Influence tactics - Influence

Influence tactics : Videos

Killer Attitude Covert Influence Tactics
Killer Attitude Covert Influence Tactics
Influence Tactics
Influence Tactics
Internet Marketing Tips: Explosive Influence Tactics
Internet Marketing Tips: Explosive Influence Tactics
12 Angry Men- Influence Tactics in 1st Vote
12 Angry Men- Influence Tactics in 1st Vote
Social Influence Lecture: Part 1
Social Influence Lecture: Part 1
Social Influence Lecture: Part 2
Social Influence Lecture: Part 2
7 Secrets Of Irresistible Influence Part 1
7 Secrets Of Irresistible Influence Part 1
CDC Screen for Life: National Colorectal Cancer Action Campaign
CDC Screen for Life: National Colorectal Cancer Action Campaign
Billabong PX Influence Boardshorts Review -
Billabong PX Influence Boardshorts Review -
Social Influence Lecture: Part 3
Social Influence Lecture: Part 3
Killer Attitude Covert Influence Tactics
Killer Attitude Covert Influence Tactics
Billabong Influence Boardshorts Review -
Billabong Influence Boardshorts Review -
Linked Influence Review: Linked In Website Traffic Generation Tactics
Linked Influence Review: Linked In Website Traffic Generation Tactics
7 Secrets Of Irresistible Influence Part 2
7 Secrets Of Irresistible Influence Part 2
7 Secrets Of Irresistible Influence Part 3
7 Secrets Of Irresistible Influence Part 3
7 Secrets Of Irresistible Influence Part 4
7 Secrets Of Irresistible Influence Part 4
7 Secrets Of Irresistible Influence Part 5
7 Secrets Of Irresistible Influence Part 5
7 Secrets Of Irresistible Influence Part 6
7 Secrets Of Irresistible Influence Part 6
7 Secrets Of Irresistible Influence Part 7
7 Secrets Of Irresistible Influence Part 7
Dominator Spin Tactics Influence Media Portrayal of the Rock
Dominator Spin Tactics Influence Media Portrayal of the Rock
Kevin Hogan- Tripling Your Business
Kevin Hogan- Tripling Your Business
Total Influence, Nice tactical movement
Total Influence, Nice tactical movement
Some M4 shooting v2.0 (better quality), Total Influence Online game ...
Some M4 shooting v2.0 (better quality), Total Influence Online game ...
Total Influence, Zero Damage
Total Influence, Zero Damage
Influence Tactics
Influence Tactics
How Brands Influence Consumer Behavior
How Brands Influence Consumer Behavior
Killer Attitude Covert Influence Tactics
Killer Attitude Covert Influence Tactics
Internet Marketing Tips: Explosive Influence Tactics
Internet Marketing Tips: Explosive Influence Tactics
MInigun, Total Influence
MInigun, Total Influence
SDA Tournament Video, Dzen vs VMan
SDA Tournament Video, Dzen vs VMan
Toxic Teaching Tool?
Toxic Teaching Tool?
Kevin Hogan- Tripling Your Business
Kevin Hogan- Tripling Your Business
CDC Screen for Life: National Colorectal Cancer Action Campaign
CDC Screen for Life: National Colorectal Cancer Action Campaign
The Conversation: Too Soon to Leave Afghanistan?
The Conversation: Too Soon to Leave Afghanistan?
Dominator Spin Tactics Influence Media Portrayal of the Rock
Dominator Spin Tactics Influence Media Portrayal of the Rock
fight big government by leveraging influence with tactics
fight big government by leveraging influence with tactics
3 weapons of influence to get what you want
3 weapons of influence to get what you want
My Marketing Question: Why Is Exclusivity So Important In Marketing
My Marketing Question: Why Is Exclusivity So Important In Marketing
GOP doesn’t lack public funding
GOP doesn’t lack public funding
Sales Influence Moment #8 - Door In The Face
Sales Influence Moment #8 - Door In The Face
David Horowitz - The Tactics of Obamas Administration !!!
David Horowitz - The Tactics of Obamas Administration !!!
3 Weapons Of Influence To Get What You Want
3 Weapons Of Influence To Get What You Want
Total Influence Online, Combat in Military
Total Influence Online, Combat in Military
Final Fantasy Tactics- Apoplexy (#11)
Final Fantasy Tactics- Apoplexy (#11)
Bad Influence 10 man Sindragosa Normal First Kill
Bad Influence 10 man Sindragosa Normal First Kill
Using Fear to Influence Online Buying Decisions
Using Fear to Influence Online Buying Decisions
The Production Office (BCIT Style)
The Production Office (BCIT Style)
Taliban Terror Tactics
Taliban Terror Tactics

