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Straits Times - Asian Market - Straits Times Index - Straits Times ...
The Straits times index (STI) comprises of the stocks of 30 representative companies listed on the Singapore Exchange. The index is calculated based on ...
Straits Times Index is ^sti , what about SCMSCI index?
For getting quotes traded in the market?
Answer: The code for Singapore MSCI Index (SiMSCI) on Yahoo Finance is:
Category: Investing
yahoo has not updated the straits times index since jan 9 ??
Answer: You may possibly have a corrupt cache file holding old information -- it makes all KINDS of things go wonky. Try this: clear your history, temporary files (these will take a while!) & cookies, restart the computer and retry. Here is the HELP link for how to do this in different browsers:
Category: Yahoo! Answers
Defensive Portfolio Plays – Cutting Losses
The DOW came down 791 points (6.45%) last week, Straits times index plunged 112.23 (3.61%) on Friday, it was not a pretty sight. The question on everybody's mind is how low can it go? The answer is much lower. ...
Does anyone know when the stock market will crash?
when the stock market will crash? Dow Jone, KLCI, Nikkie 225, Hang Seng, Strait Times Index.
Answer: 1929.
Category: Investing
Benchmark yield
If you wish to invest in a unit trust, instead of the Straits times index ETF (from SDPR or DBS), you should choose one that has an expense ratio of less than 1% per annum (as the above two ETF has an expense ratio of ...
Barefoot Investor: Singapore Straits Times Index ( STI ) falls 0.4 ...
0 comments ]. Singapore's Straits times index fell 0.4% to 3171.55 at the close. Five stocks dropped for each that rose in the gauge of 30 companies. Shares on the measure trade at an average 14.7 times estimated earnings, compared with ...
How do Strait times Index choose the 30 companies?
Does any one know what the requirement for the companies to be in the list of Strait times index?
are they calculated by their market cap?
Answer: The revamped Straits times index as well as the other 18 new indices of the FTSE ST Index Series went live on 10 January 2008.
The revamped STI comprises 30 blue-chip companies on the SGX mainboard, ranked by market capitalisation as of 31 August. The stocks have passed FTSE’s international methodology, particularly its free float and liquidity requirements. The 30 stocks in the new STI were selected according to the FTSE Group's international method, including measuring a share's daily average trading volume over the past 12 months.
Category: Corporations
SGX Straits Times Index STI Analysis 29/7 - Rational Analysis
SGX Straits times index STI Analysis 29/7/11. STI closed flat at 3189 with a healthy volume. The candlestick is a long doji with the closing price above the mid point of the candlestick. It merely reflects on the market ...
FTSE Straits Times Index (FSSTI:IND) Index Performance - Bloomberg
Index performance analysis for FSSTI:IND. Get historical charts & market data for FTSE Straits times index.
Components in a stock index?
Hi Folks
I am curious what are the factors that lead to a particular stocks to be accepted stock Index.
Since i am in Singapore, lets take "STI" for instance.
STI (Strait Times Index) are made up of 30 stocks that form this particular index.
All along, i assumed that it was made up of 30 most expensive stocks in the Singapore Market, but when i look into it, I am wrong.
If so, what are the factors that result a particular/certain stock to be included in an index?
I believe the same theory applies to NYSE, NASDAQ etc...
Answer: A particular index is constructed for a specific reason; to track a specific market. The criteria for inclusion of a particular stock is decided by whoever owns the index. For example, somebody may want to track stocks in the resources sector, so they will specifically choose companies which they believe best represent the resources industry.
According to yahoo finance, the STI is a capitalization weighted index, which means that the 30 stocks chosen in proportion to their market capitalization (price * shares outstanding). I believe those with the largest market cap. are selected for the index, rather than just the most expensive stocks.
Category: Investing
The Straits times index (STI) is the most globally-recognised benchmark index and market barometer for. Singapore. With a history dating back to 1966, ...
Which band has the most songs that would make great movie soundtracks?
DIRE STRAITS! Right? Right? Yes, Im right.
Brothers in Arms
On every street
Private investigations
Once upon a time in the west
and the list goes on...except it doesnt coz Im too busy to make it go on...
Now your turn.
