Chain of command - The Usefulness of the Chain of Command

Chain of command : Photo Gallery

Chapter IV: Basic Strategy and Military Organization
Chapter IV: Basic Strategy and Military Organization
Chain Of Command Cartoons and Comics
Chain Of Command Cartoons and Comics
Chain Of Command Cartoons and Comics
Chain Of Command Cartoons and Comics
Sobibor - The Forgotten Revolt, by Thomas Toivi Blatt
Sobibor - The Forgotten Revolt, by Thomas Toivi Blatt
The Black Company - Mortal Online Wiki
The Black Company - Mortal Online Wiki
Cubicle Matrix » Chain of Command
Cubicle Matrix » Chain of Command
NCLB Cartoons (Susan Ohanian Speaks Out)
NCLB Cartoons (Susan Ohanian Speaks Out)
FM 100-7 chptr 2 - The Theater
FM 100-7 chptr 2 - The Theater
Business Talks: chain of command.
Business Talks: chain of command.
A Guide for the Management of Emergencies or Other Unusual ...
A Guide for the Management of Emergencies or Other Unusual ...
June « 2008 « Bishop David's Blog
June « 2008 « Bishop David's Blog
Using the Chain Of Command Design Pattern Concepts to Perform ...
Using the Chain Of Command Design Pattern Concepts to Perform ...
South Doyle JROTC Program - Chain of Command
South Doyle JROTC Program - Chain of Command
The Morgan Freeman Chain of Command Chart - News - GeekTyrant
The Morgan Freeman Chain of Command Chart - News - GeekTyrant
Fire Department - Chain of Command
Fire Department - Chain of Command
Cadet Chain of Command, Fall 2007 - Army ROTC - WKU
Cadet Chain of Command, Fall 2007 - Army ROTC - WKU
File:Chain of Command of Japanese Army.jpg - Wikimedia Commons
File:Chain of Command of Japanese Army.jpg - Wikimedia Commons
Chain of Command Pics - High Resolution Chain of Command Pictures ...
Chain of Command Pics - High Resolution Chain of Command Pictures ...
File:US Chain of Command.png - Wikimedia Commons
File:US Chain of Command.png - Wikimedia Commons
Cadet Chain of Command - Army ROTC - WKU
Cadet Chain of Command - Army ROTC - WKU
Chain of Command
Chain of Command
The official Morgan Freeman Chain of Command has finally been released ...
The official Morgan Freeman Chain of Command has finally been released ...
JROTC Cadet Chain of Command
JROTC Cadet Chain of Command
THE ENOS FILES: Part 1 — No chain of command
THE ENOS FILES: Part 1 — No chain of command
Gul: 'No Gap' in Turkish Command
Gul: 'No Gap' in Turkish Command
City proposing change in 'chain of command'
City proposing change in 'chain of command'
TIRZ board agrees to chain of command, boundary changes
TIRZ board agrees to chain of command, boundary changes
'Prosecute Boko Haram members
'Prosecute Boko Haram members
1-star to Marines: Turn in spice users
1-star to Marines: Turn in spice users
'Service chiefs can only salute Mugabe'
'Service chiefs can only salute Mugabe'
Pilot error caused copter crash
Pilot error caused copter crash
Law named for Marine wife killed in 2008
Law named for Marine wife killed in 2008
Board meeting erupts in Kaehler vs Ward
Board meeting erupts in Kaehler vs Ward
UK cyber security undermined by confused chain of command
UK cyber security undermined by confused chain of command
Dear US State Department: Less BNS and More PNS, Please
Dear US State Department: Less BNS and More PNS, Please
Suspended arctic scientist to be questioned over research contracts
Suspended arctic scientist to be questioned over research contracts
Teacher pleads no contest to assaulting student with hammer
Teacher pleads no contest to assaulting student with hammer
The Council's broken chain of command and what can be done about it
The Council's broken chain of command and what can be done about it
Plans now could include trial for CIA operative
Plans now could include trial for CIA operative