Influence tactics : Photo Gallery

OB)The Power to Influence | Flat World Knowledge
OB)The Power to Influence | Flat World Knowledge
Bases of Power and Influence Tactics: Concepts for Effective ...
Bases of Power and Influence Tactics: Concepts for Effective ...
Emerald | Tactics to influence subordinates among Thai managers
Emerald | Tactics to influence subordinates among Thai managers
Emerald | A cross-national study on children's purchasing behavior ...
Emerald | A cross-national study on children's purchasing behavior ...
Influence Tactics: Controlling Relationships to Get What You Want
Influence Tactics: Controlling Relationships to Get What You Want
PsycARTICLES - An input-process-output analysis of influence and ...
PsycARTICLES - An input-process-output analysis of influence and ...
Mini Report Generator With Master Resell Rights
Mini Report Generator With Master Resell Rights
PsycARTICLES - An input-process-output analysis of influence and ...
PsycARTICLES - An input-process-output analysis of influence and ...
Explosive Influence Tactics With PLR - Download Business
Explosive Influence Tactics With PLR - Download Business
New Explosive Influence Tactics with Private Label Rights ...
New Explosive Influence Tactics with Private Label Rights ...
Emerald | Customer-initiated influence tactics in sales and ...
Emerald | Customer-initiated influence tactics in sales and ...
PLR Audio
PLR Audio
HIP Video Library
HIP Video Library
Influence Tactics | Due Diligence on What Works
Influence Tactics | Due Diligence on What Works
Influence Mapping « Tactics for Busy Brand Managers
Influence Mapping « Tactics for Busy Brand Managers
Influence Tactics Use and OutcomesKipnis, D., Schmidt, S. M ...
Influence Tactics Use and OutcomesKipnis, D., Schmidt, S. M ...
Bases of Power and Influence Tactics: Concepts for Effective Military ...
Bases of Power and Influence Tactics: Concepts for Effective Military ...
tactics.jpg picture by under_influence - Photobucket
tactics.jpg picture by under_influence - Photobucket
Take me back to the page, " How Many Influence Tactics Are There ?"
Take me back to the page, " How Many Influence Tactics Are There ?"
Game Influences (3/6): Tactics Ogre - Push cx
Game Influences (3/6): Tactics Ogre - Push cx
soft” influence tactics: friendly persuasion and subtle ingratiation ...
soft” influence tactics: friendly persuasion and subtle ingratiation ...
ExplosiveInfluenceTactics3D jpg
ExplosiveInfluenceTactics3D jpg
kstudy2436109 0002 jpg
kstudy2436109 0002 jpg
kstudy2436109 0001 jpg
kstudy2436109 0001 jpg
writeup jpg
writeup jpg
7692207 ExplosiveInfluenceTacticsAudioebook withPLR jpg
7692207 ExplosiveInfluenceTacticsAudioebook withPLR jpg
Persuasion Tactics 101
Persuasion Tactics 101
Explosive Influence Tactics Cover jpg
Explosive Influence Tactics Cover jpg
Mahatma Gandhi
Mahatma Gandhi
Pay To Play In 401(k)? Pimco, Dodge & Cox, American Funds Eyed
Pay To Play In 401(k)? Pimco, Dodge & Cox, American Funds Eyed
Cameron vows that probe into media tactics won't end with News of the World
Cameron vows that probe into media tactics won't end with News of the World
Naxals kill 3 villagers
Naxals kill 3 villagers
Citizens rally to stop Titan Cement's 'bullying tactics'
Citizens rally to stop Titan Cement's 'bullying tactics'
Posted On Friday, July 08, 2011 at 03:17:06 AM
Posted On Friday, July 08, 2011 at 03:17:06 AM
MIT's Fracking Report Backs Its Donors: Gas Companies
MIT's Fracking Report Backs Its Donors: Gas Companies
Malthouse asks: What's my job?
Malthouse asks: What's my job?
Keeping tabs on staff
Keeping tabs on staff
County grand jury issues scathing report on fire departments
County grand jury issues scathing report on fire departments
Behind the Axe: Figuring out what's wrong with the Timbers and debating the ...
Behind the Axe: Figuring out what's wrong with the Timbers and debating the ...
10 Best Tactics For Finding Cheap Flights In Australia
10 Best Tactics For Finding Cheap Flights In Australia
Tacky tactics
Tacky tactics
Market Watch
Market Watch
Obstacles to Iranian Influence in Iraq
Obstacles to Iranian Influence in Iraq
Gentrification in focus at forum
Gentrification in focus at forum
China plays its own game as US treads water
China plays its own game as US treads water

