Inherent quantity - Testing the effects of resource distribution and inherent habitat ...

Inherent quantity : Videos

The Fallacy of Quantity as Quality
The Fallacy of Quantity as Quality
The Unknown Quantity
The Unknown Quantity
Video Series - Empaths: Keepers of the Heartlight - The Force
Video Series - Empaths: Keepers of the Heartlight - The Force
Chemistry: Precision and Accuracy
Chemistry: Precision and Accuracy
Golden Ratio Hair Colour Design by Tanya Ramirez
Golden Ratio Hair Colour Design by Tanya Ramirez
NITAAI Yoga Part 1
NITAAI Yoga Part 1
В.Путин.Послание ФС РФ.16.05.03.Part 7
В.Путин.Послание ФС РФ.16.05.03.Part 7
God on DVD?
God on DVD?
Rosa das Rosas - Cantiga de Santa Maria
Rosa das Rosas - Cantiga de Santa Maria
Euroshiur: Prof. Yehoshua Liebermann
Euroshiur: Prof. Yehoshua Liebermann
Genetic Code and Origins
Genetic Code and Origins
Genetic Entropy
Genetic Entropy
Doctor-Patient Relationship (#56)
Doctor-Patient Relationship (#56)
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Biodiesel de la basura TVE 24h ECOFA
Escolania de la Abadia de Santa Cruz - Cantigas de Santa Maria
Escolania de la Abadia de Santa Cruz - Cantigas de Santa Maria
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Śrī Īśopaniṣad Mantra 2 Part 1
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The Unknown Quantity
The Unknown Quantity
Euroshiur: Prof. Yehoshua Liebermann
Euroshiur: Prof. Yehoshua Liebermann
Video Series - Empaths: Keepers of the Heartlight - The Force
Video Series - Empaths: Keepers of the Heartlight - The Force
Makeup For Newbs Episode #5 - Eyeshadow placement & How to save ...
Makeup For Newbs Episode #5 - Eyeshadow placement & How to save ...
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Chemistry: Precision and Accuracy
Chemistry: Precision and Accuracy
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Genetic Entropy
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Hank Lees Magic Factory :: Coins :: Blackout!

Inherent quantity : Photo Gallery

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Dam: MLM Candelaria by *LV Sol Brilliante
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If we remove the inherent need for time or narrative from the ...
The Primo Xtra shower waste pump overcomes the inherent issues ...
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Inherent quantity : Latest News, Information, Answers and Websites

inherent : definition of inherent and synonym of inherent ...

Definitions of inherent, synonyms, antonyms, derivatives of inherent, analogical dictionary of inherent (English)

Clear Acne: Receive understanding greatly the thin body of health ...

Because carbolic cable length is short, inherent ATP quantity is less also, nature of quantity of heat is inferior. Moreover, in catenary fatty acid and long chain fatty acid are different, after small intestine is ...

MSI MEGA mPC 945 Barebones Small Formfactor PC Review -

Of course small formfactor PC's are best where there are obvious space limitations, because of the inherent quantity of hardware that can be installed. ...

Testing the effects of resource distribution and inherent ...

the inherent habitat riskiness (e.g. cover level), with prey avoiding the inherently riskier habitats ... quantity and inherent habitat riskiness, the spatial distribution of ...

Freelance Quantity Surveyors | CIVIL ENGINEER SALARY

This often results in the establishment of a feasibility study in which any inherent monetary risks are also reported to a client or contractor. In the construction or repair of a group buildings or bridge, for example, ...

Please help me! Its 10 points for each correct answer!?

1: overt Open and observable; not secret or hidden. Suggesting war or military life. Something that means a lot to you, has great value or profit. Put stress on; utter with an accent. 2: queasy Inherent ability Large in number or quantity (especially of discourse). Feeling nausea; feeling about to vomit. Open and observable; not secret or hidden. 3: impediment Characterized by extreme care and great effort. Have lubricating properties. Something immaterial that interferes with or delays action or progress. Open and observable; not secret or hidden. 4: accentuate Have lubricating properties. Something immaterial that interferes with or delays action or progress. To stress, single out as important. Guided by or in accordance with conscience or sense of right and wrong. 5: martial Inherent ability. Affording an abundant supply. A sudden happening that brings very good fortune. Of or relating to the armed forces. 6: conscientious Characterized by extreme care and great effort. Feeling nausea; feeling about to vomit. Suggesting war or military life. Put stress on; utter with an accent. 7: bonanza Suggesting war or military life To stress, single out as important. Inherent ability. A sudden happening that brings very good fortune. 8: lubricate Something immaterial that interferes with or delays action or progress. Feeling nausea; feeling about to vomit. Make slippery or smooth through the application of a lubricant. Affording an abundant supply. 9: aptitude Open and observable; not secret or hidden. Inherent ability. Characterized by extreme care and great effort. Guided by or in accordance with conscience or sense of right and wrong. 10: copious Inherent ability. Something that means a lot to you, has great value or profit. Large in number or quantity (especially of discourse). Of or relating to the armed forces.
Answer: 1) open to view or knowledge 2)feeling nauseous 3)interferance, delay 4)To stress, single out as important. 5)warlike 6)careful 7)A sudden happening that brings very good fortune 8)to make slippery 9)Inherent ability 10)Large in number or quantity
Category: Homework Help

Inherent and Apparent Scattering Properties of Coated or ...

Inherent and Apparent Scattering Properties of Coated or Uncoated Spheres ... Here the inherent single-scattering properties are derived from the near-field ...

How many "so called friends" do you need to know that they are right for you?

Personally i can judge if i want to be friends with anybody in the first 10 mins of meeting them. Also when i m in a particular relationship i expect diff. things in one relationships rather than diff. people with just one thing. ( i.e. companionship, intimacy etc.) Coz the reason chatting and dating sites are getting popular is our inherent need for quantity and not quality in life. I would love to deal with person i am seeing right now and the one i like bcoz, i wudnt have chosen him/her if i hadnt thought we had a chance to make it work for a lifetime. P.S. I have had my share of friendships / relationships and most have fittered off not due to lack of time and commitment but bcoz of major fallouts / disappointment in the reasons we hit it off in the first place. The ones which lasted were the ones wherein there was a 10% chance of seeing it through and a 90% chance that it wouldnt see a cycle of 2 seasons. i dont see a need for keep making friends unlike some ppl who keep lookin
Answer: I keep my friendship circle small and intimate. Now 'associates' that's a completely different story. In any essence, I don't need a lot of friends to determine who's right and who's not. I can get a good feel on a person withn the first few conversations. Now whether I follow my instinct and stict to the first intial impression that's a totally different story. I will socialize and 'associate' with several people but I refer to them as 'associates'. Those that are bumped up to 'friend' category...well that's very few. As I get older and wiser, my selection method for choosing a friend becomes more refined as well - so in reality most of the friends that I do claim...well that have been my friends for years. Typically old high school or college buddies. They've weathered the test of time and been with me thru the thick and thin. You can't get that type of friendship after 10 minutes of convo.
Category: Friends

Question on curing and drying

Concrete Information Wiki ... Concrete has an inherent quantity of water within the mix from the time of batching, about 200 litres per cubic metre. ...

