Bloomberg news - Bloomberg News says Obama now has the distinction of presiding over his own bear market. Why has Obama....

Bloomberg news : Videos

Bloomberg: Americans Worry That US Is Losing Competitive Edge
Bloomberg: Americans Worry That US Is Losing Competitive Edge
Washington Week with Gwen Ifil and National Journal for July 29, 2011
Washington Week with Gwen Ifil and National Journal for July 29, 2011
Bloomberg News: Facebook trying to attack "Google Plus Social Circles"
Bloomberg News: Facebook trying to attack "Google Plus Social Circles"
Thoughts on FASB Decision on Bloomberg News
Thoughts on FASB Decision on Bloomberg News
Matt Simmons on Bloomberg News (3/4/08)
Matt Simmons on Bloomberg News (3/4/08)
Breaking News: Bloombergs Al Hunt on Twitter!
Breaking News: Bloombergs Al Hunt on Twitter!
Bloomberg Television: Phil Mattingly on Ron Paul
Bloomberg Television: Phil Mattingly on Ron Paul
NY1 News, Mayor Bloomberg Visits Mourning Kletzky Family
NY1 News, Mayor Bloomberg Visits Mourning Kletzky Family
KLA-Tencor, Rick Wallace Interview, Bloomberg News 7-10-2011
KLA-Tencor, Rick Wallace Interview, Bloomberg News 7-10-2011
4/13/11: Sen. Rand Paul on Bloomberg News discussing Social ...
4/13/11: Sen. Rand Paul on Bloomberg News discussing Social ...
stockguruindia 17april2011 news utv bloomberg channel exposed
stockguruindia 17april2011 news utv bloomberg channel exposed
100222 Peter Cosmetatos Bloomberg News.wmv
100222 Peter Cosmetatos Bloomberg News.wmv
Night Talk: An Interview With Tatiana Boncompagni (part 1)
Night Talk: An Interview With Tatiana Boncompagni (part 1)
The family stockbrokers watching business news (Bloomberg)
The family stockbrokers watching business news (Bloomberg)
more video Bloomberg News Crew Gets Caught by LAPD Joelle Norwood The Media Mama April ...
more video Bloomberg News Crew Gets Caught by LAPD Joelle Norwood The Media Mama April ...
RM Cummings on Bloomberg News
RM Cummings on Bloomberg News
Ranking Member Van Hollen on Bloomberg News 6-24-11
Ranking Member Van Hollen on Bloomberg News 6-24-11
Bloomberg News: Last Word (2011)
Bloomberg News: Last Word (2011)
Stevens Institute of Technology: Professor Parker on Bloomberg News Discussing Japan Earthquake
Stevens Institute of Technology: Professor Parker on Bloomberg News Discussing Japan Earthquake
Albert Hunt, Bloomberg News, accepts the Chairmans Citation
Albert Hunt, Bloomberg News, accepts the Chairmans Citation
Governor Tim Pawlenty Interview with Bloomberg News
Governor Tim Pawlenty Interview with Bloomberg News
Bloomberg Expanding Online Dominance of Business Television News with New Apps
Bloomberg Expanding Online Dominance of Business Television News with New Apps
Rochelle on LA Dodgers and Madoff Bankruptcies
Rochelle on LA Dodgers and Madoff Bankruptcies
Mayor Mike Bloomberg threatening John Haggerty via The New York Daily News?
Mayor Mike Bloomberg threatening John Haggerty via The New York Daily News?
Bloomberg News Hans Nichols at the White House
Bloomberg News Hans Nichols at the White House
Bloomberg Television exclusive interview with Greg Lippmann
Bloomberg Television exclusive interview with Greg Lippmann
Bloomberg Exposes Illegal Gun Sales
Bloomberg Exposes Illegal Gun Sales
Media Matters: Bloombergs Brennan Speaks Out
Media Matters: Bloombergs Brennan Speaks Out
Bloomberg Television exclusive video of Steve Ballmer in Madrid
Bloomberg Television exclusive video of Steve Ballmer in Madrid
Bloomberg TVs "Bloomberg Game Changers" tonight
Bloomberg TVs "Bloomberg Game Changers" tonight
Buffett And Berkshire Hathaway Minds - Bloomberg
Buffett And Berkshire Hathaway Minds - Bloomberg
Bloombergs Slurred Speech
Bloombergs Slurred Speech
Eminems Rap Against Apple
Eminems Rap Against Apple
Mayor Bloomberg Defends Quran Burning Protester
Mayor Bloomberg Defends Quran Burning Protester
Economic Recovery: New Retail Sales Numbers
Economic Recovery: New Retail Sales Numbers
Bloombergs Lisa Lerer on Top Line
Bloombergs Lisa Lerer on Top Line
Bloomberg Television interview with Mr T.
Bloomberg Television interview with Mr T.
Bloomberg: Im Not Running. Period.
Bloomberg: Im Not Running. Period.
All Sarah all the time
All Sarah all the time
Bloomberg for president?
Bloomberg for president?
Bloomberg Met With Mixed Reactions At Sharpton MLK Celebration
Bloomberg Met With Mixed Reactions At Sharpton MLK Celebration
AIG Begins to Repay Bailout Billions
AIG Begins to Repay Bailout Billions
Bloomberg: Daughter hopefully Fine After Ax
Bloomberg: Daughter hopefully Fine After Ax
Mayor Bloomberg Discusses the Landmarks Preservation Commission ...
Mayor Bloomberg Discusses the Landmarks Preservation Commission ...
Bloomberg Television Interview with Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI)
Bloomberg Television Interview with Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI)
Bloomberg Television Interview with Paolo Pellegrini
Bloomberg Television Interview with Paolo Pellegrini
Bloomberg Explains Comments About Inebriated Irish
Bloomberg Explains Comments About Inebriated Irish
Bloomberg, MLK III Vs. Gun Violence
Bloomberg, MLK III Vs. Gun Violence