Answer: the rolling stones this is a little of what I found
1. Obcan Havel (2008) (performer: “Start Me Up”)
… aka Citizen Havel (International: English title)
2. The Darjeeling Limited (2007) (performer: “Play With Fire”)
3. Sicko (2007) (performer: “Street Fighting Man”)
4. The Hoax (2006) (performer: “You Can’t Always Get What You Want”)
5. The Departed (2006) (performer: “Gimme Shelter”, “Let It Loose”)
6. V for Vendetta (2005) (performer: “Street Fighting Man”)
… aka V for Vendetta: At the IMAX (UK: IMAX version)
… aka V wie Vendetta (Germany)
7. C.R.A.Z.Y. (2005) (performer: “Sympathy for the Devil”)
8. Layer Cake (2004) (performer: “Gimme Shelter”)
… aka L4yer Cake (USA: DVD box title)
9. Beyond the Sea (2004) (performer: “Let It Loose” (1971))
… aka Beyond the Sea – Musik war sein Leben (Germany)
10. Without a Paddle (2004) (performer: “Can’t You Hear Me Knocking”)
11. Stuck on You (2003) (performer: “Wild Horses”)
12. The Work of Director Michel Gondry (2003) (V) (performer: “Like A Rolling Stone”)
13. S.W.A.T. (2003) (performer: “Shattered”)
14. Adaptation. (2002) (performer: “Wild Horses”)
15. Comedian (2002) (performer: “Can’t You Hear Me Knocking”)
16. Moonlight Mile (2002) (performer: “Moonlight Mile”)
17. Austin Powers in Goldmember (2002) (performer: “Miss You (Dr. Dre Remix 2002)”)
… aka Austin Powers: Goldmember (USA)
18. Life or Something Like It (2002) (performer: “(I Can’t Get No) Satisfaction”)
19. Encuentro de 3 en 1 cuarto (2002) (performer: “Gimme Shelter”, “Jumpin’ Jack Flash”)
20. Vanilla Sky (2001) (performer: “Heaven” (1981))
21. The Royal Tenenbaums (2001) (performer: “She Smiled Sweetly”, “Ruby Tuesday”)
22. Twisted Metal: Black (2001) (VG) (performer: “Paint It Black”)
23. Blow (2001) (performer: “Can’t You Hear Me Knocking”)
24. The Family Man (2000) (performer: “Beast of Burden”)
25. The Way of the Gun (2000) (performer: “Rip This Joint”)
26. The Replacements (2000) (performer: “Moon Is Up”) (“Blinded by Rainbows”, “You Got Me Rockin’”)
27. Stille nach dem Schuß, Die (2000) (performer: “Street Fighting Man”)
… aka Legend of Rita (USA)
… aka Rita’s Legends (International: English title)
… aka The Legends of Rita (International: English title)
28. Stan Becker – Echte Freunde (1999) (TV) (performer: “Saint Of Me”)
29. Rushmore (1998) (performer: “I Am Waiting”)
30. Hope Floats (1998) (performer: “Honest I Do”)
31. Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas (1998) (performer: “Jumpin’ Jack Flash”)
32. Fallen (1998) (performer: “Time Is On My Side”, “Sympathy For The Devil”)
33. The Devil’s Advocate (1997) (performer: “Paint It Black” (1966))
… aka Devil’s Advocate (USA: DVD box title)
… aka Im Auftrag des Teufels (Germany)
34. Welcome to Sarajevo (1997) (performer: “Waiting on a Friend”)
35. Jerry Maguire (1996) (performer: “Bitch”)
37. Basquiat (1996) (performer: “Waiting on a Friend”, “Beast of Burden”)
… aka Build a Fort, Set It on Fire
38. Bottle Rocket (1996) (performer: “2000 Man”)
39. Beautiful Girls (1996) (“Fool to Cry”)
40. Squish Story (1996) (performer: “Jumpin’ Jack Flash”)
… aka Squish Story: The Making of ‘Commander Squish’
41. Casino (1995) (performer: “Sweet Virginia”, “Gimme Shelter”, “Can’t You Hear Me Knocking”) (“Heart of Stone”)
… aka Casino (France)
42. Assassins (1995) (performer: “Like a Rolling Stone”)
… aka Assassins (France)
… aka Day of Reckoning
43. Nine Months (1995) (performer: “19th Nervous Breakdown”)
44. Powderburn (1995) (“Can’t You Hear the Thunder”)
45. Prêt-à -Porter (1994) (performer: “Jump on Top of Me”)
… aka Prêt-à -Porter: Ready to Wear (Canada: English title)
… aka Ready to Wear
46. The War (1994) (performer: “Gimme Shelter”)
47. Mistah (1994) (performer: “(I Can’t Get No) Satisfaction”)
… aka Mistah: mga mandirigma (Philippines: Tagalog title)
48. Léolo (1992) (“You Can’t Always Get What You Want”)
49. State of Grace (1990) (performer: “Steetfightin’ Man”)
50. Goodfellas (1990) (performer: “Gimme Shelter”, “Monkey Man”, “Memo from Turner”)
… aka GoodFellas (USA: promotional title (video box title) (poster title))
51. Dear America: Letters Home from Vietnam (1987) (TV) (performer: “GIMME SHELTER”, “NO EXPECTATIONS”)
… aka Dear America
52. Adventures in Babysitting (1987) (performer: “Gimme Shelter”)
… aka A Night on the Town (UK)
53. Full Metal Jacket (1987) (performer: “Paint It, Black”)
… aka Stanley Kubrick’s Full Metal Jacket (USA: poster title)
54. Some Kind of Wonderful (1987) (performer: “Miss Amanda Jones”)
55. Jumpin’ Jack Flash (1986) (performer: “Jum
Category: Rock and Pop
My girlfriend will not dress up for me in the bedroom, any advice from women out there? Part 2?