Error Propagation

We assume that the inherent randomness in measuring a quantity can be typified by the ... The comparison of two quantities A and B which are both uncertain requires a different ...


More than ten quantities are in use to describe the reflective ... On the other hand the inherent reflective quantity is the Bidirectional Reflectance Distribution Function ...

Testing the effects of resource distribution and inherent habitat ...

habitats that differ in their resource quantity and/or in their inherent habitat riskiness (a habitat feature that is independent of ...

Quantity - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Quantity is a kind of property that can exist as magnitude or multitude. ... in a construct, its intrinsic, inherent, internal, built-in, and constitutional implicit ...

Is there a flaw in this logic if so details please.?

1900>The Planck constant (denoted h) is a physical constant that is used to describe the sizes of quanta. It plays a central role in the theory of quantum mechanics. 1905-1915>The Copenhagen interpretation is an interpretation of quantum mechanics, usually understood to state that every particle is described by its wavefunction, which dictates the probability for it to be found in any location following a measurement. Each measurement causes a change in the state of the particle, known as wavefunction collapse. 1925-1930>The Uncertainty Principle is now understood not so much as a consequence of trade-offs inherent in the measurement process, but rather as a property of quantum states, corresponding to the statistical properties of measurement in quantum mechanics. 1935>In quantum mechanics, the EPR paradox is a thought experiment which challenged long-held ideas about the relation between the observed values of physical quantities and the values that can be accounted for by a physical theory. "EPR" stands for Einstein, Podolsky, and Rosen, who introduced the thought experiment in a 1935 paper to argue that quantum mechanics is not a complete physical theory. The EPR experiment yields a dichotomy. Either The result of a measurement performed on one part A of a quantum system has a non-local effect on the physical reality of another distant part B, in the sense that quantum mechanics can predict outcomes of some measurements carried out at B; or... Quantum mechanics is incomplete in the sense that some element of physical reality corresponding to B cannot be accounted for by quantum mechanics (that is, some extra variable is needed to account for it.) 1964>Bells theorem is the most famous legacy of the late physicist John S. Bell. It is famous for showing that the predictions of quantum mechanics (QM) are not intuitive, and touches upon fundamental philosophical issues that relate to modern physics. Bells theorem states: “ No physical theory of local hidden variables can ever reproduce all of the predictions of quantum mechanics. ” 1978>Wheelers delayed choice experiment is a thought experiment proposed by John Archibald Wheeler in 1978 (Mathematical Foundations of Quantum Theory, edited by A.R. Marlow, Academic Press). Wheeler proposes a variation of the famous Double-slit experiment of quantum physics, one in which the detector screen can be removed at the last moment, according to a "delayed choice" of the observer, i.e. a choice made after the presumed photon would have cleared the midstream barrier containing two parallel slits. Behind the screen are two tightly focused telescopes, each one aimed to observe its own slit, and it is claimed that seeing a flash of light through one telescope or the other would detect by which path the photon traveled. According to the results of the double slit experiment, if we know which slit the photon goes through, we change the outcome of the experiment and the behavior of the photon. If we know which slit it goes through, the photon will behave as a particle. If we do not know which slit it goes through, the photon will behave as if it were a wave. This wave-particle duality of photons (and in fact all quantum particles) is one of the fundamental mysteries of quantum mechanics. 1982-2007>Bell test experiments serve to investigate the validity of the entanglement effect in quantum mechanics by using some kind of Bell inequality. John Bell published the first inequality of this kind in his paper "On the Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen Paradox". Bells Theorem states that a Bell inequality must be obeyed under any local hidden variable theory but can in certain circumstances be violated under quantum mechanics. The term "Bell inequality" can mean any one of a number of inequalities — in practice, in real experiments, the CHSH or CH74 inequality, not the original one derived by John Bell. It places restrictions on the statistical results of experiments on sets of particles that have taken part in an interaction and then separated. A Bell test experiment is one designed to test whether or not the real world obeys a Bell inequality. Such experiments fall into two classes, depending on whether the analysers used have one or two output channels. Today all of this reveals the importance of consciousness and how it relates to "physical reality" Which exists as only a probable non-local timeless state prior to observation, further to say that "physical reality" can or does exist prior to human observation necessitates a primary or original consciousness to make the observation/state collapse. Deeper still, the consciousness must be said to have a non-quantum/physical quality or you will reach infinite descent which is not possible in a quanta/physical reality as quanta are finite therefore at the end of the chain of physical obsevation there must exist a nonquantum quality to the nature of concsiousness for the obseveration of physical reality. So it is logical to either dismiss all assumptions about empirical knowledge and the ablitity to know our nuniverse or we must accept the non-quantum and primary consciousness aspects that are required of physical reality both prior to and existent after the evolution of other forms of consciousenss and also that physical reality is dependent upon and to some extent determined by the primary/original and our own individal/self consciousness. Fear not one day we will all come to realize this simple fact that has been stated many times and in many forms throughout history, for one day each consciousness will be parted from the physical form. Sources quantum physics and logical reasoning. Also if there is a flaw in my logical reasoning based on current data as provided by the jurgurnaught that is emperical science then please point it out in detail via e-mail the refinement of ideas is always nice. if you are lazy and have a basic grasp of quantum physics start for the sentence Today this means.... and please dont respond with general statements I am looking for logical weakness not opinion. to d m sound is matter/energy ie physical d m I dont think you are trying hard enough look at this example of observations in the delayed choice two slit experiment and you will see that consciousness can and does directly effect physical reality and that physical reality is a result of of probable collapse of consciousness this is what we have found and therefore your senses are the result of physical reality and physical reality has limitations in that it is finite and therefore you would have to have a consciousness that is non-quantum or else the ablity to cause state collapse would be dependent upon itself and physical matter cannot exist as anything but a prior to collapse state at the early stages of what we call the universe so then how did the quantum state collapse without a non-quantum consciousness you do not provide an answer or a counter to my assertion are you saying only that quantum physics incomplete I agree and I say the reason is because many scientestist einstein ignore the implications of quantum physics to d m thanks for your honesty though have a nice day. d m I think you should look more closely at the information provided and then respond Sweet thanks mad mac I am already aware of the aspect experiment but I have not been able to locate any information on it so thanks for the post.
Answer: All the theories, hypotheses and interpretations are subjective. None of them have any impact on reality. None of them reflect reality.
Category: Philosophy

Strong evidence of the existence of god?