Chain of command : Videos

There... Are... Four... Lights!
There... Are... Four... Lights!
Do or Die - Chain of Command
Do or Die - Chain of Command
Star Trek: TNG Chain of Command
Star Trek: TNG Chain of Command
Star Trek TNG - 6x11 - Chain Of Command Part 2
Star Trek TNG - 6x11 - Chain Of Command Part 2
Modern Warfare 2 Original Soundtrack - Chain of Command
Modern Warfare 2 Original Soundtrack - Chain of Command
Chain of Command
Chain of Command
Chain Of Command Knew About Murder For Sport Kill Team
Chain Of Command Knew About Murder For Sport Kill Team
XTC Chain of Command
XTC Chain of Command
Chain Of Command - Rogue State
Chain Of Command - Rogue State
Losh: Chain Of Command 1/3
Losh: Chain Of Command 1/3
Jaynes Chain of Command
Jaynes Chain of Command
Losh: Chain Of Command 2/3
Losh: Chain Of Command 2/3
XTC - Limelight - "Chain of Command"
XTC - Limelight - "Chain of Command"
Star Trek TNG: Chain of Command, Part II
Star Trek TNG: Chain of Command, Part II
Beast Wars - Chain of Command - 1/3
Beast Wars - Chain of Command - 1/3
Chain of Command : Eastern Front
Chain of Command : Eastern Front
Firefly - Train Job - "Chain of Command"
Firefly - Train Job - "Chain of Command"
Chain of Command - Not in My Name
Chain of Command - Not in My Name
Jag Panzer - Prelude + Chain Of Command
Jag Panzer - Prelude + Chain Of Command
Beast Wars - Chain of Command - 2/3
Beast Wars - Chain of Command - 2/3
DVD review - Chain of Command
DVD review - Chain of Command
Left 4 Dead 2: Club Dead, Chain of Command
Left 4 Dead 2: Club Dead, Chain of Command
Chain of Command: Eastern Front PC Game by IncaGold
Chain of Command: Eastern Front PC Game by IncaGold
navy chain of command
navy chain of command
Calls to overhaul emergency chain of command
Calls to overhaul emergency chain of command
s06e10 Chain of Command Part 1 (1 of 3)
s06e10 Chain of Command Part 1 (1 of 3)
Chain of Command
Chain of Command
RTC Chain of Command
RTC Chain of Command
Chain Of Command - Chain Of Command
Chain Of Command - Chain Of Command
Legion of Super Heroes 111 - Chain of Command.avi
Legion of Super Heroes 111 - Chain of Command.avi
Chain of Command & E-Mail Etiquette
Chain of Command & E-Mail Etiquette
Chain of Command - The Photo Ride
Chain of Command - The Photo Ride
Chain Of Command - Rogue State
Chain Of Command - Rogue State
Chain Of Command
Chain Of Command
Eagles Landing NJROTC Battlion Chain of Command 2007-2008
Eagles Landing NJROTC Battlion Chain of Command 2007-2008
Jag Panzer - Prelude + Chain Of Command
Jag Panzer - Prelude + Chain Of Command
Chain of Command: Sciences of Hadith - Shaykh Said Rageah - London ...
Chain of Command: Sciences of Hadith - Shaykh Said Rageah - London ...
Marsh Madness 06 Farmers Almanac-Chain of Command
Marsh Madness 06 Farmers Almanac-Chain of Command
navy chain of command
navy chain of command
Chain of Command
Chain of Command
Chain of command
Chain of command
Beast Wars Episode 5 Chain of Command Part 1
Beast Wars Episode 5 Chain of Command Part 1
Losh: Chain Of Command 2/3
Losh: Chain Of Command 2/3
[RuneScape Series] Chain of Command - Episode 2 - The Mission for Ham
[RuneScape Series] Chain of Command - Episode 2 - The Mission for Ham
Chain of Command!
Chain of Command!
LAFD 1949 - Chain of Command
LAFD 1949 - Chain of Command
2* Chain of Command: Unified Artillery Operation Flashpoint
2* Chain of Command: Unified Artillery Operation Flashpoint

Chain of command : Latest News, Information, Answers and Websites

What is the chain of command beginning with the president?

ive been trying to find out what exactly the Chain of command is starting with the presdient and going down to the generals of the military can anyone help me out?
Answer: Here's a chart from Here's one from everything2...
Category: Government

What is the Air Force Chain of Command down to the 737th TRG?

Im trying to prep for BMT. Ill be leaving in May and can not find a current listing of the Chain of command for the AF.
Answer: Start with AF training command:
Category: Military

Why creative employees bypass the chain of command?

We are in Chapter 11 a big group and this employee keep bypassing the Chain of command. He has been warned , suspended etc.. but he still send suggestions to the number 2 of the group(billion $ group) This extraordinary employee is convinced that he can save our group. What should we do? Firing him? All the corporate Office hates him. This employee is only a clerk!
Answer: This employee should be warned to follow the Chain of command and fired if he persists.
Category: Law & Ethics

How long does your chain of command have to give you if your spouse leaves you and cant afford a baby sitterd?

In the army how long is your Chain of command suppose to give you if your spouse leaves you to find a baby sitter before hey try to chapter you? And in what reg can i find t in?
Category: Marriage & Divorce

xkcd: Chain of Command

US NUCLEAR Chain of command {{Title text: Themistocles said his infant son ruled all Greece -- "Athens rules all Greece; I control Athens; my wife controls ...

Chain of Command Principle: Encyclopedia of Management

Chain of command Principle: Encyclopedia of Management.