Influence tactics : Latest News, Information, Answers and Websites

Business Skills and Influence Tactics

Influence tactics for today's business leader are essential business skills to learn. What Happens if You Don't Influence Tactics? Here is a list of influence tactics for today's business leader. These are essential business skills to ...

Pro Manuals » Vital Viral – 18 Explosive Tactics

Explosive Influence Tactics PLR! Format: Explosive Influence Tactics.doc Explosive Influence Tactics.mp3 Also Include: binderbook7.psd explosiveinfluence_lar.jpg explosiveinfluence_med.jpg explosiveinfluence_small.jpg P ...

Influence Tactics

Nine influence tactics likely to be relevant to a managers effectiveness ... Which tactics are most likely to influence task commitment. Consultation, inspirational ...

Bucks will run show, Eddie says

CLUB president Eddie McGuire has declared Nathan Buckley will be "running the show" at Collingwood next season.

How did the tactics used in the Vietnam war influence the gear the soldiers carried?

On the United States side.
Answer: The NVA were primarily guerrilla type fighters and so they carried less equipment to enable them to travel more freely. They used lighter and cheaper forms of transportation and tactics that involved sneaking into the area of the enemy to surprise attack at close range as well as set up ambushes. The US troops had a lot of heavy fire power and, as a result, there traveling abilities were limited in comparison to the NVA. The US depended more on air support and artillery than did the NVA as well. While the US mobilization on the ground was a bit limited, they did have the ability to deliver troops pretty much anywhere with little warning through the use of helicopter transport. Because the NVA utilized stealth and mobility, their weapons were lighter in weight and in fire power. What they lacked in firepower they compensated for by sneaking around and using surprise to their advantage. They were able to use villages for resting areas and, as a result, did not have to carry as much gear. This also led to their being more agile in the battle field than their encumbered enemies. Because the US troops were more into victory through superior firepower, they carried heavy machine guns, rockets, radios for calling in support as well as their food, shelters and field gear.
Category: Homework Help

Argentina booed after Colombia draw

Santa Fe – Colombia held hosts Argentina to a 0-0 draw in a Copa America match riddled with missed chances that they should have won to retain their two-point lead in Group A on Wednesday.

Bases of Power and Influence Tactics: Concepts for Effective ...

The purpose of this article is to provide a refresher on bases of power and influence tactics and how to effectively use them for optimum results. ...