I know I have already asked this question in this format but they have been deleted I think it is a good question. Observation plays a role in the first and fourth steps of the scientific method. I think it is fair to say that consciosness must said to be a part of observation as it is the the starting and ending point of scientific observation. (My belief) god is primary/orginal consiousness as for further explaination I think we should as a whole be dedicated to finding that out. The reason I believe this is as follows 1900>The Planck constant (denoted h) is a physical constant that is used to describe the sizes of quanta. It plays a central role in the theory of quantum mechanics. 1905-1915>The Copenhagen interpretation is an interpretation of quantum mechanics, usually understood to state that every particle is described by its wavefunction, which dictates the probability for it to be found in any location following a measurement. Each measurement causes a change in the state of the particle, known as wavefunction collapse. 1925-1930>The Uncertainty Principle is now understood not so much as a consequence of trade-offs inherent in the measurement process, but rather as a property of quantum states, corresponding to the statistical properties of measurement in quantum mechanics. 1935>In quantum mechanics, the EPR paradox is a thought experiment which challenged long-held ideas about the relation between the observed values of physical quantities and the values that can be accounted for by a physical theory. "EPR" stands for Einstein, Podolsky, and Rosen, who introduced the thought experiment in a 1935 paper to argue that quantum mechanics is not a complete physical theory. The EPR experiment yields a dichotomy. Either The result of a measurement performed on one part A of a quantum system has a non-local effect on the physical reality of another distant part B, in the sense that quantum mechanics can predict outcomes of some measurements carried out at B; or... Quantum mechanics is incomplete in the sense that some element of physical reality corresponding to B cannot be accounted for by quantum mechanics (that is, some extra variable is needed to account for it.) 1964>Bells theorem is the most famous legacy of the late physicist John S. Bell. It is famous for showing that the predictions of quantum mechanics (QM) are not intuitive, and touches upon fundamental philosophical issues that relate to modern physics. Bells theorem states: “ No physical theory of local hidden variables can ever reproduce all of the predictions of quantum mechanics. ” 1978>Wheelers delayed choice experiment is a thought experiment proposed by John Archibald Wheeler in 1978 (Mathematical Foundations of Quantum Theory, edited by A.R. Marlow, Academic Press). Wheeler proposes a variation of the famous Double-slit experiment of quantum physics, one in which the detector screen can be removed at the last moment, according to a "delayed choice" of the observer, i.e. a choice made after the presumed photon would have cleared the midstream barrier containing two parallel slits. Behind the screen are two tightly focused telescopes, each one aimed to observe its own slit, and it is claimed that seeing a flash of light through one telescope or the other would detect by which path the photon traveled. According to the results of the double slit experiment, if we know which slit the photon goes through, we change the outcome of the experiment and the behavior of the photon. If we know which slit it goes through, the photon will behave as a particle. If we do not know which slit it goes through, the photon will behave as if it were a wave. This wave-particle duality of photons (and in fact all quantum particles) is one of the fundamental mysteries of quantum mechanics. 1982-2007>Bell test experiments serve to investigate the validity of the entanglement effect in quantum mechanics by using some kind of Bell inequality. John Bell published the first inequality of this kind in his paper "On the Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen Paradox". Bells Theorem states that a Bell inequality must be obeyed under any local hidden variable theory but can in certain circumstances be violated under quantum mechanics. The term "Bell inequality" can mean any one of a number of inequalities — in practice, in real experiments, the CHSH or CH74 inequality, not the original one derived by John Bell. It places restrictions on the statistical results of experiments on sets of particles that have taken part in an interaction and then separated. A Bell test experiment is one designed to test whether or not the real world obeys a Bell inequality. Such experiments fall into two classes, depending on whether the analysers used have one or two output channels.(see also aspect experiment) (my belief) Today all of this reveals the importance of consciousness and how it relates to "physical reality" Which exists as only a probable non-local timeless state prior to observation, further to say that "physical reality" can or does exist prior to human observation necessitates a primary or original consciousness to make the observation/state collapse. Deeper still, the consciousness must be said to have a non-quantum/physical quality or you will reach infinite descent which is not possible in a quanta/physical reality as quanta are finite therefore at the end of the chain of physical obsevation there must exist a nonquantum quality to the nature of concsiousness for the obseveration of physical reality. So it is logical to either dismiss classical assumptions about empirical knowledge and a need to accept the non-quantum and primary consciousness aspects that are required of physical reality both prior to and existent after the evolution of other forms of consciousenss and also that physical reality is dependent upon and to some extent determined by the primary/original and our own individal/self consciousness. We should shift to a a paradign that allows to explore the full of reality and not just the physical aspects of reality.
Answer: I like this version better. In order for you to assert the statement: All-Physical Reality is a non-local timeless state. Two things have to be true, actually two-sub-statements of your assertion. 1)Some-things of the class, 'physcial-reality' are a non-local timeless state. 2)None of the things of the class, 'physical-reality' are in a local-timeless state. If these two-sub-statements are true then you can assert absolutely with reason: All things of the class, 'physcial-reality' are a non-local timeless state. See SophiaSeeker's response to an enquiry of the existence of Absolutes and how I solve this using Lewis Carroll's Logic. : And a much more tangible example you can perform at home, yes, in reality even:
Category: Philosophy


Inherent Simplicity Baltic ... A quantity that on the one hand will ensure availability and on the other hand will free up valuable "shelf space". Execution ...

Does anyone know anything about xrays and stuff, helpp?