Bloomberg news : Photo Gallery

Bloomberg | Yogurtini
Bloomberg | Yogurtini
New York Times vs. Bloomberg News | Fit to Print
New York Times vs. Bloomberg News | Fit to Print
CNBC's Burnett fascinated with global economics coverage « Talking ...
CNBC's Burnett fascinated with global economics coverage « Talking ...
News Hounds: Fox Does Slogans, as in its "Premiere Business News" Show
News Hounds: Fox Does Slogans, as in its "Premiere Business News" Show
Elizabeth Smart Pictures - Bloomberg News Hosts Party Of The Year ...
Elizabeth Smart Pictures - Bloomberg News Hosts Party Of The Year ...
Beet.TV: Bloomberg News Launches CEO Show as New Video Strategy ...
Beet.TV: Bloomberg News Launches CEO Show as New Video Strategy ...
Art Market Views – Lindsay Pollock: Art Market Views | Bloomberg ...
Art Market Views – Lindsay Pollock: Art Market Views | Bloomberg ...
Bloomberg Markets Podcast | DailySplice
Bloomberg Markets Podcast | DailySplice
Evangeline Lilly Pictures - Bloomberg News Hosts Party Of The Year ...
Evangeline Lilly Pictures - Bloomberg News Hosts Party Of The Year ...
Bloomberg offers multi-asset class trading tool | News | e-FX News ...
Bloomberg offers multi-asset class trading tool | News | e-FX News ...
bloomberg news video|bloomberg news clips|bloomberg news trailers ...
bloomberg news video|bloomberg news clips|bloomberg news trailers ...
Elizabeth Smart Photos - Bloomberg News Hosts Party Of The Year ...
Elizabeth Smart Photos - Bloomberg News Hosts Party Of The Year ...
Bloomberg News screenshot images - CNET Download.
Bloomberg News screenshot images - CNET Download.
WTS] ONLY 3 days Auction => TV Anchor Babes => From $1
WTS] ONLY 3 days Auction => TV Anchor Babes => From $1
Bloomberg | iPad, iPhone and iPod Touch App Store App Reviews
Bloomberg | iPad, iPhone and iPod Touch App Store App Reviews
The visual analytical tools of Bloomberg Sports | River Avenue Blues
The visual analytical tools of Bloomberg Sports | River Avenue Blues
New Bloomberg Site To Launch Very Soon!
New Bloomberg Site To Launch Very Soon!
Mayor Bloomberg Calls For More Immigrants, Supports Pa. Senate ...
Mayor Bloomberg Calls For More Immigrants, Supports Pa. Senate ...
Bloomberg news, Prague
Bloomberg news, Prague
NASA - Mayor Bloomberg Views LCROSS in 3D
NASA - Mayor Bloomberg Views LCROSS in 3D
though bloomberg news decision to hire former time inc editor in chief ...
though bloomberg news decision to hire former time inc editor in chief ...
One Beacon Court (aka Bloomberg Tower) | Flickr - Photo Sharing!
One Beacon Court (aka Bloomberg Tower) | Flickr - Photo Sharing!
bloomberg News
bloomberg News
Bloomberg News
Bloomberg News
Q&A: Inside Bloomberg's Big Youth Push
Q&A: Inside Bloomberg's Big Youth Push
Treasury Yields Evoke Eisenhower Era on Concern Global Economy Is Stalling
Treasury Yields Evoke Eisenhower Era on Concern Global Economy Is Stalling
Birinyi Remains Bull on Stocks After Worst Slump Since '09
Birinyi Remains Bull on Stocks After Worst Slump Since '09
Trichet Says ECB Speaks `With One Voice' on Any Decision
Trichet Says ECB Speaks `With One Voice' on Any Decision
NYC deputy mayor quits job after 14 months
NYC deputy mayor quits job after 14 months
AIG, Cogo Group, First Solar, LinkedIn, U.S. Equity Preview
AIG, Cogo Group, First Solar, LinkedIn, U.S. Equity Preview
Hamilton Sees Faster Growth While Odds of Recession Are Higher
Hamilton Sees Faster Growth While Odds of Recession Are Higher
WageWorks Delays IPO Pricing on Market Slide
WageWorks Delays IPO Pricing on Market Slide
US Stocks Plunge in Biggest Retreat Since 2009
US Stocks Plunge in Biggest Retreat Since 2009
Sen. Al Franken joins Bloomberg's fight against Comcast
Sen. Al Franken joins Bloomberg's fight against Comcast
Bovespa Stock Index Declines to Two-Year Low on Earnings, Commodities Drop
Bovespa Stock Index Declines to Two-Year Low on Earnings, Commodities Drop
Oil Declines, Wiping Out 2011 Gains as U.S. Economy Stall Crimps Demand
Oil Declines, Wiping Out 2011 Gains as U.S. Economy Stall Crimps Demand
LinkedIn Reports Unexpected Profit as Networking Site Adds Paying Members
LinkedIn Reports Unexpected Profit as Networking Site Adds Paying Members
Initial Claims for U.S. Unemployment Benefits Fell Last Week to 400000
Initial Claims for U.S. Unemployment Benefits Fell Last Week to 400000
Paulson's Main Fund Said to Lose 4.6% in July as Stocks Slump
Paulson's Main Fund Said to Lose 4.6% in July as Stocks Slump
Geithner Hasn't Made Decision on Whether to Quit at Treasury, Carney Says
Geithner Hasn't Made Decision on Whether to Quit at Treasury, Carney Says