This is a part 2 please read link below to understand whats going on? The two best Answers were I “think the first thing you need to do is stop calling her a control freak” and “Well unfortunately I agreed with another commenter”;_ylt=AuCTwh5C9ogfi2kZPmxpj.8azKIX;_ylv=3?qid=20100120163817AAZx8al
After reading all the useful tips my Girlfriend has decided she wants me to see a dominatrix as she says she cannot do it. I wish it could have been her not a stranger. It would have meant so much more to me the person i love sharing this experience with me. I feel i need to give you all some background info and maybe you could come up with solutions?
4 Years ago she came out of a bad relationship and strait into one with me. Her X had low self esteem, Was very Insecure, Untrusting, and as a result used to Control her useing Blackmail, Anger, Emotional Violence and even some times physical violence. Unfortunately this rubbed off on her and she treated me the same for the first two years.
Because She had picked up low self esteem, Insecure, Untrusting, from her x (some would call it baggage) every little detail of our sex life she would jump on (If i dint get a hard on she would think it was her fault, Also she had Fear of Rejection,) all signs of low self esteem and insecurities (courtesy of her X). It never occurred to her i was so mentally bashed i knew if i didn’t get hard she would blow up and blame herself, so it made me go soft thinking about it (a lot of pressure). It never occurred to her im not always gonna be in the mood and just because you try a few times and you don’t succeed try somthing else (Dont give up). Try learning what works and what doesn’t. Unforttunetly back then there was no logic like there is now, she is over the whole insecure and low self esteem and dealing with trust issues. Unfortunately it hasn’t allowed our sex life to progress as a normal couples. And she has slight Obsessive Compulsive Disorder which means if she has a bad experience with somthing she attatches negative emotions to it and become fearful or reluctant to do it again. Now she associates dressing up with negative emotions she has attached to it. She is seeing a recognal therapist who has helped her with her trust But she has said she would rather me see a dominatrix than her do it. She says she would do this to save our relationship. Im not happy with this as it feels totally wrong. My needs in the first 3 years always came in second place and it is only now where we have got to the point where we both feel like walking away from the relationship. Love is the only thing keeping us together. But sometimes loves not enough.... All i want her do do is dress up for me – Not even dominate me... I don’t want another women doing it i want the woman i love doing it. We average making love once a month now and even then there are so many issues from the past it seems like an impossible mission.. I cannot give up the need for this as i end up getting frustrated and distanceing my self from her as this is my copeing mechanism. But all that does is drive use further apart. And im getting more angry and resentful that her x brought thease problems into our relationship and its showing in my attitude toward her.
Answer: If you want to have sex, then who CARES what she's wearing? She doesn't need to wear anything! Pushing her will make her resent you and you will break up. I think you are the controlling one...
Category: Singles & Dating
Straits Times Index highest dividend yielding stocks
Free overview of the stocks with the highest dividend yields in the Straits Times Index of Singapore.
-my hamster. AGAIN!!- hamster training!?!?
ok so if you ALLL know the story of the droping the hamster? no?
here it is;_ylt=AkYZ73aL34BMWFUjuPpbaRHty6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20100830181549AAHauCi
read it ALL!!! or you cannot help me.