106. The type of radiation responsible for producing the latent image: (Points: 1) Primary Remnant Compton scatter Coherent scatter 107. The transformer in the X-Ray room is connected to what two devices by cables on a single-phase machine? (Points: 1) control panel and X-Ray tube collimator and table upright Bucky and table control panel and table 108. What is the correct MA used for producing a quality image of the ankle using 6.4 mAs at 0.032 sec? (Points: 1) 100 300 200 400 109. According to the Inverse Square Law, what happens to the beam intensity when the SID is doubled from 40" to 80"? (Points: 1) increases decreases stays the same depends on the patient 110. X-Rays with a greater potential energy have a desired shorter wavelength and are more ______. (Points: 1) oscillating vibrating resistant penetrating 111. A maximum recorded detail of an X-Ray image will be controlled by ____. (Points: 1) SID OID Focal spot size All of these answers are correct 112. The overall blackness on a radiograph is influenced by prime exposure factors, mostly by the total "quantity" of X-Rays represented by ____. (Points: 1) mA time mAs SID 113. Intensifying screens are used with ionizing radiation in order to reduce _____. (Points: 1) patient dose exposure image quality Both a and b 114. ______ refers to the efficiency of converting X-Rays to light based upon the size of the crystals in the phosphor layer. (Points: 1) Screen speed Processing Penumbra Rainbow effect 115. There are ______ electrical circuits involved in the production of X-Rays. (Points: 1) One Two Three Four 116. The relationship between the height of the lead strips and the width of the spaces between them describes _______. (Points: 1) grid ratio phantom fog quantum mottle field size 117. What agency establishes the standard that all radiography departments must have a technique chart? (Points: 1) ARRT JCAHO AEC OSHA 118. A facility using an Automatic Film Processor containing Fixer and Developer chemicals would also have a ______ manual prepared to meet OSHA requirements. (Points: 1) CRS MSDS DNR Cost 119. A radiographic "projection" refers to the path that the CR takes from entrance to exit through a patients body. Which one does not belong? (Points: 1) AP PA Oblique Prone 120. When a patient is in a supine position, the _____ plane is parallel to the table bucky. (Points: 1) Sagittal Axial Coronal Transverse 121. A Film Critique should include evidence of Radiation Safety. How is this represented on the film? (Points: 1) by using a R/L marker rotation of anatomy collimation on all 4 sides number of views 122. What is the first adjustment that should be made before repeating an underexposed film? (Points: 1) change the exposure time lower the kVp use an Extremity cassette increase the SID 123. The "inherent" filtration of an X-Ray tube, provided by the manufacturer, is equal to ______. (Points: 1) 1.0 mm Al equiv 0.5 mm Al equiv 2.5 mm Al equiv 5 mm Hg 124. Extending X-Ray tube life includes all of the following EXCEPT: (Points: 1) Warm up the anode every am. Avoid holding the rotor for long periods of time Using the highest possible exposure, so you can cut the time down. Avoid using the highest mA settings when not required
Answer: if you don't know about "xrays and stuff" then it might be a good idea to learn.
Category: Pain & Pain Management

PC Gold Commences Preliminary Economic Assessment for Pickle Crow Gold Project

OTTAWA, ONTARIO--(Marketwire - July 6, 2011) - PC Gold Inc. (TSX:PKL) is pleased to report that Micon International Limited ("Micon") has been retained to complete a National Instrument 43-101 ("NI 43-101") compliant preliminary economic assessment ("PEA") on the Companys Pickle Crow gold project, located in northwestern Ontario, Canada. Delivery of the completed PEA is anticipated by the end ...

Buy Facebook Likes: What To Know | welcome to

This profile, upon creation, must make an inherent hype which must involve an increased quantity of mates and likes overall. When business enterprise public profile includes a big quantity of likes, Facebook generally ...

LHC at CERN sets new beam bunch and beam luminosity record

May 23, 2011 ... Cross-section is an inherent quantity, fixed for a certain process. Expectation depends on the number of particles in the beam being fired.) ...

Midlands Announces Receipt of Letter from Sian Goldfields

TORONTO, ONTARIO--(Marketwire - July 4, 2011) - Midlands Minerals Corporation (" Midlands " or the " Company ") (TSX VENTURE:MEX)(OTCQX:MDLXF) announces that it has received a letter (the " Letter ") from Sian Goldfields Limited (" Sian "), its joint venture partner for the Sian Gold Project in Ghana, purporting to terminate their joint venture agreement.

Geography questions help?

all of the following are problems inherent in showing quantities in areas except that a. such maps imply uniformity within an area b. such maps imply abrupt changes at boundaries that are unrealistic c. color choice may impart more importance to some areas than to others d. such maps can show quantities but not rates, percentages, or densities an equidistant projection a. shows true distance in all direction from one or two central points b. has parallels and merdians intersecting at right angles c. shows true directions from a single point to all other points d. is almost always conformal which of the following statements about proportional dot symbols is correct a. they can be easily misinterpreted b. the size of the symbol is constant c. they are used when the range of the data is small d. they are used in vector but not raster formats a digital record of geographic information is called a a. geographic database b. density slice c. pixel d. vertical axis Which of the following is NOT a globe property a. all merdians are one-half the length of the equator b. parallels increase in length as one nears the poles c. meridians and parallels intersect at right angles d. the scale on the surface of the globe is the same in every direction contour lines a. can be detected by remote sensing b. connect points of equal elevation above sea level c. arent useful for depicting mountainous regions d. are less accurate than shaded relief i n depicting terrain
Answer: All of the following are problems inherent in showing quantities in areas except that: ==> d. such maps can show quantities but not rates, percentages, or densities An equidistant projection: ==> a. shows true distance in all direction from one or two central points Which of the following statements about proportional dot symbols is correct: ==> a. they can be easily misinterpreted I'm not positive about this one, but I believe it is "a". A digital record of geographic information is called a ==> a. geographic database Which of the following is NOT a globe property ==> b. parallels increase in length as one nears the poles Contour lines ==> b. connect points of equal elevation above sea level ============================== I hope you find this information to be helpful.
Category: Geography

Any macroeconomic geniuses ?

ok so I know equilibrium is when the quantity and demand are equal but this question is confusing me. Can anyone help? At an equilibrium price for gasoline, A. everyone with the desire and the income to buy gasoline at that price can do so. B. surpluses are inevitable. C. inherent market forces will eventually change the quantities demanded and supplied. D. suppliers must be using the most efficient oil-drilling equipment available.
Answer: It's A. At equilibrium price, everyone who wants the gas and can pay for it can do so. In other words, there is not excess supply or demand since demand = supply at this price. B is a generalization that is not correct. C is just a generalization, and D, you can't determine this based on information given.
Category: Economics

Measurand: a cornerstone concept in metrology

quantity (if one calls it definition) is precariously established ... specific quantity, inherent uncertainty, support-system. This new treatment makes more ...

Why do so many Christians believe that free will connotes a lack of control on the part of their god?