What are ten legal tactics used by interest groups to influence local government?

what the fuck are you on?
Answer: Free advertising Political endorsements Cash contributions Non-cash contributions Voter registration drives "Information packets" aka "Ready-to-use propaganda" "Think tanks" aka "Propaganda mills" Canvassing Circulating petitions
Category: Politics


influence tactic, or combinations of tactics, will result in a ... There are nine influence tactics which cover a wide variety of proactive influence ...

How have the government used shocking tactics to influence there audience in the NSPCC advert campaigns?

how do they make you feel?
Answer: The thing is... I used to resent the NSPCC advertising, but actually there are children who live with abuse every day of their lives and we don't see it. The only way we know it happens is down to this kind of advertising that reminds us. It's easy to get sucked into a cosy life and just live in a bubble, thinking everyone is as happy as we are. Children are being abused and killed, the only way to change that is to campaign and change public policy. That's what the NSPCC do. I used to always say how I hated their adverts, but now, especially after Baby P, I think it's very important.
Category: Media & Journalism

Influence Tactics | Influential Websites | Persuade With Influence ...

Subtle, Ethical and Practical Persuasion and Influence Tactics.

How Many Influence, Persuasion, Compliance Tactics ...

Still others attempt to collate the number of individual tactics that can be identified. An example of an influence dimension would be that of social acceptability. ...

Hey Eddie, whos in charge here?

Uncertainty remains over Mick Malthouses role at Collingwood next year after lengthy talks didnt reach an agreement on Thursday.

Will you allow Karl Roves tactics and strategies influence your vote?

Answer: No one influences my vote except the candidate themselves!
Category: Elections


How to influence others, and the influence tactics to use, is described on this page, along with influence definition and key influence processes.

News of the World, once investigator, now under investigation

British Prime Minister David Cameron vows probe of media industry won’t stop with News of the World

what tactics does planned parenthood use to influence the government?

pleeasseee add the where you got your information from.
Answer: They threaten to abort (post-natal) the staffs of US Senators who threaten to propose legislation that would negatively affect abortion (prenatal) access.
Category: Other - Politics & Government

An assessment of influence tactics used by project managers ...

This article describes a study that examined 19 tactics that project managers can use to influence their team members. The data ...

Influence Tactics | Influential Websites | Persuade With ...

How To Influence People. I help employees, executives and others to understand what influence tactics are used to persuade people to make favorable decisions. ...

Malthouse asks: Whats my job?

UPDATE 7.18am: UNCERTAINTY remains over Mick Malthouses role at Collingwood next year after talks yesterday didnt reach agreement.

Liberal MP threw book across room

A MINOR revolt broke out in the Opposition party room when Tony Abbott cut short a meeting over foreign investment, prompting one Liberal MP to throw a book.

Special Report: Murdoch row - why UK tabloids bin-dive and blag

LONDON (Reuters) - Benjamin Pell made a second career out of digging through the contents of peoples rubbish bags and selling it to the British press. The office cleaner, or Benji the Binman as he was known to his clients on Fleet Street, regularly passed journalists the discarded papers of lawyers, celebrities and business executives. Benjis low-tech operations in the late 1990s fed stories ...

Hall of the wild sinks Blues

BEWARE the Bulldogs - they have their bite back. After four consecutive wins they are two points outside the top eight.

Hospital Professionals Use Of Upward Influence Tactics ...

Understanding power and influence behavior--ways by which members of organizations get what they want--is generally viewed as essential to understanding...

Managers' upward influence tactic strategies: the role of manager ...

Dec 30, 2002 ... comprehensive personality framework to predict influence tactic strategies. Next , managers' choices among upward influence tactics may ...


His book "Influence" has become a classic. Within his book Cialdini ... Such tactics attempt to persuade people that number and/or time restrict access ...

Crimean War had decisive influence on modern artillery tactics: agree or disagree and why?

