, teacher unions are not happy
At start of school year, teacher unions are not happy
Education spotlight: For teachers, first day is many weeks in the making
Education spotlight: For teachers, first day is many weeks in the making
Welcome Back: Southington Schools' First Day Goes Without A Hitch
Welcome Back: Southington Schools' First Day Goes Without A Hitch
Bethel Park teachers won't strike, to report on time
Bethel Park teachers won't strike, to report on time
Parents show teachers support
Parents show teachers support
1000 square feet of happy: Teachers at Hazel Grove Elementary settle into a ...
1000 square feet of happy: Teachers at Hazel Grove Elementary settle into a ...
Back to School: Teachers are Just as Nervous as the Kids
Back to School: Teachers are Just as Nervous as the Kids
Thousands of students attend first day of classes
Thousands of students attend first day of classes
First day of school in Dixon called 'super'
First day of school in Dixon called 'super'
Flanders School teacher's nerves ease quickly on her first first day
Flanders School teacher's nerves ease quickly on her first first day
Chicago Teachers Union rejects longer elementary day plan
Chicago Teachers Union rejects longer elementary day plan
Wiregrass Ranch teacher, coach Chris Bounnell dies after second day of class
Wiregrass Ranch teacher, coach Chris Bounnell dies after second day of class

Happy teachers day : Videos

Class plan - happy teachers day
Class plan - happy teachers day
Happy Teachers Day!
Happy Teachers Day!
Happy Teachers Day song czps version
Happy Teachers Day song czps version
4E1 Happy Teachers Day Skit
4E1 Happy Teachers Day Skit
100617 Happy Teachers Day 2010 (3/3)
100617 Happy Teachers Day 2010 (3/3)
Happy Teachers Day! Teachers Yeski Idiomas Itu
Happy Teachers Day! Teachers Yeski Idiomas Itu
Happy Teachers Day self-composed song
Happy Teachers Day self-composed song
Happy Teachers Day Sri Balaji Society BITM
Happy Teachers Day Sri Balaji Society BITM
Happy Teachers Day! - ADZU
Happy Teachers Day! - ADZU
HAPPY TEACHERS DAY .(II-hebrew.Malinta National High SchooL)
HAPPY TEACHERS DAY .(II-hebrew.Malinta National High SchooL)
Happy Teachers Day 2009 from Ethel Poh (Primary 3M, Radin Mas Primary ...
Happy Teachers Day 2009 from Ethel Poh (Primary 3M, Radin Mas Primary ...
100617 Happy Teachers Day 2010 (2/3)
100617 Happy Teachers Day 2010 (2/3)
Happy Teachers Day Panacan NHS Narra, Palawan.wmv
Happy Teachers Day Panacan NHS Narra, Palawan.wmv
Saraswati Vandana-YA KUNDENDU (Happy Teachers Day)
Saraswati Vandana-YA KUNDENDU (Happy Teachers Day)
Mỹ An - dance sport [AHS-CH] Happy Teachers Day
Mỹ An - dance sport [AHS-CH] Happy Teachers Day
Happy Teachers Day (r4)
Happy Teachers Day (r4)
Happy Teachers Day to Ms Toh Lingling
Happy Teachers Day to Ms Toh Lingling
Jyps-Happy Teachers Day
Jyps-Happy Teachers Day
Immaculate Heart of Mary College "HAPPY TEACHERS DAY"
Immaculate Heart of Mary College "HAPPY TEACHERS DAY"
happy teachers day
happy teachers day
Happy Teachers Day Mrs Low ! (SNSD - Gee)
Happy Teachers Day Mrs Low ! (SNSD - Gee)
Happy Teachers Day.avi
Happy Teachers Day.avi
Happy Teachers Day!
Happy Teachers Day!
Happy Teachers Day!!!
Happy Teachers Day!!!
Happy Teachers Day AIS
Happy Teachers Day AIS
Happy Teachers Day
Happy Teachers Day
4E1 Happy Teachers Day Skit
4E1 Happy Teachers Day Skit
Happy Teachers Day 教师节快乐
Happy Teachers Day 教师节快乐
Happy Teachers Day song czps version
Happy Teachers Day song czps version
happy teachers day 2007
happy teachers day 2007
happy teachers day
happy teachers day
Happy Teachers Day
Happy Teachers Day
Happy Teachers Day (r4)
Happy Teachers Day (r4)
Happy Teachers Day
Happy Teachers Day
Happy Teachers day Mrs.Roy
Happy Teachers day Mrs.Roy
World Teachers Day 2009 Theme Song
World Teachers Day 2009 Theme Song
Happy Teachers Day 2008
Happy Teachers Day 2008
Happy Teachers Day 2009 from Ethel Poh (Primary 3M, Radin Mas ...
Happy Teachers Day 2009 from Ethel Poh (Primary 3M, Radin Mas ...
Happy Teachers Day!
Happy Teachers Day!
Happy Birthday Click 5 cover - teachers day
Happy Birthday Click 5 cover - teachers day
Happy teacHerS daY..!!!
Happy teacHerS daY..!!!
HAPPY TEACHERS DAY ...2 our teachers
HAPPY TEACHERS DAY ...2 our teachers
2010 Happy Teachers Day
2010 Happy Teachers Day
2Way Cwalk - Masquerade // Happy Teachers Day ! - HollowKrizE & nitr0
2Way Cwalk - Masquerade // Happy Teachers Day ! - HollowKrizE & nitr0