For some reason a large quantity of Christians seem to be under the impression that free will connotes an intrinsic lack of control on the part of the recipient’s creator. This concept is thoroughly false. Where as any given human has the ability to autonomously determine his or her own thoughts, and subsequent actions, that which they ultimately choose to think or do is greatly influenced by their own personality and various other inherent psychological propensities. If god is indeed the engineer of the human brain, then he was the creator of the numerous physiological propensities common to most humans, i.e. human nature. Example: A group of scientists create a robot. They then program the robot with artificial intelligence. In essence the robot has free will, thus is capable of executing actions that the scientists did not expressly tell it to do. Once the scientists complete the robot, give it free will, and step back, they relinquish any further specific control over it. However, if they programmed the robot correctly, it would do, more or less, what the scientists intended it to do. By merely manipulating the nature of the robots thought process, i.e. robot nature, they could determine what the robot would CHOOSE to do in any given situation. [This example is made all the more potent by the Christian assertion that God knows everything and is, thus unrestrained by a lack knowledge as to the specific result of any give alteration of physiological tendency] If god truly is as defined by Christianity, then, where as he has relinquished direct control over humanity, it is unknown as to the amount of control he has maintained via the manipulation of human nature, and each person’s individual predispositions that he assigned them at birth. Just because your god did not directly force you to make any given decision, does not mean that he did not purposefully compile your brain in such a way that, in the event of being presented with a specific dilemma, you would CHOOSE (of you own free will) to make the decision that he intended you to. Instead of "making" you do it, he made you CHOOSE to do it via your easily influenced free will. P.S. This is not one of my usual attacks on the validity of Christianity, so please do not treat it as one. I am simply pointing out a common misconception among Christians regarding the nature of THEIR god as THEY define him, and attempting to ascertain the causation of said misconception. (By "connotes" I mean "implies" or "requires".)
Answer: I like your analogy. It's a superb argument for those who believe in predestination and fate. Personally I am a big fan of the free will theory, where the vast majority of the events that unfold in our life are for the most part a result of choices we have made along the way. I also believe whole heartedly in divine intervention, which supercedes our ability to choose the outcome. If free will is just an illusion, then it's a merciful gift to people like me who "choose" to believe that I am not just a programmed robot executing a list of instructions for the entertainment of my "ignorance is bliss". Thanks for the brain teaser. Peace
Category: Religion & Spirituality

Are mother natures time-proven Evolutionary tactics becoming, slowly but surly, dispensed of and/or obsolete?

Start w/ a few basic genetic patterns, use rudimentary (but indispensable) tactics like the incessant quest for food & procreation/sex, and thrown in a few hundred million years or so worth of genetic mutations & whathaveyous, and mother nature manages to transform a simple life form into a Self-conscious Substance of The Universe (e.g. human beings). So it doesnt come as news to any of us that the NEED for FOOD & SEX is inherent (i.e. another way of stating the Law of Conservation of Energy).Nowadays, with artificial insemination & genetic engineering dispensing w/ intercourse as the only means of procreation, and prepared/processed foods on supermarket shelves (or practically anywhere you look), the evolutionary priorities seem to be shifting towards an increasingly virtual set of incentives (e.g. the Internet, virtual relationships & consumerism, risk management, amassment of untold quantities of wealth, etc.) Is it EVOLUTION itself thats being molded/evolved by us, now? Dear QT - Mama bear took a SPECIAL liking to me; if you get my drift! :-) I WOULD LIKE TO THANK YOU ALL FOR SOME TRULY WONDERFUL ANSWERS - AS FAR AS IM CONCERNED THERE IS NO 1 BEST ANSWER HERE.
Answer: Yes, I think natural selection may soon be obsolete, or at least radically changed due to human activity. Many of the types of things that nature used to select against (genetically transmitted diseases and weaknesses of various sorts) are no longer being naturally weeded out of the human gene pool, while other selection criteria are being introduced by human culture. Another consideration is that we are currently in the middle of a world-wide population explosion. Natural selection is most effective at making drastic changes when a species is under the pressure of limited resources. Unless modernization just naturally and peacefully leads people to stop having large families, we can expect some sort of limiting factors to get a grip on human population growth rates over the next few decades. Massive die-offs would not be much fun, but it is how nature keeps populations within the limits of the available resources. The question will then become: Who will live and who will die? You can be fairly certain that poor people will be on the front lines, but notice that economic class is mostly a cultural thing, not a genetic thing, so it seems we may have reached a point where even a massive die-off will not push the gene pool in any particular direction. Technology is a major wild-card. Genetic engineering could radically change the human genome over time. Artificial intelligence and the increased automation of dangerous or dreary work will force radical changes in economics and class structures. What will life be like when your average $1,000 desktop PC has the processing capacity of a human brain? What happens when machines start designing and building machines? We are quickly approaching a time when the whole of human knowledge will be doubling within an average person's lifetime. How will this affect the evolution of our species? Perhaps at some point we will virtually take over our own evolutionary process, and start designing ourselves. I sure hope we improve our social/political systems by then! We have already reached a point where one generation can have no idea what the next generation will bring.
Category: Philosophy

Buy Facebook Likes: Can You Do This? | Welcome To

This profile, upon creation, must make an inherent hype which must involve an increased quantity of friends and likes overall. When enterprise public profile includes a big quantity of likes, Facebook normally returns ...

Theory Of Relativity: The True Face

THEORY OF RELATIVITY: THE TRUE FACE. Full simulation of the special theory of relativity ... fact that the sizes of physical quantities inherent in an object depend not only ...

West Milford school district approves kitchen management contract

The management of West Milford’s unprofitable cafeteria enterprise will be outsourced to a food services company for the 2011-12 school year.

The Mosaic Condition - כירולוגיה - psychodiagnostic chirology ...

The body would seek to reject this foreign material, except that in this instance the foreign material is an inherent quantity in the body chemistry. ...

Substance and Accident

Continuous quantity can be devided and will then give rise to discrete quantity, the ... the qualities and their inherent quantities which together form the ...

an Economic Question about maximize utility?