@Jason: Im not in a class or reading a textbook. This is a serious historical question. Apparently YOU know nothing since you have no valuiable input. I think it did, and i would like other opinions from knowledgable people.
Answer: Insofar as the Crimean war is considered the first war with anything resembling modern artilliary. They had to invent entirely new tactics for the new tchnology. With each new war and conflict, these tactics were modified to meed the changing needs of war.
Category: History


BASES OF POWER AND INFLUENCE TACTICS: A TEST OF CONGRUENCE HYPOTHESES ... Antecedents of Influence Tactics. 33. 2.5. Consequences of Influence Tactics. 41. 2.6. The ...

Publication: Influence: The Essence of Leadership

Mastering the art of influence is a key leadership component. ... To influence, a leader uses strategies or tactics, actual behaviors designed to change another persons ...

3rd Brigade speaks out about alcohol incidents

The deputy commander for the 3rd Brigade is addressing the number of alcohol offenses his unit has had since their return from combat duty in October.

Influence Tactics: How To Influence Your Way To Success

Influence Tactics: How To Influence Your Way To Success with Effective Workplace Communications.

Sixteen Influence Strategies: Marwell & Schmitt

This is Marwell & Schmitts Taxonomy of 16 influence tactics. ... ( An extremely common influence tactic and in wide use among friends and acquaintances) ...

Malthouse asks: Whats my job?

UNCERTAINTY remains over Mick Malthouses role at Collingwood next year after talks yesterday didnt reach agreement.

Influence Tactics for Effective Adaptive Selling

The adaptive selling literature identifies effective salespeople as those who match their influence tactics to suit the. characteristics of buyers. ...

The Progressive Influence: Politics 2012: Republican Campaign Tactics

As an official and self-declared news junkie, I will confess to little surprise when it comes to politicians and their campaign tactics. I have even criticized President Obama for not coming close to addressing campaign ...

Cathy Bolger -- Using Influence Tactics

Using Influence Tactics by Cathy Bolger. Most of the managers we coach and train can no longer rely on the traditional "command and control" management ...

Influence Tactics Assessment Assessment Center

Note* Once you log on to the take the Influence Tactics Assessment, ... You will receive the results of your Influence Tactics Assessment (ITA) in one ...

To what extent did desperation influence the use of self sacrificial war tactics in World War 2?

Links to websites or books would be best.
Answer: Suicide bomber and submarines.
Category: History

What tactics do authors use to influence their readers?

By influence I mean persuade them to think a certain way or have the affective responses the author would want them to. I know diction really influences a reader, but what other factors are there?
Answer: influential ones
Category: Media & Journalism

Messi not himself for floundering Argentina

SANTA FE, Jul 7 (Reuters) Lionel Messi has become an even more isolated player for Argentina at the Copa America than he was at the 2010 World Cup, a forlorn figure missing the telling passes of his club mates Xavi and Andres Iniesta.

Influence Tactics

What influence tactics can you use to get your prospect thinking about buying your product.

NSW coach Stuart panicking: Close

Staunch Queenslander Chris "Choppy" Close says rattled NSW coach Ricky Stuart is displaying signs of panic.

How do the moderates control the extremist influence in Israel? what tactics used to remove them from politics?