Happy teachers day : Latest News, Information, Answers and Websites


If you want to personalize it with teacher's day greetings card & hand made crafts, it is not at all a very bad idea. Happy teacher's day. Author Resource:- Ferns N Petals offer Send Gift for Teachers Day Gifts through fnp express ...

How do you wish your teacher a Happy Teachers Day?

How do you wish your teacher a Happy teachers day? Do you hug her/him or you imitate them?
Answer: by wishing teacher Happy teachers day and thanking them or her/him for being there for educating u and helping you
Category: Other - Arts & Humanities

Is it Happy Teachers Day or Teachers Day ?

I have asked many in singapore whether it is s apostrophe or apostrophe s. Many said s apostrophe though i think it is apostrophe s. Can anyone help ?
Answer: hello lowgate you are correct it is with the apostrophe"s". Happy Teacher's Day and when you refer to all as in a group you write "Teachers" because you are refering to more than one (plural) example: Teachers touch hearts and open minds. I hope this has helped you in some form. Have a good day!!!!
Category: Teaching

Happy Teachers Day To All The Teachers Out There!!!?

India has been celebrating Teachers Day on 5th of September since 1962. 5th of September is the birthday of Dr Sarvepalli Radhakhrishnan, a philosopher and a teacher par excellence. Some of his students and friends approached him and requested him to allow them to celebrate his birthday. In reply, Dr, Radhakrishnan said, "instead of celebrating my birthday separately, it would be my proud privilege if September 5th is observed as Teachers day". The request showed Dr.Radhakrishnans love for the teaching profession. From then onwards, his birthday is observed as Teachers Day in India. All this lead to Teachers Day origin in India. On this day, we gratefully remember the great educationist Dr Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan. His dream was that "Teachers should be the best minds in the country". Hence, Teachers Day is very important for all our people, as the teachers act as foundation for creating responsible citizens. Keep The Good Work Guys No Matter Which Country You belong To!!
Answer: Thank you Shalini ! And Kendra: you are a student for but a fleeting moment of your life, whereas we are committed to teaching for life, it`s an addiction, an affliction, a life sentence, a drug where we all strive to give the impossible: the perfect lesson.
Category: Teaching

How to say Happy Teachers Day in French/Russian?