(this happened all today
ok so i did it again. well, maybe not. i was trying to get her out of her cage for cleaning and she climbed out of the cage and ran around the living room for about 10 seconds (this time she was calm.) and then my dad caught her. i feel so bad. i think i dont deserve her. she is MUCH calmer then last time. she went strait to sleep after that. she is up and running on her wheel now. and i havent been putting my hand in her cage for the last 2 days now. im starting again. when i put my hand in here and leave it in there for about 10-15 mins and sometimes she sniffs it and runs around. most of the time she just gets on her wheel. no problem is bothering her. what do i do??????
Ive had her for about a month or 2 now.
Answer: its no big deal and u should have looked it up robos r the meanest hamsters if u wanted one 2 pick up u should have got a teddy bear or dwar.... if i were you i would make sure its a robo cuz if it isnt then it can b a big diffrence
here is a pic that might help these r robos
if u really want 2 get it to like you you got 2 take it real slow n not rush it if u do ur hamster may nevr trust you
good luck
oh here is a website 2 help make ur hamster trust u:
Category: Rodents
Where to find stock research websites for STI stocks?
Hi, does anyone know of any good websites to do research on Straits times index(STI) or simply SGX stocks?? I have tried Yahoo! Finance and MSN Money but they do not show much information on the Singapore stocks. Thanks~~!
Answer: Here are stock exchanges, prices, charts and screening for the US and ... common stocks and stock mutual funds along with a massive stock database. ... Pink Sheets LLC: Main Pinksheets Website at ... They're a leading source for real time financial market data, personalized news, quotes and research.
Category: Investing
^STI: Summary for STI- Yahoo! Finance
View the basic ^STI stock chart on Yahoo! Finance. Change the date range, chart type and compare STI against other companies.
Index:Straits Times Index (STI)
THE Straits times index (STI) yesterday collapsed by 112.23 points or 3.75 per cent at 2994.78, its fourth consecutive loss this week after the index had ...
Havent the armed forces repeatedly stated & restated that LTTE fighters & conscripts were fighting in civiees?
In fact there was video footage made by LTTE of combatants doing so. There was also a large number of civilians that were shot when attempting to flee or disobey the LTTE not to mention the minefields and suicide bombers that attacked troops and civilians to the last hours of fighting.
The combination of video documentation, audio recording off of satellite, civilian statements to international and local press at points of exit, as well as plan sheets and military statements is the preponderance of evidence that cannot be overcome by hatchet media statements. India has also had a long running stake with certain parties within India in long standing conflict about how to handle and manage a terror outfit that at times had safe harbour on its shores, financial support and complementing illegal interests. Sri Lanka has lost a president and India a Prime Minister but the perpetual lack of regret to these facts on Indias shores as well as the multitude of attempts to further continue such acts on both sides of the strait by certain politicos who have been in and out of jail for such shows that old dogs cant learn new tricks and ancient dogs must lick the bone instead of gnawing, We could care less if your medical students go to Nepal because there are many Australian medical students that would love to come to Sri Lanka and they are a non-political lot that could care less about Indian politics or Australian politics - they like to surf and eat chicken and beef burgers on the barbeque. They prefer that to bovine juice and dungh patties. I can get Chinese too. But these arent freebies for taking fraudulent refugees that claim to be Sri Lankan and there is a big difference between LNG and ISP.
This is great news for Sri Lanka as the Sri Lankan Tamils know to speak Tamingala
I hope that the Congress reconsiders this choice for the ambassadorial post as these credentials are not apprpriate for Sri Lanka at this juncture and Bangladesh did not progress under Ms. Buetnis tenure,
I hope that Malaysia will seriously consider doing so as once KP and Castro are picked up, we MAY be interested in speaking to Malaysia about a security project.
The LTTE diaspora are a schizophrenic lot arent they? Poopapai will soon learn that he has no juice.
The Presidential Secretariat is full of unwarranted "leaks" by unnamed sources
Is there a picture of this person ‘Nawaz’ because there was somebody by the same name at 8/27 in the company of Ranil and Vaiko
Equally interesting is how that LTTE child soldier posterboy Pillayan became such a darling of Pillay. Is it a fundamental human right to place a namesake in office?
Category: Military
relaxers and texturizers..what is your suggestion?
I am about to put a texturizer in my hair and I would like to hear some of your suggestions..PLEASE SPEAK YOUR MIND..I would like to hear everything..Here is what I have just reseached.