Ultra Orthodox, others
Answer: Oslo offer to the Arabs of 98% of what Arafat asked for, was approved by the Israeli Knesset (1). The moderates clearly had control. For 5 years, the Arab answer was 3 terrorist attempts a day on average (1000 a year). Most were stopped, but when Lebanon withdrawal (2) brought Hizbollah emboldened on the border and increased cross raids with support from Iran. Then Gaza withdrawal (3) brought daily missiles into Israel, with Hamas couping and linked to Iran. ...the Israelis stopped their optimism that peace offers would work. That's when they do when under war, like every country does - voted further right. It's a left-leaning, peace loving country. Give them an excuse, and they'll head right back to the left. There's no need to control the extremists -- they're already under control. Peace Now, a huge internal political organization, saw to it. New groups do as well. Jews aren't about war. Even most of the extremists want peace, they just think they've got other ways to get there. They think the Arabs can't be trusted. I dare you to prove them wrong -- I lose on those arguments. Too many terrorists attacks to back them up. ======= @Gustavo Just to start debulking you're Hamas style viewpoint -- Terrorism has NOT stopped coming from the West Bank. At checkpoints, suicide bombers are stopped and IDF soldiers blown up before entering Israel. Just because YOU don't hear about! The sum of your statement is that Israel shouldn't exist, which is a statement of war -- so don't cry about peace -- when bombing are falling. Side note: based on prior q&as, Gustavo's real problem with israel is that he's power seeking and Israel is an easy target for that abuse mode.
Category: Israel

How to Impact and Influence Others - Covert Persuasion Tactics

How to Impact and Influence Others: 9 Keys to Successful Leadership A personâ ™s characterâ ”who he isâ ”determines the impact he ha...

What tactics did progressives employ to influence the government at all levels?

Progressivism was the first national reform movement that set out to resolve social problems without the aim of overturning the government.
Answer: They passed their civil service exams. Just like Mormons and Neo-Con-Fascists Fundamentalist Christians do today.
Category: History

Influence Tactics

What influence tactics can you use to get your prospect thinking about buying your product

Argentina booed off after 0-0 draw with Colombia

Colombia held hosts Argentina to a 0-0 draw in a Copa America match riddled with missed chances to retain their two-points lead in Group A on Wednesday.

Internal PR: the importance of communicating within

Does internal communication play a role in your organization and day-to-day business practices? Does it matter to you if your employees are kept well-informed, are engaged and fully committed to the success of the business?

Pro Manuals » Explosive Influence Tactics PLR!

Welcome to Pro Manuals if you want to Immediately Download the Explosive Influence Tactics PLR! please click on the Download Button above. We...

Influence Tactics

Nine influence tactics likely to be relevant to a manager's effectiveness. Rational Persuasion; Inspirational appeal; Consultation; Ingratiation; Exchange ...

Dispositional effects in intra-organizational influence ...

We conducted a meta-analysis to test dispositional antecedents of intra-organizational influence tactics used. The antecedents tested included self-reported measures ...

how do physical and mental characteristics of team members influence the selection of tactics?

Answer: In soccer, an allround player picks him/herself in the midfield in that their ability to gain possession and distribute quickly is vital. They need to be a ninety minute player because they are doing the bulk of the running and have to shift from the top half of the field fairly quickly to get back into defense once possession is lost. They are usually good organisers and communicators in keeping the pattern and the structure of the team together. The centre fullback should also be physically strong and good in the air hence dealing with crosses from either side of the pitch. They,re usually good communicators with the midfield in keeping the structure of the defense. The centre forward is usually the quickest person on the field and relies heavily on ball service through the middle from the midfielders and from outwide from the wingers. Their positional play is vital in staying on side and need to be good with both feet in turning opposition defenders and striking either corner of the net.
Category: Other - Soccer

[WATCH]: Linked Influence Review: Linked In Website Traffic ...

Follow the link to learn more about Linked Influence and to grab a free copy of my e-book “3 Step Money Making Online Blueprint.” Linked Influence is a new career strategy e-book that ...

Everyday Influence Tactics Not Found in Leadership Books ...

Consider the following influence tactics that people today use each day at perform that, when made use of with caution and in tiny doses, can assist get persons to complete items they may not in any other case do. ...

What are some tactics the media uses to influence politics through television?