What is the chain of command on a vessel at sea?

On a vessel at sea, where does the Chain of command start? What order do the ranks descend in?
Answer: On merchant vessels the captain is the ranking licensed officer. This is followed by the chief mate, second, and third mate in the deck department and paralleled by the chief engineer first, second, and third engineer on the engine side. Unlicensed Chain of command is Bosun, able body seaman, and ordinary seaman. QMED’s, Fireman and wipers round out the engine unlicensed. Hope this helps.
Category: Boats & Boating

Can I take an antidepressant in the military without informing my chain of command?

I recently saw a civilian psychologist so that I could get some advice about some issues Ive been having. He told me that he believes I should be on antidepressants. Am I required to inform my Chain of command that I am on such medication?
Answer: You would need to speak with medical dept. If you need medication you need to have it approved through medical. Ok, if you deploy how are you going to get it refilled. If you are on the wrong dose or it affects you weird. Some medications especially mood altering meds will have some affect on you. There are side effects. On a side note: Do you know how expensive antidepressants can cost? Let TriCare pay for them. One Rx can cost over $50 per month to fill. Medical is not allowed to spread your business about. But if there is a psychological issue the medical officer can and will have you get a psychological evaluation...and depending on the results he/she will tell the CO if it affects you ability to perform or deploy. The rest of the people in the Chain of command don't have a need to know. It is a medical condition. Unless you are on some kind of limited duty then they won't be in it. Note: they don't drug test for most antidepressents...but if you are on antianxiety or something like Zanex then they test for it. but antidepressants like Prozak, Zoloft, Wellbutrin, Celexia are not tested . But you still at least need to notify your medical dept. Also you can talk with your family support center. They have licenced social workers and psychologist who will talk with you. They do not tell your Chain of command unless you confess to a crime against the govt. or plan on hurting your self or others. One more thing to add: I work at a VA and see many patients here trying to file a claim and unfortuantely for them if it is not in their official record many claims are rejected. If you later develop a need for care you might want to have a record of it. Nobody is calling you crazy, but if you need medication you can file for disability when you get out. You will need medical documentation to file a claim through the VA for may only be a small percent, but it is big difference if it is service connected...
Category: Military

what is the chain of command for the Veterans Administrations pharmacy?

Are there any military or civilian organizations that keep that agency in check? Or anyone that you can report something that is going on in one of the medicine shipping stations to? Id like the list of Chain of command or a direct link of possible. This is very serious our veterans are not getting the medicine that it is labeled as.
Answer: 1-800-488-8244 fax - 202-565-7936
Category: Law & Ethics

Chain Of Command

Chain of command is a Free Real-Time, Multiplayer War game.

What is the Chain of Command for the Air Force?

I am filling out this packet that my recruiter gave me. I need to know the Chain of command. Starting with the Prsident of the United States and ending with Superintendent, 737 TRG. MIind you i do know who the President is lol. I just need all the information. I looked it up on the internet but I didnt know if they were our present Chain of command.
Answer: The entire Chain of command and more can be seen on
Category: Military

Jumping Chain of Command?

So long story short... due to my little brother recently passing, I told my family I would see about a compassionate reassignment closer to home since I have orders to leave in Sep anyways. I know those are usually only ...

what is the regulation for skipping the chain of command and the punishments?

When a soldier bypasses their Chain of command it is wrong, but what are the possible punishments for that offense. What is the actual military regulation on this issue.
Answer: It depends on the issue if it is a serious report. if you just want to report someone took 5 dollars just use the Chain of command, if it is something more serious go outside the Chain of command. It just depends and only you know the situation. And most times if it is something not really serious you may get a small repremand but you dont go to prison or get a Page 13 or at least i have never heard of it, the cases i seen our base commander simply reminds us that there is a Chain of command.
Category: Military

The Navy's Chain of Command The Navy's Chain of command. Home · What is NJROTC? Upcoming Events/News · Biography · The American's Creed · The Navy's Chain ...

What is chain of command? definition and meaning

Definition of Chain of command: The order in which authority and power in an organization is wielded and delegated from top management to every employee at ...

What are the names of everyone in my chain of command and nco support channel?

I am a soldier in A troop, 1st Squadron, 16th Cavalry Regiment, of the Armor School stationed in Fort Knox, Ky. I need to know all the names of everyone in my Chain of command and nco support channel. Thanks.
Answer: That isn't something that should be asked online especially on Yahoo Answers where everyone and anyone can view it. You need to find out yourself by asking at your command.
Category: Military

xkcd: Chain of Command

US NUCLEAR Chain of command {{Title text: Themistocles said his infant son ruled all Greece -- "Athens rules all Greece; I control Athens; my wife controls me; and my infant son controls her." Thus, nowadays the world is controlled by ...