The pH balance determines how harsh the chemical is. Research has shown that the lower the pH, the less damaging the product is to your hair. Water has a pH of 7. Anything less than 7 is considered acidic. The lower this number gets the greater the acidity. Any pH greater than 7 is considered alkaline. The higher the number gets the greater the alkalinity.
A one point difference in pH’s could have a significant impact on your hair A product with a pH of 13 is 10 times more alkaline than a product with a pH of 12. This same product would be 100 times more alkaline than a product with a pH of 11. The pH levels even tend to vary among the same products from batch to batch. A relaxer that worked great for you the last time you touched up, may cause more damage to your hair the next time you use it. It’s worth noting that the pH balance of Liquid Drano is 13.3.
The information gathered came from September 1999 edition of Consumer Reports and is not reported in any particular order. Its corresponding pH balance follows the product name/description.
1. TCB Bone Strait No-Lye Relaxer contains lithium hydroxide: 12.8
2. Revlon Realistic Extra Conditioning Crème Relaxer System contains sodium hydroxide: 13.2
3. Gentle Treatment No-lye Conditioning Crème Relaxer contains lithium hydroxide, guanidine carbonate and calcium hydroxide: 13.0
4. Soft and Beautiful No-lye Conditioning Relaxer Regular contains guanidine carbonate and calcium hydroxide: 13.1
5. Curl Free Natural Curl Relaxer contains ammonium bisulfite: 7.6
6. Dark & Lovely No-lye Conditioning Relaxer System contains guanidine carbonate and calcium hydroxide: 13.0
7. Revlon Crème of Nature No-lye Crème Relaxer System contains guanidine carbonate and calcium hydroxide: 13.1
8. African Pride Miracle Deep Conditioning No-lye Relaxer System contains guanidine carbonate and calcium hydroxide: 13.3
9. Soft Sheen Alternatives No-lye Relaxer System contains guanidine carbonate and calcium hydroxide: 13.3
10. Optimum Care No-Lye Relaxer guanidine contains guanidine carbonate and calcium hydroxide: 13.2
11. Rusk Radical Anti-curl Original Formula 1 contains Ammonium thioglycolate: 9.1
12. Revlon Realistic Crème Relaxer System 1 contains sodium hydroxide: 13.3
The following relaxer pHs were taken from, "Dont Go Shopping for Hair Care Products Without Me" by Paula Begoun.
13. At One with Nature Botanical Strongends Sensitive Scalp Relaxer, Regular w/ Herbs and Moisturizers: 14
14. Dark & Lovely Beautiful Beginnings No-mistake No-lye Childrens Relaxer System Regular: 13
15. Dark & Lovely Plus Ultra-Deep Conditioning No-Lye Relaxer System: 12
16. Lusters Pink Conditioning Super No-lye Crème Relaxer: 14
17. Raveen No-Lye Conditioning Crème Relaxer with Multiple Conditioners: 14
18. Revlon Crème of Nature No-Lye Crème Relaxer System: 13
19. Revlon Fabulaxer Multiple Conditioning No-lye Relaxer Kit: 13
20. Soft & Beautiful Just for Me No-Lye Conditioning Crème Relaxer, Childrens Formula: 14
21. Soft & Beautiful Super No-lye Conditioning
Relaxer: 14
22. TCB Naturals No-Lye Relaxer, Regular with Olive Oil, Aloe and Henna: 14
The manufacturers provided the following relaxer pH’s:
23. Dark & Lovely Beautiful Beginnings Relaxer for Fine Hair: 10.25
24. Phytospecific Index 1 Relaxer for Fine Hair: 9-12
25. Phytospecific Index 2 Relaxer for Coarse Hair: 9-12
26. Lady Velvet Lye Relaxer: 10-13
NOTE: One of the chemists for the Lady Velvet Lye Relaxer indicated that after attending a conference in England for relaxers that no one should use a relaxer with a pH balance of 12.5 or greater.
A major problem encountered as we followed up on this assignment was that pH balances were not indicated on the relaxers. You had to go to other sources to find this information. Some product manufacturers were not willing to freely part with this information. In another case, a member was transferred throughout the company in an effort to locate someone who even knew the pH balance of their product. Finally, the member was directed to their personal hairdresser who forgot the pH balance of the product. This point is being made because it appears that possibly the manufacturers do not feel that this information is relevant enough to include in their packaging.