Assume an individual consumes three goods, food, clothing, and automobiles. Denote the quantities of these goods as Q1, Q2, and Q3. the individual’s utility function is given by: u()=5lnQ1+4lnQ2+10ln(1+Q3) The prices of the three goods are: P1=10 P2=20 P3=20000 and individuals total income is $60,000. Automobiles must be bought in discrete units, that is, Q3 must be equal to 0, 1, or 2. Given these constraints, how will an individual allocate their income to maximize utility. Discuss the corner solution in inherent in this problem.
Answer: Q1=A Q2=B Q3=C U = 5•Ln[A] + 4•Ln[B] + 10•Ln[1+C] U = Ln [ (A^5)•(B^4)•(1+C)^10 ] U' = (A^5)•(B^4)•(1+C)^10 U'→MAX if MU'a/Pa=MU'b/Pb=MU'c/Pc MU'a = ∂U'/∂A = 5•(A^4)•(B^4)•(1+C)^10 MU'b = ∂U'/∂B = 4•(A^5)•(B^3)•(1+C)^10 MU'c = ∂U'/∂C = 10•(A^5)•(B^3)•(1+C)^9 Pa=10 ; Pb=20 ; Pc=20'000 Solve system to get: A=1'000(1+C) B=400(1+C) Budget: 60'000 = A•Pa + B•Pb + C•Pc = 10A+20B+20'000C Substitute: 60'000=10'000(1+C)+8'000(1+C)+20'000C 60'000=18'000+38'000C 42'000=38'000C 42=38C 21=19C C=21/19≈1.11≈1 Now simplify the system by substituting C=1 Budget: 60'000 = 10A+20B+20'000 40'000 = 10A+20B And from MU'a/Pa=MU'b/Pb : B=2A/5=0.4A Solve system of equations to get: A=20'000/9≈2'222.22 B=8'000/9≈889.89 Answ: Q1=2'222.22 Q2=889.89 Q3=1
Category: Economics

Growing in Revelstoke: Gardening in Revelstoke’s ‘Little Italy’ with Joe

A friend, who lives near Southside Market, shared his apprehensions about getting his garden prepped for this year. “There’s a lot of pressure in that zone to get your backyard to perform! No wimpy gardens allowed in Little Italy,” he said with a laugh. I’ve heard that part of town referred to as “Little Italy” in reference to the Italian heritage of people living there. Recently, I had the ...

Inherent Quantity | World Latest News

inherent quantity. News about new records appear in the last two days with the brightness of the beam in the large Hadron Collider (LHC) will reach a record and the number of clusters by the road at CERN descent. ...

sup guys

Theres no inherent quantity of driving that I can increase. ... Theres no inherent quantity of driving that I can increase. If you want me to go faster, ...

How can I explain the Quantum/Wave...

In the analog sense, energy flows in continuous streams or waves, having no specific inherent quantity - in other words, an energy wave could be any size. ...

quantity: Definition, Synonyms from

quantity n. , pl. , -tities . A specified or indefinite number or amount. A considerable amount or number: sells drugs wholesale and in quantity

Objects in orbit are weightless?

One has to carefully distinguish between two quantity namely: the mass and weight of an object. Mass is an inherent property of an object and is an invariant in classical mechanics. Now weight on the other hand is ...

Ladies, if the roles were reversed and it were men being penetrated, would you care about mens promiscuity?

That is, is womens promiscuity an issue for some men mostly because women are being penetrated? I think Ive figured it out. Of course there are other reasons, one being that men are highly competitive by nature; however, I think the primary reason men care about womens quantity of partners is because the womans position is usually to be ravaged by the man. Too many varieties of this for her can easily overwhelm his imagination of how shes been made to writhe, and the inherent lack of intimacy of it (like a prostitute or a porn star) given the penetration and short-term nature of the fling. LOL--I knew Blue Eyed would jump for a piece of this one. This theory of mine is dead-on-balls accurate, not "warm" or "almost there"--Ive hit the spot. ;) Seriously, because its women being penetrated, the basis of this theory is founded on THE MAN PUTTING IN THE EFFORT, leaving him thinking, regardless of how other men have performed before him, 1) is she enjoying it enough to continue this relationship, and 2) is she actually and regularly Oing (*G-rated*). These 2 common and easy insecurities of men are the reason Im a staunch supporter of the "Ladies, keep it vanilla until youre married or 30" movement. :) That is, if shes been promiscuous, he is forced to believe she doesnt usually associate love with sex and therefore, the most important aspects of sex to her are either or both 1) performance and/or 2) exoticism. And this being his conclusion, he is forced to believe she has experienced an entire spectrum, which then makes him believe or be afraid that 1) shes done all kinds of things either that would repulse him about her or (*cutoff cont.*) that shell refuse with him (especially if shes already declining his proposals) and 2) her satisfaction scale is skewed (i.e. shes probably lying to him when she says its good; its very unlikely that hes her "best"). This theory cannot be applied in the male homosexual context b/c they are still dealing with external equipment, which makes it easy to gauge the level of satisfaction. Id imagine its much more of an issue with lesbians, though to a much less extent b/c their activities and relationships, though emotional, are kinda boring, and theyre both of the same mentality (theres no insecurity) b/c theyve got the same equipment.
Answer: Yes, I would. I wouldn't want a guy who'd been around. I think when you're the one being penetrated that you're much more subject to stds for some reason. I wouldn't want "other women's things" where I wanted to be. Hard to believe I just typed this.
Category: Gender & Women's Studies

Consumers & Mechanics, Please Read And Offer Your Opinion?

Manufacturer The manufacturer screams about being ripped off by the dealership for inflating warranty repair hours, and that the dealership is doing unnecessary warranty repairs. Both accusations are probably correct, but not necessarily for the reasons suggested by the manufacturer. Dealership The dealership moans and groans about how unfairly the manufacturer establishes and even reduces the hours allowed for each warranty repair. They also claim they have no say in how the hours were established in the first place. Both of these accusations are entirely correct. Manufacturers also have a policy of not paying for repeated warranty repairs to fix the same malfunction. How does the dealership respond to this? It’s not good. If the dealership sees a repeat problem, they must somehow make it appear to be different that the original malfunction. Charitably, this can lead to untruthfully describing a problem on the repair order. Remember, four repair attempts for the same problem is one of the criteria that defines what is and is not a lemon. Where’s the incentive to do honest, quality work? Mechanic The immediate effect of manufacturers cutting the flat rate (piece work) times is a reduction in the mechanics paycheck. In order to maintain the same pay rate the mechanic must work that much faster. Faster is not consistent with quality repairs, quite the contrary. At the same time the manufacturer is demanding higher quality repairs. It’s a Catch 22 wherein everyone loses. Add to this inadequate training at best and one has a recipe for the Lemon connection. Consumer The consumer has no idea about the complex business relationships that exist between manufacturers and dealers, nor do they have any interest. Why should they? The consumer’s needs are quite simple. Sell me a car for a decent price that does what the advertisements say it will. If it needs a repair, have someone competent and well trained do the work and for Pete’s sake get it right the first time. Final Thoughts There’s something seriously wrong with the system. It’s a system that rewards all the wrong things. Like many such systems in other parts of American business, this system rewards quantity, not quality. There seems to be an inherent inability among business managers to draw a connection between quality and business success. The manufacturer sets up quality rewards systems, such as Ford’s Blue Oval, then turn around and cut the work/task hours arbitrarily, probably to allow a senior executive to look good by improving the bottom line of a quarterly report. The result is an immediate drop in quality work at the dealership. There are so many contentious viewpoints, and so little willingness among the players to correct the situation.
Answer: Well, I work in a Trucking Dealership (Diesel Technition) and warranty work is just time wasted. For instance, to pull a transmission on a VIN Volvo and replace the clutch, Warranty says it should take 4 hrs. NOT!! 6 hrs + in reality. Warranty figgures the most ideal conditions with sometimes the part that needs replaced on a model sitting on the floor. No mud, ice, snow, rust, to deal with. No siezed parts, No rounded off bolts... Warranty is a rip-off!
Category: Maintenance & Repairs

Quantifying the inherent uncertainty in the quantity and quality ...