Bloomberg news : Latest News, Information, Answers and Websites

Bloomberg News fights freedom of information case over Anglo-Iran ...

The stock market, business finance and latest news Bloomberg news fights freedom of information case over Anglo-Iran tradeBusiness News - Bloomberg Ne.

Where to see the live news telecast online like bloomberg?

Answer: Download Sopcast.
Category: Media & Journalism

9/11 Cross Suit: Bloomberg Defends Religious Displays at Memorial ...

Mayor Michael Bloomberg on Friday defended the display of religious symbols, including the World Trade Center cross, at the 9/11 Memorial and Museum.

Have you been following the Bloomberg news vs Federal Reserve lawsuit ?

Fed Should Release Borrowers’ Names, Bloomberg Says Oct. 5 (Bloomberg) -- The Federal Reserve should be forced to identify companies that received loans from the central bank because it can’t demonstrate that borrowers would be harmed by the disclosure, according to lawyers who won a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit.
Answer: No I haven't been following it close Matt, but I do know about it. I posted this a month ago. It's going to be very interesting to see how this unfolds. God bless.;_ylt=AoQrgyebptTZFT0CkiR_ggrty6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20090827174149AAHCiPY
Category: Politics

What is the cost of subscribing to Bloomberg News or Dow Jones Newswires?

I am writing a report on the different froms of newspapers and newswires, but I cant find any information on the cost of these services like Bloomberg news, Reuters, or Dow Jones Newswires. Does anyone know what a single user subscription would cost to these services?
Answer: Don't forget to add satellite radio subscribers. Bloomberg, Fox Financial and CNBC are on there. Many investors can't live without listening to stocks - even while they are driving. /
Category: Investing

What is the best source of Financial News?