I want to write Happy teachers day in French and Russian on a card. So if youre a native speaker, or you learn the languages, could you please tell me? Thanks! The online translators are giving me different translations, so it would be great if someone who speaks the language could tell me (: Thank you!
Answer: French (and I speak quite a bit), I'd go with "Jour heureux, Teachers!" - which is perfectly OK. Russian, your guess is as good as mine. Babelfish is usually pretty good, and gives me: Счастливый день учителей! ...Which I think I'll just have to trust. I hope these two are helpful to you.
Category: Words & Wordplay

How to wish happy teachers day in the following languages?sanskrit, marathi, telugu, tamil, bengali, malyalam?

Answer: In Tamil "aasiriyar thina valthukal" i don't know other languages but better saying "Happy teachers day" everyone can understand
Category: Languages

How do you say " Happy Teachers Day" in Tagalog?

The philippines language. Thank you!
Answer: try http://www.tagaloglanguage.com or http://www.freetranslation.com
Category: Languages

How to wish "Happy Teachers Day" in French?

Or however the french say this..
Category: Languages

how do you say happy teachers day in japanese???

pls tell me ho u tell Happy teachers day in japanese..my teachers native place is japanese..i want to wish her Happy teachers day in japanese..if possible pls help wid the pronounciations also...reply soon..thanks
Answer: I guess you could say 教師の日おめでとう御座います or "Kyoushi no hi omedetou-gozaimasu", someone stop me if I'm wrong, I'm not a native speaker :/ At best she will understand what you're saying and that your native language isn't Japanese. "Kyoushi no hi" is supposed to mean Teacher's Day, but I don't know if it's right. "Omedetou-gozaimasu" is a polite way of saying congratulations or "Happy ___!" on a special occasion. O and ou are pronounced "oh", i is pronounced "ee", e is pronounced "eh", ai is pronounced "eye", and gozaimasu sounds more like gozaimass without a u-sound. If someone replies by the time I hit the post button, sorry :/
Category: Studying Abroad


TEACHER'S DAY ACTIVITIES According to the Buddhist religion, teachers hold the place of same importance as parents. It's said that parents give birth ... She/he will be more than happy at it. Arrange the cake of his/her ...

how can i congrats my teacher his day?

I want to congrats “teacher day” to one of my teachers in English. But since I am not a native English speaker I do not know how I can express it in one or two sentences. Moreover, I do not want to use the most routine and simple sentence “happy teacher’s day”!
Answer: first off, from what I read in the question you know grammar really well and understandable. As to, you wanting to impress your teacher...I would google "Teachers day poems."
Category: Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgendered

World's Teacher's Day Celebrations

Ferns & Petals (FnP) is your local flower shop, available at your service anytime & you can send teachers day flowers or any gifts anywhere in this world. Come & feel the difference. Happy Teacher's day. This Article Posted by Ashish Kumar ...

Is Teachers Day celebration international ?

We celebrate Teachers Day on 16th May in Malaysia, is the whole world celebrate Teachers Day on the same date? To all Teachers - Happy teachers day!!
Answer: I never knew there was such a thing.
Category: Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgendered

Teachers Day - KidsFreesouls.com

Click to Swagat Children Library for Educationists Testimonials · Swagat Library Page SHOWER OF ROSES TO ALL TEACHERS! HAPPY TEACHERS' DAY! ...

Teachers' Day - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In some countries, 'Teachers' Days' are intended to be special days for the appreciation of teachers. World Teachers' Day is celebrated across the world on ...

Teachers Day is coming soon. How to say "Happy teachers day & Have a great body" in DEUTSCHE ?

Im a chinese student , and I wanna write some wishes in Deutsche to my teachers. Thank you so much if you can help me. :D
Answer: I wouldn't tell a teacher they "have a great body" in any language. That could get you in a lot of trouble, kid.
Category: Teaching

How do you wish you teacher a Happy Teachers Day?

How do you wish you teacher a Happy teachers day? Do you hug her/him or you imitate them?
Answer: you write them a thank you letter for teaching you and guiding you and just being the best that they can be. I wuold love that if i ever got that, really make the teacher feel appreciated for what he or she does.
Category: Other - Arts & Humanities

Happy Teacher Day! Free Teacher Day eCards, Greeting Cards ...