Christianity — Costly Calling Or Creed, Chain-Of-Command, Culture ...

The Romans turned it into a chain-of-command hierarchy – from Pope to paupers. They added human structure and positional authority to what had originated as a Spirit-led, grass-roots movement. ...

United States Executive Chain Of Command | Global Diversity Management

United states executive Chain of command operations officer united states navy job description united church of god newsletter united states The United.

Who should I talk to first in my chain of command regarding pay?

Im in the Air Force, and I was promoted to E-3 back in July, but Ive still been receiving E-1 pay. Im pretty sure Im owed back pay now because of this, but every time I go to Finance to ask them about it, they send me to Personnel, who tell me theyll fix it eventually. Im starting to get really irritated. Should I go through my direct Chain of command rather than continue trying to handle this myself through vMPF and Personnel visits?
Answer: We don't have platoon sergeants in the AF. . . Tell your immediate supervisor that you have been to Finance, etc on these dates and talked to these people and you are still not getting paid correctly. A good sup will contact them to get their side, confirm facts etc. He/she will either explain to you what the problem seems to be and/or get the first sergeant involved. I would expect your supervisor to backbrief the shirt, regardless. This is not necessarily relevant to your issue: Why are you getting E-1 pay and not E-2 pay?
Category: Military

Chain of Command | hollywood3xvideo

It's nice, then, that the second part of “Chain of command” fits in so well with my weak-willed, soft-hearted liberal sensibilities. Not that that's much of a surprise; it's hard to imagine TNG throwing out a “torture is ...

Are there any regulations regarding spouses in the direct chain of command?

Say a husband and wife start out not in the same Chain of command. Then the husband gets promoted to the commander of the base and she is in his direct Chain of command. Is this allowed?
Answer: No it's not allowed. It's fraternization. One will have to leave the Chain of command.
Category: Military

The Usefulness of the Chain of Command

The Usefulness of the Chain of command... How useful do you find yours? Here is about how useful I have found mine over the years: I wonder how MSgt Mashburn thought about her's pre- and post- charges?

Command hierarchy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In a military context, the Chain of command is the line of authority and responsibility along which orders are passed within ...

Chain of Command - Welcome

Chain of command is a leather club whose purpose is to promote the leather tradition and philosophy in a social, non-political environment serving the San ...

Do I need a consent form from my chain of command to get married?

Im a soldier planning to get married soon, and I need to know if I have to tell my Chain of command first, or get some kind of consent form from the Army. I have heard yes, no, and everything between.
Answer: You do not. In the old days, you did. Nowadays you can even buy a car without telling your Chain of command. Of course, courtesy is to notify them you're planning on getting married, so you can get the DA31 sorted out for when you plan on being away. It's just courtesy. And when you come back on post, be sure to enroll your wife (and any kids) into DEERS, enroll them into Tricare, and apply for on-post housing. Oh and goto your Battalion S-1 and apply for BAH and separate rations. Congratulations. I wish you and your future wife the best.
Category: Military

What is an example of a complete chain of command for a team?

I am going to start coaching a dance team and would like to start up a Chain of command. I understand the ideas of captain and co-captain, but what are other positions that could be added to this Chain of command? Thanks!
Answer: director and instructor
Category: Other - Sports

What is the chain of command of the Canadian government (including military officials)?

Okay Im just wondering what is the Chain of command with the Canadian government. (including monarchies and military officials). Thank you in advance :)
Answer: The Queen The Governor General (In absence of the Governor General, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court) (In absence of Governor General, and Chief Justice, the most senior judge on the Supreme Court) Prime Minster Deputy Prime Minister Head of The Queen's Privy Council for Canada Military officers are not part of the executive powers for the Government of Canada.
Category: Government

Discuss the pros and cons of chain of command. What do you think is important for a person at the beginning?

of the chain? at the end? what do your ideas imply for the person in the middle? how do you think the Chain of command might be implemented to balance everyone`s needs?
Answer: I am a civilian. As a citizen, and a voter, I am (theoretically) at the TOP of the Chain of command. Politicians and generals are supposed to work for ME. But in reality, being working-class, not rich, I am somewhere at the bottom of it. .
Category: Politics

Army Chain of Command (Organization)

The basic bulding block of all Army organizations is the individual soldier. A small group of soldiers organized to maneuver and fire is called a squad.

Police inquiry reveals violations in arrest, beating of ...

Multiple supervisors in Colling's Chain of command will review the internal affairs report and decide his punishment, if any, Schofield said. That review could take several weeks. If Colling's supervisors recommend his ...

Rising Hegemon: Up the Chain of Command

Up the Chain of command. They're getting closer and closer to Rupert. As Steve Doocy would never say "THIS IS HUGE!" Rebekah Brooks, the chief executive of Rupert Murdoch's News International, faces being questioned ...

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