Im a finance major at a 4 year university and Ive been trying to learn as much as possible about the news and investing. Ive decided to buy a news publication and I was just wondering if anyone had any suggestions between the Wall Street Journal and Bloomberg news? Ive narrowed it down to these 2 but I know I wont have time to read both so I was hoping maybe someone could tell me which one they find most useful and interesting to read. Thank you for your help!
Answer: either one of those will help you trade away your savings just as well.,,no secret knowledge to be learn,,cnbc is fun to watch,,if your thinking about being a stockbroker, be reading about telemarketing and salesmanship will do you better,,and study for your series can get all the news you need off cnn/cnbc....if your gonna try to be an investor,,you wont be able to do any better than a ira/401k with a balanced fund when things are said and done.....ive been down both those roads. good luck,,oh,,change your major to accounting and human resources so you can get a job when you get out of school....
Category: Investing

Bloomberg Television: Live TV - Bloomberg

Watch Bloomberg TV online, the free 24-hour business & financial live television network. Get charts, breaking news and stock quotes in real time with ...

When does Bloomberg release its news survey of oil stockpile analysts estimates?

Answer: US Oil inventory data (which is the most influential on the market price of oil) are released every Wednesday at 3:30pm GMT. Watch the oil futures contract gyrate like crazy in the immediate aftermath!
Category: Investing

Which additonal news wires are available through a Bloomberg terminal other that the Bloomberg news service?

Same questoin for Reuters
Answer: None that I am aware of.
Category: Media & Journalism

Bloomberg - Business & Financial News, Breaking News Headlines

Bloomberg is a premier site for updated business news and financial information. It delivers international breaking news, stock market data and personal ...

Does anyone think the bloomberg news graphics suck?

i watch Bloomberg news almost everyday and whoever does the full screens and lower thirds is not doing a very good job, constant mistakes and wrong graphics. Anyone else agree?
Answer: Longer term they should improve their news graphics . INTERACTIVE GRAPHIC: Bloomberg Television international news network. with full screen video, more robust charts and dynamic graphics. BLOOMBERG TELEVISION
Category: Media & Journalism

Bloomberg business news TV is getting bigger and bigger. How long before the rip-offs begin?

Sooner or later some-one high up in Bloomberg will get involved in a stock-market manipulation. Keep an eye open for it.
Answer: When his associates start selling.
Category: Corporations

Bloomberg, Soros to help New York minority youth (Reuters) | News Bay

NEW YORK (Reuters) – Mayor Michael Bloomberg and hedge fund manager George Soros are putting tens of millions of dollars of their own money into a New York City campaign aimed at helping black and Hispanic youth overcome ...

Top U.S & International News Headlines - Bloomberg

Get top headlines on international business news, world markets, global economy, finance and politics. Read breaking news stories & articles from around the ...

Bloomberg News wants British to disclose companies that trade with ...

Bloomberg news is fighting a British government refusal to disclose the identities of companies that have traded with Iran, reports Roy Greenslade of The Guardian. Greenslade writes, “It made a freedom of information ...

Is Bloomberg news feed the fastest for its $1,900.00/month price tag? offers a subscription service for $90.00/month and Bloomberg news service charges $1,900.00/month. That is a SIGNIFICANT difference in price. However, if Bloomberg delivers the news 2-5 mnutes faster than or other subscription news feeds, then it would be significantly worth it. I am a day trader and I primarily trade the news and every minute counts. Is Bloomberg the fastest and does it merit that high price? Please note -- I am not promoting anything. I currently use BUT would consider switching to Bloomberg if it really is faster. I could be using Reuters subscription or IQ News feed as well. This is not spam.
Category: Investing

Bloomberg News: TV, Digital, Magazines, Mobile, Radio - Bloomberg

Bloomberg news is one the world's largest news and media companies, employing more than 2300 professionals in 146 bureaus around the world.

Bloomberg News says Obama now has the distinction of presiding over his own bear market. Why has Obama...?

... failed to inspire investors? A bear market is defined as a decline of 20 percent or more. "The Dow Jones Industrial Average fell 20 percent since Inauguration Day through yesterday, the fastest drop under a newly elected president in at least 90 years"
Answer: That is a great question. I don't really know if it is because no one trusts him or what? The bailouts have everyone running scared
Category: Elections what do u think about this article?

its on global warming
Answer: mm, i dunno - is bloomberg reliable
Category: Global Warming

Bloomberg & Soros Donate $60 Million To Program For ... - News One

Billionaire Mayor Michael Bloomberg will kick in $30 million from his foundation and hedge fund manager George Soros will match that amount, according to the mayor's office. The remaining $67.5 million will be paid by ...