As consumers, don’t we have the right to know? Unless we can force the FDA to require manufacturers to label their products with this information, we will never know what we are getting unless we do our own research. We need to initiate a letter writing campaign to our congressperson and the FDA to request that they add a requirement to their cosmetic labeling guidelines to include the pH balances on relaxers.
Other relaxer information:
There are several types of relaxer chemicals: 1. ammonium bisulfite and ammonium thioglycolate 2. calcium hydroxide and guanidine carbonate, and 3. sodium hydroxide (lye). The most damaging chemicals tend to be calcium hydroxide and guanidine carbonate and sodium hydroxide. Most "no-lye" relaxers are based on the calcium hydroxide and guanidine carbonate chemicals. Ammonium bisulfite and ammonium thioglycolate are the least damaging of the chemicals and are normally used as texturizers because they do not get the hair as straight.
Note: A texturizer should never be done on previously relaxed hair because it will eventually disintegrate the relaxed portion of the hair.
When relaxing your hair it is important to read the product directions to determine how long a specific relaxer should be left in. For fine or previously damaged hair the time should be no longer than 13 minutes, for medium-strength or slightly damaged hair the time should be no longer than 15 minutes, and for coarse, resistant or minimally damaged hair the time should be no longer than 20 minutes. These are just guidelines and would vary of course depending on the texture and condition of your hair.
The importance of a neutralizer cannot be stressed enough. It is needed to stop the processing of the relaxer. It should be left in the hair for a minimum of 5 minutes. It takes at least that long for the active ingredients of the neutralizer to penetrate all three layers of the hair shaft and bring the pH of the hair down to normal. If the neutralizing shampoo is rinsed from the hair too soon, the neutralizing action may stop while the pH of the relaxer is still in a high alkaline state. This can cause breakage and shedding because some of the relaxer’s active ingredients are still in the inner-hair causing rapid deterioration. If your hair was in good condition prior to relaxing, and then starts to break or shed after the relaxer treatment, this is probably due to improper neutralizing.
Before using any chemical process, please remember that your hair needs to be in the best possible condition. Relaxing damaged hair will only compound your problems. Since relaxing is very hard on the hair, the importance of proper care and appropriate follow-up treatment cannot be stressed enough.
Sorry about making it so long..I didnt realize how long it was until after it was post..I know experience is the even better teacher..I would like to hear your experience..
Answer: Well, you can be natural and flat iron your hair when you want to wear it straight. The problem i had was my hair would revert back quickly because it is very humid wear i live. My hair is also very kinky. Straight my hair was past my shoulders natural it was a fro. Sooo, I get phytospecific #1 in my hair. My stylist does not leave it on long. Long enough to loosen my kink. My hair looks natural when i dont flat iron it, and it hangs. When i wear it straight it holds much better. I have been getting my hair touched up 3times a year, I might try two times. I feel like I have the best of both worlds and my hair is and looks healthy.
You really need to decide how you want to wear your hair and if you want to sacrifice the health of your hair. When you put a chemical in your hair your are giving up some of your hairs strength. If flat ironing does not work for you I would suggest a texturizer. From the research you have done it looks like phytospecific is has a low PH#. (i am not sure if texturizers were in your research) You can tell your stylist how straight you want your hair and she can shorten the time. If you are happy with the results do not chair hop. I went to a different stylist once and she left the relaxer in to long and my hair was straighter then I wanted.
I hope this helps. But really think about what you want. Once you relax your hair you will have to cut your hair to go back to natural.
Category: Hair
The Straits Times Index
Index performance analysis for FSSTI:IND. Get historical charts & market data for FTSE Straits times index.
Singapore Daily Bulletin – 08/08/11 –
The Straits times index (STI), our local stock market benchmark, opened at 2933.81 for the day. This was a 2.04% fall compared to last Friday's closing of 2994.78, which on the day registered the largest one-day decline ...
SGX Straits Times Index STI Analysis 26/7 - Rational Analysis
SGX Straits times index STI Analysis 26/7/11. STI had set a new support base with high volume 3 days ago from the gap up opening, breaking out of the triangle. The new support is 3160. It was also trading to a higher ...
Wht is the diffrent between Sgx nifty and Straits Time index?
Wht is the diffrent between Sgx nifty and Straits Time index????
plz discribe.......
which singpore exchange traded by indian nifty.........
Answer: hey u just try out in google ...u'll get the solution
i tried for the similar type of and got a good solution
u just give a try...
choose me as best...