Dec 8, 1999 ... Results from two surveys in S.E. England are used to illustrate and quantify the inherent uncertainty in the quantity and quality of ...

20th WCP: Inherent and Instrumental Values in Ethics

ABSTRACT: The distinction between inherent and instrumental values in ... The fourth characteristic is the quantity or richness of values are directly ...


Quantity was first introduced as quantum, an entity having quantity. ... in a construct, its intrinsic, inherent, internal, built-in, and constitutional implicit ...

How many of you really know what Socialism is?

Also known as Marxism. Following is an excerpt from Wikipedia. Health care reform (by Obamas Definition), etc is socialism at its finest. Read below and tell me why you want to vote for Obama. [edit] Socialism as an economic system See also: Socialist economics Economically, socialism denotes an economic system of state ownership and / or worker ownership of the means of production and distribution. In the U.S.S.R., state ownership of the means of production was combined with central planning – what goods and services to make and provide, how they were to be produced, the quantities, and the sale prices (cf. Economy of the Soviet Union). Soviet economic planning was an alternative to allowing the market (supply and demand) to determine prices and production. During the Great Depression, socialists considered Soviet-style planned economies the remedy to Capitalisms inherent flaws – monopoly, business cycles, unemployment, unequally distributed wealth, and the economic exploitation of workers. In the West, neoclassical liberal economists, e.g. Friedrich Hayek and Milton Friedman, said that socialist planned economies would fail, because planners could not have the business information inherent to a market economy (cf. economic calculation problem), nor would managers in Soviet-style socialist economies match the motivation of profit. Consequent to Soviet economic stagnation in the 1970s and 1980s, socialists began to accept parts of their critique. Polish economist Oskar Lange, an early proponent of "market socialism", proposed a Central Planning Board establishing prices and controls of investment. The prices of producer goods would be determined through trial and error. The prices of consumer goods would be determined by supply and demand, with the supply coming from state-owned firms that would set their prices equal to the marginal cost, as in perfectly competitive markets. The Central Planning Board would distribute a "social dividend" to ensure reasonable income equality.[53] In Western Europe, particularly in the period after World War II, many socialist parties in government implemented what became known as mixed economies.[54] These governments nationalised major and economically vital industries while permitting a free market to continue in the rest. These were most often monopolistic or infrastructural industries like mail, railways, power and other utilities. In some instances a number of small, competing and often relatively poorly financed companies in the same sector were nationalised to form one government monopoly for the purpose of competent management, of economic rescue (in the UK, British Leyland, Rolls Royce), or of competing on the world market.[55] Typically, this was achieved through compulsory purchase of the industry (i.e. with compensation). For example in the UK the nationalization of the coal mines in 1947 created a coal board charged with running the coal industry commercially so as to be able to meet the interest payable on the bonds which the former mine owners shares had been converted into.[56][57] These nationalized industries would frequently be combined with Keynesian economics and incomes policies in order to guide the entire economy (see indicative planning and dirigisme).[58] Nevertheless, most economists, and many socialists, consider that these economies were (or are) capitalist economies, and the aspirations of those who believed the mixed economy would abolish boom and slump, mass unemployment, and industrial unrest, were disappointed with the onset of the first world wide recession of 1973–4, the oil crisis of this period, and the monetary instability which followed. Some far left socialists, as well as some workers in the nationalised industries, also criticised the nationalisations for not establishing workers control of the nationalised industries, through elected representatives, and the amount of compensation paid to the previous owners. Some socialists propose various decentralized, worker-managed economic systems. One such system is the "cooperative economy," a largely free market economy in which workers manage the firms and democratically determine remuneration levels and labor divisions. Productive resources would be legally owned by the cooperative and rented to the workers, who would enjoy usufruct rights.[59] Another, more recent, variant is "participatory economics," wherein the economy is planned by decentralized councils of workers and consumers. Workers would be remunerated solely according to effort and sacrifice, so that those engaged in dangerous, uncomfortable, and strenuous work would receive the highest incomes and could thereby work less.[60] Some Marxists and Anarcho-communists also propose a worker managed economy based on workers councils, however unlike participatory economics in Anarcho communism workers are remunerated according to their needs (which are largely self determined in an anarcho communist system Justagirl....obviously you didnt study as hard as you might have.
Answer: You`re really deep. Socialism means simply put: Ironing flat of the social/economic differences as far as possible. It`s like fair sharing of all things. Now suppose that you lived in a neighborhood where things were owned/shared by all members there, tools for gardenwork etc. What do you think would happen to those tools? They`d be embezzled for sure. Materialism runs deep in humankind.
Category: Politics

Objects in orbit are weightless?

Its a inherent quantity which means it is permanent contra weight which is, as you pointed out, equal to your reaction your body provides ...

The AML Risk Assessment – “Getting it Right”

Assess the inherent quantity of risk for various catego- ries, such as customers , products and geographies, then adjust this inherent risk by the quality of ...

Matrix Alt.Inv.Strat - Changes to Fund

Matrix Alt.Inv.Strat - Changes to Fund

Vocab questions please help!!?