Bloomberg Television - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Until 1998, Bloomberg didn't have a moving ticker. Instead, it had boxes that were dedicated to world news as well ...

CNBC or Bloomberg news on radio?

I want to listen CNBC or Bloomberg news on radio. Do anyone know what radio channel cover that and what kind of radio I should buy, Do PDA or cell phone capable for this service? I want to try free stuff. Thanks MD
Answer: buy a 3G phone
Category: Media & Journalism

Tim Gaughan Leaving Bloomberg for CBS News - TVNewser

Before joining Bloomberg, Gaughan spent 12 years at Fox news Channel, serving in a number of roles including director of domestic news. It was at FNC where Gaughan first worked with David Rhodes, who was at the time the ...

Why would respected Bloomberg News call McCain an "economic?

Answer: Only because it's true. Reminds me of something that happened to Dan Quayle when he was VP. At one point, he declared he wasn't going to read the script his handlers gave him. A couple of old reporters on The McLaughlin Group just said, ok, they'll just give him another one and the group agreed. McCain does what he's told. Unlike Reagan, he can't make his words melt like butter in the listener's ear. He wants to be prez so he relies on his staff to guide him. And likely he has the same hacks, flacks and shills that litter the landscape in DC. The sad thing is that enough of the sheeple will buy it to get him into the white house. A mind is a terrible thing to waste. And in the good old USA, it's a wasteland out there.
Category: Politics

MonitorDaily - News – Bloomberg: U.S. Stocks Plunge in Biggest ...

Bloomberg reports that a global rout in equities drove the Standard & Poor's 500 Index to its worst slump since February 2009, while two-year Treasury yields plunged to a record low amid concern the economy is weakening. ...

Bloomberg News fights freedom of information case over Anglo-Iran ...

Bloomberg news is fighting a British government refusal to disclose the identities of companies that have traded with Iran. It made a freedom of information request in 2009 to the business department to release the names ...

Bloomberg News (BloombergNews) on Twitter

Bloomberg news (BloombergNews) is on Twitter. Sign up for Twitter to follow Bloomberg news (BloombergNews) and get their latest updates.

What does this mean? its a part of a Bloomberg news?

"...investors could buy Six Flags bonds at 20.5 cents on the dollar and credit- default swaps at 71 cents." I can´t understand what "on the dollar" means...
Answer: Cents on the dollar is the same as % of the original price. Buying bonds 20.5 cents on the dollar means that people are paying for these bonds only 20.5% of their original price.
Category: Investing

What is the best news channel for the election?

Im in the UK but Id also like to know whats best in general, Internet makes everything accessible. :)! TV channel wise there is the following available here. (UK) BBC ITV Sky News (US) Fox News CNN CNBC Bloomberg Euro News Then I could always watch the Russia, France or Al Jazeera News channel. lol!
Answer: I'm from the US I kinda like CSPAN because it's public channel (supposely) Then you can always watch John Stewart and Steven Colbert mocking the news broadcast on the Comedy Central channel. I think it's more interesting anyways.
Category: Elections

Economic News & Analysis - Bloomberg

Read the latest news articles on the economy. Stay up-to-date on U.S. manufacturing, consumer spending, bank bailouts and more world economy news.

Breaking News Headlines & Top Stories - Bloomberg

Stay updated with the latest breaking news about world news and events. Find breaking headline news about current events, busines & financial updates.

What are some news sources, heplful for investing, that you reccomend?

Which do recommend watching: CNBC, Bloomberg news, Fox Business News, etc? Do you recommend any reading material in particular like: WSJ, Barrons, The Kiplinger Letter Magazine, etc? What do you recommend from this list: Thanks in advance.
Answer: The best newspaper for ideas would be IBD or Barron's. Otherwie, you would not trade the news in a convenional manner and expect to win, because the news only comes out after the fact. If anything, you would fade the news. The media are also notorious for attributing some "fact" to a price event that has nothing to do with the price move. I keep CNBC on, but have the volume turned down most of the time especially when they overtalk each other or Cramer comes on). I like to get the news on the reports (GDP, Unemployment, Interest rate hikes, etc.) the second they come out, especially when it's a surprise number.
Category: Investing

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