Category: Mumbai
Stock Scans: Straits Times Index (STI) component stocks | Synapse ...
Date: 4th August 2011 This stock scanner ranks stocks by volume, trend, overbought/oversold status, new highs and lows, and provides 2.
How will reducing the number of constituent stocks in an index affect the index?
Hi, there are recent news that the Straits times index (STI) in Singapore will have constituent stocks reduced in number, so that only blue chip stock will remain in the STI. How will that affect the index besides making the index more volatile?
Will that affect share prices of STI ETF 100?
Answer: With all due respect, I disagree with the above person.
The STI should experience higher volatility with only 30 constituents compared to before. While there is a high degree of cross-correlation between the current 50 members of the STI. Furthermore, the 50 STI members tend to have a lower Beta compared to the SGX Composite.
The argument that the Dow has a lower volatility than the Nasdaq is not a fair comparison. The DJIA has a much lower Beta compared to NASDAQ Composite. On the other hand, the DJIA has higher system (diversifiable, company specific risk) compared to the Nasdaq composite. That is, NASDAQ is more sensitive to the "market". In other word, the NASDAQ composite has higher market risk, but lower systemic company risk. The DJIA has lower market risk, but higher systemic risk.
Mathematically, you need about 80 stocks to really remove a lot of the system risk. By reducing the number of stocks from 50 to 30, the index will have a higher degree of volatility. However, the STI components currently have a high degree of cross-correlation - so there should be very little change in beta.
Category: Investing
Nikkei, Nikkei analysis | Future Trading
Straits Times. The Straits times index has now a record level of 80.0%, which is reached first Was reached June 2007. 9th March 2009 reached the lowest value. 9th March 2009 increased 212.7% date. CONCLUSION ...
Singapore Stock Market Longterm Under-performance. Why?
Anyone have a simple yet robust explanation as to why the Singapore Straits times index has only doubled in the last 20 years, while the Hong Kong Hang Seng has gone up 10x during the same time frame?
Answer: Some of it has to do with the strength of the Singapore Dollar, and the fact that the STI has as its component stocks, really "boring" (but stable) blue chip dividend paying stocks. But I don;t think these facts are enough to fully explain the massive difference in the climb of the index.
Category: Investing
How long does nerve damage take to recover from?
i had to get surgery for my scoliosis, now the surgery went fine afterwords i could move my hands perfectly fine.but a few days later they sent a hospital therapist to my she put me in chair and told me i had to start keeping my neck up strait she pushed my head back to straiten my neck now when she left i him my morphine pump a number of times eventually i cud not move my body and was hunched over so they put me back in bed when i woke my lower body was fine but in my upper body i could move my neck and head but my arms could barely move and were very weak and my hands couldnt move at all the DR. originally thought it was because of the morphine and it would ware of after a week or so there was change they ran some test turned out the nerves in my neck were damaged the DR. says it may take some time to heal after some therapy i have a small flicker of hope/movement in my left index finger but the problem i use to be a great artist, i want to get back to school,and regents test are comming up did i mention im only 15 FML!!
Answer: I had a major orthopedic operation and a major wound on my foot two years ago...this led to severe nerve pain..could not touch my foot..and this was really bad for about the first 3-4 months, significant for a year, and mostly gone now. Basically it may seem like it will never get better...but very slowly it least mine did. GOOD LUCK ( :
Category: Injuries
Straits Times Index - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The FTSE Straits times index (STI) is a capitalization-weighted stock market index that is regarded as the benchmark index for the Singapore stock market. ...
Soulja Boy says better lyrics ruin rep?
First read this:
WTF is this nigga stupid????? This is jus strait IGNORANCE!!!!!! one reason i dont like this dude
Then go listen to this:
only one i listened to didnt feel like lookin through his music, i wanna kno wat yall think. Its way better than wat he puts out, but i still feel he didnt desrve to go major. Maybe Im jus a hater, cuz once i start hatin it aint no stoppin, i hate 4 life...
U kno wat actually, i always thought he made sum funny shit b4 he got famous, but u kno after u hear the same joke a whole bunch of times it gets stale nd annoyin thats how i feel bout soulja boy. he got stale and annoyin.
Answer: yeah i agree, thats true its like an old played out joke. its just sad now and when you hear something of his that is half way decent you don't even gots no respect for him.
Category: Rap and Hip-Hop