I am doing a paper on how media influences politics through television and I was wondering what are some ways that audiences are manipulated. If you have any websites or online articles, please list them, I would really appreciate it. Thanks guys.
Answer: Oh, oh, do your own homework. That is the only way you'll learn. Check out PBS for a list of links to credible information and fact-checking on the candidates. Also, you might do well to research the impact that the FCC chairman (appointed by Bush #43) has had on honest journalism in America ... that battle ended last year and he got away with permitting media groups to form conglomerates, many of which have a clue as to journalistic ethics. The only "problem" with the media, is every Tom, Dick, and Harry can get in front of mic or camera and scream at the public but only the public that watches, or listens. Americans are learning to check the facts, and turn off the radio and TV... Now, read, research, and think this out on your own. You won't get help with work assignments when you are working for a living - it is all competition then.
Category: Media & Journalism

Messi struggles to shine for Argentina

Santa Fe – Lionel Messi has become an even more isolated player for Argentina at the Copa America than he was at the 2010 World Cup, a forlorn figure missing the telling passes of his club mates Xavi and Andres Iniesta.

Agree: I would rather hear action plans, than scare tactics, to influence my voting decision?

Even if I do not agree with the action plan 100%, I would rather know what steps Obama wants to take, versus McCain trying to scare us into voting for him! --- scare tactics are very Bushism!
Answer: I agree
Category: Elections

The Impact of Feminine Identity and Soft Influence Tactics on ...

Using sex identity theory, the paper studies the impact of feminine identity and soft influence tactics on leadership styles, specifically task oriented and participative. Earlier researchers have documented difference ...

To what extent did Tadamichi Kuribayashi’s Tactics influence the battle of Iwo Jima?

Prefer Link to emails or Books
Answer: General Kuribayashi's tactics was strongly discourage by his officers, he focus on mainly tunnel networks underground to shield against American Air and Navy bombardments, though his officers argue that Japanese soldiers are going to die by their "Bushido" code and mainly focus on beach defenses by digging trenches and sandbags to repel a american landing, but was discarded by General Kuribayashi because he "studied the Americans" while living in America himself before the war and knowledges that american industry power in making half tracks and trucks will eventually cross the beach in no time. During the first american landings, the Americans suffer high casualty by hidden pillboxes and artillery from the top of Mount Suribachi, the once hated tunnels by the Japanese officers is now the only important hideouts and fort by the Japanese during the last days of the battle of Iwo Jima and made the Americans think twice about invading Japan itself due to high casualty from the remaining days.
Category: History

What are some tactics interest groups use to gain political influence with elected officials?

Answer: The vast majority of elected officials and the vast majority of interest groups have nothing to do with bribery or anything illegal, Illinois notwithstanding. But to answer your question, interest groups usually take an educative role. They have meetings with elected officials to share their specialized knowledge on their particular issue. This could take the form of sharing technical knowledge that helps a legislator write an effective law, or it could mean sharing communications from the interest group's constituency. Notably, according to surveys of state legislators in the USA, the one thing interest groups can do that is most likely to help persuade the official is to help them actually write the legislation. At the same time, surveys of interest groups asking the same question rarely place any emphasis on writing legislation.
Category: Civic Participation

Murdoch case: a long tale of corruption

Rupert Murdoch, the media mogul has corrupted many UK top politicians aimed to accomplish his dream of dominating UK media.

How did the tactics of the Ku Klux Klan influence politics in the South?

How did the tactics of the Ku Klux Klan influence politics in the South? As black and white Republicans were disenfranchised through violence and intimidation, Democrats regained control of state legislatures. The Klans violence made state legislatures more vigilant about enforcing black civil rights. Scalawags and carpetbaggers increased their influence in response to the Klans campaigns. Many Southern Democrats left the party in disgust at the Klans tactics. Republicans were driven from most Southern states by the 1872 election.
Answer: Republicans were driven from most Southern states by the 1872 election.
Category: History

Using and Resisting Influence

The best managers actually use a range of influence tactics. When possible, they reason with their staff, peers, superiors, etc. to get the cooperation ...

6 Concrete Influence Tactics for the Leader

Use these influence tactics to help you improve your ability to guide the people you work ... Influence Tactic 2: Establish a Sense of Urgency ...

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