1.) overt Open and observable; not secret or hidden. Suggesting war or military life. Something that means a lot to you, has great value or profit. Put stress on; utter with an accent. 2.) queasy Inherent ability Large in number or quantity (especially of discourse). Feeling nausea; feeling about to vomit. Open and observable; not secret or hidden. 3.) impediment Characterized by extreme care and great effort. Have lubricating properties. Something immaterial that interferes with or delays action or progress. Open and observable; not secret or hidden. 4.) accentuate Have lubricating properties. Something immaterial that interferes with or delays action or progress. To stress, single out as important. Guided by or in accordance with conscience or sense of right and wrong. 5.) martial Inherent ability. Affording an abundant supply. A sudden happening that brings very good fortune. Of or relating to the armed forces. 6.) conscientious Characterized by extreme care and great effort. Feeling nausea; feeling about to vomit. Suggesting war or military life. Put stress on; utter with an accent. 7.) bonanza Suggesting war or military life To stress, single out as important. Inherent ability. A sudden happening that brings very good fortune. 8.) lubricate Something immaterial that interferes with or delays action or progress. Feeling nausea; feeling about to vomit. Make slippery or smooth through the application of a lubricant. Affording an abundant supply. 9.) aptitude Open and observable; not secret or hidden. Inherent ability. Characterized by extreme care and great effort. Guided by or in accordance with conscience or sense of right and wrong. 10.) copious Inherent ability. Something that means a lot to you, has great value or profit. Large in number or quantity (especially of discourse). Of or relating to the armed forces.
Answer: 1.) overt Open and observable; not secret or hidden. 2.) queasy Feeling nausea; feeling about to vomit. 3.) impediment Something immaterial that interferes with or delays action or progress. 4.) accentuate To stress, single out as important. 5.) martial Of or relating to the armed forces. 6.) conscientious Characterized by extreme care and great effort. 7.) bonanza A sudden happening that brings very good fortune. 8.) lubricate Make slippery or smooth through the application of a lubricant. (the word is in the answer...) 9.) aptitude Inherent ability. 10.) copious Large in number or quantity (especially of discourse).
Category: Yahoo! Answers

Argentex Discovers New Gold Mineralization at Pinguino

VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - July 6, 2011) - Argentex Mining Corporation ( "Argentex" or the "Company" ) (TSX VENTURE:ATX)(OTCBB:AGXMF) is pleased to release additional drill results from its recently completed 2011 exploration program at the Pinguino project, located in the Santa Cruz province of Argentina. The program consisted of 19,800 meters of drilling in 206 holes. To date ...

Supply Chain Toolworks CTO Shows Value in Economic Production ...

And he looked at the advantages inherent in pursuing either a traditional Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) approach with fixed production quantities or an Economic Production Cycle (EPC) approach with fixed production ...

Quantity Surveyor Training | DIPLOMA OF CIVIL ENGINEERING

The quantity surveyor must bind to the required standards and potential while doing all things inherent to minimize the costs and construct value for money. There are statutory construction regulations that are mandatory ...

please help? I got some answers but may not be sure?

1. (TCO 1) Approximately what percentage of businesses have a payroll with fewer than 500 people? (Points: 5) 10 percent 25 percent 75 percent 99 percent 2. (TCO 1) The impact downsizing has on small business is which of the following? (Points: 5) No labor force to work in small businesses Opportunity to perform the work large businesses no longer perform An availability of workers with no skills Lack of financial backing for small businesses 3. (TCO 1) Which of the following are the inherent factors that work in favor of small businesses? (Points: 5) Ability to remain flexible and innovative Management expertise Emphasis on variety Emphasis on quantity 4. (TCO 1) Which of the following is the key element needed to bring the entrepreneurial idea to reality during the implementation stage? (Points: 5) Capital/money Commitment Management expertise A college education 5. (TCO 1) Which of the following is the most common form of business ownership? (Points: 5) Sole proprietorships Partnerships Corporations Joint ventures 6. (TCO 4) Which of the following may an employer do under the Americans with Disabilities Act? (Points: 5) Question applicants about the severity, nature, or origin of a known disability Refuse employment due to the employee needing special accommodation Require drug tests at any time in the employment process Require medical or physical exams prior to a conditional offer of employment 7. (TCO 4) Which of the following methods of bankruptcy would be best for a business that has no hope of getting out of its financial indebtedness? (Points: 5) Chapter 7 Chapter 12 Chapter 13 Chapter 11 8. (TCO 4) A sales forecast based on estimation of daily sales that are then projected for weeks, months, and years with seasonal adjustments is using what approach? (Points: 5) Build-up Guesstimate Break-down Pro forma 9. (TCO 4) Product refers to: (Points: 5) Tangible goods only Tangible services only Tangible goods, intangible services, or a combination of both Intangible services only 10. (TCO 4) A small business owner should begin the site selection process by asking which of the following questions? (Points: 5) What region would be best? What state within the region would be best? What city within that region would be best? What specific site within that city will work for the business? 11. (TCO 4) A type of retail layout with a predominant aisle running through the store that quickly leads customers to their desired departments is known as what? (Points: 5) Free-flow layout Grid layout Loop layout Process layout 12. (TCO 4) Which of the following is one of the most flexible components of the marketing mix? (Points: 5) Product Promotion Place Price 13. (TCO 4) The point at which total cost equals total revenue and the business is neither making or losing money is known as the _______. (Points: 5) Profit area Loss area Breakeven point Profit point 14. (TCO 2) Through the franchise agreement, the ________ gains the benefit of the parent companys expertise, experience, management systems, marketing, and financial help. (Points: 5) Franchisor Franchisee Leaser Lessee 15. (TCO 2) The financial document that is used by startup businesses to show where capital comes from and for what it will be used is called: (Points: 5) Cash-flow statement Projected earnings statement Sources and uses of funds Income statement 16. (TCO 2) Which of the following is not included in the marketing plan section of the business plan? (Points: 5) How sales forecasts will be reached Marketing objectives Identification of potential markets Cash-flow statements 17. (TCO 3) Industry averages for expense ratios comparing expenses to ________ exist for every size and type of business. (Points: 5) Profits Assets Liabilities Sales 18. (TCO 3) In the chapter opener, what was the limitation that kept Philip Rosedale from creating Second Life when he first had the idea for it? (Points: 5) He didnt have enough money. He didnt know how to promote it. Computers were not powerful enough at the time. Some technical gadget like a flux capacitor needed to be invented first.
Answer: Uhh no one in their right mind wont answer all 18 of your questions... Asking one question is 5 points. Cough up 90 points and now were talking. According to one of those questions: the answes are in the textbook. Read and it should go in order. In fact: dont read, just skim some words.
Category: Yahoo! Answers

Bersih Taipei: Malaysians in Taiwan show the meaning of courage and spirit

As Ambiga Sreenevasan, the Bersih chief, once put it - the rally has become the people. It is not about her or her committee. Advice that she and her committee should have remembered. The call for free and fair elections has now sparked a sense of injury amongst Malaysians - far and wide. The realization that they have been cheated of their fundamental rights and are still being brazenly robbed ...

What is a best way to add a new connection whose origin remains me ...

There is an inherent quantity vs quality argument in this. Linkedin Direct Links should really be to people that you know and trust. ...

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