Comments (5); Facebook Comments. By: SITHASITHADEVI5/15/2011. VERY GOOD CARDS. By: hanin zein al deen3/4/2011. it is so nice & happy teacher day . ...

NEA - National Teacher Day

May 3, 2011 ... On National Teacher Day, thousands of communities take time to honor ... Actress Hilary Swank said, "Mr. Sellereit (Eric Sellereit, Happy Valley ...


TEACHER'S DAY GREETINGS Teacher's day is such an occasion that calls for celebrations & this is the day to thank that person who taught you to take up challenges &


Cakes & chocolates along with teachers day flower bouquet will reach its destination in intact & perfect condition. Happy Teacher's day. Author Resource:- Ferns N Petals offer Send Gift for Teachers Day Gifts through fnp ...

Happy Teacher's Day Songs Songs, Listen Free Songs of Happy ...

16 hours ago ... Songs of Happy Teacher's Day Songs online. Browse Happy Teacher's Day Songs songs playlist, Listen Happy Teacher's Day Songs Playlist ...


TEACHER'S DAY GREETINGS | CgPage By cgpage on August 29th, 2011 Teacher's day is such an occasion that calls for celebrations & this is the day to thank that person who taugh.


Teacher's day is celebrated every year on 5 September with enthusiasm & pride all over the country. This occasion is marked with functions, dance &

How can we wish "Happy Teachers Day" to 老师 Craftylass?

Long time since she answered any of my questions, she must be cross with me. I must be a bad student but she is really an excellent teacher by all means. How can I wish her "Happy teachers day"?
Answer: Thank you for your well wishes. I am being fairly selective on the questions I answer. I am trying not to answer extremist questions (in either direction), nor am I getting very involved in the clone wars. I have gotten somewhat involved as I don't think anyone deserves to be impersonated. All my best, Craftylass
Category: China


TEACHER'S DAY ACTIVITIES | CgPage By cgpage on August 29th, 2011 According to the Buddhist religion, teachers hold the place of same importance as parents. It's said that ... She/he will be more than happy at it. Arrange ...

How to say Happy Teachers Day in different languages???HELP!!?

I need to make a card for the occasion and planning to have the wish said in diff languages....anyone help?I need it with ALPHABETS and how to say it...if its Chinese I hope u can state the Chinese writing and pronunciation ..please...I need at least 10 languages!!!
Answer: FELIZ DIA DO PROFESSOR! in Portuguese here in Brazil we celebrate it on OCT 15th...
Category: Languages

Any body know how to write Happy Teachers Day in korean Language?

I want to make a cake for my korean teacher, who can help me???
Answer: 스승의 날 축하합니다./스승의 날 축하해요. but if you are writing it on your cake, then you should simply say 축 스승의 날 for cakes and cookies etc., we usually just put 축 but not always. example) 축 생일 etc. you can still use either one of 스승의 날 축하합니다./스승의 날 축하해요.
Category: Languages

Thank you Messages for Teachers - Teacher's Day Messages ...

Teacher's Day thanks messages convey our feelings to our teachers. Here are some thank you messages for Teachers Day. ... Happy Teacher's Day! Thanks for ...

How do you say "Happy Teachers Day" in different languages???

I need at least 12 languages. LIST OF LANGUAGES: "Happy teachers day" 1. Irish 2. German 3. Spanish 4. Japanese 5. French 6. Turkish 7. Italian 8. Dutch 9. Portuguese 10. Russian any more ideas(languages)??? I need it to decorate the "teachers day" card Id made.
Answer: In Welsh - Yn Gymraeg Diwrnod Athrawon Hapus.
Category: Languages

Teachers Day Cards|Greetings

Send beautiful teachers day ecards and greetings from dgreetings to your teacher and ... Through this lovely card wish your teacher a very Happy Teacher's Day ...

HAPPY TEACHER'S DAY at Awinsjclarke Blog

Happy teachers day. Share and Enjoy: Happy teachers day. Tags: coach, happy teacher's day, lecturer's day, tutor day. 16 May ...

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